《Welcome to the Charlotte Family: A One Piece Fanfic》Dressrosa Madness
Mama’s close connections with the underworld would probably be what saved me from my own mistake. I was a fool for thinking that removing Blackbeard out of the picture would solve the whole ‘Super Evil Madness that is bound to happen somewhere down the road’ from happening. After all, there were still great crazies out there like Doflamingo, Kaido, all the underlings and even my own biological egg donor…or Mama.
Nevertheless news spread quickly throughout the underworld of the Joker’s new plans.
The Yami Yami No-mi
Of course. Why didn’t I see it before? Through Ace’s death Doflamingo had somehow gotten his hands on the fruit and used it to jump-start the Dressrosa arc. Now with the death replaced from Ace to Blackbeard, it seems only logical that Doflamingo would use the Yami Yami No-mi instead. Sure, it didn’t have the same history as Ace’s great adventures throughout the New World but enough was known about the fruit to be considered…well…quite strong.
Blackbeard to begin with was a member of the Whiteboard Pirates who was nominated to become a Division Commander multiple times; he then left the crew after killing a Division Commander Thatch. Through the use of his fruit he was able to wreck havoc on many islands throughout Paradise and then managing to beat Fire Fist Ace. Perhaps the cherry on top would be that he was a Warlord of the Sea as well. Through all of this combined…the Yami Yami No Mi had quite the notoriety.
Me: Would be a mess if someone decides to go full Blackbeard with that fruit…
Chances are some rookie from Doflamingo’s family would take the fruit and make a small name for themselves but the potential the fruit itself held was way too dangerous. When I was reincarnated I wasn’t able to finish One Piece (not that it was done anyway). Heck, I was only halfway through the Wano Arc (AN: I’m up to date) when the shit happened.
Whether the most evil fruit in the world really has the ability to take in multiple fruits or if it was just Blackbeard is a mystery. Perhaps the fruit makes people mad? Whatever the case, I didn’t kill Blackbeard just so another wildcard could take control.
I signaled the homie outside of my room by ringing a small glazed bell.
Homie: Yes Miss Syrup?
Me: Inform Mama that I am going on a small…business trip. Tell her that I’ll be back with the Joker’s personal stash of sweets.
Homie: At once my Lady
With the Homie gone, I began to make my preparations for Dressrosa. It should be a good time to try myself against the major forces lying in wait. If I count the dates right, I should be in time for the Straw Hat madness to begin.
The Straw Hat Crew, Heart Pirates (or just Law really), the Revolutionary Army, gladiators, Doflamingo, and the Marines who brought an actual Admiral. The things were going to go down for sure.
Me: Let’s see how I measure up, shall I?
Dressrosa was a massive island in the New World; compared to the other islands around the world…? Average. This was mostly because New World Islands tended to be smaller and dangerous as a general basis. The fact that an island can actually support an entire country instead of linking multiple together was a wonder. Sure, it would make controlling the place easy as was probably the reason why Doflamingo chose Dressrosa out of all the available places.
Coming up to the docks of Dressrosa hidden away on a typical Merchant ship, I drew the hoodie up on my head and into the crowd, blending into the streets of the city and becoming undetectable from anyone.
The streets of the kingdom was…interesting to say the least. Generally people were happy I’d say, but it was all bliss from ignorance. Ignorance from not knowing the true identities of the toys right next to them, walking down and keeping company. Unable to see through the illusion the Heavenly Demon and a specific girl had cast on the entire island.
Me: Stupid weather…
Personally, it would be so much easier if I could just let a blizzard run wild and locate everyone and take action but life was rarely that simple. As soon as I locate them through Snow enhanced Observation, Doflamingo, Fujitora as well as a few others more versed in Observation would notice my presence on the island as well. Maybe not where I am but surely that I was here at all…and that was not good. I could easily take Doflamingo on but the consequences that would follow was not in the interests of my book and facing an Admiral without backup or prior preparations was a big no-no.
To be honest, the best thing to do was avoid a fight…which was usually not my usual course of action especially since my acquiring of the Luck Luck fruit but this was beyond messy. First of all there were 3 beings who would defy fate on this island alone. Luffy, Law, and Giolla (who has the art art fruit) which was a total BS fruit on the level of the Luck Luck fruit if used correctly. Leading me to wonder why all the reality bending fruits were originally in the hands of such incompetent users such as Sugar, Giolla, Baccharate, and Perona. Maybe not a Devil fruit user but Princess Sarohishi of Fishman Island has this amazing power (Poseidon) from an ancient weapon capable of taking over the entire world…kaido or not, and she’s literally useless…wow. Taking the mind off the reality benders, there were still some serious players to be considered such as Sabo of the Revolutionary Army, Vice Admiral something, and Fujitora himself. Facing one of them and possibly(just possibly) winning might not be a problem but facing both of them would be bad even for me. Of course, I’d rather face Sabo than Fujitora. Someone with no devil fruit powers and a less developed observation would be a better match against my future sight and devil fruits.
