《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》The Power and the Will
I walk through the front entrance into the Marble Palace. Nobody's here. Some security. I easily end up in the main hall: the circular room, surrounded by pillars and a stage-ish with a few steps to climb. The entire space is illuminated by the evening sun, shining through the huge arch windows, casting almost a snowflake of shadows on the marble floor from the pillar circle. Fancy, I guess? I stand there, looking around...
“Halt! Who are you!” A boy approaches me.
“Finally! It's not wise to leave this place guardless, you know.”
“Don't be fooled. We are always watching.” The boy gestures to the side. Hunts. With arrows aimed from behind each pillar. Oh please. Assassins within the shadows would be much more impressive...
“Pardon me.” I bow. “I wish to see the Priestess. May I pass?”
“What purpose do you serve?” A geezer in white robes shows himself from the side entrance.
“Why should I tell you?” I answer.
“Insolence!” The geezer flares up. I barely said anything and he's already annoyed? Someone needs a vacation...
“I wish to see the Priestess. Let me pass.” I repeat.
“No. Leave.” The geezer points to the exit.
“I refuse.” I answer. The boy draws his daggers. The bows around me tighten too, I hear it. Oh for the love of...
“The Priestess herself has summoned me, now let me pass!” Now I'm getting annoyed.
“Dispose of him.” The Robe gives the order. Say what now? Arrows rain down on me.
“When did you?”
“I'm a shadow, remember?” Ira pulls me under just in time. “Told ya it was a bad idea to go through the front.”
“Yeah yeah, I hear ya. Well? Are we seriously doing this?” Fur touches me. Era?
“You pulled her in too?”
“Had no choice. She's the only back up we have.” Ira uses his shadows to bring us back up. Era roars. Loud. Everyone freezes.
“As I was saying. I wish to see the Priestess.” I hold my ground.
“Magnificent!” Another Robed Geezer appears from the right. “Breathtaking!” He approaches us in complete awe.
“Say what now?” Ira whispers. Era growls. The Geezer stops in his tracks.
“Where did you find this sacred creature!”
“I think he means her.” Ira jokes.
“Gee, and here I thought he meant me...” I roll my eyes. “Where is Devona. Bring her to me!” I'm done playing games.
“Oh? Getting into the whole King role already?” Ira keeps teasing me.
“Figured I need to practice.” I answer.
“Nonsense! Get rid of them!” Geezer #1 roars again.
“Don't you dare!” Geezer #2 yells. “Have you gone senile! Do you not see what stands in front of you! We have been blessed with a messenger of God!”
“You wanna fill me in, there?”
“Don't look at me, I have no clue what's happening.” I answer Ira again.
“How do we know it's not a Beast Druid in disguise!”
“There are no runes! The creature is clearly bigger than your average Beast!”
“Is it just me or do those two not agree on something here?”
“Yeah, seems so.” Ira answers me now.
“I don't like either one of them.” Era joins in. I laugh.
“What is it?”
“Era said she doesn't like them both.”
“I'm with her.” Ira agrees.
“Wykren!!!” Vona's voice echoes through the Palace. She runs into the hall. “Stand down you imbeciles! This is the future King you have your bows aimed at!” She rushes over to me and right into my arms.
“Are you hurt?” I ask her. She shakes her head.
“Are you?”
“We're fine.” I tell her.
“For now.” Ira adds.
“Future King?” The boy guard stares at us. Clearly confused.
“Gather the Council at once!” Vona barks out the order. The boy nods and quickly rushes out.
“What do you think you are doing?” Geezer #1 steps forward.
“Exactly as I told you. I am making Wykren the King.” Vona stands tall next to me.
“Want us to leave?” Ira cuts in.
“Not yet.” Vona answers. We wait. It takes some time for the Council of Advisors to gather. Each one takes their place on a designated step, with the Head Advisor at the top-center.
“Talk about intimidating.”
“I'll say.” I agree with Ira.
“You have some nerve, Priestess.” The Head Advisor begins.
“You brought this on yourselves when you blocked his path.” Vona holds her ground.
“Don't forget the part where they tried to kill him too.” Ira adds.
“That as well.” Vona agrees.
“Our business it with the Priestess and her Consort.” Some Geezer says. “The rest can leave.” The Hunts bow and do as told.
“Cowards.” Era growls. I giggle.
“I don't think so.” Ira stands his ground now.
“It's ok. There were plenty of witnesses. They can't kill us now.” Vona says. Ira and I steal quick glances. I nod.
“As you wish.”
“I refuse.” Era growls.
“Era, please.”
“Fine.” I nod to Ira again. The two of them dive under again.
“Well now, shall we get started?” I mock the Council.
“Know your place!” A different Robe growls. Tch.
“Now then. I believe you wished to speak with us, Priestess?” The Head Advisor begins.
“I wish for the Council to bless our union and have us stand at the top as Noxanda's first King and Queen.” Vona goes straight for it.
“Based on?” Another Geezer asks.
