《Welcome to the Charlotte Family: A One Piece Fanfic》Dressrosa Madness Part 2
Dressrosa Extra Chapter 2
This is why I hate morally correct world powers. Fucking Fujitora…I mean, what the fuck? When one loses their entire arm from shoulder down, the correct response should be screaming in pain and losing focus on what they are doing which gives me enough time to chop off their head or something more effective.
Instead what Fujitora did was something akin to an Anime protagonist powerup. Seriously, the admiral’s already enough of a powerhouse. I don’t think he needs to get any stronger from here. And besides, what was that last attack anyway?
Adopting a view from water, seastone, and Blackbeard’s Yami Yami No Mi, I trained on weakening others and their powers in the range of my Kitchen (or Cube). Obviously the better or stronger the user is with their power it will be harder to cancel out or be unable to remove altogether…still…gravity was something directly under my control so how was Fujitora able to do that?
I didn’t really get the opportunity to continue my train of thought as my time flying came to an end.
I didn’t bother to stop the momentum of the flight as it didn’t really hurt anyway. Not with my logia form of snow. Getting splatted for a moment before reforming back to my original form, I looked around.
Me: How ironic…
Fujitora’s little push sent my spiraling directly into the arena. From the looks of it, I was just in time for Block B’s battle. The one with Barto Club’s leader (with the Bari-Bari no mi), the strange boxer king (Elizabello…?) who had that absolutely ridiculous King Punch technique, as well as a couple other slightly (but no quite) notable figures.
Announcer: Huh? Folks, looks like we have a new challenger in the arena! I can’t believe it! It’s none other than the Big Mo—*splat*
Me: Shut up
Maybe killing the announcer wasn’t the best course of action but his voice was annoying. Did they even have an announcer in canon? There was someone who introduced the competitors for sure though.
Well, regarding who I am…the cat’s out of the bag already. Might as well go full Syrup then.
Me: Blizzard.
From the center of my palm a small condensed white ball appeared. For a split second it simply floated up catching the eyes of many…before the island turned into a winter wonderland.
The arena, being the center of the icy explosion, could be said to have frozen in entirety. Half of the audience members were either frozen solid or in a similar state needing immediate medical attention. I’m sure the Marines under Fujitora will handle them just fine though; besides, this just would be one more thing that would take their priority off of me. What was it that he said again? That the priority should not be the enemy but knowing who to protect?
As the snow spread to the different parts of the island, I let my senses explore everything I could. I could feel the massive spikes of power and haki from the fight between Sabo and Fujitora. Seems like they were still locked in a fight…though I could tell both of them were trying not to get the civilians involved, especially the admiral.
All over the island I felt the presence of very….unique? Weird? Devil fruit users. Some more familiar than others like the flag man Diamanté’s who just so happened to be rushing to my position right now.
Diamante: Little girl…! This time I’ll kill you! Here, in my arena!
Me: So you’re the champion of the arena. Or what did they call you again? Hero of the Colosseum?
Diamante: Oh, don’t say that! You’re only saying that to flatter me!
Me: But it’s true isn’t it?
Diamante: Oh~ even my enemies know of my strength and exploits.
Me: Not that it’ll help you anyway with how I slapped you around like a little bitch last time.
Diamante: …
Crowd: …
Hack: Hold it! I understand that she is an outsider but this is our fight as much as it is yours!
Stupid fishman, Does he have no sense of self-preservation?
Bellamy: That’s right sir! Let us fight her! We can take her!
Me: 좁밥 새끼들이 어디서 기어올라와…?!!!
(TN: Know your place you puny brats) (AN: This is a slang word so if you put it in Google Trans you’ll get a literal translation which won’t make as much sense).
Whoops. I let my mother tongue go loose for a second. The guy’s comment about taking me on was simply so ridiculous and infuriating that I had to say something back and it seems to have taken affect. They might not have understood what I said, but the intent behind the words were clear…along with my bloodlust.
I didn’t even give him a chance before Soru-ing right up to his face before delivering a sucker punch that took him straight out of the arena.
Me: Oh, don’t mind me. I just happened to find his ultimate weakness. A strong fist-to-face technique. I can’t believe what would have happened if I didn’t found out his weakness in time.
Purposely slurring my words to emphasize my sarcasm, I turned to the fish-man who so foolishly thought he could take on me as well.
Hack: 100 Pound Tile Fishman Strike Karate—-
Only 100 Pounds? Jimbei managed to pull off 5000 Pounds in the spur of the moment.
Hack: Super secret technique number 3, Position 12, Fish Fist Movement 13~
Me: Fishman Karate. 2000 Pound Strike!
