《Emerald and Wykren. Existara Series》The Feelings and the Fighting
“This is the first time we are hearing of this.” The Head Advisor says.
“Of course.” I agree. “This is the first time I am telling you about this.” Could've told you sooner if you weren't playing hide and seek with me for the past month. The wedding is two days...
“Do NOT mock us, brat!” Another Geezer growls. I sigh. This is barely the beginning and I'm already exhausted... Something tells me this whole King business will only get harder...
“Listen, if you think I am lying then go ahead and contact the Balli War Chief. He agreed to this and gave us his word to convince their higher ups to end the fighting peacefully.” I repeat myself again…
“What makes you so sure that he is alive still?” Someone asks. Ugh. I wish Vona and Ira were here with me...
“Because it is in their best interest as well as ours.”
“We tried going the peace route with Venatus. It didn't do us much good.” Again with the same old excuse! I fight the urge to lash out... Its proving to be quite difficult...
“That's because the Cornutese are too full...prideful to trust anyone besides themselves. It all circles back to their roots. There's not much we can do about that. But. If we open up trading routes from Cobalus to Astri and all the way to Venatus, the Cornutese won't have a choice but to agree to peaceful terms. They are sustaining the same loses as the Balli! The waters are not safe. Especially so that the Old Continent does not have a united front. Leaving us even more vulnerable to Rebellion attacks.” I lost count on how many times I’ve stated this already…
“Proof of that?” What proof! UGH! I’m well aware I don’t have much to back this up except for a handshake but they don’t have anything solid to deny this either! All they are being is old and stubborn… I clench my fits and grind my teeth. Easy now.
“None.” I answer. “I don't need to know the numbers to realize that this is for the best for everyone.” I take another small breath. “I'll learn. For the sake of my people. I'll learn everything I need to, to make this work. That much. I promise.”
“Baseless spiel as usual. I do wonder how our nation will ever survive left in the hands of such a clueless child...” Alright that does it! I take a step forward.
“Listen here, you fossils! I have been patient with you plenty! I'm not asking for permission here! I am telling you how it's going to be done! All you lot need to do is to sit back and watch me prove you wrong!”
“Ha! What makes you think you'll manage alone?”
“Simple. The deal won't go through if I'm not part of it. I was the one to shake hands with the War Chief. He won't work with anyone else besides me. Nor will I. You can't kill me. You can't replace me. Not yet. You need me more than I need you right now. However. This is only the beginning. After I settle with the Balli I'll keep on working till I'll sweat blood. I'll change this nation and its people to the kind of extend that nobody will need you, ever again. That too is a promise.”
“Such foolish arrogance.”
“On that - we agree.” I hold my glare and my ground. “You never learned not to taunt a wild beast and for that I'll make you regret it. All we ask of you is a little bit of faith for the sake of the future. But you are so high up your horse that you can't even see down here anymore. Every single decision you made has only made our people suffer. None of this needs to be a pissing contest between you and us, but you chose to turn this into one. So fine. I accept the challenge and I will succeed. Watch me.” Nobody says anything. I take the chance to hammer it in.
“We're done here. Get lost.” I stand tall and stare. Slowly, one by one, the geezers step down. Only the Head Advisor is left. He's the only one to hold my glare this entire time. He waits for the last Robe to exit the room. He steps down and stops a step away from me.
“Do as you please.” He begins. I know that look. He's about to issue a warning. Good. “I'll take great pleasure in taking your head personally, once you fail, brat.” He growls the words at me.
I step forward, closing the gap. “Looking forward to you on one knee, your honor.” I feel my face rearrange itself into something new. The expression in the man's eyes says it all. Deranged. That's what he's thinking. Fine. Be that way. If that what it takes. He nods and leaves the hall. I take a few moments to let go of the bitterness. I look around. Nobody's here.
I sigh. Ira needs to get a move on. I open the main doors. A boy stands in the hallway. I've seen him before. He notices me and straightens out. I wave to him.
“Come 'er.” He stares at me, confused. “Yes you, come on.” He hesitates. “Now.” I growl. He finally rushes over.
“Yes, sir?”
“What's your name?”
“My name?” He stares at me again. Oh boy...
“Yes. Your name. You do have one, don't you?”
