《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》The Break and the Bonds
“Why don't we make some cover, then?” I ask our Commander during our usual briefing.
“Ravos and Mages. They can easily level the playing field to our advantage. It's been bothering me for a while now. How is it that we fight in open areas only?”
“Because anything that we conjure up, the enemy can use to their advantage as well.” Ira answers.
“Yes. Like stones and earth but they already are doing that even without our help. I'm talking about creating something they can’t.”
“Like what?” The Commander stares me down.
“Why don't we hide the Fighters into the trees that Ravos can conjure up? Or something? If that's too much to ask then we can use the terrain itself. All we need to is guide them to where we need them to be. The Balli have no Druids. We can set up traps that they can't manipulate.”
“Ravos are healers, not fighters.” Someone else answers.
“Nobody said they can't be both. Noxian Druids are the one natural advantage that we have - why not use it?” I stick with it. “What? What's with the looks?”
“We... Never thought of that?” Someone else says.
“Well? We have nothing to lose.” I turn to the Commander.
“I hate to admit it but that's true. Alright. We'll give it a go.”
“Another thing.” I start again. “Why aren't we using Lector Stones? It would make the communication that much easier.”
“Because they are expensive.” Commander says.
“Oh please. I'm sure the craftsmen could lend us some. Nobody wants to see our country fall. There's no reason not to ask help from the people that we are trying our damnedest to protect. We are not alone in this.”
“It's not a bad idea.” Vona agrees. “So far the Military has only been recruiting people to fight but there are other ways the people can help.”
“Exactly.” Ira pitches in too. “At this rate we are no different from the Balli, who have turned their Military strength into a slaughter house for their people.” Ouch.
“But he is right though.” I continue. “Our longevity is backfiring in this situation... In that sense the Balli have the greater advantage in their numbers...”
“I see I'm not the only one who shares that view...” The Commander caves. “Alright. Let’s brainstorm. We have a battle to get ready for.”
Wykren's efforts have paid off. The ones called the Balli have been getting more desperate and more vicious. The losses have blinded them. They have been making more mistakes with each encounter. More and more Noxians have become friends with Ren as well. Their Noxian Trio has become the center of each battle, bringing one victory after another. How long has it been since then, already? Is this enough for him to not hurt anymore? I wonder, does seeing him like this make them happy?
Everything was looking to be going well till suddenly the smile disappeared of Ren's face again... He doesn't talk about it nor do I push him to. All I know is that the woman is the cause for it...
I notice Vona between the tent rows. She sees me to. I begin to walk towards her. She bails on me. I sprint after her.
“Vona! Wait!” I call after her. She ignores me and dives behind a tent. I run around it and catch her by the hand.
“Wait. Please.”
“Let go.” She doesn't even look at me...
“You've been avoiding me.”
“Let go.” She struggles. I squeeze her and just a little.
“No. I need to know what's going on with us.”
“I don't have time for this!”
“Then make some!” I pull her closer. She resists. I stop.
“Let go. What will the people think?”
“What people?”
“There are others around you, Wykren. You aren't alone in the world. Think of how your actions make you look!” Vona says, glaring at me.
“I don't care about the world. You are my world and I care about you. You have been avoiding me. I want to know why.” She doesn't answer. Just stares at me. Something clearly is not right...
“Did I do something to upset you without realizing it?”
She shakes her head.
“Is there someone else?” I ask.
Another shake.
“Do you not want to be with me anymore?” I ask again.
Another shake.
“Is there something troubling you?”
Another shake. I sigh. We won't get anywhere at this rate...
“Vona. I can't do anything if I don't know what is going on. I need you to talk to me. If there is something I can do to help you with something, let me know. If I did something to upset you, say so, so I can apologize. If you don't want me anymore, tell me to back off, so I can leave you be. Don't run from me because I will chase after you to the end of time. You are my world now. You are my life. I was under the impression that I was the same for you too...” No response...
“If that has changed and you don't want to share a life with me anymore then please, say it clearly so that I understand. If it's time you need to think about something, if it's space you want to sort yourself out then say so. I'll wait. As long as it takes.”
“Why what?”
“Why would you waste your time on me?” Vona whispers with her eyes away from me still. I smile.
“Why waste? Nothing is a waste when it comes to you.” She bites her lip. I take a step closer to her.
“Talk to me, Gorgeous. What's keeping you away from me?” More silence... “Vona...”
“I need to go. Let go.”
“I'm not holding you.” I whisper. “I let go of you long ago...” Her gaze glides down to our hands. My fingers barely brush against her skin.
“Do you not love me anymore?” I whisper again. Nothing... I sigh.
