《Those Who Aspired to Become Gods : A darker fairy tale novel ©》Race Power Rankings / Growth Path Rates / World Mechanics
Hello everyone it's been a while. No this is not the next chapter, so I apologize for that. However this thread will have a lot of important information about the story like the world mechanics and a few things that will get briefly detailed by Loki in the next chapter (in his own goofy way).
I've now properly developed a Growth System for stats as well as different paths one can take in this world but more importantly, it provides a way to properly scale everything in an easy way for comparisons. This way whatever level/race someone is you will have a decent way to properly gage where that individually should 'at least' be at. I'm like a lot of people I have a need to make sense of things. In a world with an almost limitless # of ways to grow, it can be hard to find a balance but I feel I've at least come up with something for now which I'm pretty happy with overall.
Since I didn't want to have these large 'Growth Charts' taking up space or have Loki talking on it too long, I decided to have it here since it basically just adds more detail to the world as is.
So...Let's get started.
There are 3 basic rules of thought when determining an individuals ability or potential. There can be exceptions to these rules (User training rare techniques/studying more powerful magics), but each rule helps a person to properly scale how powerful they are.
1. Race / Inheritance / Legacy - The first and most basic rule is determined by the person's race or heritage. Inheritances are similar to someone becoming a God's Champion or passing trials to gain abilities that have been passed down from deities or the like. Legacies are no different but are left over challenging trials from dead gods/deities that will usually reap more rewards considering there can only be 1 soul inheritor.
(*There are also distinct Power Levels that are used when comparing between different races at similar level/ability.)
((**The difference in power between Divine however is so vast from Lower Divine and up, it is natural that the gods have their own separations for this level as well. While the distance between certain Power Levels can be mind bogglingly huge for some comparisons, some special cases can be considered as well and won't fit along with fellow race members at the same level. Example: Brynhildr/Valkyrie and Malthiel/King Reaper are labeled at a Celestial's level of power, but they can compare to even some strong Divines and have grown to that point.))
Half-Divine Power Level ----------------->Celestial Power Level-------------------->Divine Power Level
--------------(At least 1/2) -------------------(At least 3/4)-----------------------------------(1/1)
Race Comparison List: (Not full list)
(A (*) means that on average this particular race has special circumstances that will make them stronger/weaker than others at the same Power Level.)
((At Half-Divine Level is shown for races at their peak receive at least a Half Divine's level of strength.))
Primordial Level : Death* (+) / Titans / ?
Divine Level : gods / ancient demons / fallen angels / elf (Gods) / Primordial Phantasms / dragon gods*(+) / divine beasts* (+) / angels* (+)
Celestial Level (Pseudo= close to): Reapers / Valkyries / Greater-Deities / True Dragon Emperors* (+) / Arbiters* (+) / Godeaters* (-,+) / Highborn Demigods* (+) / Sacred-Blooded Devils* (+)
(*Highborn demigod- Two parents at Divine Level or born in higher realm)
(*Sacred-Blooded Devils- Two parents who were Ancient Demons)
Half-Divine Level: Peak-Sovereigns / True Dragon Kings* (+) / Dragon Emperors / Elf Didacts / Primal Vampires (Alphas) / Pure-blooded Devils* (+) / Lowborn Demigods* (+)
(**Half Devine level shows most races at their peaks until Celestial level that shows them at their base strengths due mostly to separation of realms of their births.)
(*Lowborn demigod/Pure-Blooded Devil : 1 parent at Divine Level. )
(*Peak Sovereigns = sovereign 10. Known as 'Peak' because their cultivation towards the end looks like a cluster of Mountain Peaks that they 'metaphorically' sit on as the pinnacles of the world. When one at Sovereign 9 creates and consolidates final 12th 'orbs' together they will combine and create 'mountain peak' that surrounds entire cultivation and are thusly looked upon as the Peaks.
Again while not all this is 100% how it is decided all the time, this is just 1 method for determining an individuals power base after one has acquired enough power.
