《A Hermit's Life for Me》Chapter 3.5
It was pandemonium.
Students screamed and guards fell back. Spells sang through the air, bolts of magic flying pass the duelists and straight towards the spectators. Galahad summoned a large dome of pure mana around her group, his fast reaction blocking the leftover attacks. She flinched at the magical spike in the area as dozens of Wizards activated a variety of protective spells.
Wizard fights can usually get out of hand, but this is ridiculous.
The group backed away as the two practitioners duked it out. Explosions and flashes of magic covered her vision, her once clean clothes tainted with dirt and stains. She ignored it in favor of actually running to safety. Chunks of stone flew overhead and shields were up once more. She couldn't help but sigh. Wizard fights usually don't escalate this fast.
She expected a slow but interesting fight between two experienced Wizards. Not...not this! Instead of being reasonable, mature adults taking care of personal grudges, both participants decided to start the match with their best spells on hand.
Okay. Sure, why not.
Roots, vines and thick, unrelenting stems sprouted like a solid green and brown geyser. In the center of the field was a Spirit, a Guardian of Nature clad with bark and stone. The monstrous humanoid Golem towered over the Fernum-Magnum buildings, its colossal form moving with a gentle yet firm gait. Its attention was firmly on its opponent.
Beatrice couldn't help but stare.
They are Constructs of Magic. Guardians that protect their territory with their life. Spirits are hard to summon and even harder to control, but when you do, they make amazing guards.
Generally, the form of a spirit depends on what it manages to control. Usually trees, animals, or even human constructs like abandoned Automatons and Golems.
Professor Barberry managed to grow a Spirit with a physical avatar already built in. The amount of preparation needed to create such an entity was astronomical and her professor did it within a week?
As expected of Fernum-Magnum.
She turned to the spirit's opponent.
A dragon, dark blue of scale with golden, intelligent eyes. Its strong wings generated thunderous gusts of wind. Power pumped through its veins and unrelenting, white flames coated the blue sky. This was a perfect specimen, the apex of evolution. The symbol of the ultimate beast - peerless strength, inhuman intelligence, and overwhelming courage.
Barberry and Aster summoned them.
It was a clash of titans, a test of magical superiority. Both sides bared everything for the sake of their art and despite all the damage and destruction wrought, Beatrice could see glimpses of something deeper. Her mind wracked for what it was. What did she see?
Her form was tugged harshly as Emilia pulled her out of danger. The Magic Knight smiled reassuringly while keeping a wary eye at the fight of magical dominance. Even the professors gave way to caution - a worrying thought. Beatrice scanned the campus - students ran towards cover, teachers tried to keep the peace, and an even bigger influx of people rushed to see the commotion.
Through it all, Beatrice watched the greatest duel that she's ever witnessed.
It looked straight out of her bedtime stories. Of gods coming down to fight against fellow immortals, where men fell back as two forces of nature met head-on. Her mother spoke of them with a sense of awe and genuineness that the twins couldn't comprehend. Surely, they were just myths and legends? Their mother shook her head.
Legends usually have some truths to it, she said.
What do you mean, Galahad once asked.
Instead, their mother smiled one more time before kissing them on the forehead and left them to ponder her words.
Legends and myths fascinated Beatrice. They were fragments of Erasma's history. They left behind nuggets of information just waiting to be discovered. Stories like those usually have a lesson for the reader to discover. Will the reader take the lesson to heart, is the question. Beatrice liked to think that she would.
She turned to Galahad, whose silver magical aura thrummed with power. He was ready to jump into action, a courageous act but an unnecessary one. They were ignored by the two duelists. They were insignificant to the bigger threat.
Galahad still shook with excitement, awe, and fear even with her best attempts at comfort. She could empathize. They might be looking at a reenactment of a legend.
She glimpsed once more and with the collective thoughts of fairy tales, duels, and legends, a memory resurfaced from the depths of her mind, a myth that her mother portrayed with fondness.
"There Once Were Two Gods"
The First God Bellowed.
The dragon gave a mighty roar. Burly, broad wings dove, claws tearing the unbending vines with ravenous fervor. Jagged stalactites obtruded through cadaverous skin. Molten magma melted the shaking flora. Apocalyptic eruptions of falling bark and soil blazed through the marred hills like an earthy blizzard. It was Armageddon and the dragon welcomed it.
I am the King of the Sky.
Gales of ash and dust buffeted the land. Trees, plants, and flora shrieked in pain and the field was uprooted into a mocking squall of ghastly life. The ground groaned in agony as the dragon's enraged blows cracked the cavernous deep.
I am the Judge, the Executioner, and the Victim.
Vines sprouted once more, the sporadic plants reaching for the Beast of Legends. The dragon boomed with anguish, its body tangled in unrelenting ropes of magic. Another conflagration of arson coated its shining blue scales and nature's chains were burnt a cinder. The predator thundered its presence, fire and brimstone growing in its gaping maw.
I am Potential.
Hatred. Determination. Savagery. The monster's actions were racked with bursts of emotion. Opposition fell. A cacophony of rage and instinct took form. Its dark blue scales flawless. It looked as if nothing could deny it.
