《BROKEN CHAINS》Chapter 4.5


He was Hu Wuhan, honored protector of the 3th peak of ancient cloud sect, above him were only the elders, the peak masters, and the sect leader, while he was not particularly talented he had managed to force his way into the 3th realm, in body and soul - and while he might be stuck there for the rest of his life, nobody would dare to call him a waste!

But a few days ago just that happened, the powerful father of one of the new disciples send a sharp letter, complaining about how useless the servant was that was sent to pick up his son, and while he respected the traditions, he would bring his son personally to the sect. Of course, the blame in all of this fell on him, after all, he had sent that servant, thinking that even someone stuck in the awakening would be capable enough to escort a child to the sect.

Apparently, he was wrong! Apparently, a tiny child was able to rob this young man in broad daylight - taking with her the sect robes, 2 basic manuals and a canteen with spirit-water, as well as the boys identification jade! And that damnable child was even able to run away from the guard! This shame was unbelievable and he was hardly able to control himself - killing the guard would’ve been no big deal but it would leave a mark on his reputation, and as someone unable to advance, reputation was everything.

He had turned the whole city upside down but there were so many dirty children here, how was he supposed to find one of them, it didn’t help at all that that child was just a mortal making it indefinitely more difficult to track it, he had nearly lost his mind over the continued harassment he got from his peers for this blunder.


Fortunately, the child apparently was able to comprehend some of the things in the manuals and had carelessly touched the jade, the identification jade was protected so if someone else were to try to use it it would give weaker people a shock and give their position away, while also allowing him to use his own higher ranking jade to send an instant message, which he did. His rage about the whole ordeal bubbled forth and he used a bit more power than he should’ve transferring his rage and killing intent with it.

That, of course, frightened the child immensely and it completely disregarded his command and bolted off, not that it mattered really, he felt her energy so finding a young awaked child was easy enough, he did not even put the laughable speed she had into his eyes - slowly drifting after her in a comfortable manner.

And then he found her, the child had climbed a tree, bound herself to one of the branches and was sleeping, an exhausted and fearful expression on her face. The child was not cute at all, dirty gray hair, sickly yellow skin, and even a bloated belly, she probably almost starved a few times by the looks of it. But still this dirty little rat had managed to be such a big thorn in his side, and it even managed to awaken - making all of this a lot more difficult than it should be.

If she was still to be a normal mortal he could just kill her right here and now, but a child that had to awaken at such a young age, on her own, while not quite a genius might just be a great talent in the future - and he was certainly not the only one who felt her touching the Jade, that meant that other protectors or even elders might be looking at him right now, or even be on their way.


There was no way for him to squish this little rat right here and now anymore, brushing over his long and white beard he let out a deep sigh, with a flick of his sleeve - the girl started to float. He would simply bring her to the sect, it might be enough merit for the elders to forget about the blunder from before.

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