《BROKEN CHAINS》Chapter 5.5


Closing the door behind her she let out a sigh, Hai Mei was an inner sect disciple, someone close to the third realm, in the competitive and hazardous world that was the inner sect she had to keep her image at all times, aloof and proud - but seeing this pitiful child had tested her resolve immensely, she wanted to be nicer to the girl but there was no way being nice would help now that the girl was to be placed in the outer sect.

Hai Mei steadied her steps and shook her head, whatever the outer sect might be it was sure as heck better than whatever that girl had come from that was for damn sure, she could not quite comprehend how people could leave their children like this.

Her quick steps carried her thought long white hallways until she arrived at a simple looking wooden door - her gaze wandered back and forth for a moment before knocking. “Come in little Mei.” a gentle old voice rang out making Hai Mei frown slightly, her grandad even after pestering him for years had never stopped calling her little Mei..

“I beg you once more to not call me that way grandfather.” She curled her nose and her slender eyebrows narrowed “I’m here because of that… girl, there are some problems, first of all, she does not have or simply does not know of her name, I do think it would also be appropriate to give her lessons on basic characters and how she has to act in this place, or it will just be a headache later, a child as young as she that managed to awaken on her own might just be a rare talent so I would assume that this is reasonable.” While she might come across as stern and uncaring to others, her grandfather could see through her facade. “Uh, did the little street child really look so awful that you are this concerned about her?” his amused voice carrying just a slight hint of disdain with it, but he simply shook his head. “If you see these things as needed you may do them yourself, don’t waste any more on someone whose worth is not yet determined, little Mei.” he nodded slightly His gray eyes darted to the piles of jade pieces and scrolls on his desk he had to much work for this so he simply waved his granddaughter off. “I’m too old to name children, you may name her - give her something simple that is fitting for her.” There was little Hai Mei could do but leave, her steps carrying her back a lot slower than before.


“What does he mean I should name her..I’m barely 20!” She huffed and puffed recalling the dirty little girl's appearance for a moment before dismissing any thoughts of naming her after that “I will give her a temporary name until she can decide on her own? I mean I can't just give someone a name…” She went back and forth of everything in her mind as the room with both children dreadfully came closer and closer, this responsibility was something she would rather not have right now, taking a deep breath she opened the door just to find her little cousin happily talking to the girl, on and on about different things before he even noticed her. “Oh, big sis! Your back! I have given her a name! Kou! It’s nice right?” for a moment she froze her eyes darting from her cousin to the girl - while the little buy just went on “Kou, after the white gate of Dongzhou city! You know the north gate is made off white stone!” And then he went on and on off how he got the idea and how she had told him that she liked the look of the gate, she did not pay to much attention while sorting out her mind - apparently, she had been worked up over nothing.

“Good, Kou it is, but... It shall be Yun Kou, I’ve spent some time thinking over it - Yun means cloud so it is quite fitting for you since your life now will be spent in our ancient cloud sect” She explained to the girl - before urging her up. “Good." She shook her head slightly "Now get up and follow me I will bring you to the new place you are going to live in and give your explanations."

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