Thick walls of bark emerged blocking its path. The hungering lizard howled, the trees growing larger and stronger as the dragon resisted its wooden cage. The monster clawed its way forward. Plumes of white fire blanketing the wall of life with promised vengeance.
I am Power.
The walls fell instantly. Aster's hands disintegrating his dragon's obstacle with but a touch. The man looked at his dragon. It looked back.
The dragon flew, limitless vitality blazing through the mass web of greenery.
My Wings Summon Thunderstorms, My Fire, the Sun.
White flames caught wood, growing life uprooted from the whirling torrents of wind and rock. Infernal power crashed into open land.
I am the King of the Sky.
There was only one target.
And My Will is Law.
The dragon roared one final time before meeting its chosen foe.
The Second God Answered.
The Golem's fists crashed with dragonic claws. Deep scars crackled its arms as its opponent's savagery littered the Colossus's summoned avatar. Overwhelming offense crashed into unstoppable defense.
I am the Lord of the Forest.
It grabbed the dragon's wings and with a heaving push, slammed the Tyrant of Beasts towards the unforgiving ground. It gripped the beast's neck and glowing, dark green orbs met intelligent yellow. It raised its other arm.
I am the Father, the Mother, and the Child.
With its endless strength, the Guardian of Nature punched the apex predator. Hard. It repeated the action.
I am Patience.
And again.
I am Life.
The dragon roared defiantly.
Flames met stone and the Spirit's arm melted from the unbearable wave of heat.
My Voice Quakes the Earth, My Fist Breaks Mountains.
Its arms regrew, vines and bark replacing stone and bone. It punched the dragon once more.
I am the Lord of the Forest.
Again. And Again. And Again.
And You Dare Encroach Upon My Land?
The dragon's defiant shrieks quieted as the Golem methodically crushed its adversary's neck. Bursts of fire reached the spirit's face for one last try. One final attempt to break through its cobblestone walls.
The dragon was trapped, the Golem's humanoid form winning over dragonic evolution.
Just when everyone thought the duel between giants was over...
I am the Wizard.
The spirit's arms exploded, green and earthen debris clouding the scarred battlefield. Fire and thunder arced the landscape as an ethereal aura coated the atmosphere. The Golem took a step back as power the likes of which the spirit has never seen entered its vision.
I am Intelligence.
The dragon rose. Terrifying anger colored its eyes and on top of the beast so aptly titled the Emperor of Emperors, was a Wizard. Glowing green eyes and disheveled brown hair met the giant. In his right hand was its master, Ala Barberry, bloodied, unconscious with cuts littering his pale skin and orange hair. In his left hand was a white knife, unassuming except for the dripping red liquid that dyed it.
I am Curiosity.
Aster grinned as he pointed at the Golem.
I am the Hero, the Villain, and the Civilian.
A sound akin to thunder crackled the air. The Golem watched as new life sprouted out of the ground - plants, trees and vines loomed over it from the deep fissures that split the earth. The Golem's sunken eyes observed as its new allies shook chaotically. It froze when the flora's skin glowed with ethereal green.
My Staff Summons Thunderstorms, My Voice Quakes the Earth.
The Spirit took a step back when the plants wrapped its burly vines around its form. Aster grinned as the magic in the air grew exponentially. Biology was at his beck and call, Mother Nature's minions obeying the Wizard's every command.
I am Mortal.
Both sides bellowed as the carnage erupted the sky and tarnished the land. Throughout countless countries and cultures, people spoke tales of how the earth and sky were created. They allowed their imagination to wander, to dream of why both domains were split. This was Erasma's Legend.
The Golem snapped the offending chains and stormed towards its chosen foe.
The two Titans of Magic clashed once more.
And I Dare.
Step one: Question.
How do you defeat Ala Barberry?
Step two: Hypothesize.
Ala Barberry is a practitioner of an extremely diverse amount of magical fields. He specializes in pure Mana, Plant, and Elemental Magic. He uses his expert knowledge of magical theory and talent in conjunction with Spell Creation to make devastating spells that most couldn't counter. He is a traditional Wizard. No swords. No spears. Nothing. The closest item that Barberry could bring would be a staff built with a pro-arcane metal. Magikalcum.
Aster knew that one week of melee training wasn't significant in the long run, but intensive training with Emilia - Magic Knight Professor - should aid him in the long run.
Don't rely on Emilia's training. Utilize Hermit tactics but be aggressive like the Witch Hunters of today.
Barberry has been working on something in the past week. New spell. Rumor mill reported seeds being planted in the area. Proceed territory with caution.
Step three: Experiment.
Grow dragon. Species is fire-based with specialty in the air. Use to counter unknown seed spell. Dragons ignore Hayflick's Limit. Cells grow infinitely. Exploit it.
Hide knife behind lab coat.
Turn his own seeds into explosive devices.
Prepare chicken eggs for emergency.
Have bacteria on his skin ready.
Watch the soil. Could exploit or prepare in case Barberry rigged them.
Spend a day eating required nutrients. Utilize his resources to enhance muscle mass. Improve blood cells. Harden bones. Minor improvements to his body. Not significant but will aid him in the future.
Question Diana and Emilia about information on Barberry. Continue training with Emilia and teaching Diana.
Step four: Observe and record.
Golem. Spirit. Nature-based.
Entire field turned into a forest. Ala's magic.