(You can also see that those with Divine blood in them have higher potential at the same level. )
2. The second way to determine a person's ability is to view the person's 'Growth Rate' when leveling.
There are (4) different ways one can grow when leveling and one can quickly determine the difference between mediocrity and a hard working genius who acquired every 'Additional' stat one could acquire and while doesn't show much results right away will become impossible to not notice in late game.
(*When a person crossing each 'Great Threshold' they're bodies will drastically change and be rewarded tremendously for their efforts at being able to step over each boundary so the separation of even 1 level can become quite large ( Level 99 - 100 , Level 199 - 200 , Level 299 - 300 and so on. )
- Crossing each boundary will immediately double the amount of stats one acquired from the last threshold while at the same time adding ALL possible additional points. (NOTE: ONLY ADDITIONAL STATS COUNT and not stats gained from grinding levels or mastering skills. Can come from things that give permanent stat points like Titles, raising a Combat Mastery (Hand to hand combat) or even permanent stat gained from enchanted food.
-Gaining Additional Points will then greatly affect the users growth if they were to acquire the MAX number of 'Additional' Points one can for each boundary.
(**NOTE: MAX number of 'Additional' stats one can acquire is = to the Total # of stats gained from the previous 'Threshold')
1) (Mediocre Growth Rate) : If someone received ZERO 'Additional' stats upon crossing every threshold, however do note that acquired FULL sats for the Level 100 threshold is fairly easy and lacks much requirements considering achieving level 100 is already an accomplishment.
*Class will affect stat growth as well as what Additional stats need to be acquired.
**Chart only shows Health/Str/Def/Agi
At Level 100 : + 5,000 Health , + 1,500 Strength , + 1,500 Defense , + 1,000 Agility
At Level 200: + 10,000 Health , + 3,000 STR/DEF , + 2,000 Agi
- Would at least have 15,000 Health, 4,500 Str/Def , 3,000 Agi
At Level 300: + 20,000 Health , + 6,000 STR/DEF , + 4,000 Agi
- Would at least have 35K Total Health, 11.5K Total Str/Def , 8K Total Agi
At Level 400: + 40,000 Health , + 12,000 STR/Def , + 8,000 Agi
- Would at least have 75K Health, 22.5K Str/Def , 15.5K Agi
At Level 500: + 80,000 Health , + 24,000 STR/Def , + 16,000 Agi
- Would at least have 155K Total Health, 39K Str/Def , 31K Agi
This is the lowest possible growth path and normally one would have many more additional stats.
2 - 3 ) Normal & Superior Growth Path: Normal is if someone acquired Additional stats that affected an individuals growth rate. Counts as a % in 'Additional' stats per level.
Superior is when someone received ALL possible 'Additional' stats for one category but not necessarily the other stats. For instance if someone was awarded FULL 'Additional' stats for Health after crossing each threshold while possibly not receiving Full Stats for something else. The differences between the two aren't as noticeable and does not effect the equation for this growth path.
(*Chart and equation only shows growth rate for someone who accomplished a 'Superior' growth rate for Health / all other stats not shown.)
Level 100: + 5,000 HP , + 1,500 Str/Def , + 1,000 Agi
Level 200: (+ 5,000 HP x 2) + (+ 5,000 HP = Received ALL possible 'Additional' Stats for Health ) = User will be awarded + 15,000 HP
- Would at least have 20,000 HP
Level 300: (+15,000 HP x 2) + ( 15,000 Health = Received ALL additional Health Stats) = + 45,000 HP
- Would at least have 65,000 HP
Level 400: + (45,000 HP x 2) + (45,000) = + 135,000 HP
- Would have at least 200,000 Health
Level 500: + (135,000 HP x 2 ) + (135,000) = + 405,000 HP
- At level 500: This person should At least have 605,000 Health.
As you can see the differences at first are minimal but towards late game the difference between hard work and mediocrity will start to show in a huge way.