“Yes! Lyma, sir.”
“Lyma. I'm Wykren.” I extend my hand. “Looking forward to working with you.” His body responds on reflex. He shakes my hand.
“Likewise.” He says.
“Do me a favor. Find a table and two chairs and bring them up in here. Place 'em up right there.” I point to the stupid stage.
“Uh-huh.” He nods. I smack him on the back.
“Thanks a bunch!” I smile and walk away. Era waits for me by the entrance. That's why there ain't a soul around.
“How did it go?”
“Like a pain. How are you?”
“Worry about yourself.” She gets up. I pet her.
“Seen Ira anywhere?”
“No. He left me here and went off on his own. Said he wanted to look into some things.”
“I'm sure he's working hard in his own way. Well. No biggie. This will be a good opportunity to take a better look at this place from the outside.” I've already memorized the inside. Era and I wonder around the Palace grounds looking for Ira. It's been a few weeks now since his new tittle has been officially announced. Along with our wedding as the King and Queen. You would think that he'd be somewhere close by, considering that our safety is his #1 job... We find him in the Armory. Finally!
“Hey, got a minute?” I ask Ira.
“For the future King? Why of course.” He bows, overly dramatically.
“Hilarious. I need a favor.”
“What is it?” He quickly loses the jokes.
“Vona and I want you to marry us in secret before the public ceremony takes place.”
“Say what now?”
“You heard me.”
“That's the one thing I refuse to do.”
“Why?” I ask again. Ira doesn't answer me.
“I don't think it's a good idea to have an Assassin marrying the Royal Couple.”
“Bullshit. If you're gonna come up with an excuse you can do better than that. In case you forgot - Vona and I have killed people too.”
“Was this your idea to begin with?”
“No. Believe it or not but Vona was the one. She only asked me to ask you.”
“Why not ask me herself?” He mocks us.
“She said she doesn't feel like you like her enough to agree to her selfish request.” Silence. “But that's not exactly the case, is it?” I keep my gaze on him.
“Meaning what?” Ira finally looks at me.
“You love her. Have so for some time now. I know you have. I'm not blind or stupid.”
“Bullshit. You're delirious. Find yourself someone else.” He tries to walk past me. I grab him by the arm.
“Ira. Don't lie to me. We've known each other for years. I deserve better than that.”
Ira slips out of my grip. “I said that's not it.”
“Why must you be so stubborn!”
“HA!! Look who's talking!!”
“Quit being a brat!”
“Excuse me?” Ira throws me a look.
“If you're gonna refuse than at least give me a solid reason! You owe me that much!”
“I don't owe you anything!”
“Then how about her?!”
“Even more so!!” Ira and I get into a shouting match. This is getting under my skin...
“Just admit it.” I try to speak calmly...
“I don't love her.”
“I wouldn't have to if you weren't being the idiot right now!! For ONCE IN YOUR LIFE BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF!!” I roar at Ira again. “STOP INSULTING THE BOTH OF US AND JUST ADMIT IT ALREADY!!!”
I rush over to him and hug him. “Yes. Thank you. Now I'm sure you'll look out for her...”
“What in the? Get off me!” He struggles but I hold him still. “What's wrong with you! Another man just admitted to have feelings for your woman and you thank him!!” Ira keeps struggling. “You should kill me for that!!” I push Ira off me and hold him by the shoulders.
“Why should I? You're my friend. Why should I kill off the one person I trust my life with?”
“You're insane. Aren't you worried?” He shrugs me off.
“About what?”
“That I'll take her from you?”
“If that were to happen, I wouldn't have anyone but myself to blame.”
“It would only mean that I was not able to fully make her happy. I would have no say in the matter if she expressed a desire to be with you instead of me. I'd be crushed but.”
“You are insane.” Ira continues to stare at me.
“Yeah, well, that we both knew long ago.” I smile silly again. “But jokes aside. I'm seriously relieved.”
“Like I said. Now I'm sure you'll look out for her no matter what.”
“I'm not obligated to. I can always be replaced by another Chief of Security.”
“True. But your feelings won't let you.” I tease him. He blushes lightly. First time since I've known him. I try my best to restrain the laughter. I offer him my hand.
