《The Main Character! : The Hero's Epic Journey Begins!》Protecting my Destiny
Episode 6 Part 1: Protecting My Destiny
My prophecy is at stake. Damn it, I don’t want to be Flam’s slave. I want to be free! That bastard already stole my virginity! I won’t let him take my future! I’m going to protect my destiny! Alright, go ahead Flam, initiate the opening.
“You’re letting me. I’m honored, really.”
“You owe me one, got it?”
“Oooh, what sort of favor would you like?”
Ugh, his voice gives me chills.
“Just hurry up and do the opening song.”
“It will be my pleasure. I look outside my windows. Auh, I see your eyes. And now I’m doting on you chronically…chronically. Oh no, I’m going to get a heartache! Now there’s a slide show of pictures of us on romantic dates. Main, did you see my flushed cheeks when you kissed me? Oh my! Then my hand is reaching out to your rosy tushy. Of course I want to give those cheeks a good squeeze. Now you are tickling me. But then I get excited and order my cat boys to tie me up. I love S&M! I’m now rubbing your nipples on top of a pyramid of loyal subjects. Nothing gets me off like true love after all! I’m then shot with a gun of love! I catch the bullet, lick it, and then I rip open my own shirt with my stylish scarf. I look at my hands to see your fragile chest getting one of my famous massages. So that’s what true love feels like…you crave it, don’t you? Glasses Kid is in the back, lecturing me about the historical roots of homosexuality. I jump up and hug him, creating the title with red hearts. I’m The Love Dictator! Yes yes yes! Flam von da Viva! Oh yes! I’m The King of the world! And I’m going to get Main’s shut in heart! Why…because I’m just so in love!” exclaims Flam, his voice radiating through my head.
I think he might have a crush on me. Anyways, go ahead, do the prequel.
“You spoil me. Alright, last time on Main Character. After overcoming his indecision and finally deciding to confess his love to me, he rounded up his teammates. Assailant couldn’t believe his confession, so he left on a journey to sabotage our love. Main killed one of my fellow cat girls because he was jealous that I’ve banged her in every room of my castle. He finally arrives just outside the medical tent where he had first arrived in my kingdom, and he’s getting anxious for our date. But I was still preparing myself. A maiden must be presentable after all. I’ll be there as soon as I get my make up finished.
And I thought I was delusional and conceited. Damn it, I have to get more powerful. I can’t let him beat me.
“Hey, don’t you dare come here. I’m going to come there and kick your ass. Also that prequel made no sense.”
“That’s the idea. A hero can shape reality with their will. Hmm, let’s see. You let a bunch of villagers die while your heroine is here with me. Sounds like you’re not much of a hero after all. I’m taking over. You’ve disappointed me.”
I didn’t know he believed in me. Great, I’m even letting down my enemies. I’m the Dam Hibiki of heroes; a total failure!
Stalker looks up at me with sparkling eyes. “Are you talking to Main?”
“Sorry my pet. We just got disconnected,” I say, patting her head.
“Don’t touch me.” She pulls back and hisses. “Is he coming to rescue me?”
“He’s running late, but don’t worry, I’ve got a whole evening of fun planned for us!” My scarf tickles her itty bitty nose.
“You’re not going to torture me?”
“Heavens no! I’d never harm a child…without reason,” I say with a sly smile.
I make deviousness sexy!
“Let me go. Main…he isn’t ready to storm your castle…”
Oh, that boy can shove his battering ram into my castle any day he wants.
“He’s not strong enough! Please, just let me go. I’ll uh, what do you want in exchange?”
“I simply want to show you my palace. I have deep respect for your kind. Such tragic creatures…”
“Stop. If you connected with Main, then he may overhear this conversation.”
“What is your name? Your real name?”
“My real name doesn’t matter. I’m Stalker now.”
I hoist her onto my shoulders and clap my hands. The trees part and my glorious castle is in full view.
The castle shines like a glittery palace, one that little girls dream of going to. The windows are all stained glass, but with bright sunny colors and images of hearts and stars. A permanent rainbow showers the pinnacle of the center tower and frames the whole castle with it’s loving vibrancy. The pink hedge maze shifts as I walk through it, giving me a straight entry into my kingdom.
“Is that a pony?” asks Stalker, her voice squeaking.
Ah, the joys of childhood. My daughter always wanted a pony, but I was hopeless then. Ah, I’ve come so far.
“It’s an alicorn, but it’s shy so it only shows its true self to those it trusts. If you want to see it, you may have to stay here a few days.”
“What is the rent like?” asks Stalker, searching her shirt for her coin purse.
“What sort of monster charges their captives. You’re a hostage, my dear, so you get the absolute best hospitality.”
