《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》The Empty Valley's Cries shall be Heard (END)


Chapter 41: The Empty Valley's Cries shall be Heard

There was a relatively quiet town; distances away from the hustles and bustles of a Metropolitan city. In a calm and peaceful neighborhood, was a housing block. In it, was an ordinary looking home located bit in the back, away from the main street. Little to no traffic was present; nor any sign of convenience stores in the vicinity.

It was 7 AM. A young man was sleeping tight in his bedroom, with air conditioning at a moderate temperature. He was someone whose face you always saw out there but never seem to remember. A very average, plain appearance; of medium height and stature; not too fat nor thin.

He woke up from the sound of his phone's alarm. Around one snooze had passed before he finally stretched his arms and legs; about ready to welcome the new day.

His mother already cooked breakfast. The first thing he did was booting up his computer and checked up the latest updates to his favorite web novels; planning to read them in-between his work.

He also visited his usual social media website, checking in all the notifications, viewing the shitpost of his friends—all using anime avatars. He was no different; his profile picture was of a black-haired loli with red eyes, wearing a pajama and hugging bear plushie.

Although he had some friends on social media, he wasn't close to any of them. He used to get along with few people; as years grown apart, however, there are less and fewer things he had in common with.

Going towards his usual group, liking the post he found interesting and commented on things—minutes seem to pass by quickly. He turned off the PC and got himself ready.

It was just in time for the carpool; it was his cousin, about the same age as him but already the boss. The young man himself didn't have any special position and he did not look forward to more, as it means more work. He also didn't receive much special treatment aside from the transport and little stuff.

Riding on his cousin's car, soon they arrived at a small office building. It was around 8:30 AM and some of the other employees were already present. The young man did not walk beside his cousin but behind him.

With the boss unlocking the office, they went to their respective desks. It was a small company so there are only three floors. The main office was on the first floor and they entered via the side entrance. The front entrance led to the reception room, which was still locked for now.

The Boss went to the third floor, having the entire office block to himself, while the young man worked on the second floor. It was on the same floor with the Administrators and his desk was on a quiet, unused room—all on his own.

There weren't any computers, so he took his own laptop from his bag and start doing his report right away.

Since the office was still new, there's still a lot of space. Even in the old office, the young man still managed to secure a space where he's all alone. To him, walking in the quietest, secluded desk were the best.

Many hours passed and the employees went home at around 5 PM.

Meanwhile, the Boss himself was still busy making calls. So, most of the time, the Boss told him to just lock the side entrance from inside and leave from the front, as there are security guards in the reception.

The young man went home by taking a bus. It's also his method of transport if he was late. Luckily, the office did not penalize him for being late if he could do his job properly.


It should be a paradise, but to the young man, even this kind of work left him with emptiness. There's always so much work and barely enough time to read his web novels. Even sometimes, at lunch break, he has to rush some of the work left from the morning while eating.

Even if he went home rather early and did the regular 9 to 5 job, his playful spirit who wanted to enjoy life to the fullest whenever possible cried out:

"I really didn't wanna work. I wish I could live every day like Sunday and just do my own thing."

Though his family didn't let him to.

Due to his lack of interest in real life things, he lost control of his bank account. Even he couldn't use the full salary he worked hard on. During Sunday, all he wanted to do was sleep and play games, read manga, watch anime etc. all day—yet it never seems enough.

If people knew about this, their common sense probably told him to grow up and act like a real adult.

Those kinds of things made him lose a long-time friend.

'Even my parents didn't even go so far. I never even insulted your ancestors yet you're so mean to me.'

In reality, all he said was along the lines of 'I'd think about it' and ignore the flurry of messages. Saying about him being busy at work, wanting to rest and not be disturbed; not even bothering to reply.

Sometimes he was angry how the social media didn't have an invisible function, so when he's online and didn't want to talk it was always shown.

Not long after, the conversations were ceased.

He began to realize, in the first place, their bonds were superficial. At least it ends up without him having to block that person.

...and that was just the beginning.

Due to all the trust issues, the young man lost his abilities to mutter his true feelings to anyone. Whether it's the internet or real life.

When he tried to convince his parents, no matter what, they just wouldn't listen and kept forcing their opinions on him; trying to control his life even if he's already old enough.

When he tried to voice his opinions on the internet, he often got ignored and when it was regularly downvoted, he lost trust again.


u wot m8

The only place he could be himself was when he wrote stories.

Even then, it was always unpopular. Maybe there's a saving grace that he could write without being hounded by complaints.

The young man once dreamed about working on a novel with all his heart, getting published and live a modest living from the royalties. The reality wasn't so kind though.

Losing all straws, he began to reconsider, whether his goals were meaningless in the first place.

"No matter how good I thought I was and how hard I work, it's the readers who decide whether I could pay my bills or not. I don't want to live a life like that."

Well, it's not like Authors made that much money y'know. Don't think every Author was Rowling or anything. Most still have to take jobs to get by.

"What about starting a business? For someone with such poor social skills like me, what can I possibly do? I don't want to deal with people."

That's right.

He began to think: "No matter what I did, in the end, it's others who decide my own life. I could try as hard as I could, but if I couldn't attract people, it's all meaningless."


Most likely, there's something wrong with how you attract them. No matter how hard you tried, if the method was incorrect, it wouldn't yield the result you want.

People weren't as complex as you think; that's what education was about and why they were endorsed. Maybe it's not attracting people that you're looking for.

"This world hates my freedom. I don't want anything to do with it anymore. I'll just live my life like always, waiting for the moment where I'll finally die. To hell with getting a wife and starting a family, I don't want any more hassle. My parents could force me to work, but I will make their life a living hell if they want to push marriage upon me."