Step five: Refine and alter.
Let dragon distract Barberry's familiar.
Go straight for Ala while distracted by the dragon. Use Augmentation to enhance speed.
Reach him.
Pull out knife.
Emilia stated to disable him as fast as possible.
Barberry activates spells with left hand. Lightning. Fire. Earth. Bolts of pure magic.
Use Salemium knife to cut magic.
Ground explodes. Spells by Barberry. Flowers. Poison. Toxins.
Ignore pain. Enhanced immune system will mitigate internal damage.
Knock out Barberry.
Knife stops magic. Cuts cause bleeding. Weakens Wizard. Aim for the head.
Go after Golem.
Ala Barberry defeated.
Experiment accomplished.
Heh. Aster grinned. How's this for acting instead of reacting, Emilia?
"Headmaster." The Hermit carefully sat down on the offered chair. He was seated inside Milleford's office, with several key members of the staff occupying the remaining seats. Oleander had his hands over his face - head down, Emilia looked smug, Samuel calmly sipped his mug of coffee, and Amary, Atalante, and Margaret watched awkwardly.
Ala was absent from the meeting of professors, but ah...that was kind of a given considering what both of them went through.
"That was quite the spectacle."
Aster politely smiled. He didn't know what to say. His past social experiences eluded him in front of the Headmaster of the greatest college of magic. What could he say in front of the elderly man?
Yes, destroying half of the campus was indeed a spectacle. I should know, I was riding a dragon and had the perfect view!
Yeah, right. He wasn't that suicidal.
"Headmaster," Oleander stopped his moping and decided to defend him. "This isn't what it looks li-"
"I appreciate helping your friend, Professor Morrel," Milleford smiled benignly, cutting off the redhead from continuing, "but this 'little' duel could be seen from the top of my tower. I think my eyesight was good enough to decipher the predicament." He chuckled. Oleander flushed in embarrassment and immediately backed down. Good try, Oleander. Good try.
Milleford leaned forward. "I've never seen anything quite like it. A dragon fighting a magically altered guardian of nature. Quite an interesting match-up but it's oddly fitting."
"What do you mean, Headmaster?" Sam combed his black hair, his blue eyes watching every figure in this room with intrigue. The Hermit eyed him warily. The last time Aster saw the man, he was offering him the Oedipus Challenge.
"Ala is a pioneer of fusing Elemental, Mana, and Plant magic with his Spell Creations to make excellent results. Growing a Nature Spirit by constantly feeding it mana while arming it with the elements is something splendid to behold." The old man's face gained a semblance of youthful splendor at the talk of magic. He eyed Aster with an appraising gaze. "Then there's Aster."
"You." The Headmaster's eyes sparkled. "A Hermit with one talent. The ability to take control of the foundations of life. A simple skill yet you continue to innovate. If Ala's four talents created a Lord of the Forest then your singular power grew a Paragon of Biology." Milleford chuckled. "This isn't a simple duel but a presentation of two young men's desire to prove their magic."
The elder's words stunned the group as they listened intently to his passionate speech. The genuine tone in his voice captivated them. The persona of authority broke showing the man's true emotions and it was astonishing.
Headmaster Milleford, deep down, despite all the political scandals, influence, and cunning was a lover of magic and all things related to it.
It was relieving to see. Everyone in the room could relate to it in some way or form.
"Now let's get straight to the meat of the problem, yes?" His smile was constant as he scanned the people in the room. "Before I let Aster speak, I would like to hear what happened from your different perspectives." Milleford gave a pointed glance at Oleander. His friend nodded humbly. "A better view will make the next actions more fair, I believe."
"It was a duel." Oleander spoke first. "There were disagreements between two prominent figures and they decided to handle it before it could lead to any problems."
"A duel?" Amary scowled, the black-haired woman's fondness for the redhead temporarily vanishing. "Is that what you called that chaos?"
"It was quite the pandemonium." Sam commented, calm with a hint of calculated curiosity. "Everyone ran straight to the source, increasing the density of the college population outside, risking both staff and student safety."
"It was the best thing that ever happened." Emilia waved away their disagreements. "The students were safe. I made sure of that and Ala needed to be brought down a peg anyways."
"Not like this!" Amary glared at the blonde woman.
"It was bound to happen." Emilia met her challenge head on. "You think Ala's cockiness wouldn't piss off the wrong sort? With Aster, the job was completed with little trouble occurring outside of our exalted walls."
"Your dislike of Professor Barberry makes your statement questionable!"
"The same could be said of your bias against Hermits, Amary."
The Headmaster cleared his throat, stopping the argument before it could get worse. His jolly aura shifted to a more stern expression. Aster blinked at the sudden change, the room was completely saturated with the Headmaster's magical signature. He tensed but kept his cool as the elder tilted his head to Margaret and Atalante.
"It was quite a bit hectic," Atalante finally commented, "but no one got hurt and that's all that matters in the end."
Except Ala.
And myself in a lesser extent. Aster winced as his entire body ached with numerous sores. It was only Oleander's quick healing that allowed him to sit here instead of the medical room. Ala, on the other hand, sustained too many injuries for minor healing spells to keep him awake for the Headmaster's interrogation.