“I believe that Noxanda is need of a change. It would be in our best interest to have a couple rule.”
“Having a single Priestess is the one thing that separates us from the rest of the nations.” Someone says.
“Exactly. Why should we relinquish our unique trait?” Someone else adds.
“Because our ways are getting us nowhere. In case you missed it, our casualties are higher than ever. The fighting needs to end or else, soon enough, there won't be a nation to protect!” Vona keeps at it.
“And you think that you two are the answer to that?” Someone mocks us. I move but Vona stops me.
“I think we have a once in a life time opportunity to achieve peace that will last.” She says.
“And you believe this will be achieved by you? Playing house with your toy?”
“Are insults the only thing this Council is capable of?” I snap as politely as I can.
“Watch it.” Someone hisses at me.
“I believe you are under a false impression here.” Some Robe begins.
“Neither we, nor our nation has any obligation to humor the two of you.” Someone takes over.
“Nothing is stopping us from removing her.” The nerve.
“The only reason this nonsense is being considered in the first place is because you, of all people, are in a possession of a sacred beast that hasn't been seen in centuries!” The Head Advisor roars down on me. “We could be inclined to agree to this, if you use the Saber for Noxnda's sake, as a sign of power–“
“EMERALD IS NOT A TOY TO BE USED FOR YOUR SELFISH GAIN!!!” My blood boils. The hell with this! A light touch on my trembling body...
“I thought that something was up when you lot agreed to this as soon as you saw Emerald…” Vona steps forward, next to me. “However. I refuse to use something as sacred as the-last-of-her-kind Saber to be used by you lot.” She glares Council down. I let her strength flow through me and calm me a little... Vona continues.
“I was selected due to my efforts on the front lines. It seems to me that, you lot, have failed to acknowledge one simple thing. I was not alone. If anything, Wykren's efforts alone are enough to consider having him stand at the top. If it weren't for his bravery–“
“Recklessness, you mean.” A geezer cuts in.
“As I was saying;” Vona doesn't let it stop her; "We never would have managed to force our soldiers to advance further if it weren't for Wykren's ingenuity. Nor would have we been able to win battle, after battle. I also believe that because our nation has a weak woman, as it's representative to the outside world, is half of the reason why we keep getting attacked. Not that I am trying to belittle the strong females that our land takes pride in, but it does send a certain message.” She pauses again.
“Which, brings me to my next point.” Vona continues. “Despite having so many capable warriors to choose from, you lot, have never, not even once, proposed one of them to lead this nation.” Devona glares the Council over again.
“It wouldn't be because you find our female fighters to be too dirty, for your taste, would it?” Oooohhh she's brutal. “I find it your naiveness to be quite hilarious. Hoping to marry your pretty Priestesses off, despite there being a no-marital-unions treaty signed by both of the continents.” The what now? I notice the geezers getting uncomfortable. Well now...
“It took me sometime to figure out why but now I understand. You lot think of yourselves as beings of higher power. Descendants of the Heavens, was it? You geezers have diluted yourselves into thinking that that gives you the right to rule over this world. Wrong.” Vona's incredible.
“Whether you admit it or not is not the issue. Fact is, our race is foreign to this world and that is that. We are fortunate enough to have been allowed to live here, together in harmony with the land. Its people are a different story. However, my point now is: you keep putting up pretty Priestesses up for display, hoping that one of them will fall victim to love with another ruler, giving you the perfect excuse to make amends toward the outside by abolishing the Priestess position and taking over as the official rulers all together. Even though, your actions and influence are quite well known throughout our lands as is.” Is that what this is all about? Is that what she meant by “pure” back then? The old farts have turned into stone statues. My Vona carries on.
“The Balli had withdrawn for the moment, only due to their War Chief witnessing our proposal. If we fail to ascend the throne, they might take it as a personal insult, since, as you are aware, the Balli people have a very strong sense of family. If we do not marry, and make it public as the first King and Queen of Noxanda, there is no telling what the outraged Balli Shamans would do to our land. Our proposal would be perceived as pure mockery of their values and traditions.” Ruthless. I grin wider. She's good. I feel my desire for her get stronger...
“I do believe, you lot, are the ones here who are missing the point here. If we establish piece with Cobalus, Venatus won't have a choice but to cease their relentless attacks on us. Repperi, as we know, is not interested in battle, nor do they have anything worth taking besides their knowledge, which they are gracious enough to share with us anyways. It is their only way to make a profit and survive, in the first place, after all. However.” Vona pauses for a moment.
“If we manage to get on Ballista's good side - Cornutora will be forced into silent submission. There is no chance they would ever consider asking the Primerians for help. Given their History, that is.” She nails it in like a pro. Nobody argues there. Figures.
“Everyone here knows that we have been lucky, so far, for whatever the reasons may be, to have avoided a united front by the Balli and the Cornutese. Should those two decide to join forces, it would mean complete extinction for our people and I do believe nobody wants that.” Silence. Ha! She's awesome... My grin keeps on getting bigger and bigger.
