
The next couple of days went by in a flash, the rain did not stop and so she spent all her time meditating or playing around, dancing around in the rain was fun - for a bit, but drying up afterwards not so much, quite happily she noticed that even the rain did not feel cold on her skin, it was rather pleasant actually. The time she spent on meditation always seemed to just fly by - closing her eyes when it was still bright outside and opening them in the middle of the night, it was a bit worrisome, to be honest, but the ball inside of her seemed to grow ever so slightly from day to day, motivating her to keep going.

It had to stop raining soon, though, she had almost used up all the rations from the backpack, and the mysterious healing water was long since depleted, leaving just the empty canteen behind, which was promptly repurposed as a rainwater catcher

Restlessly her eyes darted back and forth for a moment before they stopped on that weird green rock that she had chucked away days before, that one book had changed something inside of her, even a young kid like her would understand that, so maybe the green rock would do something now? Stretching her hands out she poked the rock with her left hand. A jolt of pain shot up her arm all of a sudden - wandering up her arm, spreading over her whole body, a painfilled groan left her lips and she quickly pulled her hand back, but that was not all, something in her mind roared at her “STAY WHERE YOU ARE!” old, male and apparently angry.

She did not do that at all, while panic-struck she still had the clarity of mind to chuck a few of her belongings into the boy's backpack, A tiny bamboo flute, a few shiny rocks - the coin purse, books, robes, canteen, and her leftover food. She bolted as fast as her tiny feet could carry her - she left the city leaving the guards on duty flabbergasted, a few of them rubbed their eyes "What was that just now!"


She made her way into the forest deeper and deeper as far away from the city as she could, she was just like a frightened animal taking everything she got just to got away from the source. “What was that, why was there a voice in my head..?” After 2 hours of running, she found herself lost in the thick forest, there was no path anywhere and she was completely lost.

That realization hitting brought tears into her eyes “What will I do, what will I do?” While her short life on the streets had drilled more maturity into her than as a girl her age had any right to possess, at her core she was just a child, a frightened one, a lost one and a lonely one, she went around in circles for a few minutes trying to calm her bubbling mind, should she try to go back? No, that voice was not friendly at all, she could hear the killing intent in it clearly, so that was completely out.

Trying to come up with other options her eyes darted up to the sky, she probably had at most an hour till it would be dark, and she did not want to think about being in a dark forest at night at all - her gaze wandering around was drawn to one particularly large tree. This tree was towering over most of the other trees and one of its branches would probably make for a safer place to stay the night than on the ground.

The problem with that was, she was never really good at climbing things, but then again the last time she tried to climb something was before she became like she was now and so she quietly approached the tree looking a little unsure about this, to be honest “I… go up, up there I can get a good look around too..” and so she took a deep breath - calming herself down and started to climb carefully - always ready for her failing and falling on her behind but that moment never came, climbing was actually rather easy.


Motivated with how easily she could climb up the tree she passed the first branches, going higher and higher - forgetting that she just wanted to have a safe place to rest and look around. Climbing was fun! And so she made it all the way up the tree blinking somewhat confused before looking down, she froze, clinging to the tree with all her might, quickly she took it back, climbing was not fun it was scary! Being high up was scary too, biting her lower lip she slowly descended down again, to one of the large and sturdy branches, it was wide enough for her to lie down without any problems.

Repurposing the fancy robe as a rope she bound herself to the branch before settling down, this day was exhausting and now that she was in relative safety she found it hard to keep her eyes open, only hoping to be safe up here and to have escaped the person that had yelled in her mind.

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