《The Daily Life of a Divine Soul》Chapter 3: Mercenary Guild


Chapter 3: Mercenary Guild

Wondering about the streets, Yu was unaware about the groundbreaking changes he’s made to the city as he’s too busy trying to find his way back to the Southern Sky inn.

Along the way, he met some friendly locals who were kind enough to guide him to the right direction, as Yu was a person who was polite and upright, he would often bow his head to express his gratitude. By the end of the day, the amount of time’s he’s bowed is far too many to count.

By the time he made his way back to the Southern Sky inn, the sun was already setting. Although he got lost, Yu saw many wonderful sights in the city and made a few acquaintances. Greeting the lady from before, he decided to hang around the lobby as he wanted to relax for the rest of the day.

“Have you heard about that Saint Stage expert?!” The same girl from the morning spoke.

Yu, surprised by this became curious, so he decided to listen.

“Yeah! I heard he blocked Meng Batien’s blade without breaking a sweat! Truly worthy of their name!” The second girl from before spoke in enthusiasm.

“I wonder which sect he’s from. People say he wore a grey robe and looked to be around 20 or so.” The first girl replied.

“Yeah! I think he’s one of those Rogue experts that don’t belong to any sects or groups, terrifying!” The second girl replied.

Yu who was listening to this conversation wondered, So there are people like that as well, I wonder if I should become one of those Rogue experts?

Little did our Yu know that he’s already one in the eyes of the masses.

Soon, the inn became more and more crowded as the night drew closer. Yu was still inside, relaxing at his own leisure.

Somewhere outside the inn, three cloaked figures, hiding their faces with masks gathered in a room.

“From what the rumors say, he’s a male youth in grey robes. Seen anyone that fit the description?” A young female voice resounded in the room.

“I’ve seen two thus far, one appeared to be someone in the blood tempering stage, the other… I’m not too sure…” A cold male voice spoke this time.

“Oh? What do you mean you’re not too sure?” A third voice resounded, that of a young male that was rather mischievous.

“I could not feel a single thing from him, like he was air…” The first male voice said.

“Then we’ve hit our mark, Where is he at?” The girl replied.

“I don’t know, I saw him exit the city hall once and that was it. From what the rumors say, he was seen enjoying a cup of tea in the 5 Fragrance Tea store.” The first male said.

“We should send some people to keep watch at the store, he might return the next day.” The second male said, making the other two nod in agreement.

Back at the inn, Yu did not find anything interesting to listen to so he decided to eat dinner and go to sleep.

The next day, Yu wore a different set of clothes, this time light brown mixed with dark grey before going to the front desk of the inn, grabbing breakfast as he’s asked the inn lady for anything interesting to see in the City, as well as a way to earn money in the meantime as those 60, now 50 or so gold will not last him forever.

“Sightseeing and a way to earn money? I suggest going to mercenary guild cause you look pretty strong and perhaps the auction house. There’s always something interesting to see there.” The inn lady said in suggestion.


Thinking of these things, Yu decided that he’ll go to the mercenary guild today, as the auction house is too high end for him. Giving his thanks before asking for directions, Yu reached the Mercenary guild with ease. A large building with large glass panes the lit the inside could be seen, on top of the wide open double doors are the words “Mercenary Guild” written on a wooden panel.

Entering the building, Yu saw different kinds of people in the lobby, from tall and rough men wearing heavy armor to fit figures wearing minimal amounts of armor with short swords and daggers hanging from their waists. Sometimes someone wearing robes would appear, appearing grand and arrogant.

“Welcome to the Mercenary Guild, how may I help you?” A youth said, wearing a kind smile as he did.

“I was thinking of registering as a mercenary, is it possible at the moment?” Yu replied calmly.

“It is, do you have an identification stone?” The youth said.

“Uh… Not yet. I have one being made in the City hall at the moment.” Yu replied as he scratched the back of his head, somewhat embarrassed.

“It’s fine, we’ll provide you with a temporary one. You can also get one made for you through the guild if your rank reaches D, although it usually takes people a few weeks to get to that point.” The youth explained.

“I’ll go with the temporary one for now then.” Yu said.