“You’re not as bad as the village elder’s say. When you aren’t burning down houses and slaughtering people’s parents, well, you’re a pretty nice guy,” she says, smiling up at me.
I seize my chest.
She’s rather powerful. To think her cuteness could break through my defenses so easily.
My scarf caresses my cheek till I calm down.
“I used to wonder why princess would always get captured. It bothered me as a young boy who longed for a fairy tail life. Then I started kidnapping girls, well I prefer the term “surprise adoption!” I lift her off my shoulders and snuggle her lovingly. “Villains have money and class. The princess is free of her responsibilities and all the familial politics of siblings poisoning each other for the throne. Think of your stay here as a forced vacation. You’ve earned it, my dear.”
Oh, Cindy. I would have given you the world if I could have.
“I’m no princess, but I suppose I can stay…at least until the pretty pony sprouts wings like a beautiful butterfly,” says Stalker, waving at the mystical stallion.
“He can be your very own Swifty.”
I strike a sultry pose, causing my draw bridge to awaken and lower itself.
“Is it alive? I think I saw eyes.”
“It’s a modified wood elder. They aren’t particularly cute, but they are made for defensive purposes and by only the strongest of mages, mind you.”
“I once knew a mage.”
“Really? You don’t see many these days.”
“That’s because your forces killed them.” She glares at me with her shiny eyes.
“Forget about the small stuff.” I hoist her over the moat. “Behold, only the most beautiful breeds exist here.”
Fish that radiate different colored lights notice the young girl. They bend the light and fuse them together, riding it up to her to give her feet fishy kisses.
“Aww, that tickles. I thought ChromaCarp were a myth.”
“They are. This is a wonderland, so all manner of myths are here.”
“This place is incredible. I’m glad you don’t just waste all those resources you steal from the starving villagers.”
“If I wasn’t resourceful, I’d never be successful,” I say, doing a luminescent hair flip. “Now, without further adieu, I welcome you to my castle!”
The heart-shaped doors fold inward, revealing all the splendor of the main hall. Sculptures of many past hero’s and heroines adorn the walls, each one paired with a beautiful painting of different regions.
“Okay, so you turned the heroes to stone right, like a gorgon? That’s an earth creature. You have a gorgon around here?”
“Not at all. True art must move like the waves, it must be trans-formative not stagnant. And no, gorgons are hideous. These are sculptures, but they’re special. They are monuments to all the loves I have had and they are given a new pose every day. It may sound like a lot of work, but if my sculptors don’t do it then they get their hands chopped off. Ah, their motivation truly touches me.”
Stalker looks away in tears. “I know some of these heroes. I loved them too.”
Such beauty.
My scarf wipes away her tear and pets her lovingly.
“Your eyes sparkle when you suffer. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Thankfully no. Do you have any idea how creepy that is?” asks Stalker, awkwardly laughing.
“I’m a man of theatre! I can’t help but enjoy a good tragedy. But rather then squeezing out a few sentimental tears, I like to witness the moment of suffering. You’re sad now, but I bet when you saw them die…oh you must have been sobbing,” I said shivering with ecstasy
Stalker sniffles. “Yeah…I was. It never stops hurting. The only way I move past it is to find a new love, but then they…end up dying too.”
“Well then it must be quite the treat for you to be meeting with the grand conductor of your symphony of misfortune?”
“Not really. I hate you. Just not going to waste my time being miserable.”
“Come, my dear. I’m here in front of you. Why I’d be insulted if you weren’t plotting my demise.”
Stalker stuck out her tongue playfully. “Maybe I’ll surprise you.”
“That’s the spirit. Perhaps I should show you my weapon’s room. All beautiful tools of destruction, I assure you.”
Stalker’s gaze was set on the statue of the young man who died inside a building I had burned down. “Hey, you said you loved them, but you killed them.”
My scarf turns her to face me. “Come, my dear. You must know the pain of unrequited love. I couldn’t bear it. The possibility of them loving me was so slim, but it was that small possibility that tore me apart. I had to slaughter them so that hope would no longer burden my heart.”
Stalker turns away in tears. “I understand. But it just makes me hate you more.”
Such beautiful creatures, that pretty pink blush looks even more enchanting when coated in liquid misery.
“You shouldn’t hate yourself, dear. Embrace yourself, faults and all! If you were a little saint, you’d be so boring and Main would have no interest in you.”
“You really think he likes me!” Her joy broke through her watter-logged gems.
“I know his every thought. I’m even closer to him...” I bend down and kiss her forehead. I then snap my fingers, causing her journal to appear. My scarf seizes it. “Then you are.”
“What do I need to do to for you to spare him? I don’t want him to end up like the others. I don’t want all the happy memories to become teary ones.”
You are foolish to open up to your enemy, child.
