《The Daily Life of a Divine Soul》Chapter 2: Young Master


Chapter 2: Young Master

Waking up in the morning, Yu performed a few stretches before going to the bathroom to freshen up. Putting on the sling bag and wearing the grey robes again, he went downstairs.

Compared to last night’s desolate appearance, the inn’s lobby was a lot more lively, with people wearing different kinds of clothing coming in and out. Observing what they wore, it was somewhat similar to what Yu wore, giving him a sense of relief, knowing that he won’t stand out like a sore thumb. He then proceeded to find the inn lady again to ask for breakfast.

“Had a goodnight’s rest?” A voice rang out from the counter.

“Yeah, the bed was nice and I was surprised to find a bathroom” Yu replied with a slight smile.

“That’s good to know, I’m glad you like our room.” The lady replied with a sweet smile before continuing: “Oh right, we’re serving breakfast at the moment, today it’s vegetable soup with hard bread and it’s 70 copper per serving.”

“Then I’ll have a serving then.” Yu said as he gave the lady a piece of silver before sitting down on a vacant stool and table. As it might take a while, Yu decided to listen to a few conversations of the people around.

“Have you heard about yesterday’s event?” A female voice said.

“No? Was there anything that happened even?” Another female voice replied.

“Eh?! You didn’t see that second moon that appeared in the sky?” The first female voice said in disbelief.

“Second moon?” The second voice replied.

“Yeah! It was twice as massive as the first moon and it dyed the whole sky greenish blue! Though it only appeared for a while, it was still amazing to see!” The first female said as she excitedly explained.

Hearing this, Yu’s forehead started to form small beads of sweat as nearly everyone in the inn was having the same conversation as these two girls. About this great moon, this great moon that was currently having breakfast with them.

Heaving a sigh, the lady came back with his change and breakfast. Giving his thanks, Yu ate his breakfast at his own pace, listening more to the conversations around.

From what he heard, the second moon had caused a great deal of commotion in the Divine continent, as experts from all around the continent rushed towards the place where the event took place. Hearing the word “expert”, Yu assumed them to be similar to the two pairs of grandfathers from before.

Realizing that his aura is the same as that moon everyone is so familiar with, Yu has sworn in his heart to hide his abilities for now.

Finishing his breakfast, he left the inn after saying his goodbyes to the lady. After heading outside, he realized that he has no idea where the city hall is, but being the polite and resourceful youth that he is, he asked around, getting answers before eventually finding where the City Hall is located.

Making his way towards the city hall, a great commotion happened along the road that he was traveling.

“The young master has returned!” A loud voice filled to the brim with enthusiasm resounded in the open street. Soon, an empty path was made, allowing a great sedan to pass. The sedan was black, decorated with gold and fine white silk, Yu estimated that it’s probably this world’s equivalence to an expensive sports car, as this sedan was towed by a pair of great beasts.

Finding things to be interesting, Yu decided to watch along the way, as it appears that this supposed young master is a powerful figure.


Soon, this young master’s figure was revealed, a young handsome youth who was without a doubt was more handsome than our little Yu, he wore a fine white robe decorated with silver, giving him a sense of purity, his eyes were of the color blue, making them irresistible to look at.

Sadly, his charms in Yu’s eyes were only so-so as he’s seen prettier Korean boys in his life back in his home world.

Deciding to mind his own business, Yu continued on his way as he’s lost interest in this supposed great young master. Leaving the crowded street, he increased his pace of walking and he’s chosen to travel in a less crowded street, his figure could be seen dashing forward, seemingly like a ghost.

Of course, our Little Yu does not realize this as he thought of it as nothing but walking slightly faster. Little did he know that apart from gaining the two grandfather’s peerless strength, he’s also absorbed most of their skills, although only using them unconsciously as he had no training nor knowledge about them what so ever. Fortunately, he can’t be influenced by their thoughts or emotion before they perished thanks to Tian Shen.

