《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》The Unheard Cries


Chapter 40: The Unheard Cries

Calm yourself down and think about it.

Before you're a student, an office worker, a gamer or even the appreciator of hentai—you are you.

You put your priorities on the things that matter the most.

You remember your goal and use it as a motivation to work hard.

Do you believe in talent? Do you think you are talented enough for it?

You see, the lives of most people end up being rather mundane. Do you think it was their extent of capabilities, or was it their choice?

What about you, what would your choice be? Do you think your slump in life was because of talent or because your time was not yet ripe?

Do you believe people could achieve anything as long they work hard for it?

Do you believe people who gave their best on the things they do will get the appreciation they deserve?

Is this the world who valued talent and will support the ones who would elevate humanity to a whole new level?

What about you? What kind of things you wish to do for this world?


Hey, is that your answer?

Very well.

It's a good choice.

I agree. The only change that matters is the one within ourselves. The world would always change, whether or not we took part.

Those who thought they truly made a difference to the world, probably did so for their own satisfaction. I didn't see the point if their lives still remained the exact same.

I also wish to change so my talents, dedication and hard work will not be denied. I want to show the world, that I am kind of a big deal. People who once ignored me will start to appreciate me and my way of thinking.

Because I know, the things I worked on are good enough for me and they deserved something much better.


I do not need a mass of following. Even a company of select few will be enough.

I know I have the talent; I have the dedication and hard work. I dare not claim I am the best but I dare to say I can stand on my own, even among the best. Because I forged my own path and build the foundation on my own, instead of blindly following their footsteps.

I appreciate those who walk their own path and I will also root for them, even if I do not know who they are.

Even if people tried to bring me down, I would not fall in the slightest since appeasing them wasn't my goal in the first place.

I'm not sure about it at first, but now I'm alright since I have you by my side.

Together we can take on the whole world. Well, that's so cliched.

Are you asking me the things I wish to change?

It's simple. I will stop taking things I worked on, for granted. They are the fruits of my thought, which made me the person I am now.

For those who had taken me off to such heights, I'm sorry, the entire time, I hadn't paid any attention to your significance.

For things I poured my soul into, I end up forgetting them because people who I actually didn't care of didn't give any opinion on it.

When people gave their opinion, I was swayed by them; often forgetting what I actually felt about the things I worked on.

I'm really sorry.

I just had enough of people putting expectations on me, so I forgot to do my best. Not knowing, it's for my own good, why I tried my best.

I didn't want anyone to expect anything for me any longer. I wish to do things my own way and hopefully others would be happy and find something of value from it. If not, I should actually cherish you guys all the same, instead of being discouraged.


Maybe this abandonment was my punishment for taking you guys for granted. Because I poured all my sincere feelings when I created you, how could I be so stupid not to notice, you all have your own soul.

You're all alive. Each of you carried a precious part of me.

My past; my growth; my experiences.

...but for now, I need you guys to go. You don't have to be chained with me anymore.

You are free to become the past, the growth and the experiences of others. I wish for them to be happy.

I wish for them to feel like there's warmth and love when they need it the most.

I'm not a nice person; I just couldn't stand the suffering of people who remind me of myself.

The feeling that you're always alone even in billions of people around. That there's no one you could trust and confide in your feelings. When you feel not a single person in this world could understand you.

That you have to choose your words carefully every time to avoid getting hurt again, instead of pouring your real feelings.

When you felt no attraction or interest to the affairs of others.

When you no longer could felt any empathy towards them; the time you began to think, their troubles had nothing to do with mine.

When you no longer could understand others at all, or even identify yourself as a fellow human being.

When all of those affections went towards fictional characters instead, because it's a part of my nature. I always long for someone to care for and for them to reciprocate with their own love.

Even if it's not real, it's far less of a hassle.

I wish for others to be happy through the things I work on because it's something I made out of my belief. It made me glad since there's at least someone out there who had things in common with me.

I wish, within the cold figures of billions of people out there, at least there'd be one person who could show me the warmth once more. Because I knew, I couldn't stay in this world forever. I need to go out and experience the other world so my experiences here wouldn't feel stale.

Before I go, here's my last words to you.

These painful experiences were not meaningless, because, from it, I shall grow.

There will be no end to it. As I left from this pain, another one will follow.

Fortunately, the way to deal with it was all the same. Which was, using it to your own benefit.

I will keep on growing, repay my dues and live a fulfilling life as much as I could.

Thank you for being with me. Now we shall part ways; hopefully, we'll meet again.

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