I flash a wicked smile. “While I tear him limb from limb, don’t hold back your screams. If I’m satiated by your raw misery, then I may save his death for another day. Oooh, perhaps Valentine’s Day!”
“No! If you hurt him, I’ll stop you!” she yells, punching me with her tiny fists.
“With any luck you’ll lull me into a pleasant slumber with your rage imbued massage. Haha! I do enjoy the chatter, but I’m a busy ruler. Allow me to escort you to your room.” I do a split and point to the ceiling.
A disco ball drops down and lights up the main hall. The floor shimmies left to right and then rises up, creating a flight of stairs.
“My entire castle is alive. Dead things are ugly, don’t you agree.”
“Are you…going to kill me?”
“Keep such unpleasant thoughts to yourself.” I signal my Aroma Bat to spritzer the air. “I work hard to keep this place as clean as possible.”
“Did that creature just say “kill me?” Is it in pain?”
“It’s just being a drama queen. Spoiled little thing. Go on, take your bath. You’re on break. Sorry about that. Living a glamorous life can make lower souls ungrateful. You do know that the rich are more likely to commit suicide then the poor, don’t you?”
“I suppose. There’s just something eerie about this place,” says Stalker, looking around.
“Wait till you see your room!” I squeal like a girl on her first shopping spree as I prance up the stairs. “Guest room.”
The castle groans, but my psyren frogs block out the negative vibes with an angelic hymm.
Stalker’s eyes shrink. “Why do they sound like that?”
Her little body is shivering with fear. I can’t have her spoiling the big surprise. I must calm her, for now.
“Isn’t it wondrous? They are able to mimic any sound. You could hear the voice of one of your past heroes…if you’d like.” I lift up the frog and offer it to the troubled girl.
“Really?” she asks, with hope in her eyes.
“Yes. I have the sound of their deaths all preserved. I’m actually going to blend them together and make a song out of it. Do you want to listen?”
Her eyes went vacant.
Broken already. Too easy.
“I…I want to go home.”
“Your home is being torched as we speak. Main’s fighting my forces. Oh my, he just ran into one of my generals.”
Stalker clings onto me, like a child desperate for her mother’s love. “Please, call them off. I’ll do anything!”
“Ah, but nothing is quite as rewarding as seeing that expression on your face. True beauty is candid, genuine. A face contorted in pain, tears and snot overflowing, no other expression comes closer to the true nature of one’s soul. I’m an actor, my dear, but I’m also a playwright. Realism is what makes me weak in the knees, tragedy is what sways my heart and tears are what quench my thirst.”
She pushes off of me and nearly falls to the floor, but my scarf catches her before the fall.
“Let me show you to your room.” The door opens to show a pink slide.
My scarf drops her down the slide and her cries echo across the walls.
My word, the acoustics here are absolutely wonderful!
I make my way down my pink and yellow tiled hallway and grip onto my dance pole. I spin around, blowing kisses in the air while strutting my stuff. My grand castle shifts around until the War Room’s door appears.
I dig my finger into it and whisper to the door. “Spread open for me, dear.”
The door moans as she opens up, revealing the glorious splendor of my War Room.
If by some miracle you can hear my thoughts, then you must be dying to know how it looks, Main. The walls have curtains with pretty butterflies. There are eight bean bag chairs, each of a different color. I of course take a seat on the glittery pink one. The table in front of us is decorated with plants, creating a map of my entire kingdom.
I grab my hand bell and give it a few rings.
Within minutes my catboy servants attend to me, giving me sweets, massages and the finest tea.
“It’s your lucky day, boys. General TomCat was killed in combat, meaning there’s a vacancy for the spot. Who ever wants it…” I snap my fingers. The ground contorts into a ball pit. “Can enter for the chance to claim it.”
The boys look at the pit and then at each other. A few of them nervously step in.
“It’s not worth it!” yells one, collapsing at the entrance.
My scarf expands and pierces his back.
“There’s no room for doubt in my army.” My scarf twirls around, slicing his clothing and flesh. “My, my, what do we have here?”
My catboy soldier is actually a girl. She vainly covers her chest, but I can taste them with each follicle on my scarf.
I appear in front of her, pulling away her bleeding arms. “You would hide something from the one who has given you everything. I don’t want cowards or traitors in my army. Hmmm, what to do with you?”
I look over to the ball pit, my brave soldiers are clawing each other limb from limb in the hopes of gaining a promotion.
“How did you mask your scent?”
“I don’t know. Please, just let me go.”
“A latent power, interesting. Good news, soldier, you’ve been promoted to the Kitty Klaw division. Now off with you. I want to see who the victor is.”