“Fine. I understand. I'll leave you be.” I move my hand away from hers. “So look me in the eyes and tell me that you want me out of your life. Say it.”
“I want you gone.” She finally looks at me.
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” She straightens out. “I don't want to see you. Ever. Again.” She bites her lip again. Her body trembles. It hurts, seeing her like this...
“Then why the pain on your lips and the tears in your eyes?” I ask her softly. Vona looks away from me again. Enough...
“I'll wait for you. I want you to tell me that again later. I want you to be as cold as ice when you do. Till then - I'll wait for you.” I bow and walk away from her.
We return to Astri to rest. Having nothing better to do we stay at the barracks. Rather, I have nothing better to do... I check in on Era at the stables but that’s it. I sigh… I always ask too much of her… Vona's pained expression hasn't left my mind... It's been a week now...
“Get off your ass.” Ira comes back to the room.
“What for?”
“The new Priestess is being announced today. We're already here, so why not check it out.”
“I was under the impression that the previous Priestess' time was ongoing still?”
“Yeah, well not having a leader makes our nation vulnerable too. Guess the geezers had enough. About time, if you ask me. This should help stabilize the political situation, somewhat. I think.” Ira explains.
“Uh-huh...” I continue to stare into the ceiling. A towel lands on my face.
“Move already.” Ira nags me. Ugh. I slowly get up and walk over to the basin. Ew. The reflection of me tells me more than Ira's silence all this time... I exhale and wash up a little. I follow Ira's back to the Marble Palace.
“First time?” He looks back at me. I nod.
“Quite the crowd.”
“It's a huge event. Everyone wants to take a look at the most powerful woman this nation has to offer.”
“That what you call sarcasm?” I roll my eyes at him.
“More or less.” He answers. We park ourselves amongst the other spectators. Everyone starts cheering, as soon as a geezer in white robes appears on the balcony. Why am I even here? I have no reason to... My heart sinks... The cheers around me drown... Vona...
“Well now, this is a surprise...” A voice speaks to me... “Can't say it's too surprising, considering...” Right... They used her activities on the front lines as an excuse to speed up the selection... It was the first time a Templeatte fought back-to-back with the Army... Her medical skills and knowledge alone would have been enough for this... I exhale painfully. She knew... She knew... That's why... Yet again my body moves for me...
“Hey, hold up, where are you going?” Ira rushes after me. “Aren't you going to congratulate her?”
“No.” I barge my way through the people. It's not like she wished for this...
“Yo! Where are you going!”
“Back where?”
“To the front.”
“Serious? We just got back! Hey! Wykren!” Ira grabs me by the shoulder. He lets go the next instant. “Alright. Guess we're going back then.”
“I said I'm going.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I got nothing better to do anyways.”
“Steady men... Steady...” Our commander tells us... Too bad my body doesn't listen. I jump out and charge in.
“IDIOT! AFTER HIM!!” A voice I know, I know, calls after me.
“Do me a favor and commit suicide elsewhere, will ya!” Ira appears next to me. “This habit of yours is really testing my patience!!”
“Save it. Wanna tell me what's gotten into you?”
“I'm fine.” I lie.
“Liar.” Ira sees right through me. I smile.
“Duck!” I slash over his head sending the spear sideways.
“Don't mention it.” We continue fighting back-to-back.
“So? When was the last time you spoke with her?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Wykren. Enough.”
“Not you too.” I glare at Era. “Ugh.” I pout. “Since before the ceremony...”
“Don't you guys have a Stone?” Ira asks. I shake my head.
“I know! Geez...”
“And? She didn't tell you about it?”
I shake my head again. “She never really wished to be chosen...”
“That's why you didn't congratulate her?”
I nod.
“Just cause she's the Priestess now doesn't mean you can't at least talk to her.”
“What's there to talk about?” I ask. “She's the Priestess now. That's like royalty in our nation. I'm just...”
“Just what?”
“Just a tool... Nothing more...” A punch lands into my jaw.
“Would you quit with the moping! It's not like you at all!” Ira snaps. “Just a tool... Idiot!” He walks away from us. I sit back up.
“Ouch...” I rub the jaw...
“The man is right. You haven't been yourself at all. It's different from when...” Era doesn't finish her thought. Yeah. I know...
“It's not like I'm not proud of her for being selected. I'm actually quite happy because it means that all her hard work and effort has been recognized and hasn't gone to waste...”
“But now everyone will know just how great she is... I'm happy about it too but I can't shake this feeling that I want her to be mine... All mine...”
“Is that what you people call being selfish?”
“I would think so, yes...”