The word 'marriage' which was a merry occasion for many, was a nightmare for him. Even as of recent, there's no sign of it coming, but when it came, he was ready to obstruct it as much as he could.

If push comes to shove, you could always try vasectomy, huhut.


The young man liked Isekai stories. He also dreamed about going to another world where he could live a carefree life.

He knew full well, there wouldn't be any truck for him nor he was planning to die in such a way. He also didn't plan to kill himself either. To him, the only death he wanted was something peaceful and quiet, passing out while sleeping; without having to undergo any kind of severe sickness.

...but what if you're already dead inside, did that mean your insides already went to another world?

Along the way, he learned about many things which made his once depressed self happier.

'To rely on himself, not anyone else.'

In other words, masturbation was better than actual sex. Not only it saved money from buying condoms and hiring whores; there's also no risk of getting pregnant.

'Not to focus on things beyond his control, especially things like Luck.'

Wasting your life playing Mobage could be one of the worst decisions you made in life.

'Your worth wasn't decided by the shallow judgment of others.'

Since slavery was abolished, yes. Your innards could still be appraised in the black market though.

The most important thing happened when he discovered the existence of 'magic'. The idea came in resonance with him when he became able to see his own aura, as a faint silver outline above his fingers.

His conviction was further strengthened when he came across a certain website which told him: your beliefs, coupled with that magical energy, could make your wishes came true. Whether it wishes, love or power—all of it would come to you as you become stronger.

It's just a wish, well—how would I know.

Alas, when he came across the list of things for magic training, he did not understand any of it. Although there was one line which sparked the light of hope again:

"The most important part of magic training were not the things in this website, but learning from the spirits themselves. What we could teach was only a sliver of what the spirits could provide."

That's when he noticed the existence of the Succubus, even if she was there inside him for so long.

From that point on, as he withdrawn himself from the others around, his insanity kept on growing, to point he often spaced out during work; checking the lock in the doors too much before he went to work.

Other people turned from human beings to a hostile entity in front of him.

He was truly afraid, if he causes problems with others, they might kill or torture him. Worse still, if others bore a grudge, it would mean at every moment he was down or simply put down his guard, those people would try to make his life a living hell. Even if the offense he committed were the only minor, it wouldn't matter.

It's totally not influenced by reading too much Cultivation novels, in fact, he already got tired of it.

Even when he wrote stories, he could hear the sounds of people laughing mockingly in the background. Insulting him and calling him all sorts of depreciating remarks.

He wrote about someone molesting a cockroach, what would you expect?

...but that didn't stop him from focusing on what's most important in his eyes.

Simply becoming stronger in the aspect of 'magical prowess'.

If he had enough power, all those harmful people could be erased. At one point, he thought, he didn't even need to fear even a nation. If it trampled on his beliefs, he could also destroy them.

Once again, that's totally not inspired by reading too much Cultivation novels.

It's not like his magic training bore no fruit or only bullshit. Within months of time, the outline light from his fingertips became more and more opaque. With it, his overall health improved. Nevertheless, the most significant improvement was his ability to perceive and interpret the situations around him.

Maybe it's about time for him to break into the first layer of Qi Refining stage.

Alas, his feelings of hurt and pain did not cease in the slightest. It kept on tormenting him until one day. It came upon—he never truly gave credit to the ones who supported him the most.

None other than his own stories.

When he came terms with it—he felt incredible relief.

In his thoughts, he truly believed it's because of his growth, he could finally notice the most important thing. To give his all where it counts the most.

"In the future, I will do my best for you guys. Thank you..."

Finishing the closure to his story, he took a break and stretched his whole body.

He knew it's just the beginning.

Yet he was content because unlike the past, he had his own hope. The kind which would never be destroyed by reality.

From now on, it's just a game of waiting. He knew full well, he would win. As he's also not dependent on reality itself, who kept telling him he would lose. Even if common sense and logic told him he'd lose, he simply just need to go beyond it.

What he received was 'Insanity'. The kind which once torn him apart and leaving him damaged, would heal and make him whole again. It's simply the matter of how you use it.

With the story finally done, the Succubus asked the young man:

"What will you do after this journey?"

"That is quite obvious. The end of this was simply the start of a new one. I do not know how long I would live or whether I got the opportunity to experience wonderful things like this again, but I will always continue on, for the sake of my goal."

"Remember this—Takeshi. You are never alone."

"I know. I felt alone since I never notice the ones who supported me, including you."

"I don't mind. Many of us 'preyed' on humans without them even noticing us in the slightest. When you finally learned of my existence, I could only think about how fortunate I was."

"Really? I'm just a nobody."

"That's not true, Takeshi. I acknowledge your existence. You are someone significant to me. It's because of your growth, I too could become stronger."

"Glad to hear that."

"Oh, come on. Is that everything you want to say? Wasn't there someone who deserved your appreciation the most? How could you forget about him and just end this journey?"

"Oh right."

Takeshi and the Succubus turned towards me.

"I don't know your name nor appearance, but I know you're always there. You're my bridge to the outside world, telling me that I existed, even for many years later—as long your words always exist, even after I had long died—I shall always live. My sorrows and tears, the very essence of my feelings; you described it all unceasingly.

For that, I couldn't thank you enough, for becoming the witness of my life. That I'm more than just a nobody. With you present, my insignificant life had become a story itself."

"I know you're always there and you'll always be with us on every journey. So, let's get along together, okay?"

With their words revitalizing my heart, I couldn't help but let out a smile.

I shall do my best accompanying you two on the next journey.

Have a good life, Takeshi.

..and also, Levina.

The Empty Valley Cries Unheard - END

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