I snap my fingers and the balls in the pit come to life. They grow teeth and leap at my catboy soldiers, biting off flesh and lapping up blood.
“Dreadful aren’t they. They’re modified mimics. Oh, how I do miss the days when I would sit with all those cute boys and play table top.”
“I give up!” yells one of the cat boys.
“So easily? Your void of passion is so disappointing.”
One of my catboys grabs hold of the Mimic Balls and uses them as a weapon. Slaughtering the other contenders in seconds.
“Ah, such tenacity. I’m impressed. Welcome general, I will see you in my bedchamber tonight to give you your power and title. Might I ask what willed you to kill the others? They are from your village after all, perhaps a few of them were friends.”
“They were…very close friends.” My newest general shoots me a look of pure hate.
Nothing motivates like the burning passion of vengeance.
“Then their blood shall forever be a part of you.” I poke him playfully, transforming the blood into permanent tattoos on his body. “Let their deaths fuel you to bring me many more victories. Now take your seat. The other generals are arriving.”
The first general to arrive bowed to me with cold dead eyes. He was sleek, sexy and had an adorable face like a baby. He was draped in his own custom uniform: jammies with sleepy faced kitty cats on it.
“Always punctual. What is the news on the rebels?”
“The hero team JumpForced attacked my troops. They successfully held off our assault on Sunny Village.”
“Such a shame. You had two victories, but now you’re back to square one.”
“We managed to capture their guardian angel. They won’t be able to heal from our next assault.”
“Well if you have their angel, then there’s no need to waste your time on them. Their leader Joe Star Platinum is such a hottie, but I’ll taste him in due time.”
“Does this mean I get a gold star?”
“Absolutely!” I reach my hand into my throne and pull out a StarBorne.
The sparkly creature smiles at me.
“Three gold stars. Well, well. You must be very pleased with yourself,” I say, placing the star under his shirt.
“I can feel the power.”
“Now what are you going to do with it?” I ask with a sly grin.
“You murdered my parents right in front of me and you sent my little sister away to…”
I pat his head with my scarf. “Words can only convey so much. You have your stars, so that gives you the right to challenge me.”
“Wait up, your adorableness.”
I turn to see another of my generals. He is just darling in his pink and blue catboy maid get up.
“Ah, general Death Paw, is there something you’d like to report?”
My general reaches into his handbasket and tosses me the head of a little girl.
“That’s White Knight’s guardian angel. The number one hero will soon fall under your command.”
I lap up the blood with my fingertips and slide up to my general. I hoist him up and rub his belly. “Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy.”
“Kyaaah. Stop,” Death Paw squeals as he writhes around.
General Cat Nap places a hand on me, which my scarf knocks aside. “He has three gold stars as well. For the honor of our village and those who you murdered. We’d like to challenge you.”
“Both of you, at once. I’m not sure my body can handle the passion of double penetration. Do be gentle,” I say, moonwalking away from the vengeful general.
The floor parts and reveals a slide.
“The other generals are late anyways. Might as well kill some time.” I say, before sliding down.
I giggle and scream with joy as the living slide tickles me. It drops me off into the Killaseaum, a vibrant battle arena that looks like an adult-sized playground.
I hop onto the monkey bars and taunt them with my tail. “Catch me if you can.”
The two generals whisper their strategy to one another, but our bond lets me know it regardless. Oh, General Cat Nap is going to be in for quite the surprise!”
Cat Nap drags his claws across the large seasaw, lulling it to sleep in seconds.
The StarBorne’s symbiosis is truly wondrous. I wonder how powerful he could have become.
General Death Paw’s claws elongate and slice the swing set. He flings one of the seats at me, but my scarf catches it.
“That scarf is all that protects you! Without it, you’re defenseless!” yells Cat Nap.
“Without his arms your father was defenseless too. Remember when he tried to attack me with those bleeding stubs? It was so funny, I nearly died from laughter.”
“All the power you’ve given me shall be your end, villain!” yells Cat Nap, speeding in front of me.
Death Paw uses the seesaw to propel himself toward me and grips his blade.
“Fairy Dust!” exclaims Cat Nap, showering me with sleeping powder. All my clothes, including my scarf, fall asleep.
Death Paw grips his sword and poises to strike.
“Oh, whatever will I do.” My scarf moves in a flash, slicing both of Cat Nap’s hands off. It grips them before plunging them into my attacker.
“But your scarf…I…”
I tear out the claws and stick my fingers in the gaping wound. “Now, now don’t fall asleep on me. You can’t miss the ending of your own story.”
“His clothing isn’t his power.” Death Paw leaps over me and places his claws to Cat Nap’s back.
“You said you wanted him dead. He made you kill your parents,” said Cat Nap in desperation.
