《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 3.3
"You're dueling Barberry."
Aster yawned as his student barged into his lab. He was sore. His body was sore. Even his brain felt sore. Everything just felt sore. How did Magic Knights endure that blonde devil of a professor for an entire year? No idea but thank god it's only for a week.
"You will win." She stated as if it was fact. Sorry to burst your bubble, Diana but that's currently up for debate.
"We'll see." Another yawn. "Right now, I'm at a disadvantage." His spar with Emilia tired him out to the point that he forgot to ask about Ala's information. He should've thought of that. Too scatterbrained. Ugh. "Ala knows more about me than I do him."
"You need information." Diana realized. She nodded to herself. "Very well. Ala is primarily a Spell Creator, but he's an expert in all element-based magic as well as being the leading researcher of Plant and Mana Manipulati-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Aster waved his hands to silence her as he stared at his student in a new light. What? "How do you know all of this?"
"Ala was one of my mentors that attempted to find my affinity." There was a hidden emotion in her eyes that he couldn't identify. "He didn't really try though. Just did the standard procedure to find my affinity then called it a day. Trust me when I say I hold no fondness for my professor. You will win and I will help you achieve it."
Feisty. My gods. "Maybe later." He stretched his arms, the soreness turning into a dull ache. He might accept her offer. Nobles have a lot of resources. He watched the student with tired eyes. "I'm assuming you're here for something else?" Like teaching her Biological Manipulation.
She nodded. She strolled towards him, a stern gaze prominent in her features. "It's been two days since our previous discussion. I would like to start my tutelage now if you don't mind."
He didn't mind. He was planning on teaching her anyways. "Very well." He grabbed his leather satchel and poured all his tools down on the table. "Tell me what you know about Biological Manipulation."
"It's an arcane field that allows the user to manipulate any biological matter. Directly related to other biological branches of magecraft, its power lies in its diversity that no similar fields can match." Straight from the book. "Despite its diverse benefits, the field suffers from an overly complicated foundation of magical theory along with a steep learning curve."
Aster nodded. "The main reason why Biological Manipulation is underused is because of - as you said - the amount of information needed before attempting even a basic spell. Coincidentally, those that have this magic as their affinity will still find it difficult." He looked at her. "Speaking of which, how did they find yours?"
"They used the Erasman Measurement." So the exact standard then. One's magical energy pulses inside their body similar to flowing water. Every pulse is unique and each one flows outside of their body differently depending on the usage. Someone with the affinity of fire would feel their inner magical aura responding better with the element compared to water.
The Erasman Measurement measures the rate with which the pulse leaves the body. A fast reaction to a certain arcane field means that it's their affinity while a slow flow of magic equals resistance to the magecraft.
"Are you going to do the same?" A flash of worry appeared within her eyes before she clamped it down. She must be worried about the outcome. To be fair, he would be too.
He shook his head. "No. Too specific and it doesn't really work in my field." He took a nearby egg. He smiled as an idea formed within his psyche. Maybe these lessons could benefit the both of them. "Their method of discovering one's affinity is reliable and is extremely accurate, but Biological Manipulation differs because of several factors."
Diana perked up at that. Royal blue eyes pinned him down with confusion and hope. "I don't understand."
"You do not need to." Aster simpered at the sudden hostility. He raised his hands before the noble could berate him. "Their way of measurement is dependent on the Theory of Magical Conduction." Her glare wavered. "Do you know of it?"
"Partially." Beatrice frowned. "Our bodies are unique conductors that transfer the energy of magic differently. That's why people have several affinities."
Aster nodded, impressed despite himself. Fernum-Magnum level of intelligence indeed. "It's like how electricity conducts well on metal but not on rubber. Magic changes depending on the spell and the change impacts how well your body conducts the arcane energy." Aster crossed his arms. "However, there are several factors that the theory ignores."
Diana's eyes snapped onto his form at the new information. Engrossed, she listened as he explained in fine detail the complications of magical theory. She radiated an aura of rapt attention and awe of an inspiring student and Aster couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. He remembered looking like that when he was taught by his Mentor.
"Tell me, Diana. Which object would conduct electricity better? A thin line of copper or a thicker piece of the same length?"
"I would imagine the bigger piece would be the superior material."
