《Flowers From A Killer》Chapter 3


“Ok that should do it.” Sir Ivan sighed setting aside his tools in favor of admiring his handy work. A pair of shiny new iron bars now sat secured over my window. Along with brand new bullet proof glass. Not only would my attacker have a hard time getting in. Now I don't have the option of sneaking out through my window. If it weren't for the lavish bed, and extravagant vanity mirror, people might think me a prisioner in my own home. The new steel door with fifty million locks not helping the jail feel at all. My dad continuing with his paranoia. Made sure that only Conner, Aaron, and him, (besides me of course.), owned a key to my room. He has also given me a curfew of 9 pm followed by complete and utter lockdown. With at least 50 guards surrounding my room. I know he is just trying to protect me, but sheesh man give a girl some room to breath. Sir Ivan gathering up his tools, and bowing to me, quickly exited the room. The ominous clanging of the door echoing across my room. Rolling over on my side I stared at the picture of my mom with her long curly brown hair, and vibrant green eyes hanging on my wall.

“I wonder if mom felt this way when she was receiving daily death threats.” Closing my eyes and listening to the silence around me. I was just beginning to doze off when a soft pounding on the door jerked me awake. My eyes immediately snapped open. My face paling as I realized I hadn’t locked it after Ivan left. I bolted up right staring at my closed steel door. I could feel beads of sweat lining my forehead as I debated whether I had time to race over and lock it before the intruder opened it. I had just built up my courage enough to try when suddenly I see the door knob begin to turn. I stared in horror as it slowly swung open. Scurrying off my bed I raced behind the door pepper spray in hand. If I was going to be kidnapped I wasn’t going out without a fight. I held my breath in anticipation as the door stopped inches from me followed by slow loud footsteps as the intruder entered my domain. Breathing deeply a fire in my belly I leaped out of my hiding place pepper spray poised for action. My hand was just about to press down on the release button when I stopped. Lowering my weapon, I glared at the person standing before me arms raised in surrender, an apologetic smile on his cursed face.

“Aaron, Seriously? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” I snapped hands on my hips.

“Sorry sweetheart I didn’t think about it. I just thought I would bring you lunch in bed today.” He explained grabbing a wheeled cart, with a tray of food, from the hallway. All my anger immediately vanished as my fiancé held out my breakfast a hopeful look on his face. Sighing I smiled before walking over to my bed and sitting down beside my nightstand. Patting the spot beside me I watched as Aaron walked over, placed the tray on the night stand, and sat down beside me.


“So how are you feeling today Sasha?”

“I feel like a caged bird Aaron. I can’t even take a step outside my room without tripping over one of the guards stationed around me. This is worse than when I was first attacked. They put bars on my window just to keep arrows from being shot at me. Yet they still won’t tell me why they all left their post the night someone broke in.” I practically screamed pulling at my hair.

“I know you’re frustrated, but your attacker is still out there. We can’t take the chance of him trying something else to harm you.”

“I know I just wish…” I stopped mid-sentence as I reached for my fork. My lips twitched in amusement as I stared at the pitiful attempt before me. It was all black and turned to mush. Aaron had obviously made this himself. Shaking my head, I reached for the glass of water but froze as I noticed that he had somehow managed to burn even that. I didn’t even know you could burn water. Noticing where I was looking Aaron turned bright red as he gazed at the ground.

“Sorry about lunch. I know the cooks normally make your food for you. I know how stressed you have been lately, so I wanted to do something for you that would make you smile. I...” I stopped him midsentence with a kiss. Breaking apart I smiled up at him.

“It’s fine Aaron I love it. Thank you for the oatmeal.” He frowned in embarrassment as once again he stared at the ground. I gave him a confused look waiting for him to explain.

“I didn’t make oatmeal those were supposed to be eggs.” I gaped in astonishment before glancing over to the charcoaled lumpy mess sitting in the little bowl. That’s eggs? How did he manage that?

“Oh, um well…” I trailed off unsure exactly what to say to end the awkward silence that had suddenly appeared.

“Oh, forget it how about I just have the cooks make you something else.” He sighed defeated. His eyes boring a hole into my hard wood floor. Smiling I placed my right hand on his cheek as I patiently waited for our eyes to meet.