“We would need to be complete fools not to take this golden opportunity to unite with the Balli.” Aaaaand She takes the opportunity by the horns right on target.
“We, unlike you lot, are trying to find ways to end this without more bloodshed. As far as we are concerned, you do not lose anything by approving of this.” She wraps her arms around my elbow and we both stand tall, facing the Council. A long moment of silence passes by till the Head Advisor speaks again.
“Have it your way. However. Do not be fooled into thinking that you are free from our clutches. There will be trials to face. You will need to prove yourselves to us and to the world that you are serious about leading a nation and securing relationships that will lead us to peace. You can play house once you're well established as the King and Queen. Is that understood?”
“Yes, your honor.” Vona curtsies.
“As you wish, Sir.” I bow too. “One more thing, if I may, your honors?”
“What is it?” The Head Advisor hisses at me.
“I do believe you are familiar with the name Ira Shadowkill.” I wait a moment. Their glares change.
“Vaguely, what about it?” One of the Robes answers now.
“I'd appreciate it if you would announce him as the new Chief of Security for the Royal Couple. An exclusive guard, in charge of our safety.”
“I beg your pardon?” Another Geezer steps forward.
“I do not recommend approaching Emerald carelessly. Shadowkill has earned her respect. I do believe it is in your best interest to agree. Especially, if, you lot, wish to flaunt my Saber around for the sake of your interests. That's not a suggestion, mind you.”
“Have it your way.” The Head Advisor waves. “Is that all?”
“Yes.” I answer.
“Then go. You two have a wedding to plan.” He waves us off. We bow again and leave.
“That was amazing. I think I fell in love with you all over again just now.” I whisper.
“I'm sorry.”
“Huh? For what?”
“I didn't think they would use Emerald as an excuse...”
“That, well, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm pretty sure you destroyed their ace in the hole with that speech. If Era was the best that they could come up with then they are the least qualified people to lead this nation.”
“Thank you.”
“It's true.” I tell her. She shakes her head.
“Thank you for agreeing to do this.”
“Anything.” I stop. “If it means we can be together.” I kiss her deeply.
“Ira's gonna kill you.” Vona smiles at me. I giggle.
“Yeah... Guess my reign will be short.” I try to joke and get punched in the shoulder.
“Not funny.”
“Sorry, Gorgeous.”
"You did WHAT!" Ira hammers in a one hell of a mean roundhouse... I think I cracked something...
"I'm sorry..." I exhale.
"NOT YET YOU'RE NOT!" He rages. "But you will be once I'm through with you!"
"JUST HEAR ME OUT!" I cross my arms in front of my face and chest just in time to block another kick.
"CAUSE!!" I grab his foot. "Cause we're friends. I don't trust anyone else with our lives." I hold his raging glare. He pulls his leg and I let go of his foot.
"Devona agree to this as well?"
"Yes." I stand up. Ira sighs. "Besides, I'm a moron. I need your knowledge to help me. I can't do this alone."
"Enough with the complements. Flattery will get you nowhere."
I laugh. "It's true." I smile. Ira scratches his head.
"Damn you! I hate it when you're like this!!" He sits down. "Well? What other glorious news do you have for me?"
"That's about it for now." I sit down next to him. Era comes over and lays down behind the bench too.
"Did you tell them about the possible deal with Cobalus?"
"Them - no. I did tell Vona about it."
"And?" Ira looks at me.
"She smiled and said that's very like me." I blush.
I laugh. "I know. I'm sorry." I turn to Ira with my torso and bow. "I apologize for the trouble! I'll be in your care! Thank you very much!"
"You need to wait for the other person to agree to that before thanking them..."
I straighten out. "I'll keep that in mind for the next time." Ira sighs again.
"You're a pain, you know that?"
"Yes, yes I do. You never miss a chance to remind me of it." I grin again.
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ivories ᝰ k.bakugo ✓
❝𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘❞[email protected] - date: 10/11/2020𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- -ˏˋ こんにちはˊˎ- 𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱╰┈➤**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤 𝙭 (𝙛𝙚𝙢.) 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Cheaters Always Win
Chester Everheart knew that life wasn't fair. Some were born in situations where it was almost impossible to succeed, whereas others were born with a silver spoon with everything at their disposal. A scant few were dropped into another world, filled with monsters and magic and forced to fend for themselves. The latter was a rare, somewhat ridiculous trope; but it happened to him anyway. Despite this he followed a motto that applied regardless of the dimension he was in. Playing fair is for suckers, and cheaters always win. Cheaters Always Win is a comedy-adventure that I've had churning in my head for a couple years now. I'd like to think it still has the charm that most LitRPGs have while also being unique in its own way. Every arc of the story will subsequently have a 'Level Complete' chapter that details all the stats, levels, equipment, etc. gained by the main cast of characters. Release Schedule: MONDAY/FRIDAY 12:30PM EST Cover Art by @staticobra on Instagram ★
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