This walking technique that Yu is using is one of them, if an expert were to observe Yu’s movements, they could immediately tell that he’s currently using the high-level Saint movement technique 7 Misty Ghost Steps! A technique that the Very Evil grandfather is very fond of, managing to train to the absolute perfection.

Although Yu’s execution of the skill is nothing but an unconscious use, it is still a high-level Saint movement skill, allowing him to pass through the street with ease.

Arriving at the City hall’s entrance, Yu took a few seconds to appreciate its beautiful appearance, the building is situated at the point of the city, being as tall as a seven-story building, it had a sense grandness to it, making it stand out compared to the other buildings nearby.

Going inside, Yu made his way to one of the desks inside the massive hall.

“Hello, welcome to the Nantian City Hall, how may I help you?” A girl who looked to be 16 years old greeted me.

So young yet already working. Very admirable. As Yu praised the girl for her ability to work at such an age, the girl instead mistook it for him appraising her beauty, making her somewhat annoyed at him. However, having worked for quite some time there, the girl did her best not to show her annoyance.

“I was thinking of getting an identification stone made for me.” Yu replied, not minding the sudden change of atmosphere of the girl.

Surprised, the girl quickly replied: “A rare request, usually people join a guild or sect to get one instead, it’s usually free and doesn’t require much to be made.”

“So I’ve been told, but having the restrictions of a guild or sect doesn’t really fit my needs at the moment.” Yu replied giving a hollow laugh as he scratched the back of his head.

“I see, creating an identification stone costs 5 gold” The girl said.

“I see, here.” Yu replied as he handed 5 gold coins from his bag.

“Give me a few moments then.” The girl said before standing up and going up the cabinets behind her, seeming to try to find a file.

“Here we go, please fill up this form and if you cannot read nor write then I can do it for you.” The girl said as he handed him a piece of paper.


To Yu’s surprise, it was written in Chinese characters, allowing him to read it with ease. Grabbing a pen nearby, Yu filled up the form. The form itself asked for his name, age, place of birth and profession.

It appears that the place of birth and profession is optional, so Yu decided not to fill it up. Filling up the form, the girl gave him a pin to obtain a drop of blood for him. Although finding it weird, Yu decided to do so anyways but to his surprise, the pin could not pierce through his skin.

Troubled, Yu tried to exert more force, but sadly, doing so only made the pin bend at an awkward angle. Seeing the farce play out in front of her, the corners of the girl’s mouth twitched as she did her best to remain calm.

“Are you having difficulties, sir?” The girl replied with the kindest smile she can muster at the moment. Sadly it doesn’t look too pretty.

“Yes… It appears that the pin couldn’t pierce through my skin…” Yu replied as he scratched the back of his head giving a hollow laugh.

“I see, give me a few moments please.” The girl said as he went back to the drawer, bringing back a beautiful silver dagger this time around.

“Please use this.” She said as she started to emit a small but ominous aura.

“T-thank you…” Yu replied as he grabbed the dagger and attempted to cut his skin again. Sadly, his skin was just too strong! After all, this is a body crafted by a god, the best this flimsy dagger can do is tickle him a bit and maybe scratch his back.

Seeing this, the girl behind the desk isn’t too pleased, starting to wonder if this person is one of the many eccentric experts that roam the continent who enjoys bullying mortals like her, or if he’s a thick skinned divine beast in human form. Though she’s not too far from the truth.

Sighing, the girl found some ink and asked Yu to place his thumbprint on the paper instead. Yu did not waste any time as he swiftly did as he’s told. The girl retrieved the form before telling him that it will take a while for the identification stone to be made before asking him to return the day after tomorrow.

Nodding his head and giving his thanks, he left the City hall. As he did, the parade he saw a while back has finally reached near the entrance of the city hall.