“Aaron, I love you. So, your eggs are kind of charcoaled. It doesn’t change the fact that you made them yourself. That to me means more than any expensive gift you could have gotten me.” He smiled before getting up and heading off to talk to someone about security at our wedding. As soon as he had shut the door I eyed the food on my tray before picking it up and throwing it in the trash can by my door. Removing the bag I tied it in a knot and gave it to one of the guards stationed in the hallway to take care of. Its ironic how right now there are a ton of guards sitting outside my room, yet when I needed them they were no where to be found. Closing my door, I fell back on my bed staring up at the ceiling as I thought about everything that still needed to be done before I could marry Aaron in 2 weeks. I yawned becoming aware of how tired I was. With all that had been going on lately I haven’t been sleeping much causing these ugly bags to appear beneath my eyes. Though since the guards were actually doing their job now I might as well get a few hours of sleep before something else happened. Closing my eyes, I quickly drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.


Suddenly I jerked Awake as I heard footsteps followed by the click of my door closing. Squinting in the now darkened room I attempted to see what had awoken me. Nothing seemed out of place, all seemed quiet. I frowned failing to see what had woken me. Leaning over to my nightstand I pulled the chain on my lamp engulfing the room in light once more. I gasped in horror as I saw a bouquet of roses laying at the foot of my bed, a note attached to it. Shakingly I swung my legs off my bed and slowly reached for the flowers. Placing them on my lap I carefully undid the red ribbon holding the note in place. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I opened the letter and began to read.

“My dear sweet Sasha. I am terribly sorry about shooting that arrow at you last night my love. I guess that was a little rash huh. Well don’t worry we will soon be together again, and we can finally start our life as a couple. I know you are probably just as impatient as I am. It took all my strength not to whisk you away while leaving you this bouquet, but we must be patient. We will be reunited shortly. Thank you though for leaving your door unlocked. It made things so much easier. Until we see each other again I leave you these flowers. Yours forever your one true love.” I felt the blood drain from my face as I realized he was right. Once again, I had forgotten to lock my door. I felt sick as those words bounced around in my head banishing my peace of mind to the far reaches of the earth. The flowers fell to the ground as I, in my haste, trampled all over them desperate to get out of the contaminated area. No sooner had I stepped out of my room Conner appeared from around the corner.

“Princess what’s the matter.” Conner demanded racing over to me.

“Someone has just broken into my room. Why did you leave your post, and where are all the other guards?” I cried realizing that once again there wasn’t a single guard at their post.

“One of the guards reported seeing a cloaked figure running down the hallway near your room so we went to investigate.” I felt anger bubbling up inside of me at his words.

“So, you all had to leave? If you had left even one behind they might have stopped that man from entering my room.” I screamed furious. Suddenly Aaron appeared running around the corner as he heard my shouts. Conner frowned as he watched Aaron pull me in for a hug asking what happened.

“Someone broke into my room and left me a bouquet of flowers with this note.” I answered tears still falling freely down my face as I handed him the note that was still clutched tightly in my hand. Aaron frowned as he read the letter before glaring up at Conner.

“And where were you while all this was happening?” He demanded.

“Following a lead on a cloaked figure.” Conner retorted just as harshly. The two men glared at each other before finally Conner looked away his hands balled into fists.

“Seeing as the princess is safe I really must be going. There is a good chance the attacker is still hiding somewhere on the castle grounds.” He spat through clenched teeth.

“Your highness.” Bowing to me he walked away his hands still balled into fists.

“I really need to have a word with your dad about that man. No respect.” Aaron muttered frowning after Conner his hands still on my shoulders.

“Don’t worry Aaron, Conner is just worried. We grew up together. We were inseparable as kids. So, he is probably just frustrated that this man keeps slipping past him undetected.” I reassured wrapping my arms around his neck as I smiled up at him. After a few minutes Aaron relaxed and smiled tiredly down at me.

“I know. I just wish I knew who this dude was and how he keeps finding a way at you.” He admitted staring down at me.

“Well let’s not worry about that right now. The guards for once are not hovering over me. We finally have a moment to ourselves. What do you say we have a picnic under that old spruce tree in the garden. Just the two of us?” I suggested.

“I think that sounds wonderful.” He agreed smiling down at me. Leaning my head against his chest I smiled my heart so full of love for this man. Our wedding day couldn't come soon enough.

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