《Welcome to the Charlotte Family: A One Piece Fanfic》Dressrosa Madness Part 3
Dressrosa Madness Part 3
In truth, I already accomplished what I came here for; removing the risk of the Yami Yami No-Mi falling into the wrong hands. As in wrong hands, I meant anyone other than myself.
Fujitora: Gravity Blade!
Even with just one arm, the admiral was just plain ridiculous in stats! His right arm swinging his blade around sending out crippling amounts of gravitate ripples, cube or not, those would hurt real bad.
Flying up, I willed the snow to gather at my location. I could sense the main part of Dressrosa clearing of the blizzard as I called them all to Greenbit. Sorry Tontattas, but this is a fight I can’t afford to lose.
Putting my hand up into the clouds, I willed the snow to crystalize into ice. Still, I kept the snowy mist above his position to cloud his senses from knowing what I was to do.
Me: Remember what you did to me old man?
I felt the snow get heavier and heavier until it was no longer snow- no longer under my jurisdiction and control, but that was all I needed.
As the icy mass the size of a Super Sized Warship dropped out of nowhere, I sensed the panic of Fujitora for just a brief moment…and only a brief moment.
Being the monster he is, he got into the Samurai stance before I felt immense power gathering to his sword. Space itself bended as I felt a slight tug towards his location before he let it all loose in a single blade of his sword.
The massive purple release sliced straight through my construct before shattering it into a million pieces. Hail hailed on our location as I hit the floor running, desperate to catch him off guard while he was still recovering from that attack.
Son of a bitch, he had another one coming at me already.
Ducking under the purple beam of force displacement, I used a series of Soru to get closer to him. Tough luck though
Fujitora: Gravity Well!
Me: *crunch!* *groan*
I was so so close to him when I was heavily forced onto my knees by an insane amount of gravity. 50G? 100G? Anyone other than myself should have been crushed and be a splatter in the ground right now. Even the ground I was on began to curve into the shape of the pressing force.
Craziest of all? Fujitora did it to himself as well. Of course, between the two of us he was the physically stronger one so he wasn’t kneeling.
Fujitora: So I see that gravity does work on you after all.
Step by step, he stomped his way across the gravity field to my position.
Me: *Teleportation*
Back out of the gravity well…back to square one. Let’s do this again shall we?
POV Fujitora
Forcefully crushing together the area near my stomach to knit up the slice that Syrup had just made, I tried to analyze all I knew about her…which was not much to be honest.
She was a tough one for sure. Most likely the strongest Pirate I have faced during my career as an admiral and easily the strangest…or confusing.
Leaving her questionable morals and motives aside, her abilities were something I could not figure out yet.
To begin with she possessed spacial abilities known only by the Ope-Ope No Mi but even more. Cutting and moving objects within a specific range by her will alone except for haki infused things) as well as gravity manipulation, teleportation, and a wide combination of horror-worthy crafting.
That alone would make enough of a nightmare but she was much much worse.
Somehow she possessed the aspects of a logia as well. Not just any but the element which just so happened to be malleable, devil fruit weakening, and self-strengthening. It was as if she chose the Devil Fruit which would match her every need.
I cut her in two with my blade but made the mistake of not using haki in a hurry…and she, as if she already knew, ignored the blade completely as she used the chance to cut up my abdomen.
Syrup: *tch!* A full blade in your stomach and that’s all you show? Seriously, how much of a tank are you? Even Sakazuki cried out from that!
Me: A true warrior and advocate of Justice wavers not in front of evil.
Syrup: You consider me evil then
She surprisingly sounded a little hurt at my words.
Me: I consider you a threat to justice. Not necessarily evil but one which brings harm either way.
From the way she jumped up into the sky before diving down on me, I came to think she took that as an insult.
Blocking her double strikes, I moved in for a critical.
Syrup: *Shambles*
The blade in my hand was replaced with a wooden stick.
*stab* *drip* *drip*
I felt a deep sharp object go right through my stomach…right where the cut was.
Syrup: I got you now old man.
Pain was…hard and demanding. Throughout my years alone training I learned to fight through pain as I had learned to see without my sight. I felt the pain, but a true warrior would not let it disturb him.