“Alright, give me a few moments then.” The youth said as he grabbed a small piece of paper, asking Yu to fill it out. Doing as he’s told, the form was filled, without the need to use a drop of blood this time around. Before long, the youth handed Yu a small iron necklace with his name engraved on it.

“Here we go, congratulations on becoming a rank F mercenary!” The youth exclaimed.

“Eh? I don’t have to pay?” Yu replied in confusion.

“Your first three missions will have some of its rewards taken by the guild as compensation. After these three missions, you’ll instantly become a rank E mercenary.” The youth explained.

“I see, it it possible to take a difficult mission at this time?” Yu inquired.

“Yes, but if you do so, the guild will not be responsible for any losses, although unlike the easier tasks, you won’t be forced to compensate in the case that you do fail.” The youth explained kindly.

“That’s good, where are the missions I can take?”

“Over there on the mission board, please keep in mind that the board is divided per rank, and on the very right are the missions that anyone can take, although they have varying difficulties, so please pick wisely!” The youth warned.

“Okay, many thanks!” Yu replied before making his way to the mission board, immediately heading for the missions that anyone can take. But to Yu’s surprise, this area is devoid of anyone, even the A ranked board had more people than this side!

Curious, Yu read one of the missions.

“Mission, kill the Blood Starved Hound pack inside the outer edge of the Ancient forest…” Yu read before moving onto another.

“Mission, Kill a wounded elder dragon deep in the Ancient Forest, bonus rewards are given if you could obtain its egg.” Yu grew quiet and realized why no one was willing to undertake these missions…. They’re way too intimidating!

A pack of Blood Starved Hounds?! Wounded Elder Dragon?! They both sound scary either ways! Yu exclaimed in heart, forgetting the fact that he’s killed a Titan Boa a few days ago with a single move, although accidental.


After a while of pondering, Yu decided to take one of the more “safer” missions on the board.

“Obtain an Ancient Flowering Lotus.” Yu read, realizing that the mission included a map as to where the flower was, he decided to settle on this mission. Returning to the youth, he showed him the mission asking if it’s alright to take it.

“You… Do you understand what an Ancient Flowering Lotus is?” The youth’s voice trembled.

“Nope, but it sounds interesting, and it says it includes a map so it should be easy enough.” Yu replied nonchalantly.

“You….. Not wanting to talk with dead men, the youth went back to a room behind him, handing him a black box along with a piece of paper.

“Use this box to store the flower, and this is the map. Don’t do anything stupid! If things look bleak, leave, the guild won't punish you for doing so.” The youth warned in consideration.

Feeling somewhat touched, Yu thanked him before storing the two items in his bag. Seeing him do so, the youth was surprised! As a spatial bag is not something an ordinary figure would have, making him less worried for Yu.

Soon, Yu departed for the southern gate of the city. Feeling to be somewhat familiar, he realized that this was where he first went through, and his guesses were correct, as the man in armor came into view.

“Heading out?” The man asked.

“Yeah, took a mission from the mercenary guild.” Yu replied.

“Tsk, you got lucky once. Don’t get yourself killed.” The man said as he signaled the men to open the gate.

With that, Yu exited Nantian City, and as he’s still got rations and clothes from what Tian Shen originally gave, he decided to set off as soon as possible. Following the map, he encountered little to not troubles as he started unconsciously operating the high level Saint movement skill, 7 Misty Ghosts Steps, breezing through the forest with ease.

As ventured deeper, Yu released 1/10ths of his strength, releasing a faint greenish blue aura and greatly increasing his speed and seeming more and more like a ghost.

Sadly, Yu was not aware and thought nothing of it other than him getting more accustomed to his new body.

In a few breaths, Yu has covered more than a dozen miles with ease, nearing his goal. But his journey was not destined to be peaceful, for soon, Yu hears the scream of someone in the distance.

Being the upright individual that he is, Yu dashed forward to help.

Seeing the scene where he heard the shout, Yu was startled, as a male and female pair who both seemed to be mercenaries based on their armor and equipment was surrounded by blood red wolves. Their numbers seemingly endless as they surround the pair. Looking closer, on the ground between the two is another male, wounded and unconscious.