4) Supreme: This growth rate is for when someone has gone the extra mile and acquired ALL possible "Additional' stat points for every category before crossing each threshold, then there will be a 'Combination Effect' with every passing boundary.
-One would have to receive ALL additional stats for Health, Str/Def or whatever stats that correlate to your class. Being off by even 1 additional stat point will then take you off the 'Supreme' path.
(*Chart and equation only show stat growths for Health)
Level 100: + 5,000 HP , + 1,500 Str/Def , + 1,000 Agi
Level 200: (+5,000 HP x 2) + (+ 5,000 Possible Additional Stats = Perfect First Threshold ) = + 15,000 HP
- Would at least have 20K Total Health
Level 300: (+15,000 HP x 2) + (20,000 HP = Perfect First Threshold: +5,000 + Perfect Second Threshold: +15,000 ) = + 50,000 HP
- Would at least have 70K Total Health
Level 400: (+50,000 HP x 2) + (First+Second+Third =70,000 HP) = + 170,000 HP
- Would at least have 240K Total Health
Level 500: (+170,000 HP x 2) + 240,000 = + 580,000 HP
- Would at least have 820K Total Health
As you can see the differences one would be able to gain when properly training their body and fulfilling unique conditions. The equation changes and a combination effect will occur by combining each previous threshold together.
5) Apex* : If someone successfully followed the Supreme path while also fulfilling certain conditions like Advanced Mastery by 100, Adept by 200, Expert by 300, Master by 400 and 'Titled Grandmaster' before 500 will receive a few astonishing rewards.
As you can see a good number of those in the dungeon are already on route for the Supreme path and even a small handful on route to achieve the Apex.
**Do note that even if Vali wasn't able to Achieve the Apex route for martial arts he still has the ability to steal skills from those who do lol....
There are also 'Rules' for people trying to gain 'Additional Threshold' stats. Basically a Level 800 Warior can't just pick up Cooking and receive all those 'Additional' stats to be allotted into the Threshold stats.
*Additional Points one can acquire from raising Masteries over a 'Combat Class' can only count towards Threshold stats if trained at a proper level.
Level 1- 49 All 'additional stats' for any 'combat style' mastery will count towards 'Threshold stats' )
(50 Level gap)
Level 50 (75 Level Gap)
Level 125 (100 Level Gap)
Level 225 (125 Level Gap)
Level 350 (150 Level Gap)
Level 500 (150 Level Gap)
Level 650 (125 Level Gap)
Level 775 (100 Level Gap)
Level 875 (75 Level gap)
Level 950 - 999 N/A - Unnamed Mastery level
(50 Level gap)
3. Now the 3rd way for someone to judge/compare a person's base abilities is to view that individuals 'Combat Specialty'.
There are an untold # of paths one can take in this life to gain strength. While many may believe their path is the strongest, each has their own level of difficulty in the beginning vs the end and each share in different strengths and weaknesses. Here are 3 completely different paths one can take and their comparisons to one another.
Martial Path vs Magic Path vs Qi Cultivating Path
Master 1 Swordsman (Martial) = Sage 1 (Magic) = Empyrean Realm 1 (Qi)
Martial Path
Expert --> Master -- > Martial Lord (Placeholder name)
Magic Path
Arch Mage --> Sage --> Enlightened One (Placeholder name)
Qi Cultivation Path
Unnamed Qi realm -- > Empyrean Realm --> Sovereign
***Important Note - It is also important to know that just like in one's Growth Path, fulfilling unique conditions can allow someone to achieve unique rewards or even step into 'bonus' stages not permitted to just anyone.
- For example) In 'I shall Seal the Heavens' if someone had a perfect foundation or followed a particular path one could step into the 13th Qi refining stage while others just skipped it. Or if someone had 6 Perfect Dao Pillars with no cracks they would then be rewarded a 7th....Same principle thought.
Each path has this option however the information surrounding it is extremely hard to come by, let being able to fulfill each of the hidden conditions.