They’re surprisingly slow… Yu thought in his head, but due to the help of 7 Misty Ghost Steps, Yu was able to reach the City hall quickly. Nantian City is no ordinary city, it’s size is one of the largest and reaching the City hall from the Southern Sky Inn normally takes half a day on foot if one doesn’t use one of the public transportation or if one isn’t one of the many experts of this world and on a rare occasion, if one’s body isn’t handcrafted by a god.

By the time Yu reached the city hall it was still in the morning, so seeing the parade here already is considered as fast in the eyes of the average citizens, praising the speed of the beasts that tow the beautiful sedan. Sadly Yu isn’t one of the citizens.

“The young master has returned!” The same enthusiastic voice from before resounded, causing the nearby citizens to cheer for this young master.

Yu who was absolutely confused as to why this young master is so important asked someone nearby as to who this young master is.

To the man’s surprise, he gave Yu a look of pity, thinking he’s one of the lesser learned people. Patting Yu’s shoulder, the man explained that he is the son of the city lord, as well as an inner disciple of the Divine Continent Central Academy.

Remembering that he’s currently in the Divine Continent, Yu assumed that this academy is probably one of the best, although he’s not wrong, but the Divine Continent Central Academy is currently the best academy there is.

The man continued explaining that the young master has reached the early stages of the Advanced stage, making him the pride of the city due to his talent and many accomplishments.

Normally, a person would be full of praises when they hear that someone who’s not even twenty reaches the advance stage. Sadly, Yu has no idea as to what an Advanced stage even is but seeing the worship in the man’s eyes, he decided to praise this young master to not look too suspicious.

“He must’ve been a one in a thousand talent, yeah…” Yu said, trying to think of more flowery words but failing.

Hearing Yu’s half-assed praises, the man wasn’t too pleased and left Yu be to join the festival that was happening at the moment.

Shrugging his shoulders, Yu decided to view more of the City, wondering if there are café like places where he could enjoy some fragrant tea. As when Yu was younger, he would enjoy drinking tea together with his beloved grandmother in the countryside, before it eventually became a habit where he would go to a café to enjoy some tea once a week.

Asking around, he found a nearby clean and hospitable Café and decided to read through their selection of teas. But seeing that there are many interesting ones, he decided to have the most popular one for now. Paying before selecting a chair and table outside the store. He sat down and waited for his tea to get served, admiring the clean and beautiful streets of Nantian city, with its bustling pedestrians and colorful buildings.

Finding the city to be wonderful, Yu thought that it wouldn’t be so bad to live here. Sadly, his time of peace was cut short as a commotion nearby happened, well the time of peace for everybody else as Yu decided to pick up a nearby pamphlet to read out.

“You dare show your face again Meng Batien?!” A calm voice roared out, causing all heads to turn and look, excluding Yu that is, as he was too immersed in reading the pamphlet. This young man was the Young Master from before, this time he wore a silver set of armor, matching the beautiful silver sword on his right hand which was glowing even under the morning sun.

“Hmhph! Do you believe yourself to be crown prince of this City Xiamen Ru? I can easily take your head with ease!” An angry and arrogant voice rang out in reply. He was just as handsome as Xiamen Ru, but his face and hairstyle were more on the wild side and on his body is a set of bright red colored armor, seemingly soaked in blood, making him somewhat the opposite of Xiamen Ru. On his hand was a long red polearm, seemingly on perpetual fire as the edge burnt a beautiful scarlet.

Soon, the scene of two young men having a showdown in the middle of the street that Yu was currently reading the pamphlet in. In a few seconds, the waiter served his tea, naming it the 5 Petal Blooming Flower before hastily taking his leave.

Receiving the cup, Yu was astonished! As on the surface was the pattern of 5 petals, making it look like as if a flower was blooming in the cup. Taking a sip, he was astonished yet again! As the tea was not only fragrant, but tasted really good.

While Yu was enjoying his cup of tea, praising it in his heart and nodding his head in approval, the nearby showdown was reaching a boiling point as the two parties were done talking, soon the portion of the street where the battle was taking place became vacant, leaving three men: Meng Batien, Xiamen Ru, and our own little Yu.

