
Her eyelids were sticking together, and she didn’t sleep well at all, a branch apparently did not make for a good bed, or so she thought in her wake but suddenly she froze, the information that underneath her was something soft slowly sank into her half-asleep mind, a moment later she jumped up her eyes still closed - the back of her head crashing into something else, a groan of pain from two mouths could be heard.

Holding her head she rolled around on the bed, this hurt like hell like running headfirst into a stone “Wuuuahauahzwww..” She moaned in pain, the other person next to her was similar complaining loudly. “Woah that hurt like hell why would you simply jump up!” it was the voice of a young boy that complained to her but she still only saw darkness before… but that there was another child calmed her down somewhat for now.

Rubbing her eyes until she was able to open it the first thing that came out of her mouth was a cough she was really thirsty! It was also pretty cold here and the air seemed to be somewhat thin, sleepy and reddened yellow eyes darted towards the boy standing near the bed she was in, he seemed to be 5 or 6 years old, probably a bit older than herself, but quite unlike herself he had a healthy glow to his skin, large curious brown eyes with a somewhat chubby face, his long black hair was bound to a bun on the back of his head and he wore quite expensive looking green robes.

While him being a child her age did calm her down a little she was still more than suspicious staring at him silently for a moment before asking her first questions “Why am I here?” her voice a bit cranky, and she was once more reminded of how thirsty she was “Water, please.” She mumbled a little later and sat up on the bed under the gullible and curious eyes of the boy, the boy did take a glass from a nearby table and handed it to her without saying anything else waiting for her to drink first.


Taking a deep gulp of water she froze and almost spat it out, just barely managing to swallow, this.. this was the same kind of water that was in the canteen! That meant, she was caught by the people she stole the bag from! People that had such things were dangerous and it immediately brought her mind back on edge, dismissing the last remnants of sleepiness from her as she stared at the boy

The boy tilted his head slightly “You should introduce yourself first before asking questions, you should know that.” she registered his words but they left her completely dumbfounded, what was this kid talking about? Why should she introduce herself? A moment later she dropped her head, her check glowing a little red now before she spoke. “Can’t, dun hav’ a Name.” She didn’t have a name - heck she could not write, read or knew any difficult words, she was barely able to hold a conversation with someone!

Now it was the boys turn to look at her dumbfounded, he could not get his mind around not having a name! How did that even work?! How could you live without a name, most people would carry their name proudly, but this little dirty girl didn’t even have a name? No surname no family name? Nothing? “You.. have no name at all? What did people call you then?” He now seemed genuinely worried.

She curled her nose in discomfort about his question, looking to the side she buried her small hands in her dirty clothes “You, or rat, child, sometimes wastrel.” She didn’t really want to talk about it but what use was there in being untrue or rude to this other child, he seemed to be genuine with his worry so she won’t be unreasonable, but her revelation seemed to have shocked the boy even more then her not having a name, he opened his mouth for a moment but closed it unable to speak for now but right then and there the door opened.


In came a young woman around 20 probably, she was bad in spotting the differences between young and middle-aged woman, she wore a tight-fitting silly gown, had a pretty face and long smooth black hair, she looked just like a fairy and she had a gentle aura around her, her large almond eyes darted from the boy to her and back, before she scoffed, immediately disturbing that gentle aura.

“Child this is Ancient Cloud Sect, you are from now on and a disciple in the outer sect, I will help you with the administration, first give me your name and age” Her words had slight scorn in them and she looked at the little girl with apparent dislike.

Being asked of her name again made her skin into the sheets, Ancient Cloud Sect? What cloud and why is it ancient? Her yellow eyes just warily stared at the woman before the boy spoke for her. “Big sis, she does not have a name, she just told me.” he explained for her and pointed with a small chubby finger at her, “She said people just call her ”You or Rat“. Hearing someone else say it made her feel even worse - it did not help at all that she was still tense from being in this weird room with strangers that apparently were part of a sect.

For a moment something flashed past the woman’s eyes, she was unable to read the stern expression the woman had, but quickly she returned to her former scornful look. “No name won’t do…” Her large eyes penetrated the girl for a moment before she sighted nodding to herself “Well... I go ask the elder, you can keep her company for a bit.”

With those words she turned around and left both of the children in the room, not without locking the door, she didn’t want the girl to run. Leaving the girl with another child would hopefully keep her calm for now.

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