“My family were dull and boring. I never would have had a chance to live the luxurious life if not for him. I’ll admit I wanted him dead at first, but that passionate hate has become deep devotion.”
Ah, and so true loyalty blooms from despair and hate! No matter how many times I witness it, it’s such a wondrous sight!
Cat Nap breaks down into tears. “What about me. We’re friends. We were friends at Sunny Village and we’re friends now, aren’t we?”
“I remember when a simple meal with my family would bring me such joy.” Death Paw slices Cat Nap’s back open, getting sprayed with the blood. “I was such a simple foolish boy then. My bond with our Commander in Cute must have taken over me. The idea of killing my friend, the tragedy of it all is giving me such a rush!”
Oh my, I’m getting hot under the collar too. The despair and depravity is just ooooh unbearable!
General Death Paw is suddenly behind me, rubbing my nipples. “I feel it. Everything you feel,” he says with a look of pure bliss. He then slits Cat Nap’s throat.
We both hold hands and give each other butterfly kisses as the blood showers us.
“I love you and I hate you,” says Death Paw before kissing me.
I start to undress and then break the kiss.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, twirling his finger in my hair.
“I was just thinking about that poor girl?”
“TomCat? She was annoying. Nobody will miss her.”
“Not her. Stalker. I told her Main cared about her but…that was a lie.” I break down into tears. “He just sees her as a damsel in distress. The only reason he’ll come to save her is to boost his own image of heroism.”
“Your heart bleeds for one of them?”
“Suffering unites all beings. Whether an ant or an elephant, all seek freedom and desire to live. And most of them seek love too. I can’t bear for her to learn of the truth.”
“Do you want me to end her life?”
“No, I have a special mission for you. I need you to bring me Best Friend. He’s the one Main truly loves. I’ll deal with the girl’s plight, as humanely as possible,” I say with a troubled smile.
Episode 6 Part 2: A Maiden's Heart
I could get prepped for lovemaking in my sleep. And since I’m sure you’re just as curious as I am about what the little one is doing. I’m going to turn my attention over to her. The little kiss I gave her isn’t a strong bond, but it will allow me to spy on her for a little while.
“He who has passion controls the fates! Point of View Shift!”
I pace around the room.
“Is everything to your liking, milady?” asks one of the cat-eared maid boys.
“The bed is too comfy. I’m afraid if I lay on it, I’ll fall asleep forever,” I say, scratching my cheek.
“Only a kiss from your hero would awake you. That doesn’t sound so bad, does it?” asks the maid.
Oh my gosh that would be so amazing.
“Milady?” The catboy presses a bucket under me. “You’re drooling.”
“Sorry. I hope I didn’t mess up the floor.”
“If I may be frank, I hate your kind and think the world is better off with them extinct. I hope you take no offense to that.”
Wow, he says something so horrible yet he does it so politely. Ugh, this place is making me go crazy.
“Why do you hate angels?”
“LustDriven are impure beings enslaved by base instincts and they, well they make a mess everywhere. Such dirty things should be cleansed from the planet so it can be sparkly clean.”
“You’re rather bold for a maid.”
“Oh, my apologies. I’m not simply a catboy, though I’m not a general either. I’m his Hotness’ second in command: YarnBall. My friends call me Yarny, but you’re not my friend, little minx, so don’t even think about it.”
My unpleasant captor is a hard one to read. His eyes are always closed like that tricky character from the show with all the hot guys wielding swords.
Oooh, I bet Main would look super cool with a giant sword!
YarnBall slid the bucket under me. “You’re drooling again. So uncouth.”
“Not to be rude, but can I have a maid that isn’t constantly insulting me?”
“I was ordered specifically to guard you. I’m the only one his Holy Sexiness trusts with this important duty.”
“Okay, then can you pwease shut up?”
“Is it hard to plan an escape while I’m talking?”
Huh? How did he know?
“I saw you looking up at the window. You might be able to reach it if you had wings. But you already know, you’re right where you want to be, filth. Your latest crush would be displeased if you escaped. Your kind are loyal to a fault; like a sex starved dog in heat.”
“Flam took the long route to his castle. Why isn’t Main here already? Is saving my village more important to him than saving me?”
That’s right! Main’s in danger! As long as Flam holds the Point of View, Main won’t have his Plot Armor! If this is Flam’s episode then I have to find a way to end it prematurely! I should see how he’s doing.
I start to take off my shirt. “I’m going to change? Can I get some privacy?”
YarnBall wheels in mobile shower curtains from the closet. He then climbs atop them and stares at me with those creepy slanted eyes. “Absolutely not. You filthy creatures are crafty, after all,” he says with a sweet smile.
Ugh, the sugary sweetness of everything here is hurting my tummy wummy.