So where was the damn Yami Yami no-mi. I’d like to just steal the fruit and jump right back out without anyone noticing please. I’m not a big fan of getting caught by some monster in the New World you see.
I slipped into the crowd watching the gladiators fighting. It looked like it hadn’t reached Luffy’s turn yet as what I saw was a giant man wearing a paper lunchbag over his head and beating everyone up. What was his name again? Jesus something with the massive muscle and not proportionate head size was pretty much dominating the arena but I didn’t come to see that anyway. I put my senses do the waters below the arena for each and every fish.
If I could remember correctly, Diamante had this great (not) idea about attaching a treasure chest to the Fighter Fish in the arena somewhere and put the Mera-Mera No mi there. Honestly not a bad idea but shame…looks like my luck wasn’t enough this time…which doesn’t happen often honestly. Through a little frost manipulation (cooling down the water temperature drastically), I sensed every fighter fish underneath the arena…none of them had something attached to them. Did Diamante only attach it after the initial rounds were complete? I couldn’t remember.
Crap, this would be a lot more annoying than I thought. Either I would need to beat up Diamante (again) and get the location out of him or I try to find it on my own. But realistically finding the fruit by myself without revealing myself? Not possible.
I silently removed myself from the arena just as the muscle mass revealed himself as Jesus Burger? Burgeees? I honestly can’t remember second-rate characters anyway; Blackbeard’s 10 Titanic Captains or not. It just happens to be my unusually strange luck that day that I had to meet Fujitora on the way out.
Personally I had nothing against the man; heck, on the flip side I had more respect for him than most of the people in One Piece. A blind man dedicating himself to blind justice no matter what; one of the only few in the world capable of seeing people for who they truly are…stripping away the outward appearances and disregarding the sweetness of the seductive temptations and lies. That just happened to be my downfall as well.
Fujitora: Girl…you have a strange aura
No shit I do.
Me: You can tell but I’m not looking for trouble and I doubt you would like it as well. We can both go on our ways and we leave here peacefully.
I tried to reason with him, which is actually possible with Fujitora by the way. I can imagine how this talk would have gone with either Kizaru or Akainu. Kizaru probably wouldn’t have even bothered to listen while Akainu would take everything as proof that Pirates are somehow rotten.
Fujitora: You might not cause trouble here now…yes. But you are a potential danger to us all.
As he put his hand behind him to draw something, I put my own hand on my blade; ready to draw it out in a moment’s notice. I didn’t expect him to attack but it was still better to be cautious just in case. Instead of his blade or anything like a weapon, he drew his trusty dice and wooden bowl. I should have expected.
Fujitora: So let’s gamble, shall we? Two dices…anything more than a six, we fight. Anything less, we pretend we’ve never met.
He didn’t wait for an answer as he began shaking the bowl with the dice still inside of it. Possibility was half and half…and honestly considering his luck it was going to be in our favor but I wasn’t taking any chances.
Trying my best to avoid suspicion, I activated my Luck Luck fruit on myself as I waited for the results to show. The admiral slammed down the bowl downward on the wooden surface of a table (which just so happened to be nearby). Slowly he lifted off the bowl.
Fujitora: …2
A sigh of relief went through me…before his next words froze me, no pun intended.
Fujitora: You cheated.
Me: No
Truthfully speaking I didn’t cheat.
Me: You said your decision would be on the sum of the two faces of the dice facing up. There was no rule about manipulating the dice to our favor. This is no casino or gambling club where such an action is prohibited. Look around old man; we are out in the middle of the streets with no one to enforce the rules that were never mentioned.
I drew my blade regardless
Me: Should you wish to try though…feel free.
Not an empty threat but certainly not an eager one either. From the emotions I could feel from him through my less developed haki (than his emotional sensing ones) I could sense he felt quite the same. Conflicted…relieved…but also a tiny bit of nerves getting on him abut the idea of facing a girl who took Akainu’s arm and faced against Aokiji, Sengoku, and even Garp. Or at least that would be how the world knows me.
Before he could answer, someone else answered for the both of us. Maybe it was for the better…or maybe it was for the worst but the reply came in the form of an attempted punch directly at Fujitora’s face…which the Admiral took head on by covering the portion in pitch black haki.
Sabo: *grunt* Holy Dragon! Your face is harder than Kuma’s! Do you have any idea how hard that is?
No reply given back. The stoic admiral jumped right into action as his knees jerked down for a split second before springing towards Sabo at a speed I normally wouldn’t believe for a man of his shape and size; but heck, he was an admiral. They were monsters who broke common sense and the laws of physics before breakast.
Dressrosa Part 2
Great Fucking Great. Two people I didn’t want to see the most gathered here smack in the middle of fucking Dressrosa…gathering the attention of pretty much everyone. Doflamingo would know something is up by now…I can only hope he’s distracted enough with Straw Hats and Law to really care at this point.
