《Magus Of Darkness》Chapter 6: Gains


After Adrius went into that “enlightenment” moment, he noticed the pain in his hand again. The adrenaline has hid the pain, but when he is safe now the pain came back and it was bad.

‘Fuck, I don’t think my hand is broken but I think the bone is cracked because I clearly remember hearing a cracking sound. Anyways I should go to the nurse and make her see it. But first let me check the prizes I got.’ He took out the dagger first, it was a normal dagger but the quality was top notch, and there was an emerald on the hilt. If he can sell it it will bring him 30 golds with no effort, but he won’t sell it because he need’s a weapon.

‘Now it’s time for the best prize’ Then he took out the sword and laid it on the bed, it had a black blade with a hilt made of copper. It had a very good quality and Adrius knew that if he decided to sell it, it would make him some good money. After examining both of his weapons he put them back in their scabbeds and wore them. With the academy outfit and the weapons he looked very dangerous and charming at the same time.


He got out and closed the door, there were 2 students chatting not far away from his room and when they saw him coming in their way they ran immediately into the room that was behind them. They didn’t want to offend that monster called Adrius Caseo.

Adrius saw all of this and continued walking in his path, when he arrived the nurse examined his hand and decided that it was a crack in the bone, Adrius thought that she would give him some pills or potion but she put her hand over his hand and spoke in a weird language. When Adrius heard this language a name popped into his head Xyron language, the language all the magus use for their spells and the language that is used universally as the main language. ‘So she is a magus, nah wait why would a magus work as a nurse they are seekers of truth and are respectful beings, so she must be an apprentice’ Of course these thoughts took only milliseconds, and when the nurse finished her spell Adrius felt his bones heal and all the pain that he was in slowly disappear.


“ Thank you, how much should I pay?”

“One gold”

Then Adrius handed her the gold coin and walked out, he has now 14 gold, 200 silver and 1000 copper. But he didn’t care about the money at all, why would he care about itn if he can’t use it in the magus world, it was only useful to mortals.

Then he walked straight to the training ground, it was a big room with carpets on the floor and wooden weapons for training. This was the first time Adrius walked into this training room, he had spent all of his time from the beginning of this journey in the library.

‘ This is a lot better then the training room on the ship that I came with, there wasn’t any weapons to train with’

Of course he doesn't need to use the wooden weapons because he has actual weapons. He then took off the jacket and started to practise with the blade.

He practised all the moves that he remembered from the former owners memories.

After 3 hours

Adrius walked out from the training hall and went back to his room to sleep.

Like this his days passed by, and one day they heard Dominos’ voice telling them that they will arrive in 2 hours so be ready.

Adrius packed his stuff, he had the sword, the dagger, 2 stones that were glowing and his clothes.

These stones were magical stones, he got them after that girl he took the sword from came to him and demanded for him to give her the sword or face trouble. And Adrius' narcissistic side didn’t like her threat so he beated her until her face became blue, then he took her money pouch that she had on her hip as a punishment and then he found these two stones.


He finally felt a bit of luck but it didn’t last for long because he realized something he missed, Chris and this girl. Why did they come to challenge him knowing his personality and his cruelty unless there is a third party who is pulling the strings?

Adrius didn’t like being a pawn in someone's plans, ‘ when I find this person whoever he/she is I will kill them’ Adrius swore in his heart.

He then put his bag on his back and then wore the weapons and got out, he walked to the deck. There were a lot of people but they all made room when they saw him. After the last fight he had, the girl's face was planted in every male and female memory. But the females were the most scared from Adrius because they saw him beat a beautiful girl to a bloody mess, and that terrified them because that means. No matter how beautiful you are, you will be beaten.

When Adrius got to the front of the deck he saw a beautiful scene, there were mountains everywhere and there was a very big mountain in the middle.

The mountain was so big that it’s tip passed the clouds. They were heading in the direction of that big mountain so Adrius was 60% sure it was the academy.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Adrius heard a voice beside him, he was startled and unconsciously he took out the dagger and held it to the voice owner's neck.

There were a lot of gasps in the crowd, even some girl’s had the courage to scream at Adrius to release the man he held under his dagger.

He had pale skin, black hair and blue eyes. He was very handsome for a boy and a lot of the girl’s on the ship had a crush on him.

“Can you release me please?” Asked the handsome boy with a terrified expression, that was the first time a person held a weapon this close to his body.

“Who are you and what do you want?” Asked Adrius after releasing him.

“My name is Pax Blackstone, and I just want to chat with you” Answered Pax with a shaking hands. He was a noble but he didn’t have the usual arrogant personality and was a very friendly person. So that act of Adrius scared him.

‘ hmm an annoying fuck, I can tell he isn’t lying because his body language tells it all. But I can’t trust him or anybody for that case. But I should use him for info for now’

“ Of course I would love that” Answered Adrius with his polite manner while putting the dagger in its scabbard . While underground he was smiling mischievously.

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