《Trashmancer》C15 Trash Boy Of All Goodness
C15 Trash Boy Of All Goodness
Eddie unlocked the door and let the team inside, leaving Frank to occupy the stall. “I’ll be back in a minute, Frank.”
Once inside, they headed to Eddie’s house.
“How’s the golem coming along?” Mira asked.
“Have a look for yourself,” Eddie said, stepping aside.
“Woah,” Mira said as she took a few steps closer to the golem like the rest of her team did. “How did you build this so quickly?”
“Passive skills and experience,” Eddie replied.
“Yeah, but c’mon man, not just anyone can do that,” Denzel said.
“Where did you learn your skills?” Viktor questioned, trying to catch Eddie out of the ‘persona’ he was apparently playing.
“I’ve been making things since I was six. I like how things work.”
“And you’re going to use this thing to create rooms?” Mira asked.
“Yeah, it’ll be ready soon.”
“Sorry to tell you, but we’ll be needing about 15 more rooms, Eddie, sorry.”
“Should be no problem,” Eddie said, rubbing his chin. “I don’t know how fast Robo could make rooms but we’ll have to see?”
“Robo?” Viktor questioned.
“He asks: did you name it Robodog?” Mira explained.
“... Maybe.”
“What about copyright?”
“Ha,” Eddie huffed proudly. “It’s Robo.. Dog. Not Robodog.”
The team wasn’t impressed.
“Ok,” Mira said, changing the conversation. “This area is really good for grinding by the way. It's really, really good. I’ve gone up 400 ranks on the leaderboard already. We’re also getting a tonne of loot.”
“That’s great,” Eddie said.
“For us it is, more and more people are going to come down once they realise how profitable it is. There’ll be loads more high rankers like us coming down.”
“Yeah, I know,” Eddie said, regrettably. There was far too much on his plate right now, then again, he did serve himself.
Golem has been successfully processed.
Golem Menu
(Robo Dog) Trash Wolf Golem, Level 12
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 7
Armour: Medium
Overall Condition of Golem: 96%
Current Operating Power: 83%
Core Durability: 24/38
Mana: 178/178 (3.9 M/s)
Skills(1 out of 2):
T3 Move Metal Rank IX
Eddie shot his hands up in the air and cheered. “It’s ready!” he exclaimed.
Mira’s team directed their attention towards Robo who was struggling as he was still hooked on the chains. Eddie bounded over and unhooked him. The giant dog wolf leapt on him and started licking Eddie’s face with its sharp metal tongue.
-1 HP
-1 HP
“Who’s a good boy! Who’s a good boy! WHO’S A GOOD BOY!” Eddie declared as he rubbed Robo’s face.
It was one scary wolf. Metal spikes covered the entirety of its back and its mouth was layered in sharp iron spikes. It’s two front paws shone brightly and it’s giant figure blocked Eddie’s view of the trash compacted ceiling above.
“Ok, boy, that’s enough,” Eddie said.
Robo moved to the side and started wagging his tail. A normal dog's tail could cause enough destruction as is, but now make it out metal and made of iron and you have a lethal weapon. It backed up into the wall and its tail started to cut into the wall while knocking over everything in sight.
“Woof,” Robo said. It sounded as if a guy was just saying ‘woof’. “Woof, woof, woof.”
“That’s really creepy,” Mira pointed out. “But he’s really cute.”
“C’mere boy,” Denzel said as he got down to Robo’s level and started stroking him.
Eddie was smiling as he shot back up. “What do you guys think?”
“He says Robo is really cool,” Mira said. “I think so too. Damn, Eddie, you’re really good at making golems.”
“Ha, thanks,” Eddie smugly replied, blushing. “We’ll see just what he can do.”
“Does he have a skill or something?” Mira questioned.
Since it was the golem core that he purposefully removed from the metal arm and caused the event, he lied. “No, his front paws can work overtime and put more force in with extra power.”
That seemed a good enough explanation as Mira nodded approvingly. “Are you sure you’re not some famous robotics engineer?”
“Me? No, I just like making stuff. It’s my hobby.”
Denzel chuckled as he continued to give Robo strong belly rubs. “Hobby, that’s a good hobby.”
“Come here, boy,” Eddie said, whistling after.
Robo leapt up and came to sit next to his master's side. He extended out his metal tongue as he panted in excitement. “Woof, woof. Woof, woof,” a middle aged man said very calmly.
“I’m gonna struggle to get used to that,” Eddie remarked. He brought up Robo’s stat sheet again to compare it to Frank’s.