Soon, the two figures vanished, closing down the distance between each other as their weapons clash, producing a strong shockwave that somewhat shook the ground. The nearby spectators cheer as they are able to see such a fierce fight, but soon shocked to see another youth nearby, seemingly immersed in appraising his cup of tea.

They could not tell if he was the bravest man in the world, a powerful expert that disdains all life, or just a plain idiot who’s unaware of the current predicament.

Actually, Yu has already noticed that there were two people bickering behind him, however, as he cannot feel the tides of their battle as his own body treats it like the warm breeze of summer, he assumed that they settled their differences and went on their way.

As the two fought, they both noticed Yu’s presence, curious as to who this youth was, they had a temporary cease-fire.

“Brother, it appears that you’re unaffected by our battle. Sadly I cannot guarantee that you will remain unaffected if you continue to insist that you remain there.” Xiamen Ru warned, wanting to be seen as polite.

“I haven’t finished this wonderful cup of tea yet, I spent good money on it you know? It would be a waste to leave without finishing it.” Yu replied without looking back as he was still reading the pamphlet.

However, Meng Batien’s temper wasn’t as lenient as Xiamen Ru’s as he roared out in anger: “You believe that a cup of tea is worth your life?!”

“No not really, I’ve been raised as a child to not waste food, therefore I shall finish this tea before leaving.” Yu replied proudly, however, his speech only caused Meng Batien to be even more infuriated.

The spectators started sweating on their foreheads, thinking that this youth was no ordinary youth! Only someone of a higher realm would disregard a fight between two Advanced Stage experts!

Sadly, Xiamen Ru and Meng Batien did not have the same idea, as their pride is just way too massive.

Unable to hold it in, Meng Batien swung his polearm at unbelievable speeds, causing the winds to blow. But the next scene scared them silly as the polearm’s blade was caught with the back of Yu’s hand as he continued to read the pamphlet, causing it to stop, as if an immovable wall of steel blocked its path!

In reality, Yu’s arm was just getting sore so he decided to stretch it a bit as he was about to finish his cup of tea.

Scared silly, Meng Batien retreated as far as he could in an instant, large beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he could not believe that someone who is not releasing the slightest amount of aura could block his polearm, he originally thought that Yu would dodge the blade which would prove him to be a Spirit stage expert or higher but never would he have thought that he’d block it with his bare hands!

Saint Stage expert! These words resounded in the minds of everyone who witnessed this scene, as this was the only explanation as to how this youth could perform such a feat.

While this was going one, Yu finished his cup of tea, standing from his chair and keeping the pamphlet with him, taking his leave as everyone was frozen in place. Yu realized this and decided in his head that this was one of the many weird customs in the City.

Soon, his figure vanished from the crowd, causing Meng Batien to break from his trance. His legs grew soft as he collapsed, thinking that he has been spared by the Saint Stage expert, thanking his ancestors for all the good they’ve done in their lives, Xiamen Ru on the other hand was equally as scared, deciding to take what happened today to heart.

From that day forth, Meng Batien got rid of his arrogant attitude, holding Yu in reverence as he was willing to spare an ant like him. This change shocked everyone in the Meng clan, wondering what event he encountered to have such a heaven defying change. He and Xiamen Ru resolved all conflicts, deciding to become brothers who've survived a life threatening crisis as the two families formed an alliance and soon, Nantian City became not only more peaceful, but more prosperous as two of its most powerful families are now working together.

As for Yu who was the cause of all this, he was currently lost in the big city, not knowing where to go.

Author Note: Enjoying my novel? Feel free to follow! Cause I get motivated the more that number rises! I've got a few chapters at hold and I plan to release daily for now, if we can reach 50 followers today which is 5/14/2017 then I'll release another!

Also, what do you think of my new cover art? Like it? I made it myself *guts pose*

Should lure me more minio- I mean, followers!

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