'Bonus' stages' -
Master 9 --> 'Titled Grandmaster' (Sword mastery) : Path of the Sword Immortal
Sage 9 --> 'Heavenly Saint' : Path of the Heavenly Body
Empyrean Realm 9 --> 'Deva Realm' : Path of the Eternally-Severed Soul
(*If one were to properly make it to these 'Bonus' stages they would be given the opportunity to attempt these stages to hopefully acquire major rewards. If they are unable to achieve they could be stuck at this Realm for the entirety of their lives, however if they succeeded then they will each enter into the proceeding realm yet bat the same time become something much more different.)
Master 9--> Martial Lord
Master 9--> Titled Grandmaster--> Martial King
Sage 9-->Enlightened One
Sage 9-->Heavenly Saint--> Unnamed
Empyrean Realm 9-->Sovereign Realm 1
Empyrean Realm 9--> Deva Realm --> Celestial Sovereign 1
I won't go into too much else. This was all just to give you a little taste of a few things that's to come while also providing rules and conditions to bring some balance to this world I've created.
Some of these things are subject to change but for right now I like where it is.
Some side notes)
- While Sovereign 1 should = Martial Lord 1 = Enlightened One 1
I'm still unsure if Martial Lord and Enlightened One are the same number of stages as I'm thinking it will be different but still correlate to each other. Like if Martial Lord/Enlightened One had 2 or 3 stages then they would be split up. Especially since the distance from Sov 1- Peak Sov is going to be a shit ton.
-Also those with Divine heritages naturally will have benefits when gaining levels and will be given the opportunity to choose a 'Demigod' path at a certain point in time. As you can see by the chart the difference between a a Peak-Lowborn Demi god and Highborn demigod is the separation of an entire level and that is one reason Loki wanted Vali to spare the Annunakes and hang onto them.
Simply stepping into an area = to Sovereign 10 or Peak-Sov for an Annunake would actually give them the power of a Celestial's level of power instead of Half-Divine because of their strong heritages from a God wolf/ something that became close to a deity.
-Random note- All the Saints are around Sage 5 and above. None of them are Enlightened beings though which gain abilities to sense and use world energies but I'll get into that at a much later date.
NOTE: i have not added any changes yet to the story. I will eventually change things like Stats/Titles/Skill costs and things of that sort. I won't add the 'rewrites' yet but will show the changes to properly fit this information. Small number of other story changes will occur but I'll tell you at that time.
Until then guys thanks again and let me know what you all think. Lol I don't think I'm going to get anymore 'You made Vali too OP too early' bs anymore lol. You can properly see how Vali and Co are pretty damn OP at their levels and the dungeon dwellers are practically perfectly formed clay for training their bodies to such an extent that leads room for massive growths in the future. While at the same time see some potential races/existences that could be hiding out in the world somewhere.
Oh and PS!......After looking at those stats one might be asking themselves 'Ok, well then how the fu$# did they kill Balor?'
Let me know what ya think in the comments and as always thanks for reading and sticking it out with me.
The Wish Of The Dragon
This is a fanfic of highschool dxd, a different path of what if Issei and Rias, etc. relationship have a fall out with each other.
8 1980Im a Divine Flesh Golem?
Has since been abandoned. A modest Isekai story. Hannah had a tragically short life of only 23 years. Her final words before sub coming to cancer were a yearning to see the stars one more time. What will this D&D loving girl do in a new world? Follow Hannah on her adventures as she is tasked with you guessed it, save the world from the demon lord. I don't own the cover art it is not the best representation but he others i found were too large. I will post them when the first chapter goes live. The System was inspired by several sources including Randidly Ghosthound.