“Will you marry us, my friend?”
“Doesn't look like I have a choice.” He shakes it.
“Thank you.”
“There you two are!” Vona comes around to us. “Well? Did you ask him?”
“Yes I did.” I put my arm around her waist.
“I'll do it.” Ira admits, averting his gaze. Vona jumps over to him, hanging herself off his neck.
“Thank you! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!” She weeps lightly. “It's so frustrating to be surrounded by people you can't trust...” Ira stares at me, begging for help. I let Vona do her. He hasn't put his hands on her still.
“Thank you! Truly! We'll be in your care.” She lets go and smiles at him.
“Sure... Don't mention it.” He puts his arms down.
“Then how about we do it tonight?” I offer.
“Wonderful. We'll have the private wedding just the four of us.” Vona smiles again.
“Where should we do it?”
“How about the Star Garden? It will be empty at night.” Era echoes inside my mind.
“Emerald suggests the Star Garden.” I announce.
“Brilliant idea!” Vona brightens up instantly. “I'll go get ready.”
“Take him with you. You're not the only one getting married here.” Ira mocks me.
“Right. Good point.” Vona nods.
“Then I'll go secure the place.” Era gets up.
“Thanks. Era will be the vanguard and keep everyone away.”
“Good idea. I'll come get you once I scout the place too. We can use the shadows. Less attention that way. Meet at your place?” Ira suggests.
“Sure. Sounds like a plan.” I smile.
I lay in the middle of the Star Garden. Not a single Noxian approached me the entire evening. Pays off to be a beast sometimes. I'm told it was the first Priestess who created this garden as her private sanctuary. Watching the Noxian Trio this past month I can see how one would need a quiet place to hide from the world. The entire thing resembles the main hall. Except that there are no windows here. The biggest trees are planted in a circle. With smaller ones in between them. There's only one straight path going from the doors to the middle. Despite its name there are no stars here either. The entire thing is engulfed in walls. The different sized lanterns hanging randomly of the branches, hiding between the leaves create the illusion of stars. Nothing more. How childish. Luckily, the faint light from the lanterns is enough to cast a shadow from my body. It should be big enough for the Assassin and them to pass through. I wait patiently. The shadow ripples and the children appear. I sit up too. The woman is wearing a dress, a shade darker than her skin with her hair flowing down her back and shoulders. Ren stands in a silky gear, the same blue shade as his hair. I see even Ira changed his usual attire into a light grey light gear. I heard of this before. The idea is to have the couple stand out with the colorful clothing. I feel a little out of place with my dark colors...
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Ren smiles.
“Not at all. She looks nice.” I nod. Ren grins proudly again.
“Era said you look beautiful.”
“Oh! Thank you!” The girl nods, blushing. The Assassin continues to catch his breath. That must have been quite the jump he made... Ren crouches down next to Ira.
“You ok? Can I help?”
“Fine... Just...” He's not fine. The woman hands a vial to him. A potion. Ira gulps it down and straightens out.
“Figured you'd need it.”
“Thank you.” The boy nods. “Shall we get to it then?”
“I'm nervous.” Ren finally admits it.
“Me too.” The woman squeezes his arm.
“Me three.” Ira adds. The three of them laugh a little. I move to the side and wait.
“Ok then. Let's do this.” Ren says, putting his hand on the woman's fingers.
“The ribbon?” Ira asks. The girl gives him a silver ribbon. The couple face each other with their fingers laced together. Ira takes his place next to them and clears his throat lightly. He wraps the ribbon around their hands as he recites the vow.
“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here tonight to witness two hearts become one. May the road ahead be full of feeling and emotion. Anger and affection. Silence and chatter. Passion and calm. Let them, be your guides, as you walk through life. Let each other, be your strength in times of need. Let the love you share, be your salvation from despair. May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity. You may now kiss each other.” Ira lets go of their hands and the two of them lean in for a kiss. Ren looks happy. I've never seen such a smile before... Ira appears to be restless... No wonder... The woman is smiling through tears... I wonder, what would their expressions be right now...
“Here.” Ira hands a pouch to Ren.
“What is this?” He opens it up and two, deep blue Stones land in his palm.
“I don't think it's a good idea for you two to keep using the Army issued ones.”