I tried to tiptoe (metaphorically, not literally) away from the fight between Sabo and Fujitora when a blade stopped my path.
Fujitora: Our business is not yet done young lady.
Me: You really want to do this? You do realize you already have an enemy. Don’t you?
Sabo: Don’t take your eyes off of me old man!
Well…he doesn’t really need them though, does he Sabo? As expected, Fujitora wasn’t caught off guard as in one swift move he swung his blade first at my neck (which I dodged) before once again at Sabo.
Me: Fight it is. *sigh* I miss the small fries.
In my crouched position, I was about to spring myself directly towards the unprepared (just looks like it though) when a crushing force was felt on my location.
Me: *tremble *tremble* Gravity training huh?
Fujitora: I recommend you yield young Lady
The fact that he could say that while locked in a pipe to blade combat with Sabo was quite impressive. For a moment I considered just undoing the gravity and dipping but…*sigh*
Me: Fucking Charlotte genes
I don’t necessarily fight opponents who might be stronger than me but backing down from a challenge simply hurt my pride; and my pride as a Sweet Commander and a Charlotte wouldn’t let me take that shit.
As I called upon my first fruit, I felt the bounds and pressure of gravity disappear as I claimed the space around me as mine.
Me: I might not have consumed the Fuwa Fuwa (Float Float) No-mi but I have my own ways of countering your ability.
I senses the heartbeat in Fujitora beat faster as he realized that he was effectively facing 2v1 now. Well, too late for him really.
Me: Soru!!
Reappearing directly behind him I put my blade between his shoulders while both of his hands were occupied with Sabo.
Fujitora: *grunt*
Me: Holy Flambe! How thick skinned could you be??!!
I obviously knew the worst case scenario-Mama, but Fujitora was still in league with the absolutely insane. While Haki would help in such cases, what sort of monster would learn how to cover armament on not only his skin, but underskin, muscle, and even the blood vessels protecting the nervous system and skeletal structure?
Fujitora: You’re not one to say such words little Miss. You’re something of a monster yourself, thick skinned or not.
Now that was just plain rude. Calling a girl like me a monster. I felt the sides of my face twitch as my lips curled upwards in hate.
Sabo: Holy Shi—
Do you know what is the difference between carving and slicing? Slicing is what most people do every day with your usual meat. When you get your steak and cut your steak with a steak knife, that’s slicing. You cut your meat with a rather longer and flexible knife. But what is carving?
Carving is an art. An art used to demonstrate wealth and power to guests of de-boning and serving meat. The main difference from slicing is that carving works with the bone. Instead of a long flexible knife, a carving knife is short, rigid, and very solid. A true master of carving knows the anatomy of the flesh they are to carve…and does so by separating meat from bone in less than two slices per serving.
And that is me.
POV Fujitora (Real name Issho)
Instinct is a sense I had honed over many decades and I have come to trust it even more than the colors of observation. Instinct has saved my neck countless times and it has held true this one time as well. As in my neck was safe…but not so much my left arm.
I sensed the damage before I felt it. When I lost the entirety of my senses on my left side I knew something was wrong. The panicked facial expression of the Vice Leader of the Revolutionary Army was enough to warn me of what was going to happen…or too late. It already did.
Jerking my entire being to the right, I knew that I had avoided the worst of it but that didn’t stop the pain. The pain of losing an entire arm. It looked like the girl had managed to prove her worth.
A primordial scream of pain came right up to the tip of my tongue before I pushed it down. I was an admiral. I had already put my life of forfeit when I had joined the World Government. There were things yet to be done and rules to be changed. I couldn’t afford to fall just because of an arm.
The resolution in me got stronger as I directed the unbelievable pain to conviction and determination. Determination to Will as something changed…something changed as my will manifested into power. Power to grant the changes I will make.
The Devil Fruit, the Thud Thud fruit, in which was with me for so long shifted inside of me as I felt a fundamental change occur. It felt…limitless. Even in the midst of the pain and being in the state of being crippled I could not help but feel exhilarated at the change.
I saw the girl coming once again, probably to remove my head this time but I wouldn’t take any more chances with her anymore. No. She was right after all; my enemy was Sabo of the Revolutionary Army. I would deal with her later if we were unlucky to cross paths again.
My new Devil Fruit responded to my wishes I lifted my one remaining hand and dropped the blade. Holding it out towards the approaching girl…
Me: Almighty Push!!
For a split second, I sensed the shocked feeling of the girl that my Devil fruit had effect before she was blasted off miles and miles away. Sure that wouldn’t harm her in the least but at least that’d be the last I see of her…right?
Forcing close my wound on my left shoulder by crushing together the exposed parts, I turned to face the Revolutionary who was so kindly enough to wait for me.
Me: I must apologize for that. I assure you that something like this will not happen again.
The blade returned to my hand and I turned it into the familiar backhand grip.
Me: I trust you are ready?
Judging from the expression of the right hand man of Dragon, I didn’t need a verbal reply.
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