I honestly wanted to see his technique to compare it to mine but if its’ really going to take an hour to charge up a 100 pound strike…wow. Not worth it at all.
Putting the palm of my right hand onto where his liver would be, I felt the vibrations carry on into him as the water inside him was dislocated before churning violently.
Me: Goodbye. I’m not really a fan of minced fish.
Forcing the water inside of Sush—-I mean Hack— his side crumpled into itself as he stumbled for a bit before tumbling into the Fighter-Fish infested waters. Who knows, maybe they’ll recognize him as one of his own and choose not to eat him.
*crack* *crack* *snap!*
Oh. huh. Well I guess that’s an end to that hopeful dream. If a miracle occurs then he’ll be saved by Koala or another Revolutionary figure in time.
Me: Well then, anyone else? Of course you Diamante. You’re not leaving here alive no matter what but I meant the others.
Apparently the answer was yes as Bartolomeo and King Elizabello began approaching me from both sides. Regarding their individual powers…not much of a threat but definitely not small fishes either. But the thing was…both of them were one-punch characters. If their one trick up their sleeves don’t work, then they’re out of the game.
Elizabello: I didn’t really charge this up for you but here it goes!!!
Logia or not but danger sense spiked to nigh impossible levels for such a low class place such as an arena in Dressrosa of all places. Nowhere near Mama’s hunger pangs but enough for some serious damage.
I dove away from the cocked arm (with a boxing glove…why?) and behind my most trusted shield at the moment. Bartolomeo. Of course, this was also a perfect moment to observe his attack.
As far as I knew, Elizabello was not a Devil Fruit user; which meant that his ridiculous level of strength and attack was none other than his own technique.
Elizabello: KING PUNCH~~!!
Me: Mimic
A (casual) Yonko Level strike shook the very foundations of the ground we were standing on as a shockwave equal in force wiped clean the arena of everything except for the following.
Elizabello. duh, he’s the one who attacked. It would be stupid if he was knocked out by his own attack. Diamante; it looks like he did earn his name as the Hero of the Colosseum…and also with the fact that the manga seemed to have heavily nerfed him for his fight against a crippled man.
Finally, the bari-bari No mi’s ridiculous defense, Bartolomeo and with me hiding behind him.
Me: Congratulation King Punch dude. You got everyone except for the ones that matter.
Casually pushing off an unsuspecting Bartolomeo into the water, I turned to face the worn out king.
Me: So what are you going to do now? Obviously you can’t do much…but thanks for showing me how to do the punch.
Going back on how I understood his punch, I called upon my right arm to do the same. Cocking the arm back, I focused impossible amounts of haki on my muscles alone and held it there as the pressure continued to build. As the pain began to set in, I enhanced the joints and forcefully held the position as I approached the panicked King in the boxer’s stance.
Me: I can understand why weaklings like you would only be able to use this move once in a while. For you weak haki users, a move like this would leave your muscles out of shape for weeks on end.
My biceps began to glow red from the heat built up from the pressure. Taking it one step further I willed the conqueror’s into my fist as the air around it began to cackle and crack.
Me: Perhaps you’ll find your peace or Kingdom in the afterlife…but for now?
In the sweetest voice I ever made
Me: Ita-dakiasmu~
And thus I shattered an eighth of what used to Dressrosa’s main island.
Diamante: *groan* *whimper*
Me: Any thoughts on giving up yet? You know I can free you from suffering if you just tell me where it is right?
I cut off another finger to the sound of the painful screams of the once-hero of the Colosseum.
Me: You have 3 fingers left, all of your toes, ears, and your kidneys before we move into things that can endanger your life for good. In other words, I can drag this on for days on end. Besides…
I held up a scalpel
Me: I’m a surgeon you know? Just without the painkillers. I can stitch you back into shape before we play this game all over again.
Diamante gulped before his eyes began to wander in hopes of finding his savior-Doflamingo. Shame. If Doffy was here then it’d be much easier for me as well but unfortunately things just don’t flow my way…just yet.
Me: We can continue to do this all day…but all you need to do is tell me where you hid the devil fruit. That’s all I need to know.
Diamante: *huff* *huff* Why do you even need the fruit? You already have one!
Me: So? Bartolomeo has one. Heck, a quarter of the competitors have them.
Diamante: Neve—!! *agghhh!!* Alright alright! No more please…!
I removed the blade from his thigh.
Diamante: I don’t know where you got the idea that I have the devil fruit or hid it but it’s still with Young Master!