"And I would imagine that you would be correct." Aster clapped the surprised student on the shoulder. "The composition isn't the only factor that affects conductivity. Density, length, temperature, through trial and error we discovered this and the same applies to the magical kind." The factors are different compared to nature's conductors though but that delves into deeper magical theory out of her level. He smiled reassuringly. "This is what I meant when I said you do not need to know."
"Because your field has external factors that would make the Erasman Measurement useless." Diana murmured but the lab was quiet enough for him to catch it. Determination flared in her eyes.
"Correct." Aster smiled genuinely at her look. "Don't concern yourself with society's definitions and concentrate, instead, on the facts that you discover." His smile softened, his hands already latching onto the biological object nearby. He presented it to Diana. "Here's an example, what do you see when you look at this egg?"
"An egg."
"Very funny." Aster rolled his eyes. "Do you know what I see?" Ethereal green magic erupted underneath the biological contraption. "I see a living machine with the necessary ingredients and blueprints to create a complex organism, a miraculous recipe of nature that constantly changes and adapts. I see potential with tools already built in its very cellular structure for something greater. Mother Nature gave us the tools and with magic, we can mold them."
The green glow shined brighter.
"The very nature of Biological Manipulation is to understand the world's miracles and to exploit it."
The egg cracked. Diana's eyes widened as the shell was slowly discarded by the small beast inside. Intelligent, yellow eyes peaked out of its remnants. Dark blue scales along with a smooth, pinkish membrane commonly associated with underdeveloped dragon wings sprouted out and into the Hermit's hands. Diana pointed at the beast.
"That's a dragon."
"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Aster chuckled, ignoring the woman's heated glare. He placed the dragon on the table, careful to keep it away from the rest of his experiment. It lumbered away, the infant scanning its surroundings with an inhuman gaze. He ignored it, opting instead to toss a chicken egg towards his student. She caught it. "Your affinity is a part of you, it's your identity, but it's not all of you."
Diana's hands gently rubbed the fragile shell with her thumb, a contemplative silence descending upon the duo. Aster watched curiously as his student closed her eyes. It was quiet...until a large snap crackled through the air as a deep blue aura of magic slowly coated the egg. His eyes widened.
Diana's magical signature was impressive. It felt forceful, chaotic, untameable, an overbearing pressure that contrasted heavily with Aster's obedient, silent green.
The egg, predictably, exploded with pure magic. Both of them took a step back. Aster silently thanked the gods that it was nowhere near as powerful as the seed bomb that nuked his home. That would've been a nightmare to explain.
She clicked her tongue. "I failed."
"Erasma wasn't built in a day." Aster waved away her concern. "That wasn't the main purpose of the egg anyways." He watched her with interest. "What did you see?"
"Something." Diana frowned. "It felt odd like I'm seeing and feeling yet I'm not. It's hard to explain." An accurate description of his first time. "I'm assuming those were the things inside the egg?"
"Indeed." Aster grinned. "The yolk, the membranes, the nucleus, and the chalaza to name a few." He grabbed a few books from his shelves and gave it to his student. "My magic focuses more on effort than affinity, Diana. Read these books. I expect you to learn even while I'm not teaching you." Aster quirked an eyebrow. "You think you can handle it?"
"Who do you think I am?" Diana retorted, her arms balancing the stack of books.
"A spoiled brat," Before Diana could retort, he continued, "Seriously though, you're doing fine. Work hard. If you could scan a chicken egg and feel its anatomy in your first lesson then I am sure that your aptitude with Biological Manipulation is more than enough."
"Lies." Her eyes stared at the broken shells on the ground. There was an emotion he could recognize. Disappointment. He should know, he experienced it every time he failed, a more common occurrence than he would admit. "No need to comfort me with false compliments, Mr. Spinel."
"False compliments?" Aster scanned his student's form. She looked downcast yet she held an impressive mask of frustration. "Why would I lie about this?" His student stubbornly continued to look down at her failures. He sighed. "You've done an impressive job for your first time, a trait that only further hints at a positive affinity for the subject."
"You're just saying that."
"And you're just downright pessimistic." He flicked her forehead. His unpredictable action forced her to look straight at him. "Learn from your mistakes. That's the foundation of a good Wizard. Affinity has nothing to do with that."
"Really?" Diana perked up slightly at his statement, yet her question sounded unsure. Her eyes held a shade of hope that revealed her teenage turmoil. A rare sight, the confident noble demeanor stripped away exposing the sheer insecurity she's enduring. Vulnerable. Too vulnerable. He didn't like it. It was clear she didn't believe his words.