“I want to take a bath!” I exclaim. “I, uh, want to be fresh when my hero comes to save me.”
“Very well, I’ll escort you to the bath house.”
“Oh, but let me clean my undies first.” I slip out of my strawberry panties-Main’s favorite- and start licking them clean like a kitty.
The creepy cat boy turns and wretches.
Finally, an opening. Also, wow, I’m so yummy.
I summon up my journal.
Please be okay, Main.
My eyes must be playing tricks on me. I turn to the next page and its blank. The last note I have is him letting Flam do the prequel. And what’s even stranger is that it looks like a scene a few pages back was erased. But there’s no way to erase an entry. Could Flam have done something when he grabbed my diary.
I have to find him now.
“Are you done…cleaning yourself?” asks YarnBall, covering his eyes with his hands.
You’d think a cat wouldn’t be bothered by such things.
“Yep, I’m all cleaned up now!” I say, slipping my panties on.
“Did your mother not teach you manners?”
“Look! You can be mean to me all you want but don’t talk about my mommy!” I yell with tears.
“Stop excreting from your eyes. Follow me.” YarnBall leads me out of my way too comfy prison and takes me down the hall.
“I need to talk to Flam. It’s important.”
“The bathroom is close by. I can take you there. Unless you drink that too.”
“I don’t need to go potty. It’s something else.”
“The Glamorous Supreme General is busy at the moment. You can schedule a meeting after you’ve taken a bath. It’s right through this door.”
“Opening,” says the door in a robotic voice.
“Hey, so do you have any cool powers? I hear that all the generals have them. What’s yours?”
“My power is to weather the stench of the impure so I can cleanse them from Punk. You won’t get anything more out of me.”
“You should be called SourPuss not YarnBall.”
“That name was given to me by the Dark Diva himself. Do not dare to try and steal it from me.”
Flam sure has a lot of pseudonyms.
Flam peeks out from the…chocolate bath.
Wow! This place really is too good to be true! Main loves eating chocolate behind Best Friend’s back. Maybe he can steal me away and eat me while his friend isn’t looking.
I hop in and whisper to Flam. “Can you ask Yarnball to leave? He really creeps me out.”
“Who am I to ignore a maiden’s desire. Yarny?”
The catboy’s eyes open up, glistening pink. “Yes, your Lordship?”
“Leave us. You’re relieved of your duties for now.”
“A-a-a-as you wish, Beloved Baron.” He leaves the room in a daze, nearly toppling over.
“You sure have that kitty on a tight leash.”
“Oh, they’re free to do as they want. They can even leave. But they never do. The opportunity to be this close to me is one they all savor. Every catboy is a survivor of one of my little village play dates.”
“You mean when you torch them and slaughter the men?”
“Yeah, I call that a play date. My recruiters rescue the children from the burning buildings, rubble, and other hazards and they offer them a chance to join me.”
“Why would they ever join the one who killed their families?”
This man is so twisted!
“To kill me. Only those who succeed in missions and prove their worth are allowed to become generals and after a general has burned down one village, killed a hero leader and captured or killed one of your kin, they get a special gold star. With all three stars, they are given the chance to fight me. Most often they don’t. They become too attached to me at that point.”
“So then the chance to kill you is a lie?”
“I am not a fibber. Only a few generals have held onto their vengeance long enough to challenge me. But since they need to burn a village to get a gold star, well, there’s always an opportunity to replace them with a new general.”
How can they burn villages to avenge their own village? It makes no sense.
“That look of confusion doesn’t do your face any favors, dear. I should have been more specific. They have to burn their own village, kill their own villagers to get that gold star. Once they’ve done that, most of them snap. Their own desires to kill me are what twists them into becoming my pawns. Isn’t that just poetic?”
“You’re a tyrant and Main will stop you,” I say with a glare.
Wait. Main is in danger! How did I forget? It’s this place. Maybe the perfume in it or something. It dulls the memory. I have to stay focused.
“I-I want to help you.”
Flam’s eyes widen. He blinks several times. “You do?”
“You’ve done so much for me. The Main love pillow on my bed was particularly thrilling!”
Oh, I can’t wait to straddle the real hero!
“I also had your past heroes killed. Don’t you hate me?”
“Of course I do, but my papa didn’t raise an ungrateful child.”
I have to guard my thoughts in case he’s prying into them.
“Such a little darling you are. Well there is something I want. But just asking you is no fun. Head back to your room when you’re done here. I’ll have dinner delivered to you in just an itty bit.”
What is he planning now? Ugh, I don’t have time to waste. I have to resolve this episode or at least find an exciting cliffhanger. Wait, YarnBall isn’t watching me anymore. He’s being careless. I should see what I can find in this place.
I get up from the bath and lick the chocolate from my hands.
