《A Mouse's Grand System》Axels comprehension and The Wisp.


Mag had a look of shock and terror on his face as he dropped the plate of food on the ground.

With a clattering that resounded throughout the room, the tray slowly rolled to a stop.

"What do you mean he teleported?! That should be impossible!" Mag yelled once more.

Arvion, thoroughly terrified, shook in place and shrugged with his little mousey shoulders. Mag looked at him and slowly started to relax at the two children's expressions.

"How did he do it?" Mag asked as he slowly regained his composure.

Arvion shook a little bit more before answering.

"I just saw the threads that surrounded us and connected myself to one."

Mag narrowed his eyes as his body tensed up.

"Threads of the world you say?"

Arvion nodded gently as he finally had stopped shaking.

Mag nodded to himself at Arvions answer and began to ponder.

"What skills have you picked up here recently?" Mag asked seriously.

"Well let's see..." Arvion trailed off.

'System show me my skills!'


Classes Unlocked LV: MAX + Mastery: LOCKED

Natural Stealthiness LV: MAX + Mastery: 2/1000

Elementary Shadow Magic Affinity LV: 1 + Mastery 54/100

No slots remain please evolve to increase skill slots

Stealth: LV: 2 + Mastery 12/100

Aether Manipulation LV: 1 + Mastery 0/200

Meditation LV: 3 + Mastery 91/100

No slots remain please evolve to increase skill slots

Outbreak LV: 7 + Mastery 87/100

Spacial Lurch: LV: 1 + Mastery 0/100

Please increase your stats to unlock more spells.

Analytical Eye Tier 2: Level: 1 Mastery 0/200

Basic Magic Language Proficiency: Level: 1 Mastery 0/100


Genius’s Comphrehenesion: LV: MAX mastery: ERROR


"I recently learned the following skills... Spacial Lurch which I created, Analytical Eye, and Genius's comprehension." Arvion answered after quickly skimming the list once more.

Mag frowned once more before continuing.

" I haven't heard of Genius's Comprehension. What exactly does it do?"


Genius’s Comprehension Level: MAX Mastery: Locked Please kill another boss to increase the rank of this boss skill.

This skill allows the user to understand humans on a fundamental level as well as speak to them physically. You also have an improved scope of understanding of the world and things about it. Inspect skill has been given a qualitative increase in strength and level due to this. And finally, you learn all skills 2 times as fast and level them up just as fast.


Arvion quickly read it out loud to mag to hopefully glean more about what it meant.

Mag's frown deepened at the strange description of the skill and his eyebrows raised at the word boss.

"You killed a boss?" Mag asked calmly, holding the surprise within himself.

"Yeah. That Wolf we fought before in the glade."

"That was a boss and you survived it. You sure are one lucky bastard Arvion. This skill is a beauty. If any mage could have it, it would be a dream come true and that is true to you as well."

"Arvion, there is a little thing called mana sense. It's a simple concept and that concept is that we spread our mana into our surroundings and feel the world around us."

He paused for a second as he thought how best to word what he was about to say.

"You shouldn't be able to access that as it is a tier 2 ability. But somehow this skill lets you instinctively see the world around you as well as see the very threads of mana in the air."

"This is an incredibly useful skill and probably something that no one has done before or if they have at least not a spacial mage has done."


"So to conclude. You are one lucky son of a gun."

Arvion laughed at his good fortune and smiled brightly at the praise from Mag.

Mag laughed as well before becoming suddenly serious.

"There is one thing I want to tell you though." He said with a suspenseful pause. "You have two hours before I send you off into the forest for two weeks to live on your own."

Axel's face first changed to a look of confusion then horror.

"But why?!" He shouted.

Mag shook his head sadly before continuing. "You see I need to push you both to your absolute limit to stretch your potential and make you grow. Others are growing stronger every moment you laze around and the only way to grow stronger is to be active."

"That is why I have decided to send you into the woods to fend for yourselves for two weeks while I work on this formation."