A warrior’s path is to endure the hardship
Through perseverance and grit
learn to weather the storm
Look through the clouds that cover your mind
Calm the raging emotions and see the reason
A sword determines a warrior’s strength
But it is the heart shows the warrior’s resolve
It is through this trial of pain
That you, warrior, determines whether you lose or gain
POV Syrup
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. I had him…right through the liver and by dragging up the blade slightly into his lungs as well. There was no fucking way he should even be standing right now.
Fujitora: I’ve got you as well though young one.
My senses spiked through the roof as literally every observation future told me one thing
You’re Fucked
But how? How does this make sense? He should be on his knees by now dying of blood loss and losing consciousness- not getting another power up against a foe capable of fighting an admiral on equal ground!
Me: Commander PUNCH!
Letting go of my blade which was still stuck inside the admiral, I punched away the massive hand grabbing for me. It worked for a second before a heavy force came crashing down on both of us again.
Once again, I was unable to endure as I was forced onto one knee.
Me: *Telepor—
Fujitora: Black Hole
I was immediately pulled out of my technique as on the top of his palm was a tiny black sphere which seemed to cancel my spacial abilities. Never in my life did I have to worry about water or sealstone or even Blackbeard’s ability…but now I was really panicking.
What the heck? He never used that before in canon or anything at all!! Was this a new ability he just came up with or something?
Me: Luck!
As the hand came down for me again, a Fighter Fish out of nowhere crashed into us sending both of us tumbling onto the shallows of the island.
Finally! Out of there! Change of plans, I wasn’t going to fight him any longer; I’m outta here.
No such luck, ironic.
Fujitora: Universal Pull!
Ineffective as it was, I needed to try. As I expected, it was only half effective against whatever his newly awakened gravity powers were.
Inch by inch I was being dragged across the sand to him. Fujitora, standing there with blood spilling out of the countless wounds I had inflicted on him…but still standing.
Me: No! Not like this!
If I was going to be dragged anyway to him, I was going on my own terms. Going against my every instinct, I called upon Yuki once again to manifest my wings.
Crouching down for a moment before springing to him as fast as I could, I punched him directly where his left lungs should be, and also hopefully his heart.
I heard the satisfying telltale signs of a *crack* as the bones underneath shattered under my blow but something was wrong…too wrong.
The old man didn’t even attempt to dodge. He simply set up a half-hearted defense even though he should have known exactly what I was planning to do. Obviously- I was out of options.
Looking up, I saw why. A fist already heading down towards my head, barely an inch away from my eye…and it wasn’t stopping.
Fucking admirals
That was my last thought as the fist hit me and I was out.
POV Fujitora
Looking at the downed form of the girl who had nearly killed me…or will kill me from the injuries she had done, I couldn’t bring myself to kill her despite my word or her actions.
With horrible timing like always, the Marines who had evacuated from the fight came just as I fell onto my knees.
Bastille: Issho-san!
Me: *cough* *cough* Bring the medics…and chain her up as well.
Looking down at my hand, I saw that I had coughed up blood. Regardless, work needed to be done and a couple of internal injuries wouldn’t stop me.
Bastille: You need rest right now sir! Please let us take care of this!
You know, maybe trusting my men on this wasn’t such a bad idea. I fell backwards onto my back as I lay on the Sand waiting for the medic corps to come and patch me back up.
From what I was feeling in my ribs, abdomen, shoulder, legs, and countless cuts everywhere, I knew I wasn’t going to be back on the field for a couple of months at least. Unless, of course, there just so happened to be a magical Devil Fruit user (or creature) who could heal people. That was foolish thought though, my luck was nothing like the girl’s.
POV Syrup
It was not the first time I woke up in an uncomfortable situation or in a prison actually. My family trainers (or brother Katakuri later on when I beat them all up) had knocked me out and put in cells quite a lot of times.
Mostly because they were pissed but also (in brother Katakuri’s sense) to get me used to the atmosphere and to prepare me for when it does. Heck, one time they made it so real that I actually believed for a moment that Totta Land was taken over by Kaido’s forces.
Still, waking up covered head to toe in Sea Stone chains and cuffs as well as a gag is not fun. Seriously, from what I remember even Doflamingo wasn’t this heavily bound on his way to Impel Down. I’m guessing that I’m a VIP as in Very Important Prisoner?