Well. That was really all I needed. Slitting the throat of the pathetic man, I rose from my position and made my way out of the arena, ignoring the stares of the gladiators who were still conscious (or alive). Particularly that of the Straw Hat Captain who was on the side but he seemed more preoccupied with what Doflamingo was going to do so…who cares.
*sigh* In the midst of the snowstorm, I knew exactly where Doflamingo was right now…and it wasn’t good.
Sometime during my torture session with Diamante, it looked like Sabo and Fujitora was broken off for their own business or whatever and now things were looking just as bad as before.
I could tell Doflamingo was on Greenbit with Law, Caesar, and…Fujitora. Why do I always have to face these monsters? Can it never be some no-name weak supernova like Scratchman Apoo or Urouge? I mean sure, facing off against Law or Doflamingo would be no big deal as long as I take the fight seriously but I don’t think Issho’s going to play nice and let me rip off the fruit from Doflamingo’s hands.
I’m definitely not going in there without some divine intervention. If Law’s a D, Doflamingo has the blood of the gods (or so he claims), and Fujitora’s an admiral…then I’m twisting fate.
Me: Activation of Luck-MAX
As I gave my confirmation, the world became clearer and sure. I was surging with absolute confidence…I felt as if I could do anything and that was probably true regarding my circumstances. I just knew that everything would go my way, no matter what.
Still, this was a very dangerous power to have. Overconfidence, fate and reality defying fruit or not, has lead to the downfall of countless people and I did not plan on joining them anytime soon. Besides, while I could call upon a nigh endless amount of luck compared to the weak user Baccarate, the downside of the fruit was that you would never know when your luck runs out exactly. You only had a general sense of it.
Me: Would be good to make best use of the given time, huh?
Spreading my snow wings around me, I began flying to the place where my senses were exploding with power. But hey, they might have power but this time fate is on my side.
This wasn’t good. This wasn’t good at all! That son of a bitch Doffy had to…how could he? How could anyone fake their resignation from being a Warlord? Or…I guess there’s him so that question doesn’t count but really, who other than him would be crazy enough to do that?
Now here I was, stuck under the pincer stance of my old nemesis and and a Marine Admiral who seemed to be missing an arm for some reason. Did he face off against a Yonko before coming here? Makes sense as Kaido’s suicidal attempts often happen around this general area. The thing is, my observation is telling me that the admiral isn’t weakened at all by the loss of his arm. What sort of bullshit is this?
Things were as bad as it could get. Bepo, my best man, went missing a couple months prior with little to no news on what had happened then things turned even more shit with Doflamingo stirring up more trouble.
I was beginning to lose the little confidence and hope I had left in the presence of two world superpowers when an unlikely voice and call brought back light into my world.
Syrup: Dynamic Entry!!!
I watched with wonder as a literal angel, white wings and all, slam her foot into Doflamingo’s face. It was as if watching it in slow motion as the Warlord’s face began to ripple (starting with his left cheek) as the force of the kick registered. His neck angled at an unholy degree as the flying foot didn’t stop. Instead, it continued to go, and go, and go until Doflamingo’s face was on the ground and the owner of the foot directly on top of it.
Syrup: I didn’t even look at where I was going. Sure am lucky today
Luck? Really? Luck? This was getting ridiculous. The little girl, or rather the monster in the form of a little girl, put her tanto on the Warlord’s neck as it began to draw some blood and said her threat.
Syrup: People like us…we train our bodies to inhuman levels. Iron shatters on our bare skin, we can run faster than a bullet, not to mention our Devil fruit abilities that has been trained to perfection…beyond what most believe possible.
The blade dug deeper much to my pleasure (and Doffy’s clearly panicked face). For some reason, the Admiral who should be defending the warlord simply stood there and watched(?) the scene happen.
Syrup: But did you know that there are a few places you just can’t train? Run and lift weights all you like but your throat will always be soft and tender…like this. No matter how hard you cover it in haki, I can still choke the breathe out of this fragile space.
Damn…little girl’s pretty scary.
Syrup: But I’ll offer you a deal. You give me the Yami Yami No-Mi and I’ll pretend this never happened. You can go back to your little business between Caesar and Law and I’ll fuck right off of your precious island. Deal?
Apparently she took that choking sound as an affirmative as she loosened the choke hold on Doflamingo and withdrew her blade…bad choice. The moment the Warlord was free he sent out waves of strings towards the girl.
Me: Shit! Run!
I knew who she was so logically thinking I shouldn’t have worried but the difference in knowing and seeing is different…as is the shocking awe of when the strings fell helplessly in her presence the moment it was near.
Syrup: *tuk* *tuk* Bad choice birdy.
