《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Cultural Festival


Chapter 39: Cultural Festival

Ah, cultural festival.

This was one of the moments I couldn't help but notice the contrasting difference. Between anime and reality, it ends up being a happy disappointment.

What's so happy about it?

Let me go back to the moment I entered the classroom. It was just like the usual. The gyaru girls in the side were reading some comic book with the cover of girls holding hands together, while the boys in the back talking about the VRMMO where they played as lolis and try to seduce the big sisters. One of them happens to find one, where they indulge in quite a steamy lesbian sex.

It turned out, the person behind the big sister was his grandfather. It happened when the big sister blurted out something both of them were familiar with. Like the late Grandma's name, for example.

The grampa big sister commented how the loli's pussy tasted like the late grandma when she was just about that age.

The two of them disregard it and scissored each other again though.

Ah, it's just your usual story. Even before the VR was introduced, people were doing gay things while using a female avatar; even while knowing both of them were guys.

I managed to try one of them and all I did was lurking the public chat before I got bored and quit the game. Nah, just the usual PC game because VRMMO were for rich peeps only.

My main reason I didn't continue playing online: I suck at games in general. The only games I could play were RPGs since you could take it easy and slow. Plus all you did was press the 'Enter' key anyway and walk all over the place; touching every single thing in the game and talking to everyone.

Plus, I had my own hobbies; playing MMO took so much time, not to mention I didn't like playing with others that much.

I'd tell you about my hobby later on, but not now.

I was supposed to sit on the naked pervert girl's lap but since there seems to be someone absent; she took that other seat.

Meanwhile, I was passing the time by opening my laptop and abusing the school's wi-fi to browse the newest update of hentai doujins, particularly Yuri and Futanari; browsing the newly updated web novels in the meantime. Ah, the Lesbian Succubus story was updated.

'I reincarnated to an otome game but I only like girls' also got a mass release.

'History's strongest lesbian hair' although the MC was straight, the action were very entertaining.

'Building a yuri harem as a monmusu' had one extra chapter.

There were some futanari stories but a good number of them were futanari on male, which wasn't my own thing.

'Isekai futanari-chan' had the mc going both ways but I kinda got disappointed when the male lead won the ship; she got pregnant with his baby in the epilogue. Since in her past life, she's a guy--I thought the devoted slave beastkin girl she met in the first time would be her wife. Well, it's still a good read nonetheless, I will just pretend the male lead was actually a trap.

There was also this story titled 'Zombie girl crafting', about some mad scientist guy who experiments on zombies to create an ideal waifu, girlfriends, idols or anything else to fulfill his fetish. There were good numbers of yuri fanservice and in the recent chapter, that guy successfully created a futanari zombie.

Although it's not yuri, I also followed 'The System was so OP it makes me a retard', 'Treading the path of cultivation with my nose', 'Rise of the Brick Saint' and 'The Heavenly Immortal suffered a bad case of chuunibyou after his soul returned from the mortal vessel in Earth.'--man that's some long ass title.


I had to let off reading 'Torment of the Invincible Nascent Saint' since there are so many fillers already. Also with 'Nine Immortal Dragon Cauldrons of Heavenly Godslaying Dao Alchemist from the Seventh Hell', goddamn it, the chuunibyou in that story was getting too much for my comfort. Even the Heavenly Immortal story which mainly focused on chuunibyou never went that far.

'The empty valley cries unheard'? Why was this story still alive? I don't want to hear any more chapter about the sex with a giant cockroach. What was this Author even thinking?

Well, just ignore it.

Soon after the bell rang. My homeroom teacher was absent today after donating his last sperm. He said something about putting a knife down there and live with his girlfriend for a while before returning as a female teacher.

There were supposed to be a replacement soon, but in the meantime, the homeroom would be carried by the class rep.

As you might expect. He's a diligent looking guy with neat looks and overall perfectionist, mechanical attitude. His voice sounds so similar to a teacher, although he's actually entertaining. Our homeroom teacher was still much better but I gave kudos to him.

"As you might know, it's currently the Fall season, ahem...", he sat on the teacher's podium and scribbled the words 'Cultural Festival' on the whiteboard. "Each of the class would be given an opportunity to host the result of collective ideas. Without further ado, anyone got any good ones?"

"Haunted house!"

"Cosplay cafe!"

"Maid cafe!"

"Butler cafe!"

"S&M cafe."

"How about a drama?"


"How about we all just dress as a tree and blend in the background?"

...actually, that kind of ideas were just my imagination.

The class was dead silent.

"Not a single idea?" he fixed his glasses and let out a sigh.

One of the students in front raised his hand.

"Yes, feel free to speak."

"Actually, we didn't feel like participating at the cultural festival at all. Is this even mandatory? We didn't even get any grades from it."

"You have a point. Still, this is a precious experience for our youth, for it did not come twice. If you didn't give your all when there's a time when you're a parent and you begin to tell the children about the wonders of youth—wouldn't you regret not doing your best?"

The student laughed.

"Children? You say like raising it were easy. I don't plan to have them, getting a girlfriend alone is a pain. As for youth, can we just live like we want?"

"He's right!"

"I already have my Mirin-chan. To hell with 3DPD."

"Love, peace, and freedom. That is youth!"

In the hub-bubs of everything, I was just observing it like it's something amusing. Well, it had nothing to do with me.

That's what I thought before the class rep turned his gaze towards me.

Welp, I forgot I still my laptop on the desk and I also read the chapters while listening to them.

"What about you?"



"I have nothing to add."

If it's something about youth, there's already tons of the cultural festival scenes in anime anyway.

"I'm going to ask the same thing to you. What do you say to that?"