Me: *groan* Couldn’t they have at least tied me to a bed?
Superhuman or not, the cold sea stone plated floor was really annoying and itchy. Along with the fact that I was pretty much (forcefully) spread eagled didn’t help at all.
Bastille: So you’re awake-dara.
Me: Oh hey. You’re that Vice Admiral guy, aren’t you?
Bastille: I expected more screaming and demands like an actual little girl but perhaps children of the New World are different after all.dara.
I ignored the giant of a man while taking a closer look around my surroundings. From the heavy rocking I felt from beneath me, I wasn’t locked up in Dressrosa anymore. Most likely Fujitora’s own SuperSized Battleship or one of the Marine Transport ships. Besides, how did the battle end anyway? There’s no way Fujitora would have survived that.
Me: So tell me Marine. Did I kill him?
Bastille: *sigh* You got pretty damn close-dara.
Me: Could you stop with the -dara- thing? It’s getting pretty annoying. Besides the Dara that you are saying isn’t even adding any meaning or implications to your sentence. You’re only wasting your breath by saying an extra two syllables. Also, that old man survived huh?
Bastille: …
Me: What
Bastille: You gave a long explanation on my speaking habits and then just dismissed your fight with a Marine Admiral just like that?!-dara!
Me: *sigh* There it is again. Fine then, tell me how he lived.
Bastille: After you were thoroughly trashed by-
Me: Actually I remember it being a pretty close fight as I had him nearly killed so fix that sentence please and start again.
Bastille: Short version is another son of a bitch took down Doflamin-
Me: Oh, Straw Hats
Bastille: Would you please stop interrupting?! Anyway after that conflict was settled, this little people group came out and their princess had this ability to heal people.
Me: Fucking plot
Bastille: Excuse me?
Me: And I was hoping for some change. Nothing *smile*
Bastille: Umm…ok-dara. Anyway Issho-san is fine now, whereas you aren’t.
Me: So I’m guessing we’re on our way to Impel Down?
Bastille: No. You are being taken to New MarineFord for trial before being Executed…probably.
Me: *scoff* As if you people can. I’ve fought an admiral on nigh equal ground. Do you honestly think I can’t escape? Especially now of all places?
My words were matched by a massive thunderclap just as the yelling and shouts from the deck above began.
Me: Four transport ships Bastille. That’s got to attract some attention and you foolish Marines probably already spread the news on your precious birds that you’ve caught Donquixote Doflamingo and Charlotte Syrup. Did you honestly think that would not get any attention?
A massive explosion shook the entire ship as Marines began running left and right outside of my humble cell.
Marine: Sir! Reporting! We…we…
Bastille: What is it you fool?!! Dara!
Marine: Two enemy ships closing in! We have confirmed Jack the Calamity o the Beast Pirates leading his ship! We believe he is here to free Doflamingo!
Bastille immediately paled at the mention of a Calamity of the Beast Pirates approaching before he forced himself calm.
Bastille: *whisper* It’s fine. It’s going to be fine. We have Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku-sama, Admiral Issho-sama, my colleague Tsuru-san as well as my great self.
However, the poor Marine boy continued to shiver as if he wasn’t done reporting.
Bastille: Well?
Suddenly, I felt a very familiar presence. One in which I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to.
Me: hehehe…those idiots.
Bastille: What are you talking about?dara! Petty Officer, Report to me now!
Marine: *shiver* We…we have spotted the approaching form of Queen Mama Chanter! The Flagship of the Big Mom Pirates!!
Me: Well that’s too bad isn’t it? It looks like my family’s here to bring me back before I even have a chance to break out.
As long as I live, I don't think I'll ever not stop enjoying the memory of when the horrifying realization set on the poor Vice Admiral's face.
AN: And that ends the mark of Dressrosa Madness. To answer probably the biggest question; no, Big Mom didn’t come to pick up her daughter herself. Instead she sent all the Sweet Commanders (Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker) as well as a couple other combatants. Since Sea Stone doesn’t hold or seal Syrup’s ability, I’d imagine Syrup breaking out and causing mad chaos before her brother and sisters pick her up just as the ships collide.
As for Doflamingo…well, let’s just say Jack still managed to fail even with the impromptu help from the Big Mom Pirates. Team Big Mom All the Way!
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