The room grew silent as Arvion and Axel became speechless.

"You have 2 hours to prepare to start now," Mag said before leaving the room suddenly.

Arvion and Axel looked at each other with confusion all of a sudden and they immediately started reading their respective books with complete seriousness.


Two hours passed in a blink of an eye and by the end of it, Arvion had learned next to nothing. He learned about the flow of magic in the body but that was it. Not a single thing he could practically use.

While nearing the end Axel seemed to be having a breakthrough.

He sat stock-still, breathing heavily while speaking in words that made no sense to even Arvion. The paths that magic would flow through suddenly lit upon his body as a bright blue and yellow cover traced like lightning and water across his body.

After nearly a whole minute of shock, the light show stopped and Axel came out of his strange condition.

Axel's face cracked into a bright grin as he looked at Arvion immediately and began to speak.

"I finally got it! I finally learned mana efficiency!" Axel exclaimed.

Arvion felt a warmth light up in his chest as a competitive flare was born.

"You did?! That's fantastic" Arvion said nonetheless.

The door creaked as Mag appeared at the entrance of the door.

"It's time for me to send you off."

Arvion and Axel looked at each other and shared a look of fear and nodded gently. It was time for them to truly be tested. Were they worthy to be mages?


The trip to the forest wasn't that long as it was just on the outskirts of the small village. They reached a tall wall that stood at about 10 feet tall and Mag simply started to cast a spell.

He muttered so quietly it was difficult for Arvion to hear but he could make out one word.


As soon as he finished his muttering the air seemed to coalesce into droplets of water that formed into a simple staircase that led to the top of the wall and presumably to the forests floor. It then in a second turned into ice as he whispered a word.

As soon as he finished he let out a sigh, his breath a strange white that filled the air with a frigid coldness that seeped into the core of the boy's bones.

Mag accompanied them through the forest for a short walk and after a few minutes, they easily became lost in the depths of the forest.

It was dark here. The canopy stood hundreds of feet into the air as the air grew thick with moisture. The small trickling sunlight that did slip through the canopy was swallowed by the shallow mist that hung throughout the air.


It felt like the world had stood still here as not a single bird chirped.

Mag stood solemnly behind the boys one second and the next he was gone.

They both looked startled behind them at Mag seemingly disappearing.

"Where the hell did he go?!" Arvion squeaked as Axel frowned.

"He can't leave us in this creepy ass forest!"

It was then that they heard it. A shuffling coming from behind them. It was gentle but in the silence, it stood out like a sore thumb.

Arvion turned around and peered through the thick fog only to see darkness and a small light.

It was almost the size of a football and seemed to grow as it seemingly approached.

Axel looked at Arvion in a question of what to do as he maintained his silence. Arvion motioned to a gigantic tree not far away and they both scurried as quietly as possible to get behind it. Arvion even activated stealth to try and muffle the noise of his steps.

A low rumble slowly filled the surroundings as light filled the surroundings. It was an ambient light that filled the area with an eerie glow.

'What the hell is this creature?' Arvion asked Axel as a mental shrug was all he got in return.

Arvion shook his head in frustration before gently peering out from behind the tree and took a quick peek at what he saw.

What he saw there terrified him.

It was a creature that seemed to look similar to a human child wearing golden peasants garb. She wasn't what was terrifying. What was terrifying was the light around her. As she walked everything around her was bathed in a golden glow that filled one with fear. This light, as it passed through its surroundings, scorched the earth around it. The plants had long since died where she stood and all that remained was a white scorch mark.

Arvion quickly used Analytical Eye and was given a prompt by the system.


Species: Wispling

Titles: Guardian of the Depths.

Tier: 1

Level: 1

HP: 400/400

MP: 2000/2000

Worth 5000 XP.

Exclamations: You shall succumb to the depths.