"Really." Aster nodded. He tried to give his best smile, which he probably slaughtered. So much for being encouraging. "When I learned Biological Manipulation, I couldn't even scan an egg properly. It took me several tries over the course of several days. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about." Yay. Tell everyone about his failures for the sake of being helpful. He sighed. Why does he bother?
Still, that sort of cheered her up. Her back straightened at his words and the signature noble aura he grew accustomed to came back with a vengeance. Diana smiled shyly. Eh? Nobles aren't supposed to do that. "Thank you."
Of course, his past inadequacy cheered her up. What did he expect?
"Heh. I am your teacher. It's kind of my job." He couldn't look at her. His confidence faded at the subject change of demeanor. That didn't stop a massive smile from forming on his face. It felt good. Is this what teachers feel when showered with their protege's gratitude? "Now move along, my dear student. I've got a duel to prepare for."
"Are you sure you don't need help?" Her concern was flattering, but for his plans to work, he's going to need privacy.
"Nope." He gave her a small pat on the shoulder. She didn't react. Huh. "I've got something planned for that guy."
"Understood," Diana's smile didn't falter at his dismissal. She hefted up her books to her chest, her body strutting towards the door. A calm yet warm gaze met his. "I appreciate the encouragement, Mr. Spinel and thank you once again." Her cheeks held a tint of red. Probably from embarrassment. She gave a small nod. "I apologize for being unprofessional, Mr. Spinel. I was out of line."
"No worries." Too genuine! Before he could stutter another line, she closed the door. Thank the gods. That girl displayed way too many emotions. He sighed in relief before grabbing a nearby chair to sit on. What a day and it only just started. He closed his eyes, taking comfort in the chair's soft padding. Maybe he could just relax all day. He was still sore from Emilia's training after all.
Clank! Clink! Clatter!
He opened his eyes as the sudden noise woke his resting body. His eyes dashed around the lab before finally resting at a small glint under his table. There were several metal containers that were haphazardly strewn across the floor. He looked at the source of the commotion.
Of course. He knew he forgot something.
He sighed when he saw the baby dragon at the edge of the table atop the items below. No mystery what happened there. He stared at the dragon who reciprocated back. He took a deep breath.
"Now what am I going to do with you?"
The dragon blinked.
There aren't many things Aster regretted in his life. Failed experimentation can be corrected. Lost magical opportunities can be simulated. Flawed theories can be altered. Danger for a Hermit was common and adapted to. With little social company, he had no qualms about losing time with loved ones (he had none). It's an abnormal anomaly for Hermits to regret though he will admit that they aren't immune to it.
This though, this he regrets.
"Oh my gods!"
"What a cute little thing!"
"Too adorable!"
His hands limply held the Urbraite sword as he watched three adult, mature professors coo over a baby dragon. He turned his head towards Oleander who looked just as bewildered as he was. What. Out of all the things, a dragon? They're not even that cute! He sighed as he walked towards the spellbound teachers of the exalted Fernum-Magnum.
"Why did you bring that thing again?" Oleander asking the correct questions.
"I didn't want it to mess up the lab." He eyed the scene with distaste. As he hiked closer to the laying infant, he watched as it constantly looked at him with those eerie yellow eyes. Creepy. He gently scooped up the baby dragon much to the displeasure of the gathered admirers. Hey! He's only got a few days before the duel! Time to work. Chop! Chop! He gave the dragon to Oleander much to his dismay.
He pointed his blade at the blonde. "Fight me."
"Very well." Emilia sighed, her orange eyes staring at him in disappointment. What did he do? She casually picked up the Salemium sword with little strain. He looked on with envy. She pointed back at him. No grace. No effort.
Show off.
She's not taking him seriously anymore. Considering their first bout, it didn't surprise him. Her look of disappointment stung a bit. Reminded him too much of his early days. He sighed before Augmenting his muscles, the magical green energy pumping his weakened body to nigh superhuman scales. The heavy blade in his hands suddenly weighed a feather.
Her posture, relaxed. Exploits littered her form. All feints. She knows what she's doing, trying to lure him to a false sense of security. Not going to happen.
He moved. In a flash, sharp steel crossed the distance and an explosion of power reacted. Tactics. Spells. Tricks. He used it all. With fire, he sought to blind her. With Augmentation, he fought to overpower her. He tried every dirty trick he could get his hands on yet...