Wow, this is soooooo tasty! And it smells amazing! So sweet and creamy! Mmmm, I smell like love.
I smack my cheeks.
Stay focused. He must be hiding something here and I’m going to find it.
I slip on a towel and leave the bath house.
Why is the towel tickling me? Is everything alive here?
I close the door.
Where should I start looking?
“Hey, filthy girl. Wat’cha doin?” asks YarnBall.
“Didn’t your beloved commander tell you to leave me alone?” I ask with puffy cheeks and a glare.
“Yeah, but my loyalty isn’t skin deep. You want to see a special room?” he asks, his smile stretching from ear to ear.
Great I’m going to see that in my nightmares. Stupid catboy is ruining my dream time with Main.
“Well, do ya?”
This is obviously a trap, but I can’t just do nothing while Main is in danger.
“Okay, umm. Lead the way, YarnBall.”
“Ooh, I just love being mischievous.” He turns to face the gummy wall. “Open up or I’ll slice you open.”
The wall parts and all that awaits within is pure darkness.
Is he taking me somewhere to torture me? Okay, deep breaths, Annie. You’ve been tortured before. You have a mission and you’re going to get it done.
I raise my hand and emit a beam of light. “It’s so we don’t fall.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll slip regardless. Once you see the surprise that is.”
We make it all the way down the dark stairs.
My light wavers with my spirits, flickering on and off.
I see flashes of pools of blood, limp bodies, tubes and smiles.
I cover my eyes. “What is this place?”
A hand ruffles my hair. “This my dear, is where the magic happens,” says Flam.
It was a set up. I knew it was, but I’m so scared.
“What are you doing to those girls?”
This place smells so sweet it’s sickening.
“I must thank you, dear. You’ve given me the perfect opportunity to punish you. Such a lovely gift it is. Truly you must have peered into my heart’s purest desire.”
I run up the stairs, but they sink beneath me.
“I’ve bonded with every inch of this castle. There’s nowhere you can go that I can’t see. This is such a unique experience. I can feel your terror firsthand and see myself through your eyes.”
“Wait, you changed POV? When?”
“Aww, don’t worry. That simply means you need to modify your plan just a smidgen. Instead of finding the end to my episode, you need to find your ending. The curtain won’t close without your satisfaction, so there’s no point in faking it.”
“I’m not the hero. I’ve always been a side character! And that’s fine with me!”
“You really believe that? You’ve had 13 heroes and they’ve all come and gone. Your the one who carries on their memories. You should give yourself more credit, my dear. Now, if you want to end your episode, then you have to see this through to the end. I won’t tell you what this place is; you’ll have to figure it out on your own.”
I’m so scared. Main, please help me.
“He can’t hear your thoughts. Only I can. There is nothing you can hide from me. I can see through you entirely. You’re as bare as a newborn kitten.”
“You shouldn’t have POV! Only great heroes have that! You must have stolen it!”
“How I got it is irrelevant. Oh no, Main just got injured. Enough games, little one. I don’t want him to die yet either.”
“Then give him back his Plot Armor!”
“You’re the one in control now, not me.”
“Wait, you began the episode. You’re still in control. You’re lying to me. You still have the POV.”
“Then you best be safe and satisfy both our conditions.”
“You had a question for me, right? Well I sneaked into your secret room so hurry up and torture the answer out of me.”
I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid.
“You know, the word afraid will only make you more frightened. I suggest you think “I am fearless” instead. It’s much more motivational.”
“Hurt me!” I yell in tears.
“Such desperation. But I don’t get my jollies off on hurting children, at least not physically. Truly, my heart bleeds for you, my dear. I want to help you.”
“Then ask your question!”
His eyes gaze into me.
“Why were you specifically chosen to protect him? There are other NymphBeasts that are far more qualified for the job.”
“I prefer the term guardian angel.”
“And I’d prefer to have been born a beautiful lady, but we seldom get what we want.”
“I wasn’t chosen. I…made the choice myself.”
“Such a feisty little thing you are. Do you think yourself better than your kin?” He snaps his fingers and the lights flicker.
I see it for an instant: girls just like me with tubes in them. Their eyes are dazed and they have an empty smile.
Why is he doing this?
“You’re a clever girl. You must know the answer.”
“You’re…farming them for their fluids.” My whole body is trembling.
His scarf wraps around my neck. I swear I hear it hiss.
“There you go. You have your answer. Oh, but that’s odd. You still have the POV. I suppose me satisfy me after all. Thankfully, there is one last burning question I have.”
My stomach turns.
Am I going to end up like them? I joined the Hero’s Guild so I’d be safe. I’ve never felt less safe in my entire life.
