《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 3.4
"C'mon! We're going to miss the fight!"
"Calm down James." Alice sighed in exasperation. "We have plenty of time before it starts." She gave a desperate look towards the group behind her. Beatrice smiled at her friend's plea. Alice growled at her, sighing once more. She stared at Diana and Galahad for assistance.
They didn't look at her.
Poor Alice.
"We're going to miss the good seats." James slumped in despair, an eager aura vibrating off of his unstable form. Alice knocked his head.
"We won't." Alice sighed. Again. "We're here fairly early. This isn't as big an event as the Hermit's Oedipus Challenge. I've taken into account the Headmaster's lack of sponsorship for this event. People are interested but it won't be as packed as the previous test."
Beatrice nodded at Alice's explanation. Makes sense though that begged the question. "Is there any reason why the Headmaster didn't make this a sponsored event? I imagine people would like to watch this. The Hermit versus a Fernum-Magnum professor. Surely, that would help the Headmaster's cause significantly."
It would generate more sponsors to spectate and keep the media's attention retained on the institute. Beatrice nodded. Understandable.
"That's the thing." Diana piped up, her voice catching them off guard. "It's a fight between the Hermit and a professor. In hindsight, it might look beneficial but this is a lose-lose situation." At their confused looks, she continued. "If Mr. Spinel wins, it would look bad on the college because one of their own professors lost. If Barberry wins, then the Hermit's stay and his past achievements will be questioned."
"So the Headmaster wants to keep the news contained." Alice's eyes widened. She nodded towards Diana in thanks. The noble flushed at the gratitude but kept up her noble demeanor. "It makes sense."
"How do you keep the students silent though." Beatrice pondered out loud. Barring the media and sponsors from watching is fine and all, but students will still spread the news to their parents.
"You don't," Alice spoke, staring at Diana with an emotion she couldn't identify. "The Headmaster is going to rely on student bias and immaturity."
"What do you mean?" Beatrice tilted her head in confusion.
"We have the tendency to add blemishes to otherwise accurate accounts." Diana butted in, her eyes glaring at James in particular. "We usually resort to slander and lies." Beatrice heard Alice cough, the sound resembling a distorted 'James'. "The Headmaster is going to rely on us to tell the outside world different versions of the tale."
"It looks obvious in hindsight," Alice admitted sheepishly. Cute, rosy cheeks tinted her otherwise pale face. Beatrice quirked an eyebrow when James watched the petite girl with fascination. "Dilute the news to the point that no one knows which one to believe. To think our Headmaster thought this ahead."
"Not all of us are as intelligent as you, Alice," James whined in confusion, his eyes lingering at the girl. "Clarify your train of thought for us."
"Barberry's reputation is less than savory among the student body." Alice's blush faded away at James's prodding. "If Barberry lost then we would tell our parents the Hermit's fight in a positive light which then leads to the Fernum-Magnum gaining the same respect. If the Hermit lost then we would tell a different story, that it was expected but we wouldn't really highlight any major details that would bolster Barberry's ego."
"The Headmaster is relying on Barberry's negative association with us while utilizing our currently positive view of the Hermit." Diana frowned. "If we hadn't thought this out, we wouldn't have discovered such a plot. Manipulating student psyche while trusting that professors wouldn't tarnish Fernum-Magnum's reputation. I can't say I disapprove."
"Though I can't say I approve as well." Alice sighed.
"It's something to be respected though." James smiled. "Controlling a crowd without even interacting with them. No wonder he's our Headmaster."
"That is if we accurately predicted the Headmaster's train of thought in the first place." Beatrice reminded them. Maybe they're looking too much into it. Who knows?
"True." Alice nodded before pointing at the field before them. "Speaking of which, here we are."
"Marvelous!" James cheered. She observed the growing crowd. There was a large berth at the center of the field with several Magic Knight trainees blocking students from coming too close. Some of their peers had blankets spread across the plains, social cliques sitting on the ground with excited conversations. Wooden, rectangular tables littered open spaces, food, and drinks being served around the circles of Wizards.
"Everyone looks happy." Beatrice was surprised at the optimistic atmosphere. Despite a duel taking place, everyone was considering this more of a sanctioned school event than a barbaric duel between two ideals.
"It's the Hermit." James's smile lit up the already positive atmosphere. "His appearance kept the rumor mill crazy for days and made many workaholics actually socialize. If he wasn't here Alice would still be sitting in some dusty old library reading."
"I take offense to that."
"Well, I don't." James laughed. "It got us to meet each other."
Alice was about to deny his statement before pausing to understand his words. Diana too looked shocked. Beatrice shifted her attention to Galahad who, for once, looked at James in a stunned light. It took a second to process his words but when it did, it hit. Hard. They all met each other because of their differing views on the Hermit's sudden entrance to Fernum-Magnum.
James is right. In some obscure logic, James's train of thought makes sense.