She didn't move an inch.
Like a goddess of war, she stood defiantly, resisting his battering stings with nothing but a blade and sharp instincts.
Graceful. Divine. Dangerous. He could see the appeal and the fear she inspired.
Then like a sleeping dragon awakening from slumber, she struck. His speed was impressive, but Emilia was faster. Like the hunting dogs of old, she was unrelenting, unforgiving, and unfazed by his power.
Green clashed with pure white as he sought to get an advantage. His superhuman speed was accounted to the magical enhancements on his body, but he was no expert in that particular field. One wrong move and the spell will be canceled.
He needed to find a weakness. Defense? Impenetrable. Offense? Outclassed. Deceit? She probably knows more underhanded tricks than he does. Skill? Don't make him laugh. So think!
Step one: Question.
How to defeat her?
The only thought in his mind. Magic. Biological Manipulation. She can't beat her in his own field. In his branch, he is king and she, the unfortunate victim.
Step two: Hypothesi-
"Too close."
He gasped, his enhancements shattering from the stinging impact. A warning bruise, and an opportunity for her. The woman held no emotions as she leaped in for the theoretical kill.
"Distance yourself."
He can't!
He winced as another blunt barrage coated his fragile body. She's not taking advantage of her bladed weapon, utilizing only the pommel as her means of offense. He needed a plan, a way to counter her.
Another strike incoming.
Move away from threat. He jumped. She didn't relent her brutal mayhem. Feints, stabs, slashes, the woman carefully picked her target with the expertise of a vetera-
He hissed. Another bruise. She's getting faster.
Distracting. Agonizing. He caught a glimpse of her martial fury. It was frightening. She was frightening. Emilia moved. His vision blurred as a pale, smooth fist met his face. He's hearing a lot of ringing.
Another gasp. Senses dulled.
He can't even think properl-
"Slow." Another attack.
Move sword to block.
"Very slow."
Fail. Sword too heavy.
He hissed. More bruises.
He's going to need to utilize magic. Augmentation? He's not good with it. Elemental magic? She has a Salemium blade. Biological Manipulation? He needs tim-
Another barrage incoming.
Block. Block. Block.
"Don't think." Emilia's tone bordered monotone as she batted away his feeble attempts. "Act."
He can't!
She slammed down. Hard. His breath left him.
Aster glared at her passive form. The woman was careful not to cut him but when it came to bruising, she did not hold back. "Easy for you to say." Thinking is the way of the researcher. If he doesn't think, how could he call himself a devout practitioner of his art? It's almost heretical!
Emilia seemed to notice as well, lowering her sword in exasperation. She looked disappointed. "You are slow. You think too much and act too little. Stop reacting and start going on the offensive. If you want to fight Ala, you're going to have to know what to do when you get close."
"That's what I've been doing!"
"Hardly." The woman rolled her eyes before taking a more relaxed posture. She threw a concerned frown his way. He ignored it. "Aster, you are thinking like a Hermit. You pause before your every action and try to think about the best possible outcome available. That takes too long. Magic Knights work on the fly. Unless you adapt to a normal Wizard's way of thinking, I'm afraid you won't have time to master the sword."
"It's true though."
Shit. She's got a point. "I'm not that bad..."
Emilia gave him a look. "Excluding your physical capabilities, your form is nonexistent and any corrections I attempt you seem to do even worse. I've taught all kinds of students from the incompetent to the talented but I've never seen someone do worse when I try to instruct them." She raised her hand as if expecting a response. "That doesn't mean your hopeless but it's going to take more than a week to make you competent enough to wield a sword let alone use it."
Aster gripped his weapon. He used Augmentation to temporarily boost his strength, but even then his skills with a blade barely improved. He moved too quick. He rushed his opponents and the supernatural speed gifted to him by magic worsened his already diminished swordplay. Oleander did better than him and they both applied the same effort.
What is he doing wrong?
"Let me try again." Aster lifted his weapon towards his teacher. "It's only been a day. You can't judge your student's capabilities in so little a time frame. Give me another chance."
"Not until you tell me why you're so hellbent on learning melee." Emilia sheathed her blade, crossing her arms in defiance. "Surprising Ala with the unexpected is logical, but it will fail if you can't even perform said unexpected thing properly. Your magic is diverse. Why don't you take advantage of Biological Manipulation's anonymity?"