“Is it really something so terrible to be?” Era's eyes peer into my soul.
“I don't know...” I curl up into my knees.
“Is there a reason she cannot be both? Yours and theirs?”
“I don't know...”
I freeze mid strike. Vona... No. It can't be.
“I'm dreaming...” I whisper, lowering the axe in my right and the sword in my left.
“You're not. I'm here for you.” Vona says. “I want you to be by my side as the Ruler of Noxanda.” She tells me.
“Now?” I ask her. I mean, I'm not surprised she's proposing... It's just the timing of it all... Wait. Ruler? But I thought? Never mind, now's not the time.
“Can’t this wait?” I ask again.
“No.” She doesn't hold back. I hesitate...
“Really?” I try again. Vona keeps her gaze locked with mine, without as much batting a single one of those beautiful eyelashes of hers. So willful... My desire for her stirs again... I grin.
“Alright, fine. Yes. Now can you please get out of here before you get hurt?” I tell her. Vona smiles and kisses me.
“I’ll be waiting for you back home.” She says and walks away. The Balli Chief roars with laughter, dropping his weapon.
“Well now that's a rare sight!” He growls. “Never have I!” His laughter fit is getting to the rest of his men. “Ay, boy, you don't get any luckier than that!” He keeps laughing.
“Tell me about it.” I smile and he roars more.
“What just happened?” Ira appears from my shadow.
“Vona just proposed to me.” I grin.
“She what?” His jaw drops and the Balli roars again.
“It's even funnier the second time around!” The Chief says. “Some lady you have there.”
“Not just any lady.” I start.
“That's the Priestess of Noxanda.” Ira finishes.
“Hooooo.” The Chief stares at me. “I never heard of the Priestess herself joining the chaos.”
“That's cause they don't.” Ira says.
“She's the first one.” I add.
“Well now. Interesting.” The old man finally calms down. “Then that makes you somewhat even more impressive in your own way. To make a Priestess chase after you!" The Balli roars again. I blush. "HOOOO!!! THAT means I have been fighting Noxanda's first King!” His gurgling roar picks up again.
“Are you giggling?” I look at Ira.
“Well, he does have a point. Kind of.”
“Ay, boy, sit down. Let's talk.” The Balli Chief crashes down on the ground, cross-legged. Ira and I follow his lead.
“I have to say. I'm impressed. That Priestess of yours really is something...” He says.
“She is.” I admit proudly.
“Tell ya what. I'll give you two time to make it official.”
“Pardon?” I blink fast.
“It would be an honor to fight Noxanda's first official King on the battlefield!” He smacks me on the back and roars again.
“Fight and kill you mean?” Ira catches on fast.
“Well.” The old man grins.
“Question. What if I become King and give you the land, free of blood? Isn't that what you're after?” I hold the Chief's stare.
“If, you promise not to use any more of your ridiculous excuses to invade us.” Ira adds.
“Ay, boy, I only do as I am told. The higher ups are the ones behind it all.”
“Even if. It's not a bad deal. If you think about it.” I circle back. “I'll even let you to choose how much you want. As long as you leave enough for us, that is.” I grin.
“Ha! Clever bastard.” The Chief smiles, stroking his burning red beard.
“It would be in Ballista's best interest to open trading routes with and through Noxanda. So far, you've only been able to do it by water, leaving you vulnerable to Rebellion attacks. Going by land is safer.” Oooh good one. I can never stop admiring Ira's intelligence.
“Well. The lad does make a good point.” The Chief’s smile disappears. “However. You do know, it's not my call to make.”
“Take your time. We'll need to prepare as well.” I answer.
“Think you'll pull it off?” He squints at me. I grin and throw my hands out.
“I'm the King!” I say and the Chief roars again.
“Very well. I'll be waiting for my wedding invitation.” He stands up. So do we.
“Do we have a deal?” I offer my hand. “No fighting till then?”
“Ay. The old man shakes it. Too many lives have been lost already. I'll do what I can. But.” He squeezes my hand. “You better be there when the time comes. Or else.” The Chief gives me a quick glare. I grin.
“You have my word.” I squeeze his hand too. He laughs again and let’s go.
“We'll send word.” Ira adds. “Have someone from this battle camp out here. We’ll do the same. It’ll be our communication link.”
“Fair enough. Good. Alright men! We're going home!” The Chief roars. The Balli men slowly retreat.
“Well. That was something...” Ira says, as we watch the red-ish sea weave its way out of our land.
“Think you can pull it off?”
“I have no choice now.” I tell him. “We're gonna have to... Or else not even the Gods will save us from their wrath...”
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