“They're huge!” It must have cost a fortune!” The girl gasps.
“Think of it as a wedding present.”
Ren hugs Ira. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” The Assassin pats his friends back. “Get off me now.”
“Not yet.”
“Ugh.” The man caves.
“Me next!” The girl embraces the boy as soon as Ren lets the poor thing go. “Thank you. For everything.” She lets go.
“Don't mention it. Oh. I forgot. May the stars shine upon you.” Ira says. Oh. I see.
“Thank you.” The girl smiles. I step closer.
“May I?”
“Sure.” Ren smiles.
“Era wants to say something.”
The girl quickly lines up next to Ren. I nod to them both. “May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity.”
“May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity. She says.”
“Thank you.” The girl curtsies for me.
“Your Mother would be shedding the same tears right now in the arms of your Father.”
Ren stares at me. A single drop falls from the corner of his eye. He bites his lip and nods. A smile shines in his eyes.
Two days later, on the 1st of the 4th month, Ren and Vona are announced Noxanda's first King and Queen, as the Temple Elder marries them in the Palace Balcony above the Main Square with the entire land as their witness.
- In Serial108 Chapters
Galactic Fist of Legend
In the year 2018 a bright star appeared near Earth. Humanity as a whole was briefly introduced to a race of beings far beyond their understanding. During that brief interaction a proclamation was made, Defeat the Grand Emissary or become the eternal slaves of those who had arrived at Earth. The only chance for victory was for people all across the globe to make a choice. When prompted to become a champion and a play a bizarre game of life or death they could choose yes or no. Those who chose no, went about their lives afterward. All memory of the event was lost despite the fact that their very existence as a free species hung by a single thread. Will those who said yes manage to survive the horror of the game and become strong enough to defeat the Grand Emissary. Can one of them become... The Galactic Fist of Legend. Also, it's a comedy. Pretty obvious, right? Notes: This story will contain graphic violence, stupid humor, nudity, sexiness, and maybe I'll give the main character a pet cat or something. I don't know yet. Still, you need to be pretty mature to properly take care of a pet. Notes2: This story is my answer to stories such as Gantz, Terror Infinity, Battle Royale, Btoom!, and strangely enough... Captain N: The Video Game Master. It is an original story, but it does seek to give a similar vibe to some of those tales of legend. However, it is not meant to be an overly serious tale as I have decided that the new stories that I release in the coming year will be mostly comedies.
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Emperor NPC
The Demon Emperor had taken one billion lives and conquered the realms of elves, dwarfs, and giants. When the final realm of man fell to his armies, the stage was set for their world’s finale. A spire of brilliant light pierced the sky, and as the land was torn asunder, the demon emperor met his death. It was not by the hands of a hero, or goddess’ champion, but by a system developer—a creator of the VRMMO Ark World—masquerading as a god! “It’s ironic that it would be you,” said a voice in the black void of the quantum system. “Strange, that you’ve given me this quest, and stranger that I can’t do it without you.” By the power of the thirteenth system developer, the “goddess” Amarytha, the demon emperor was reborn in a new video game where his character never came to be. In the Ark World Sandbox, humans rule as gods over nations of NPCs. Through mastery of their administration commands, they hold absolute control. Only the demon emperor, liberated by the Player System, can challenge them. A crusade begins with one step. Freedom from humanity begins here! ---------------- I'm going to be upfront here. This is not an anti-hero story. So, if you've come for anti-hero you might not enjoy it. The cover art I commissioned from my friend @cyborgraptor. You can find her on twitter, or tumblr. Absolutely awesome person, and way too humble. She's also a great dps on WoW, and her and I always fought for top of the meters. I update every day, or nearly every day. I'll be updating this quickly as I bring it to parity with my other sites. Afterwards, expect 6 or 7 chapters a week. This is my only job and I approach it professionally.
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The Seeker's Quest
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The Platinum Tales #TheWattys2018
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Little wolf
Skadi Ragnarsdottir is a gift from the gods to her parents King Ragnar and the famous sheild maiden Lagertha. ********************This is my first time publishing anything I've written so give me a break. Thank you for reading 😊 also I change things a lot because I'm indecisive.
8 142