"My exotic magic will be expected." Aster lowered his sword. "No doubt he's preparing contingencies to counter my only specialization. My other magical fields will be overshadowed by his. By using weapons, I could exploit his lack of melee experience by getting up close and personal, disrupting his spellcasting while I go in for the win."
"You're giving him too much credit."
"Better to overestimate and win by a mile than to underestimate and lose."
"Surely a week's training isn't going to have that big of an impact in the grand scheme of things."
"Already took that into account." Aster waved his remaining empty hands in dismissal. "I'm not trying to change who I am. I'm a Hermit to the core and while I'm free from the shackles of social duty, I've been experimenting with my magic."
"So you're still going to utilize Biological Manipulation?"
"Of course," Aster spoke as if that was obvious. "I won't be handicapping myself by using a sword. I'll use everything I have."
Emilia kept silent at his words and for a second Aster thought that she would've ended the lesson here and now before she sighed and unstrapped a weapon from her waist. The professor threw the small bladed item in front of him. He scrambled to grab it before looking at the woman in confusion. "You're utter crap with a sword. You move too close to the enemy, you don't take advantage of the long sword's reach, and that's discounting your weak physique."
He looked at the pristine, white blade in his hands.
A dagger.
"With your Augmented speed you try and close up your distance and that's not bad," Emilia shifted her posture into a teaching one, "but you're too inexperienced with a sword to even attempt any distinct styles to capitalize that."
"But a dagger weighs less and specializes in getting up close and personal with the enemy." Aster realized. He tested the blade in his hands. It felt right and it fits his purpose well. He can Augment his speed and it wouldn't damper his capabilities while minimizing on strength enhancements. A grin blossomed on his face. "Emilia, you're a genius!"
In a dagger versus sword fight, the sword is the superior weapon, but does he really need a sword? Ala has no weapons to counter a dagger and the weapon is perfect for getting close. It's light, it's practical and infinitely more versatile.
He can also conceal it. An element of surprise for the duel!
Aster looked at the woman in front of him in a new light. She must be committed to defeating Ala if she thought this through.
The woman chuckled at his words. "You won't become an expert in a week, but I believe I could teach you enough to compensate." Emilia smiled, new energy pumping through both of their veins at his enthusiastic response. "You up for it, Aster?"
He dropped the sword and pointed at her with the dagger. He gave a cheeky smile in return. "When am I not?"
"A couple minutes ago."
"Don't ruin the moment."
Emilia laughed.
Galahad scanned his professor. The gray-haired student's normal outfit was replaced with the sleek, silver plated uniform of the Magic Knights. He gripped the sheath on his side as he watched Professor Barberry plant seeds on the clear field which was to be the location of the professor's duel. Everyone in his class tensed when Barberry turned towards them.
"Alright class," Ala started, the man's pristine blue coat muddled with dirt, "one of the first tactics when hunting a Hermit would be to force them out of their homes. Fighting a Hermit in their turf is an uphill battle that, despite a Magic Knight's superior capabilities, you will most likely lose." The man gave an easy smile. "Cornering them to a foreign location is the tricky part Tell me, what would you do in this situation?"
There was silence as Galahad's classmates pondered the question.
"No one knows?" Ala sighed in disappointment when the class stayed silent. "Well, the most common way would be to destroy their base of operations. Brutish but effective. Without a home, a Hermit is vulnerable to the Magic Knights. You could also send Familiars, Automatons, Golems, or Summons inside and aggravate them but unless you have a particularly powerful entity, it's usually too costly a method."
Ala tapped his chin as he contemplated. "Assassinations also works but it takes patience and knowing the general weaknesses of the specific target in question. Lack of information is common when hunting them so don't solely rely on this method."
Galahad nodded at his teacher's words. The man spoke as if taken from experience. He could always appreciate the words of a man who's learned through practicality even if the man's views opposed his. And the man's views are abhorrent.
"What happens after, you may ask?" Professor Barberry scooped up a pile of dirt before placing another glowing green seed inside. "They're vulnerable, weak, with only their inferior magic as their only means of defense." Barberry gave a warning look. "Don't underestimate them. A cornered Wizard is a dangerous Wizard. I've seen enough foolish knights in the field get injured by looking down on Hermits. They have magic hidden from the common eye. Who knows what they discovered."
Galahad nodded once more. Understandable.