Seeing their sorry state, Yu decided to help, not minding his own circumstances. Releasing 3/10ths of his strength his aura grew stronger, and as it did, the wolves immediately sensed his presence. Feeling this terrifyingly pure energy emanating from a single person, the wolves decided to flee as they felt that even if they were to group up against this person, they won’t be his match no matter how many they were!

Spirit Stage expert! The pair exclaimed in their hearts as based on the aura Yu released, they could feel it somewhat suffocating due to its thickness.

Seeing them terrified, Yu suppressed his aura back to 1/10ths. As he did, the pair became relieved.

“Many thanks senior for lending us a hand!” The female mercenary replied.

Am I that old!? Yu exclaimed in his heart.

Seeing that he went quiet, the female mercenary became terrified, on her face showed a very worried expression, wondering what she did wrong. As for the male, he was equally terrified, for as far as he knows, these kinds of experts are haughty and eccentric, one wrong word could send you to the afterlife!

Yu saw this and beckoned with his hand before saying: “it’s fine, I was just lost in thought. Ha hah…”

Calming down, the pair heaved a sigh of relief.

“How about him? Is he okay?” Yu asked in slight worry.

“He’s fine sir, just unconscious from the shock.” The male replied.

“I see, then its best to bring him back to the city.” Yu suggested.

“We were on our way, but we got attacked by that pack of Blood Starved Hounds.” The male sigh helplessly before continuing: “But thanks to sir, we are fine!”

Feeling good for his good deed, Yu chuckled before replying: “It’s fine, my mother always told me to help those in need.”

Hearing his words, the pair nodded before they started to carry the young man over their shoulders. Expressing their gratitude one last time before eventually vanishing. As they did however, multiple shadows appeared around the trees nearby Yu, appearing to be observing his every move.

Confused as to who these shadows are, Yu prepared to run, prepared to unleash his full might to leave these poor souls in the dust!

But sadly, that time did not come as a female dressed in black cloth, blocking all but her clear blue eyes appeared in front of Yu, bowing sincerely as it explained, with a voice as sweet as honey: ”Many thanks senior, if not for your help, we would’ve been forced to end the prince’s journey early.”

“Prince?” Yu asked.

“Indeed, the prince of the Ca Long Empire, Long Yi.” The female ninja explained, but to no avail as Yu has no idea what the Ca Long Empire is, let along some youth named Long Yi. But not wanting to be rude, he expressed that it was no big deal.

“Senior is kind and benevolent. For your service, we are willing to offer you a gift.” The female expressed as if trying to allure him. Sadly for her, our little Yu has declined a considerable amount confessions in his high school days, being nicknamed “Heart Breaker Yu” once.

“No thanks, my mother has always told me that a good act should be done without thinking about a reward. I saved them because they were in need.” Yu explained, as he thought of it as being too troublesome. After all, he still has a mission to finish.

“I see, the Ca Lang Empire shall be in your debt then, may I ask what Senior’s name is?” The female ninja asked.

“Leng Yu, though don’t take it to heart. Anyways, I need to get going now, I still have my own mission to finish.” Yu explained in a hurry, taking his leave as he didn’t to continue conversing with these shady figures.

Seeing his departing figure, the female ninja sighed, wondering as to who this youth is and how can one be so selfless. With that, the image of Yu in the hearts of these figures became a kind saint who would lend out a helping hand to all those in need regardless of the situation. Soon, the Emperor received news of how this kind saint saved his youngest son without wishing for anything in return, he became touched, wishing to meet this kind figure. Within a few days, Yu became sought after in the Ca Lang Empire. Making his name spread out throughout the divine continent.

Sadly, the kind saint that everyone is searching for has lost his way in the Ancient Forest, as he’s forgotten where he went through as the scenery around him is basically the same in all angles.

Author Note: The number of minio- I mean followers grown exponentially! With this, I am satisfied! I'll prolly release a chapter later... or instantly if this novel reaches 100 followers

Also, curious about that romance tag? Want to know when it gets all lovey dovey? If we reach a hundred followers I'll release the first chapter that introduces the first love interest

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