"It was marvelous!" Margaret's answer contrasted heavily with the former. "All the magic both sides were throwing was a sight to behold. Different, advanced spells were being sent to both sides. I've seen the potential of Biological Manipulation and Ala's Spell Creation! Amazing! Exciting! A true fight between two professional Wizards!" She turned towards Aster. "And that magnificent skill with a knife! Oh my! Tell me, Mr. Spinel, how did you do it?!"
Everyone focused on him and he shrunk back at the immediate attention. He gulped but answered nonetheless. "Emilia taught me."
All eyes turned to her. Unlike Aster, she handled it with ease. The blonde shrugged. "Aster asked me."
They turned back to him. Really?! He inwardly groaned in exasperation. He sighed. "I needed to find something to give me an edge in the fight." He took out the white blade behind his lab coat and placed it on the desk. "I figured that surprising the man with close-combat would give me an advantage needed to surpass a Fernum-Magnum Professor."
"Heh. Edge." Atalante giggled but clamped down when the Headmaster hummed in contemplation.
There was an anxious silence that descended before them as they waited for their boss to speak.
"I knew of the duel." Headmaster finally started. His eyes had a far-away look as he pondered out loud. "I also trusted in our students and the staff to spread the news without diminishing Fernum-Magnum's reputation so I allowed it thinking that it would be an uneventful, anticlimactic conflict of interest."
The entire group winced when the man sighed in disappointment.
"Sadly, I underestimated Ala and Aster's...magic." He looked straight at the Hermit. "The fight was loud and the dragon caused widespread panic not only in Fernum-Magnum but inside the great city of Fernus. Residents spoke of a flying unidentified organism 'terrorizing' the area. The media is having a field day with this and it's not...positive."
Aster couldn't have shrunk any smaller. Any attempts at fusing with the chair failed as he tried to make himself as unnoticeable as possible. Everyone had varied reactions with the announcement. Most of them negative. Emilia and Oleander stood steadfastly by his side.
"Thankfully, I managed to assure the general populace that it was an experiment that Fernum-Magnum was piloting, using a new, unique field of magecraft." The Headmaster grinned happily. "I convinced them that it was a revolutionary product of magic that the exalted institution can't wait to provide to the general public."
"Is it too late to suppress the press?" Sam piped up.
Milleford shook his head. "It'll only hurt our image." He clasped his hands together, his fabulous mustache standing proudly. "Politically, this is a disaster." His eyes met Aster's. "If we let it."
"What do you mean?" Margaret couldn't help but ask.
"This is an opportunity that benefits all parties." Milleford chirped happily. Despite the convincing cheer, everyone noted his neutral stare. The elder held cunning intelligence in his eyes that dwarfed Ala's exponentially. "Aster, I understand that you've been developing a new spell from your field?"
What? He straightened his back. "How did you know that?"
"This is my school, Aster. Do you think I wouldn't know what happens in my halls?"
Good point. Still. "How?"
"The Fernum-Magnum rumor mill is an interesting thing..."
Of course. Aster sighed in relief as the Headmaster coughed lightly. Even the leader of the magical institution relies on the omniscient, omnipresent rumor mill. What else did he expect? Now the only question was how people knew about his spell creation? He only revealed it to Oleander, Diana, and three other studen-
Nevermind. He got it.
"Predictably, with your lack of personal shelter other than Oleander's lab, you desire currency. Potentially a few sponsors to help fund your project." Milleford rambled on. Aster narrowed his eyes at the elder's sudden deductions but he couldn't counter his words. They were right, after all. "And I promised that the dragon was part of a similar project that we were piloting."
"You want to use my magic as the product."
That was...well, to be honest, he could work with this. He would get to show off his magic and Fernum-Magnum gets more visitors while confirming Headmaster Milleford's story. It was an excuse to show off Biological Manipulation thus popularizing a branch of magic that was recently scorned for its stagnation. It was a win-win situation.
He needed the money as well. Relying only on Oleander's generosity would make him vulnerable to the machinations of the college. He needed to stand on his own two feet and introducing the egg magic and its benefits to the world will significantly give him the edge he needs.
"What's the catch?"
Milleford smiled. This couldn't be good. "I held off the city from busting into our school, Aster, but they are still suspicious. News of a Hermit in our halls have already spread far and wide and then a few days afterward, news of terror have started taking root. Needless to say, it doesn't look good for you." Oh no. Milleford chuckled. "I see that you've realized what you need to do."
"I have to go...outside."
"To the city." Milleford nodded. "Calm the people. Show that not all Hermits are bad. You will be the face of your kind and every action you do will reflect upon every other Hermit in our country." His smile softened. "That is, if you agree. Already, I am prepared to release a statement for the media to spread, but I'm not so cruel as to not give you a decision in the matter."
Outside. City. Socialize.
He gripped his chair as if it was his very life. His mind was running a million thoughts a minute. He needed to slow down. Contemplate the situation. Weigh the pros and the cons.
"What happens if I say no?"
He shouldn't have asked.
"I would be forced to kick you out." Milleford sighed, there was reluctance in his features. "For the sake of Fernum-Magnum, I would save the image of the college by removing you from our vicinity. I do not want to do this, Aster and I've contemplated other paths for you to take, but I would have to resort to throwing around my influence, a risk for me and you." The old man looked as if he aged a couple decades older. "I could recommend places for you to move to, but I can't promise that it will be as welcoming."