"What do you do then?" Ala's hands glowed with dark magic. "Class?" He looked at them only to sigh again in disappointment at their silence. "Well, it's quite simple."
The professor held a seed in his hands.
"During this phase of combat, the enemy would be desperate. They would use everything in their arsenal. They won't hold anything back. All of their accumulated knowledge will be bared towards you in all its forbidden glory. The will of a cornered man is an impressive thing, but if you break their purpose, then all you have to do is..."
The seed shined with an ominous green.
"Grasp everything that makes them a Hermit, their identity, their affinity, their research..."
He planted it.
"...and take it away."
Oleander Morrel considered himself a tolerable person. After enduring the hysterics of a Hermit for several years, he would like to think of himself as a relatively experienced veteran. Indeed, for the most part, he watched on as his best friend continued to amuse him with his magical babble. The exciting glint in the Hermit's eyes as he spoke of his specialization was a sight to behold.
Of course, with the good comes the bad. With all the brilliance Aster holds in his mind, the most mind-boggling ideas sometimes pop up at the most unexpected times. There was no way to predict such madness. He could only endure the nonsensical muses his friend shares with him.
Today was no different.
"Oleander, I have the most splendid idea!" Aster's form blurred forward as he hopped excitedly around the lab. An egg carefully clutched on both of his hands as if made of solid gold. The red-head could only sigh as the man's form shook with unused energy. "I can't believe I haven't thought of this sooner!"
"Thought of what sooner?" Oleander reluctantly asked. They were stationed in his lab, the usual routine of researching their respective branches. The thick book in his hands laid unread as he observed Aster grab more materials in the room's cabinets.
"An exhibit." Aster's hands glowed with an almost ethereal green light. The eggs vibrated as the magical aura reacted with its biological properties. "An animal exhibit to be exact."
Where did this come from? Oleander raised an eyebrow at the idea. What did Aster mean by animal exhibit? "Explain."
"As you know, I've been working on ways to impress sponsors for money for a new home," Aster grinned as he pointed at his experiment. "Usually this involved offering them mass-producible products for which they would be willing to fund for a percentage of the income." His friend waved at the egg. "At first, offering the use of my magical knowledge of Biology felt like a sound idea. Not many Wizards could claim to master Biological Manipulation after all."
Oleander nodded. Understandable. Many sponsors would literally pay an arm and a leg for use of rare and obscure magical branches. The only flaw in his friend's plan was the arcane art itself. No intelligent sponsor would be willing to spend money on Aster's stagnant magical field. Too risky with little rewards.
"I propose creating an exhibit filled with the extinct, ancestral beasts of dragons!"
"Dragonic Park!" Aster waved his right hand across the air as if picturing the name on a billboard.
"Hear me out!"
"B-But dinosaurs!"
Oleander decided he had enough of his friend's antics for today and promptly left.
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Have you ever met someone who loves what they do so much that they'll skip sleep, food, love and safety to pursue it? What happens if that kind of person encounters a different dimension, yet holds on to their love of music, and specifically of rock drumming.When the world ended at the end of 2057, Kevin Snackenbridge slept through it. He'd been drumming all night. tl;dr-- System eats world -- Monsters and magic ---- LitRpg -- Practice, not levels and stats ---- MC Bard -- support class -- low power ---- MC chooses music over survival skills --tl;dr Kevin trips into the Internal Strength Dimension where Thaumaturgy is king. With the help of a talking plant and several vicious monkeys he learns that the rule is "Change or die." Kevin changes, but remains firmly a drummer/Bard in this high fantasy setting. This is Kevin's adventure, and that of the friends he meets. Kevin has the soul of a real musician. He loves music, specifically rhythm and drumming, and would give his left nut if it would help him drum better. He's a rock drummer, and his language is that of a rock drummer: slanged, duded, and frequently laced with profanity. He focuses on music, and makes decisions that even the author doesn't approve of. However, that means all his decisions are Kevin's decisions, not those of a system-optimizing power-gamer. There's points (All of Arc 2) where he wanders aimlessly. Goals seem foreign to him at points. What would you do if you were a musician, and the world fell apart and you no longer had an audience or band-mates. You'd be kinda lost. Kevin is. Arc 2 is a lot of Kevin not knowing what to do, going with the flow, and not being articulate enough to know that he doesn't know what to do. 1. Chapters start short near 500 words, and grow to 12-1500 by ch.100 2. Chapters daily
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