"I...can't deny that." Alice fumbled her words. This was a moment of vulnerability that they have rarely seen in the student. A red tint colored her cheeks as her embarrassment came back in full vengeance. Her speechless form shocked James into action, taking the opportunity to tease his friend.
"Are you saying that you're glad we met?" James cooed, patting the smaller girl on the head. Alice denied any such claims. No one believed her. Beatrice and Galahad gave a quiet chuckle at her predicament, hoping to lessen the poor woman's humiliation. Even Diana smiled softly at their actions, a comfortable atmosphere descending upon them.
It was a relieving moment as her group found a nice patch of land to sit on, close to the location of the duel yet far enough to calm the guards. They talked animatedly. The range of topics from grades to the incoming fight.
"James, your work in Mr. Rubrum's class is simply abysmal."
"Alice, I am an Alchemist-in-training. Why should I study History that I will not use in the future?"
"That doesn't allow you to simply slack off in his class." Alice snapped. "History is a beneficial subject that holds significant weight in several magical fields."
"Any historical facts I need, I learn in Alchemy."
Beatrice tuned them out. She scanned the people around her. She can see Margaret speaking with Professor Zinnia, the brown-haired teacher occupying the black-haired woman's attention. In the same respect, several students that she knew of are gathered in their social cliques. Nice folks in general that she gladly worked with in the past.
The small gathering soon gained a certain density as time went on. More people looked at the circles of Wizards and joined the spectacle with curious eyes. People were only happy to inform the ignorant of the situation and many looked intrigued enough to stay for the show. It was a fun time for everyone. The group grew to an impressive size.
Beatrice's attention shifted to the sudden movement in the corner of her eyes. Everyone pointed towards Barberry's appearance, the man's jaunt lax as he reached the selected field. His green eyes shined a darker shade.
"He's here," James noted, ignoring the growling Alice whose hair was tangled with the man's hand.
"He looks pretty confident." Beatrice narrowed her eyes at the man's cocky air. Is that arrogance? No one can tell until the Hermit enters the field. Diana's neutral gaze turned into a malignant glare at the man's appearance. Beatrice looked at her friend worryingly. Was there history there?
"Ala must have a plan then." They turned their head towards the new voice. Emilia sauntered towards them, the professor trailed by Atalante. The woman smiled warmly at them. Diana nodded at her in acknowledgment. "It's good to see you, Beatrice. I hope I'm not intruding on your little talk."
James and Alice froze in place as they watched the professor warily, the woman's reputation preceding her. Beatrice still held hints of caution but ultimately kept a calm facade.
"Not at all." Beatrice assured them, "We were just watching Professor Barberry's introduction to the dueling field."
"Anticlimactic isn't it?" Emilia grinned. "I would've expected a more grandiose entrance."
"It's just a duel."
Emilia gave a noncommittal hum. Beatrice glanced at the woman in confusion but Emilia ignored her, only giving a secret smile in response.
"What do you think of the odds of the Hermit, Ms. Lionel?" Alice successfully untangled her hair from James's grasp and focused on the orange-eyed professor. The woman's smile grew.
"I think that the Hermit will surpass everyone's expectations."
"What do you mean?" Alice gazed at the woman in bewilderment.
"You'll see." Another mysterious smile.
So assured. What does Professor Emilia know that they don't?
"Well, I think Ala will win."
"Is there any reason why?" The blonde noble eyed the student neutrally.
"Simply put, Ala has experience on his side." Alice didn't wilt at the noble's gaze. "Theoretically, let us say that the Hermit is smarter than Ala. Let's say he's more skilled. Hermits are still extremely introverted beings and put direct fighting as their last resort. This duel is everything a Hermit isn't."
"Mr. Spinel had a week to compensate." Diana countered. "He can't replace experience but he can cover his bases in the span of a week. Isn't that what they're good at?"
"Point," Alice conceded, but continued, "However, Barberry had a week as well."
"It pretty much depends on who prepared the most then." James entered the conversation.
"Hermits are good at that." Beatrice reminded them
"Hermits are usually efficient creatures," Emilia added, and her experienced tone caught the group's - and even others close by's - attention. "Fighting them can be a hassle, but most are highly emotional as well as they are calculating. It's not about the preparation that matters here because even the best plans can be derailed."
"Then what matters?" A student outside of her group called.
"Exploiting their mentality," Emilia explained. "A downfall of Aster - and other Hermits - is their pride. Whatever they study, they hold in high regards and if Ala could manipulate that then he wins."
Diana clicked her tongue while Alice grinned in victory.
"However, Ala is an extremely egotistical Wizard. He's a prodigy and he knows it, but despite the cunning moves he makes, he holds traditional Wizard etiquette as his moral code. If Aster catches him off guard then he wins."
It was Diana's turn to be smug. Alice acknowledged Emilia's words but was firmly opposed to the idea. Beatrice pondered her words, but before she could add further, the voice of the crowd increased.