Aster frowned. They're putting too much on his shoulders. This is too sudden.
"I'm not suited for this."
"Unfortunately, no one else is."
"I'm just one man." Aster almost croaked, but his voice held. "I can't represent an entire social class." It's illogical. No one would take him seriously and this punishment for just one duel? Sure, it was out of line and the spectacle was so large that even Fernus citizens could see it...
Ugh. Nevermind, he could understand the backlash now.
"You are not alone." Milleford tilted his head towards a group. Oleander gave a reassuring smile as he looked at him with concern. Emilia nodded towards him with a contagious confidence that comforted him. "Oleander will be with you and I requested for Emilia to be your guard."
"It is an honor." The blonde Magic Knight bowed.
"I've got your back, Aster." His best friend gave a pat on the shoulder.
"And," Milleford's eyes colored with mischief, "I've requested for Ala Barberry to assist you in your quest, should you take it."
He must be kidding.
"Ala." Aster scowled with disgust. "Did you forget what just happened between us?"
"I assure you my memory hasn't diminished in the slightest," Milleford laughed away his disrespect, "but this is his punishment just as much as it is yours. You are tasked to wow the city with our newest 'project' and who better to help then Fernum-Magnum's very own Spell Creator? It should humble him while giving reputable credit to your words." The elder's eyes twinkled. "Working under a Hermit would be a blow to his ego."
Aster snickered at the thought and he wasn't alone. Emilia looked positively amused. Tempting offer.
"Of course," Milleford continued, "this plan has flaws. The probability this will backfire is high. The public wants an answer and they can be very demanding. Our sponsors are watching this scandal and our reputation has been permanently altered no matter what I do. I'm doing what I can to minimize the damage."
"And you need me." Aster groaned.
"Indeed." The Headmaster sighed. "This is why I brought you to an otherwise private meeting between staff members. I gathered you all to hear your opinions of my plan. Don't hold back any criticism." He smiled a brittle smile while turning to the Hermit. "Maybe they could convince you when I couldn't."
There was a tense silence afterwards.
"I support this decision." Samuel Rook, the tall black-haired man, answered the Headmaster's call. "Though I question if you are blowing this out of proportions."
"Please explain."
"Surely one mistake in our otherwise clean record wouldn't tarnish our school's image."
"That is usually the case." The old man nodded. "This duel was supposed to be a minor thing, but it is not I, but the media that are creating these rumors, Samuel. If we don't answer soon, I'm afraid that any false news they print out will be the new truth."
"Can't we just explain it to them," Atalante smiled at Aster. "We don't have to force the Hermit if we just tell the truth."
"I gave a statement already Atalante but the truth will tarnish us anyways. People will see conflict between a Hermit and a professor as infighting." He sighed. Again. "We need to appear united."
As more people questioned the Headmaster, the braver the group was and soon a discussion between professors was taking place in front of him. Aster took this as an opportunity to think for himself.
Politics. Reputations. Images. Why should a Hermit care about those things? The traditional Wizard cares too much about what the world thinks of them and it created a country filled with corruption and secrecy. Aster was no expert on the social expectations required of him, but for them to rely on him to fix this was simply absurd.
He was just one man. He just wanted to research his field, to sit quietly in his lab while chatting animatedly with Oleander about all his ideas. There was so much he wanted to do. So much he wanted to work on.
He stared at Oleander who defended his honor no matter the situation. The professor nurtured and took care of the Hermit's image for him and he was infinitely grateful for that. There was no doubt in Aster's mind that Oleander was supporting him in the background, keeping pesky students at bay, reminding him to eat, and to worry about the rumors. Heh. A model Wizard in every sense of the word. His strongest ally.
He thought of Diana, his student. A girl with everything yet nothing at the same time. Hard-working. Witty when she wanted to be and surprisingly open-minded if you got to know her. Her expressions when he made jokes at her expense were the highlight of his lessons.
Then there was Emilia, a Magic Knight that somehow attached herself to him. She was stubborn, she was warm, she was scary yet she stood for what she believed in. She said he was her friend and she stuck to his side even when the majority was against him.
He inwardly chuckled.
Despite his best attempts at isolating himself, he somehow made a few friends along the way.
Saying no would force him to leave them. Oleander has always been with him and imagining a world without the redhead was something he could barely handle. There were probably millions of reasons to say no to the Headmaster's offer, but none of it mattered in the long run.
Gods damn it. You owe me for this Oleander.
"I'll do it." Aster proclaimed, silencing the discussing crowd with his words. Their surprised reactions were expected but nonetheless unwelcome. "The plan...I'll go along with your plans, old man. Only until this entire thing blows over anyways."
Sneaky bastard.
Milleford smiled. "I'm glad we could come to an accord."
"Yeah, yeah." Aster sighed. "Before I commit fully, I would like you to clarify a few things for me."
"I have a dragon now." Aster stood there as he waited for the Headmaster to respond. When he got no answer, he turned to look at the other staff members. They didn't have a reply either. He quirked an eyebrow. "Where am I supposed to put it?"
Milleford held an impressive poker face. "Good question..."
Aster sighed.