Golem Menu
(Robo Dog) Trash Wolf Golem, Level 12
Strength: 21
Dexterity: 7
Armour: Medium
Overall Condition of Golem: 96%
Current Operating Power: 83%
Core Durability: 24/38
Mana: 178/178 (3.9 M/s)
Skills(1 out of 2):
T3 Move Metal Rank IX
Robo’s strength was a whooping 21, which was far better than Frank’s. Although his dexterity was reduced, his total stats were better; same armour type but the current operating power was much lesser than Frank’s. It meant just how much the golem was using the power core. However, in this case, it seemed to be barely working at all. Eddie reminded himself to try and add more features to his golems in order to use up that wasted power.
“I can’t believe he’s level 12,” Eddie thought out loud. That was still vastly better than Frank. “Right, let’s see what he can do.”
Eddie took the excited Robo deep into the trash caves and told him to start digging. As soon as Robo’s claw touched the compacted wall, a huge portion was ripped out and flung down the cave. It moved so fast and rapidly none of them could move out of the way in time.
“That looks like a skill,” Mira pointed out. “It’s impressive you could just design his body to do it that fast.”
Eddie internally breathed a sigh of relief. “Yep, that’s just me. Go on, boy, dig a huge area out… We might want to move out of the way.”
“Good point,” Viktor agreed.
In no less than five minutes, Robo had cleared out a 5m^3 area. It was outstanding just how good he was. Eddie bent down to check on his paws to find them barely damaged at all. “Damn, iron really does make a difference.”
“You could make a hundred rooms in a day easy,” Mira stated.
“I better get to it. How do I do it by the way, system wise.”
“Oh, that’s simple. You’re going to want to create an Inn. You’ll need a minimum of five rooms and a reception. Not sure how it’s going to work in a cave but you’ll have to figure that out on your own.”
“Right, right. Well, I better get to it.”
“Oh,” Mira said. “I’m going to post a video on our journey here and of the trash dump. You’re in quite a bit of it, do I have your permission to post it?”
Eddie exhaled loudly. That was a bad idea. His dad would probably see the video if it was posted online. “Uhh, is there any chance you could blur my face?”
“Oh yeah,” Mira said confidently. “Voice too?”
“Yeah if you can. Sorry, I don't really want my face on the internet.”
“No problem, I’ll send you a message when I’ve posted it. We need to get back to grinding now. Message me if you need anything.”
“Alright, guys, I’ll walk you to the exit.”
Eddie walked with the group, now with Robo at his heels. He walked exactly like a wolf, there was a bounce in his step and he hung his head low while looking around. He couldn't help but feel happy, he had just made a robot dog in a video game. Even he couldn’t picture himself doing that a few weeks ago.
They exited out the door and saw that Frank was still busy selling maps and nose blockers. Instantly, Frank’s red eyes were glued to the dog. Now he had some competition.
“Oh, wow, Sir. He looks amazing.”
The people that were standing around all gasped at Robo, Frank was cool enough for them but a metal dog was even better.
Everyone started recording the Robo, something he was not ok with. But he couldn’t control everything and he understood that.
Robo cautiously strolled up to Frank and sniffed him with his non-existent nose. He slowly opened his mouth and placed it over Frank’s arm, all while slowly biting down. “Get off,” Frank said quietly.
Eddie was talking to Mira and didn’t notice.
“Stupid dog,” Frank mumbled as tried kicking Robo’s back legs. “Get off.” Frank lifted his arm up and the dog was still hanging onto his arm. “Urm, Sir.”
“Woah, Robo, bad boy, bad boy.”
Robo let go and seemed to snicker as he went back to sit next to Eddie. Frank glared at the dog with hell burning in his red eyes. He already hated it, not only was there some serious competition for him but it was a dog; everyone loves dogs. However, Frank hated them and even more in his situation.
“Can I get a map please?” a player asked.
“Of course, that’ll be 30 silver. Would you like a nose blocker to help with the smell?”
“Go on then, there’s rumours going around that this place is insane for experience. Can you tell me any more details?”
As the two continued their conversation, Eddie had said goodbye to Mira’s team and had gone back into the trash caves to plan the new motel he was making.
“Is it an inn or a motel?” Eddie asked himself.
“Yeah same here,” Eddie mused. “I’m stuck. Or would it be a hotel? Or even a resort? No, a resort would be too much of a stretch. Ok, system, how do I build something so people can stay and store stuff?”
T1 Inn requirements:
-Minimum 5 T1 rooms
“Ok, ok. What do I need for a T1 room?”
T1 Room(Inn)
-Single bed
-3m^2 of floorspace.