"The Hermit's here." The professor next to Emilia declared. Atalante, Beatrice noted with realization. The quiet professor teaches Beast Taming. A hard specialization to be sure and a rare one. The woman with alien, purple eyes and almost white hair shaded green was always a curiosity among the students.
Everyone looked at the growing figure of the Hermit in the distance. The prominent white lab coat and glowing green eyes being the key descriptions that stood out. Unlike Professor Barberry, Aster's expression was more serious, an emotion that seemed to silence the muttering crowd. Oleander followed behind the Hermit, an old book clutched into his hand.
Their group was close enough to listen to the conversation as both opponents met in the center.
Barberry smirked as he shook Aster's hand. A normal greeting and acknowledgment before the start of the match. Oleander stood between them, his golden eyes watching the two closely.
"Wonderful day we're having."
Ala's smile turned mocking. "Let's have a fair and honorable match."
Aster's tone turned sarcastic in return. There was another emotion beneath it that they couldn't identify. "For the student's education."
Barberry genuinely laughed at the Hermit's statement. "Yes, yes, quite right. For the student's education." No one in the crowd believed their words and to be honest, no one really cared. The fight is so close after all. Barberry slyly narrowed his eyes."You know, I've been teaching our students all about the weaknesses of the common Hermit."
"I've noticed."
"But I'm completely willing to share notes with you." Ala's composure was perfectly calm. "We can give each other tips." Ala chuckled. "Surely, you would know more about your kind than I."
"Tips." Barberry nodded.
Aster's look was incredulous.
Before they could continue, Oleander cleared his throat. He gave a warning glare at the duo, silencing any more conversations. He opened up the tattered, leather book, flipped a few pages before reading the contents inside.
"As per tradition, before the start of the duel, this is the chance for the two participating members to forfeit the duel." Oleander preached, his words precise and clear. "If we can clear this dispute peacefully without bloodshed, now is the time." Oleander stressed this part specifically. When none of them answered, he sighed. "Are the combatants still willing?"
"Of course." Ala nodded with feigned sincerity.
"Yep." Aster shrugged.
"Very well, once I, the medic, leave the field, it's fair gam-"
Everyone flinched when a gigantic pillar of fire suddenly coated their professor. They all turned their attention towards the Hermit, the man's hands glowing with his signature green energy. Magical inferno trailed his arm as aftereffects of the infernal eruption. Despite the searing heat, the Hermit smirked at his creation.
The flames instantly died out, showing the once smiling Barberry in all his glory, a translucent shield mitigating most of the damage, his left arm raised defensively.
He isn't smiling anymore.
"Aster!" Oleander and Ala roared in unison, one in shock, the other in furious anger.
Everyone gasped once their brain processed Spinel's actions.
And the reactions were predictable.
Beatrice's jaw dropped at the Hermit's audacity to ignore dueling tradition and she wasn't the only one. Diana, James, Alice, and Galahad looked equally stunned. Atalante covered her mouth in disbelief and Emilia...
Oh gods.
Beatrice's eyes widened at her teacher's expression. It was so hard to explain. Her smile. Her eyes. They held a vindicated glee she's never seen on the woman's face before. The most feared professor in the entire school looked at the battle with such an anticipated excitement that Beatrice could only turn back to Aster just to ignore it.
Oh my...
She's overthinking things. It's only natural that Emilia would cheer for Aster. Professor Emilia has an intense rivalry with Professor Barberry and it only makes sense. Diana mentioned that both Aster and Emilia talked with each other in the past so paying extra attention to this fight is a logical conclusion. R-Right?!
Through all of this, Aster had the nerve to shrug unapologetically.
The man of the hour shifted into a different position, his form mockingly pointing at the incensed professor. The practitioner of Biology continued to aggravate the man even further by mimicking Barberry's recognizable posture. He held the power and the attention of the crowd, everyone's eyes rapt with curiosity. His movement was doing more to damage Ala than his own magic.
The glowing aura of his hands brightened before fading away.
Just like the previous test. Beatrice realized. Hermits don't behave the same way they do and in some respect, dirty fighting, using every advantage that Aster could cobble up should be something that they expected. She chided herself. Beatrice was thinking like a traditional Wizard when in reality she should have tried to view it through the eyes of a Hermit.
Everyone's mind was a scrambled mess of differing variations of 'holy shit' but they leaned forward when they saw the Hermit open his mouth. His words echoed through the college's silence.
"Tip number one when fighting a Hermit," Aster winked, "we don't follow your rules."
A sound akin to thunder crackled the air. Forceful gusts of wind blazed through the open land, rustling grass shaking wildly and fallen leaves tumbling through the vicinity like a venerable blizzard. Screams of fear blossomed like a cacophony of chaos. Everyone was pointing at something. The source of the disturbance was from above. Beatrice looked up.
Oh my gods.
"You follow mine."
Gigantic wings descended from the sky.
And the field exploded.
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