This was going to be a long day.
The familiar smell of anesthetics and chemicals permeated the room as soon as Aster entered. It was the private medical bay that he was kept in after the Oedipus challenge. The white walls, white beds, and white objects were neatly aligned against the walls just like last time. Most of the beds were empty except for the one closest to the door. He eyed the occupant with distaste.
The professor's arms, chest, and legs were wrapped with white bandages. The familiar orange hair and green eyes glared at him with contempt and...something else?
"Have you heard?"
"The Headmaster informed me of my punishment." Ala sighed, forcing his body into an upright sitting position. "I have to help you solve the little predicament we found ourselves in."
He snorted. "Understatement of the century."
Despite himself, Ala smirked. "Indeed."
There was an uncomfortable silence as they sized their respective forms. They didn't like each other. One duel couldn't change that, but Aster had a feeling that they shared some sort of...grudging respect. Aster was impressed. In a week Ala's botanic skills grew a powerful entity of nature that could have ruined Aster if he wasn't prepared.
Now that was magic.
Yet Aster's victory forced Ala to realize the skill of his magecraft and dedication to the art. Aster magically made an infant dragon into a healthy adult in one week. The knife was the deciding factor, but it couldn't have gotten close without his trump card.
"I haven't told anyone."
Aster moved to listen. "Hm?"
"I haven't told anyone," Ala repeated. "I guess I expected people to notice, but then again, everyone was still in awe of the dragon and nature spirit cat-fight."
"I don't follow."
"I didn't know what was happening." Ala rambled, ignoring Aster nigh entirely. "In one moment, I could feel the familiar power of my magic surging through me then suddenly my right hand was numb." The professor flexed the hand tenderly. "I was so used to the feeling of power that losing it shocked my mind."
Aster narrowed his eyes in confusion.
"I looked back at the fight, tried to think of where it came from." Ala shrugged. "At first, I thought it was the knife but that didn't make sense. I was experiencing it before that. So what happened?" Ala stared at him. "Then I remembered the handshake."
"Your hand was glowing," Ala muttered. "After the flames, but most likely before you entered the field as well. It made sense."
"It was an experiment."
"A successful one then." The professor laughed bitterly but Barberry's eyes kept that unknown emotion that Aster saw in the beginning. "Tell me, Aster. That spell you worked on. Does anyone else know?"
"No." It was a secret. It was a prototype that he wouldn't reveal until he knew that it worked. The spell itself wasn't something anyone should know. Even Oleander had to be left in the dark. Not until he knew that his project had potential.
And judging from this duel, it had potential in spades.
He didn't think Ala would have noticed during the heat of the moment. He was wrong.
"You infected my right hand with something."
"Bacteria..." Ala hummed. "Is it gone?"
"It dies as soon as the source is gone," Aster answered. "The conditions for that strain is extremely specific and I implanted viruses in them, ones that don't harm humans. They would have died from a viral takeover in seconds if it didn't die right away."
"I have questions."
"I'm willing to answer them." Aster sighed. "All I ask is your silence on the matter."
"Ha!" Ala laughed. "A Hermit till the end, eh? Keeping your strongest secrets to yourself." He waved his hands in surrender. "Fine. You can trust me on this, Hermit. I swear on my honor, that's the highest oath of secrecy you can get."
Aster pondered his words before nodding. "Alright." He leaned on the wall and looked at his former opponent in curiosity. "What exactly happened?"
"I could feel them." Ala breathed. "I could feel it eating my magic. My magical energy that my body naturally pumps out, the pathogen instantly devoured my entire right hand's arcane power. You created a monstrosity if you did what I think you did."
"The world's first magic-eating pathogen?"
"Yes." Ala hissed. "That's worse than Anti-Magic runes, hell it's worse than Salemium!"
"It really isn't." He denied. "It's crude, weak, and flawed."
Confusion colored Ala's face. "E-Explain."
"I can't develop a bacteria that consumes magic in a week or at least not one that can be effectively used for combat." Aster scoffed. He would love to be able to do that, but his skill is nowhere close. It would take months to create an adequate specimen and then years to perfect it. Then probably decades to make strains for practical uses.
"But my arm..."
"Lost the ability to use magic," Aster nodded, "but trust me, this was a makeshift prototype that had an extremely high chance of failure. I tried to mutate it as best as I could, but in the end, the pathogen had one chance to get it right. To adapt to your magical signature and use it as food or die by the biologically altered viruses I made to prey on them."
If it failed, he had a dragon, seed explosives, emergency eggs, the soil, and a Salemium knife as some of his other choices. He couldn't rely on this bacteria. Too risky and if it escaped his control then who knew what it could do to the Wizard population.
If he was really desperate, he could have mutated a chicken egg into some kind of half-prehistoric, fire-breathing, gigantic killing machine with feathers made out of Anti-Magic materials, but that was only if he was really desperate.
Would it be called a chicken at that point?
Ala looked straight at Aster for several minutes before he jumped on him.
"Teach me."
One student is enough as is. He struggled to get the starry-eyed man off him.
He paused.
Those eyes.
He remembered that look. That unknown emotion that Aster couldn't identify. It was the same look he gave his old Mentor.
A look of awe, determination, and worship.
"Get off!"
"Tell me your secrets!"