8 187The Designated: Out of Control
It happened quicker than anyone would have imagined. Multiple hurricanes were one thing. People had dealt with that in the past. But, like kids playing dominoes, one thing crashed into another. Areas affected by hurricanes needed resources all along the Gulf and East Coasts drew rescuers and resources away from other parts of the country. When wildfires lit up the Pacific coast and mid-west, those areas were already understaffed. Driven by hurricanes in the Pacific basin, uncontrolled wildfires burned through towns, destroying everything in their paths. Across the Pacific, Asia didn't escape. From the Philippines, across China, into Indochina, and Bangladesh and India. Typhoons and cyclones pounded the coasts and far inland. Widespread flooding forced millions from their homes and across international borders. Mexico was hit hard and thousands died in mudslides as Katia slammed into their East Coast. The refugees fled north and west. Rumours started that hundreds of thousands were headed for the US border. Instead of running out of steam in the southern US, several hurricanes tore up the eastern seaboard, devastating cities and renewing their strength before veering east across the Atlantic. Maria and Ophelia veered east and slammed into Europe, reaching as far as the Netherlands and Russia before finally dissipating. After that, too many weather stations were offline to provide any form of co-ordinated information or warnings. Wildfires in Portugal burned ahead of the storms, fanned by hurricane winds. They sparked wildfires leapfrogging across Europe, beyond any one country's ability to cope. Already uneasy from multiple terrorist attacks over the summer, anti-refugee groups seized the opportunity to stage protests across Europe. Some turned violent as they clashed with police forces. Several governments declared martial law to quell the rioting and enforce evacuations along the path of the storms. Rumour and speculation overwhelmed facts. Unrest spilled over into widespread violence. Then sickness broke out in the displaced populations. Within a matter of a dozen weeks, tens of millions died. In the coming winter months hundreds more would follow. The Designated Project was activated.
8 58The Chase (Harry Styles)
What would life be like if you used to date Harry Styles before he famous? How would you act towards him when he comes back for you 3 years later? Meet Angie, a girl who knows the answers to those questions! Angie finds herself on an adventure of a lifetime with One Direction, that is simply her love life. Things go all wrong, but it's never to late for love. Correct? Maybe not...
8 229乃ㄥㄖㄖᗪㄚ 乇ᐯㄖㄥㄩㄒ丨ㄖ幾丂 || ⓇⓌⒷⓎ
|{Vampire! RWBY Harem! x Kamen Rider! Female Reader!}|!!Edit belongs to me, but the renders aren't mine so credits go to the original owners!!"Welcome to a World of Bloody Evolution."The world is always in the way of harm. And that is why the world needs a great defender against the darkness that is upon them.But... could there be something much darker under every solution that people make? Not only do legends scatter but also the ultimate nightmare that's bound to taint Remnant in its filthy blood.You, [Y/N] [L/N], were the last Kamen Rider to survive in the Kamen Rider War. You barely won against Odin, but you managed to win against him, striking the Phoenix rider with your Final Vent. Although it seemed like a happy ending as you were granted with one wish of any kind, you realized that justice, hope, and peace were forever gone.Justice had not been served and the hope of everyone making it out alive had slipped away.You did what you thought was right, and that was wishing for everything to be back to normal in Japan. No more monsters. No Mirror World. Japan was back to its normality. The Kamen Riders that you faced during the war had all been resurrected and returned to their lives. Their memories of Kamen Riders and you had been erased. Everything and everyone went back to normalcy.There was nothing else left for you in Japan, and so you decided to travel around the world. You took all of your belongings with you and left the past behind.You chose Vale, the eastern end of the newly found continent named Sanus, and began your journey. All you knew about the kingdom was that it was filled with an arsenal of airships and weapons along with technological innovations that were far more advanced than your homeland.But what you didn't know is that you were being welcomed into another world of bloody evolutions.
8 63Give Light to Dark Thoughts
When the heart bleeds and nothing can heal it, the only thing left to do is write. Thoughts are volatile, sometimes they are cruel and other times are kind, nevertheless both are needed. If the pain didn't exist no one would know what happiness feels like. This book of poems is the moments when just for a second dark is all that it is, so why not share and give it light, hopefully someone will feel identify with at least one poem.Not all the poem will be in a negative connotation, and the images I put will be from Pinterest.
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