"My answer was the same really. If it's not mandatory, I'd rather not go."

"I'm urging you all because it's mandatory for all students, just like the last year!"

"...and what will they do if we didn't want to--punish us? Even if it's mandatory, if there's nothing which would make us have to attend at all cost, then it was good as nothing."


The class rep went all silent. It looked like he regretted ever asking me in the first place.

"How could this class be so united?"

"Well, this pervert out there told everyone who wanted to do cultural festival to just go help the other classes." I pointed at the naked girl who was in the middle of fondling the boobs of the female student in front of her, "She made a survey about it a week ago."

"I'm not a perv! Her boobs were just so nice--"

"It's not right somehow, how could the voice of majority be.."

"During the start of this year, this class did have a specific arrangement, unique to the others. Let's just say, someone among us was able to pull the strings and put all the like-minded people in one place. Or if you wish to be rude, all the problem students. So, when there's a collective decision, it could be swayed to their favor, every single time.

Seeing as you're here, you're probably either swept away by chance or weren't any different from us.

That was just my theory, someone like me definitely couldn't do it. The reason why they did it was unknown to me and it's not my business."

"..yes I agree somehow. You didn't seem to care about anything. This place became much more of a Hell with you around though." the class rep began to rub his forehead and slumped his shoulders.

"I am up for abstaining the cultural festival, but I think we need to give the teachers and the other students who actually worked hard some face. We can just do it, but with the bare minimum effort. Or in this case, I could do all the troublesome things. All I need was just a bit of fund from you guys."

When I mentioned things about money, the class went on uproar.

"Don't be ridiculous! Why should we pay you?"

"You don't seem to have any notable skills, how can we trust you?"

I calmed the class with a voice as gentle as I could.

"Easy there---easy." I made a gesture for them to chill, "All I need were just something that's equal to a little change. You don't even need to do any work, plus we didn't have to endure the resentment of the teachers and other students because we 'stood out'."

"Do all of us have to pay, though?"

"If you have the things I need, you don't have to. In turn, you will receive the payment from the others with the appropriate cost. If you guys all paid the money from the pockets, others could pay less.

Don't tell me, even with all the leeway I gave, some of you could still be so shameless and want to take something for nothing? Everything has a price. If you did not pay it now, you'll have to pay it later."

"These guys are so shameless!"

"It's already good we didn't have to work."

I nod in satisfaction as the guys began to reach for their wallets. Meanwhile, the one I wish to lend their items on was excited.

"Alright, I will give you guys a contract. For the money you paid and the other for borrowing your items."

"Is this even necessary though, what's in it for you?" the class rep look completely bewildered.

"A verbal agreement without any hard evidence is as good as bullshit. Even if it involved witnesses, humans could be manipulated depending on gains and losses, yet manipulating authentic, hard evidence wouldn't be that easy. People may try to destroy the evidence, but with me around, it's impossible."

The people in the classroom gulped. The pervert girl, however, gave me a thumbs up.

I gave them the contracts and it requires for them to dip their own blood, on the signature field, before penning theirs down.

They were reluctant at first but due to how trustworthy the idea of contracts was to hold in their unity, all those reservations were thrown out the door.

"Alright, now this was the idea."

The contract enforces them to say: it was their collective idea rather than myself alone. Plus many other tidbits.

The penalty for breaking them, well, it's a secret.


Finally, the day of the Cultural Festival had come.

Various stalls left and right, selling various modestly-priced stuff, manned by the student; their youthful smiles while serving the customers were a sight for sore eyes.

Students doing the usual stuff like Haunted House, Cosplay Cafe and their other derivatives. The other held a Light Music band, Drama, Dance—one class even had a Sentai show.

Alas, the main source of curiosity weren't them.

People began to crowd around the only plain classroom among the earnestly decorated ones. The windows were barred and the door was locked.

"The class XX actually didn't participate? I know they're a bunch of troubles—but how lazy and inconsiderate of they could be, tarnish our school's name like this?"

"No that's not it. If they didn't, they would just leave the classroom as it is. Look, there's the wooden plank blocking the window. They must have something planned."

In amidst of the confusion, one of the teachers came in, trying his best to hold on all the curses.

"What was class XX planning? They didn't report anything at all—saying it's secret. Did they actually respect us at all?"

The onlookers thought the teacher was a part of the show as they witnessed the man unlocking the door.

...and when it finally opened.


The girls screamed on top of their lungs and the boys gaped in shock. The older people could calm themselves down easily, yet the sight of it was still a shock.

Inside the classroom, there was a male student who hanged himself. The noose was tied down to one of the steel pipes that supported the ceiling.

"Poor guy, he's so young."

"That's so despicable. Did someone bullied him so much, he committed suicide in here?"

The murmurs kept on repeating until one of the onlookers noticed something amiss.

"Wait, it's actually a mannequin! Quite a realistic one on top of that. Even if they used a wig that covered a good portion of the face, normally one couldn't tell, but--there were very subtle joints..." the woman walked towards the figure and touched it to make sure, "It also felt like wood instead of flesh."

One of the paranoid onlookers cursed at her.

"How can you be so sure! What if the boy were cursed into a mannequin when he hanged himself?"

"Oh, come on. This is the modern age and you still believe in that kind of stuff." one of the folks in the crowd teased him.

As soon the woman came in there are also a few people who came in and looked around the classroom. They also ascertained the woman's words by touching the mannequin and they all came to the same conclusion.

"Look, there was something written on the floor. Right below the mannequin's feet!"

"Blood.....no, it's actually a paint...phew..."

As soon as the folks looked at the text, their tension was all gone.

The teacher himself, upon seeing the message painted in blood-red paint, could only facepalm.

The message on the floor was:


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