"Hell no!"
This is going to be a long day.
April Fools Special - Because Why Not?
The sky erupted into a cacophony of gust and thunder. Students and teachers screamed in fear as the summoned beast shrieked, a horrendous sound of ear-wrenching torture echoing throughout the city. Its looming form blocked the sun, its wings cloaked the sky, and its head watched the cowering people like a god judging its servants.
No one was prepared.
Ala Barberry's Mana Shield dissipated as he fell on his knees. His green eyes looked resigned, his cocky aura gone.
Aster grinned maniacally as his god descended upon the mere peasants before him. His form radiated a man that was drunk on power. It made sense. For only someone of true power could summon the strongest of beasts.
For it was the Chicken of Legend.
And he has joined the fight.
White feathers flapped about.
The chicken's head quirked around, its judging eyes whipping around. Its movements caused powerful gusts of winds, pushing back the competition with naught but a tilt.
The professor of Fernum-Magnum, despite his loss of arrogance still looked ready to stand his ground. The Spell Creator's courage should not be discredited when against such a monstrosity but it's probably safe to say that the man is absurdly stupid for even trying.
Then the chicken decided to breathe fire.
Ala Barberry raised his hands in surrender.
Aster scratched his cheeks as he scanned the field of awe-struck spectators. The silence on the field was awkward. "You know, that duel was easier than I thought it would be."
Oleander, being the closest to him, rolled his eyes. "I wonder why."
"Chickens are kind of overpowered." Aster shrugged. "Powerful birds. Giving it a combination of Dragon, Thunderbird, Roc and Hydra traits via mutations is probably going overboard but who knew?"
"I hate you."
"So, so much."
Aster shrugged once more. "Hey, don't hate the player hate the game."
"You created an abomination."
"Okay, now that's offensive." Aster crossed his arms. "The Chicken of Legend is not an abomination. He's an apex predator of the highest caliber, mutated and carefully raised in a span of a week to hold the strongest aspects of various creatures of legend." Aster looked up. "Isn't that right?"
"I don't."
"As expected of a heretic."
"I maybe a heretic," Oleander smirked, "but you're forgetting one thing that this heretic doesn't have to worry about."
"And what may that be?"
"Where are you going to put this 'Chicken of Legend?'" Oleander's smirk widened.
Aster paused. His eyes slowly widened, his eyes looking at the massive building-sized chicken towering above them with dawning horror.
Oleander laughed. "Shit indeed."
Milleford, the Headmaster of Fernum-Magnum, looked at the gigantic beast from atop of his tower. With him were several of his staff members that were unfortunate enough to meet with him during this event.
He didn't expect this kind of commotion nor did he expect this kind of fight. Oh he knew of the duel, he was informed by students and teachers alike - some opposed and some excited for the event.
He allowed it, of course. Letting two significant members of his college to sort their differences in a traditional duel should be expected. Aster may be a Hermit, but he is not incompetent. He's an extremely smart individual that could do many things for this college.
But this...
"Mr. Rubrum."
"Yes, Headmaster?"
"Check the date." Milleford paused. "Please."
Mr. Rubrum looked confused but otherwise complied. He walked towards the calendar placed on one of the walls, leaning forward and tapping on one of the dates written. "It's April 1st sir."
"Of fucking course."
Rubrum gasped. "Language Headmaster!"
"Glad that was over with." Aster moaned in joy as he sat on one the lab's chairs. He stretched, grinning with anticipation as he gathered his experiment once more.
While the duel was over, the experiments that he has done over the week was not.
He discovered something spectacular with his genetic research and imparting other animal traits onto another was a magnificent advancement. If he could further this train of thought, he could potentially use this new spell on humans.
Of course, he wasn't immoral enough to do it directly to a live specimen without sufficient testing and without any acceptable data. Using Biological Manipulation for improving the human body with traits that other species excel that humans lack is a risky and potentially dangerous thing.
He had to test it on dozens of chickens before he successfully made the Chicken of Legend and that was a pain to create.
He paused and stared.
In front of him laid a collection of his tools, a wide assortment of eggs, seeds, containers of bacteria, ingredients, magical items, and lab essentials. Yet, something among the gathered objects looked off. His eyes sparked with green fire as he scanned the items.
Among the clutch of animal eggs, there was an anomaly.
He picked it up, the bizarre egg painted a variety of colorful patterns. It was bright, generating a warm and joyful aura that alerted the Hermit to a sudden soft pressure that descended on the lab.
He whipped his head around his home, the corner of his eye spotting sudden movement nearby. He turned towards the source only for him to see the silhouette of a small figure in the distance.
Was that a bunny?
What the fuck?
He turned to the egg and then towards the spot where the animal was, contemplating a myriad of thoughts, before quirking an eyebrow.
Why was an animal in the room?
Why was it magical?
More importantly, why was the bunny hiding eggs from random strangers?
And why was he specifically given one?
He focused on the egg's aura.
"Huh." Aster tilted his head, a curious glint tinting his otherwise green eyes. "I wonder what's in it?" Aster took a few seconds to ponder. A magical creature, no doubt. That magical signature was a powerful golden glow that was borderline divine.
His green aura coated the egg before the golden glow shined even brighter, the egg resisting the intrusion. Aster frowned but otherwise didn't react. Magical resistance.