His scarf coils around my arms and legs, twisting them to the brink of breaking. His eyes gaze into me. “What would I have to do to you to make Main rescue you?”
Of course. We both want the same thing. But I can’t say it. The answer is too dreadful.
“You don’t need to say anything, dear. Just think it. Your thought is my command.”
I swallow my fear and steady myself. “An execution. If there’s no deadline, he won’t act. He…procrastinates. You’ll have to execute me!”
His delighted smile churns my stomach.
“Exceptional. I’ll send word to him of your execution date through my generals. Well I believe that is a fitting end to this episode, don’t you?” he asks, wiping away my tears with his scarf.
I nod with a face full of tears and shaky legs.
“I’ll take back the POV now. Point of View Shift!”
Well, wasn’t that just a blast? I’m so happy you all got to see my beautiful castle! I’m not much for ending songs, but just picture Stalker’s terrified face and some melancholic music if you want one.
Now for the preview. Well we’ve reached the last episode of the Season One Part One. Main’s forces will go up against my generals and he’s going to learn when Stalker’s execution is. Will Main’s team be victorious or will his destiny fall into my hands! Oh, the excitement wounds me! See you dears next time!
“Are you done?” asks a mysterious voice from the shadows.
It’s him.
I bow down on bended knee. “Is there something you want?”
“Is everything proceeding as planned?” asks the voice in a monotone whisper.
“Not exactly, but if it was, it would be boring, wouldn’t it?”
“The boy will come, I assure you.”
“The silver eyed hero. We thought there was only one.”
“For all we know he has contacts.”
“No, this one is special. That’s why we chose it.”
“He is special, isn’t he?”
And he has such a cute butt.
“We will not repeat ourselves.”
“I’d rather not kill the girl. The NymphBeasts are such tragic creatures. Perhaps too tragic,” I say softly.
“Steel your heart. The boy is not the one we are luring. There is another thorn in our side.”
“You mean the Legend…”
“Silence. You know us well enough to not ruin our vague statements.”
“I apologize. Ah, so you mean that one. Is that better?”
“Much. You’ve bonded with so many, it’s not easy to tell who is listening in.”
“That’s not something a mysterious voice needs to be concerned about. I will fulfill my duty and you’ll give me my reward as promised.”
“Yes. Whichever of the two of you satisfies us more, shall receive our blessing.”
“Can we end it here? I’m honestly concerned about the boy.”
“We have someone watching it. The destiny boy will be protected.”
“He nearly died.”
“Indeed, but we saw its potential. How are your experiments fairing?”
“One of them escaped and is causing trouble. Should have put the ugly thing out of its misery instead of locking it away in the dungeon.”
“The general who died, TomCat. We’ve decided to give it another chance.”
“If only you could do the same for the heroes. I’d love to kill them at least a few more times.”
“Greed is in poor tastes when it lacks purpose. This time the destiny boy will have to fight her alone.”
“You certainly know how to build things up.”
“But of course. I am the one who built…ah, I should stop there. Don’t want to reveal too much at this stage of the game.”
“Is everything a game to you?”
“It’s all a story, until those with the will to change history come along and make it entertaining. We enjoyed playing with you.”
“Seems like you’re still not done playing with me.”
“You are one of our favorites, after all. Oh, the boy isn’t fairing well. Return POV to it.”
“As you wish. We shall soon see if he is indeed the child of destiny you’ve longed for.”
“It is. We have no doubt. It simply needs more trials to awaken its true power.”
“Oooh, I can’t wait! Point of View Return!”
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Semi-Powerful Underling
Uploads every Thursday and Sunday at 1:00 GMTSupervillain lackey Quincy Whistlewood has got two powers. One of them is his attempt at humor and charisma, and the other is to break reality itself. And yet he's still considered the weakest and wimpiest villain at Stocklord's illegal company of evil. He doesn't mind, but when his old 'friend' Sal decides to take a job at the company, he knows his life about to spiral.Join Quincy and his hopeless group of semi-powerful friends as they try not to die at the hands of the greatest (and 100% corrupt) heroes on the planet, The Ultrahuman Force, in this comedy + action + drama masterpiece of literature that you musn't miss because I say so! This is a second draft!
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Overlord: The Untold Tale
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Do not forget me
Дахен никогда не думала, что из-за своей любопытство, вляпается в неприятности, от которого спасет лишь он. Вторая часть из серий BangTan Boys SeriesВот и вторая часть из серий BangTan Boys Series. Не забываем дарить любовь и этой части.09.05.2018. #44 В ДРАМА #16 В АНГСТ #14 В ЭКШН #137 В POV #936 В COMFORT #14 В ПЕРВЫЙРАЗ
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Whispers ~ Dream SMP War x Reader
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Sang Insane | ✔
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