“The toilet is optional? Would a uhh- hole in the ground be acceptable?”
Any hole is a goal.
“That’s… Disgusting. So we need at least five rooms with a bed, lights, storage chest in each and a reception for it all. Does that mean I’ll have to make keys for each door too?”
No, only a player may access the door they are staying in. You know- MaGiC.
A system will be implemented to help with mentally handicapped landlords.
“We better start with the reception area,” Eddie said, ignoring the system’s insult. “Then we can go from there. What do you think, Robo?”
“We’ll get through it. Honestly, I didn’t expect that this would happen. But it was my fault anyway so I guess this is the consequence. Damn you, karma!”
Eddie headed back outside to see Frank putting in overtime. He was incredibly friendly and also professional which was very hard to do. But Frank being Frank, was a natural; if metal golems could be natural that is.
“Hey, Frank. I need to build a reception, which is the best place for it you reckon?”
“Have a good day, ma’am,” Frank said to a player, he turned around and his eyes moved down to Robo who was wagging his tail ferociously. “Well, Sir. We do not have the proposed man-power to operate a stall and a reception. Perhaps merge them into one?”
“Ohhhh, like on the outside of the hill?”
“Precisely, Sir. Then, I can man both the stall and the reception.”
“Frank, you’re a genius!”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“C’mon Robo, we got some work to do.”
The two headed back inside and Eddie started to draw out what the reception would look like. He wasn’t no architect but then again a trash dump didn’t need one. It already had character- not really, but no one would really care if it looked good or not in a trash dump/
“Ok, boy, start digging.”
“WOOF! WOOF!” Robo barked loudly as his metal claws started digging into compacted trash. Eddie forgot that Robo could literally fire trash at unprecedented speed and was instantly put into a game of one sided dodgeball.
Left, right, over-dramatic neo dodge, dive, roll, backwards roll. Eddie was getting hit left, right and centre but that didn’t stop him from trying. Eventually, at half health, he summoned the trash wall to protect himself. It worked fairly well even at rank I.
“I need to start using this thing more,” Eddie proposed to himself. He knew that he needed to start abusing the game mechanics but it was hard since this was his first time gaming ever. He knew that over time things would become easier to use and his mind would be set to instantly think of the correct skills to use.
After holding out against the barrage of attacks from Robo, the metal wolf had finally managed to carve out a rectangle and had gone through the edge of the trash compacted hill where many eyes were already peeping in. He had carved out a section that acted as a table and trading area but also a part inside the trash cave where he could use to operate the Inn.
“Nice job, Robo,” Eddie said, throwing him a metal rod to chew on. He breathed out; the reception was done and he knew that carving out rooms wouldn’t be that much of an issue with how fast Robo could do it. The problem was, he needed mattresses and lights, as well much more trash metal to make the doors and other various things.
He then realized that there were people here to help and so he started writing out a list of what he needed. He also gave a price for all of the things.
“Hey, everyone!” Eddie shouted out.
All the players looked towards him.
“I’m trying to make an inn so you can all store and rest here. I need things to make it so I’ll be making a list soon of the things I need which I will pay for. Everything I need can be found in the Trashlands behind you.”
“How many rooms are you going to make? There won’t be nearly enough for all of us,” one asked.
“I own all the land you see on your map, that goes vertically as well. I’m not sure how many rooms I can make but I’ll try and get you all sorted out.”
“Thanks, so what do you need?” another questioned.
Eddie had written out a long list of all the things he needed. He didn’t declare how much of an item he needed, only the description of them and what he would pay for them.
“Ten kilos of trash metal for 10 coppers?”
“Yeah, not sure if I’m undercutting it or over but I hope you guys will understand.”
“Yeah, our party is waiting on someone so we can look for the things you need.”
“Thanks,” Eddie responded with a smile. He was glad people wanted to help him.
Log out timer: 2:56s
“Ah, ship,” Eddie said. “Frank, I need to log out. Can you take over my place and run the stall from here?”
“Of course, Sir. I’ll only be a minute to pack everything up. Would you like for me to trade the coin we got today for the things we need?”
“Yeah, don’t use all of it though. C’mon, Robo, you have some digging to do.”
“Woof, woof.”
Eddie bolted out the open reception door and commanded Robo to start digging long tunnels into the compacted trash. He measured out the exact area for each room with half a metre between them.
“Ok, Robo, I need you to do this four more times and make forty rooms. Can you do that while I’m gone?”
“Woof, woof.”
Eddie screwed up his face, he wasn’t sure if Robo could understand all that. Then again, he didn’t have much choice. “Ok, boy, go on, I’ll see you in a bit.”
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