"Oh well." Aster yawned. "Another egg to experiment on." He placed the egg with the rest and continued his day experimenting.
Maybe he could implant the Chicken of Legend with whatever is in it. Any magical creature could be extremely beneficial to the advancement of his god bird.
The door opened, the Hermit recognizing the figure that entered. Oleander looked positively confused.
"Aster, was it just me or was there a wild rabbit carrying a basket of eggs that just left this lab a few seconds ago?"
"Don't question it."
- In Serial61 Chapters
Dear Spellbook (Link to rewrite in blurb)
A rewrite of this story has been posted here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/49881/dear-spellbook-a-fantasy-time-loop-rewrite Live. Study. Repeat. Tal is a sorcerer in a world where they are killed on sight, traveling with a man charged with carrying out the task. Every night Tal must pretend to study his spellbook to maintain his disguise as a Wizard’s Apprentice. If his disguise slips and his charade is uncovered, it will be his death. Seeking answers to mysteries that arose after his parent’s murder, Tal must accept any allies, no matter the risks, to uncover his family’s secret. But when he wakes up one morning to find himself trapped repeating the same day, he has to overcome his challenges all on his own. This story is an adaptation of a D&D campaign I ran but never was able to complete. I tried to capture the feel of a table-top RPG session —tropes and humor— without relying on the mechanics. This is not a litRPG or gamelit story and no D&D mechanics or system appear in the game. It follows one member of an adventuring party as he deals with the problems with that arise from being an adventurer. Namely, getting roped into adventures. The story has a time loop element, but will eventually move past that. This story explores the magic systems, the history, and the lore of the world through the lens of Tal's entries in his Spellbook and interludes from other written works in the world. New entries on Mondays Credit to JackOfHearts for the cover.
8 175 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Flesh is (Not) Weak
Machines that have slept for millennia awaken, blaring alarms of impending doom.A human finds himself lost in a world with monsters and no memory of how he got there.An alien travels through space in search of technology to scavenge, finding more than she expected. Follow Damon, the only human on a planet where its inhabitants are either monsters or people who've integrated technology into their very bodies.Stranded in this strange world, the only escape is to unearth ancient secrets of a civilization long gone. -- Release Schedule: Tuesday and Saturday 22:00 CET.
8 195 - In Serial8 Chapters
A Slothful existence
"In the endless and timeless nothing, the supreme one, Ahkasah, used its endless strength to create the world. It ripped its divine flesh and used it to form the countless dimensions. Its veins became the tunnels connecting dimensions. Its primordial breath evaporated and became the building block of everything, mana. It plucked its countless eyes to make the sun, the two moons and the countless stars. Its heart became the core of the world and its blood became the inhabitants of this world - the first gods." - 'The beginning', page 1, author unknown. This is the story of two Gods - Ahkasah and its usurper - and the artificial abomination they created that cuts the threads of fate - the undying behemoth. ---- One release per two weeks Also released on Webnovel under the same name.
8 160 - In Serial56 Chapters
The Other - a (man) called Ted
A figure, large and present through time in ways most would not understand. Seemingly uncaring about all except his own principles, the one we refer to as the Other (for legitimate reasons, lest some accidentally call upon his old name), finds his way through life. Though refusing to claim the title himself, this (immortal)'s projects have begun to leave him behind, awaiting some accident to move him back into the world. - - - - - - Initially intended to be a novella, then a project to keep me sane in busy times IRL, this will be considered the roughest of drafts. Also, IRL may prevent me from regular updates after the backlog is done. Tags with a grain of salt, items may be mentioned briefly in story so far, or in chapters already written but not published. Content warnings just in case. Some perspective switching in the first several chapters. Legitimately though, in the first chapters an explanation is provided for referencing to the MC as 'the Other.'
8 159 - In Serial21 Chapters
My Deadliest Secret {COMPLETED}
Violet Pettison gets made fun of for being fat. She then develops anorexia. Her friend Jayy gets suspicious because Violet is not eating as much as she use to. In the end will she survive?
8 150 - In Serial69 Chapters
Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 2!
Will use (M/n) for make name instead of (y/n) ((Your name)) for those that are girls so they can use male names, and for my male peeps reading this ^^Also (D/n) for Demon Name~~~~~~~Will go along with the seasons. Where it starts will be posted with in the first part~~~~~~~(M/n) is a well known demon in both Hell and Heaven. He did his own thing, which more then likely weren't all that good. It all landed him as a wanted man. He goes to Earth to find a new life, but he ends up with the Winchesters, helping them on hunts, and with info. Only for many demons they encounter to want his head. Now labeled as a traitor, an enemy amongst demons and angels. How will it all end? I got no idea, you just gotta read it~~~~~~~~~~~~~WARNING: If your a fan of Supernatural then you know there is a rollercoaster of emotions in the series. Sadness, blood, some gore(depends on the episode I guess)((I will be watching the episode as I write, so i'll put the needed warning the chapter needs)) swearing and yes...there will be male on male action in this fic. The reader is in no way innocent, if you know what I mean *winks*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COVER BY: DarthTalek~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ENJOY!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Supernatural (c) Rightful OwnersYou (c) Yourself
8 145