Doflamingo didn’t give up as he raised his arms on the side as he called upon…his Devil Fruit?
*grrrrr* *shudder* *shudder*
Yup, it was definitely something dangerous.
Strings exploded from everything. Everything. From the trees, the sand and even some of the nearby Marines as their screams were short-lived as they turned into strings themselves.
Doflamingo: Don’t look down on me!
The girl didn’t bother answering as she sheathed her tanto and took out her longer blade, the Tachi (60cm) and took the Samurai stance, one sword style.
Syrup: Others would say One Sword Style or something equally cringey…
She whispered as the tsunami of strings drew nearer…
Syrup: But legends say NYEEAAHHHH!!!!! (AN: A reference to Voldemort’s supreme battle against Dumbledore. Search on Youtube if you don’t know).
A massive shockwave followed as the strings which once towered over Green Bit were sliced…and sliced…and sliced again until it was nothing more than tiny bits of strands…no longer connected to Doflamingo’s power. Doffy himself was knocked back from the blast but he wasn’t given the time to recover.
Using something I recognized as Teleportation…but how? How many powers does she have??!! Anyway, she teleported directly above Doflamingo before dropping down on him. She cocked back an arm which began to glow dangerously red and placed it directly on the Warlord’s forehead.
Syrup: Sweet Dreams are made of these
Who am I to disagree
POV Syrup
Personally I was amazed that Doflamingo’s (haki clad) head wasn’t burst open like a watermelon but I guess that’s the good part as well, or not. Besides, the lucky fruit seemed to be doing it’s work.
The force of the blow ricochet towards the center of Dressrosa and crashed into the main Palace where a single black dot rose into the sky…coming closer…coming closer…and landed right into my hands.
Me: Huh, impossible odds. Guess it’s my lucky day.
I really love luck. I really do. Having no more need for the fruit, I signaled the fruit off (because luck is an on-or-off type) before sending the fruit into my inventory.
Fujitora: I would like to let you go but the lives you have taken today are unforgivable.
Fuck, I forgot he would care. Sometimes I wish Kizaru would be here instead; his laziness would just have me go free from the island.
Fujitora: I hope you are ready? Allow me test your strengths then.
There it was…the iconic purple beam into space… Jesus…He really did it, didn’t he? Unfortunately, my question was answered by a flaming giant rock falling towards our location.
Yes. Yes he did. Absolute madman.
No time to waste. Running is cowardly. You know what? Fuck it!
Me: You’ll be losing your other arm as well Fujitora. Did your superior tell you that it’s nice to drop meteorites on ladies?
Fujitora: I am honored you think so highly of my strength that you feel the need to threaten me but I assure you that I will be nowhere as distracted against an opponent of your strength again. Please. Die if you would please!
Law: ROOM!
Fujitora: … *uses gravity*
Doflamingo: *disoriented* Whaaa…? WHAA??!! *Uses string net*
Before the meteorite could even touch Fujitora’s field or anyone’s, my cube encompassed the entirety of the falling rock.
Me: *Awakened Technique* 無
As the rock fell closer and closer, it began to dissolve…into nothing…as if there wasn’t a meteorite in the first place.
I turned to face the shocked expression of everyone except Fujitora.
Me: Now fuck off before I use that on you.
Truth be told, that was kind of a lie. Life, for some reason, was hard to erase to nothing. Life, as it held will, resisted and refused to become nothing. This only became harder if the opponent had learned to infuse will into their beliefs and combat (haki) so doing to them what I did to the meteorite would be nigh impossible…except for the normal marines or just maybe a limb or two from each of them.
Thankfully, it seemed like Law and Doflamingo bought the bluff as they headed off elsewhere to fight, but not before Doflamingo let off a couple of death threats and insults. Seriously, I get that he’s a master manipulator but he’ll need to do better than calling me a bitch.
Me: So it’s you again?
Fujitora: Such a powerful move. If you had such power in your arsenal, the logical choice would have been to use it at your first opening against us who are your enemies and not the meteorite which is a weapon. In other words, you cannot use what you did against me.
Me: Damn old man. You’re too keen for your own good. I thought the logical procession of thought would be scaring you off with a move like that.
Fujitora: I do admit that your showcase of strength was impressive; however, that is nowhere near enough should you want me to turn a blind eye to your deeds.
Me: You’re already blind old man.
Fujitora: And yet I see more than you ever will.
The air turned oppressive as a familiar force tried to crush me down yet again…this time I was unable to cancel it out completely.
Me: Perhaps old man.
I prepared my own blades. Two sword style. If it was going to be a one on one, there would be no holding back.
Me: And I see further than you ever could.
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