The description seemed simple enough but sent shivers down Arvions spine. It was a creature that had a title and that alone said, leagues. It was only level one but worth 5000 XP. Not only that but it had 2000 fucking mana. It was insane. And another thing was that that bloody aura around it wasn't even consuming mana.

Whatever this creature was, it was dangerous.

Arvion cursed the creature in his head as the whisp cocked its head in his direction, seemingly knowing that he had inspected him.

He could hear the buzzing getting closer. He could feel his surroundings heating up. He knew if he did nothing he would die.

'Light! Light! how the hell do I stop something as stupid as light!... Space magic won't do anything in this situation...'

'Wait! That's Right! I still have Shadow Magic! What is shadow magic but the absence of light magic?'

'So theoretically his magic should completely nullify this creature right?'

'To hell with it! It's at least worth a try!'

Arvion shook as fear filled his body. He looked at Axel for what could be the last time before releasing a steady breath. It was time. He could feel the creature right behind him. He could feel the tree struggling to survive the light's scorching rays.

'Aether Manipulation!' Arvion thought as he willed his magic to cover himself and Axel.

He felt a cooling sensation cover his body and he guessed Axel felt the same way.

He felt the light creep up on him and felt it touch his body and though it did heat up, it remained bearable.

The creature turned the corner only to see two shadows. The child slowly opened its closed eyes and when it did so two spotlights were released as a presence filled the surroundings as the light doubled in strength.

Arvion doubled the output of his mana on his current manipulation. He felt a slight chill fill him as the shadow wrapped his body and protected him.

'If I do nothing then I will die!' Arvion thought before doing something reckless.

He sent out outbreak and hurled himself at the being, trying his hardest to completely surround the being in his darkness.

As he soared through the air he felt it exponentially heat up as his shadow cloak did nearly nothing for him.

He grunted as he slammed against the wisp's strangely light body. He felt outbreak surround him and his surroundings and felt the wisp scream in pain as silence filled his surroundings.

He felt his body being burned up as an explosion was let out and his surroundings were charred.

He poured everything into his outbreak spell and the spell protecting Axel hoping to god that they would survive.

Then there was silence.

Complete and utter silence.

The only sound that could be heard was the slow and laborious breathing he and Axel were emitting.

Then a ding let out.

Arvion let out a sigh of relief at the thought that the creature was dead.

He promptly passed out and found darkness awaiting him.


He awoke to the soft sounds of snoring as he awoke tightly nestled against Axel.

He felt that he had recovered his health and mana points throughout his rest and it seemed like Axel was doing the same.

He gently lovingly patted Axel before deciding to look around his surroundings and figure out where he was.

As he looked around he could see that he was somewhere underground though not deep as he could see rays of light slipping through cracks in the ceiling.

'Seems like he found a cave of some sort. Good job familiar.'

Axel seemed to sense his praise in his sleep as he smiled gently.

'Status' He thought gently. It was time to see what had come from his kill.


Name: Arvion

Titles: BOSS, Wisp Slayer

Species: Household Mouse (Shadow type Affinity and Space Affinity)

Familiar: Axel(Human, Water-type Affinity and Lightning Affinity)

Class: Mage

Level: 13

XP: 29/1300

Hitpoints: 21/21

Stamina: 0/1

Mana: 40/40


'Seems simple enough. Show me my stats.'


Name: Arvion

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 1

Lifeforce: 21

Intelligence: 25

Wisdom: 20

Evolution Points Available: 25


He let out a low whistle before smiling at the high number of points he had collected.

He then tried to inspect his titles to finally figure out what they did.


The boss title is what categorizes and differentiates the common beast from a true monster. The user will gain a permanent 5% fear debuff on enemies that changes depending on tier differences as well as having all stats and levels removed from being scryed or viewed upon.

You, slayer of wisps, have just started on your journey to becoming a true wisp hunter. You gain +500% damage to wisps and for every wisp, you kill this bonus doubles. You also gain conditional immunity to the burning effect and light damage. You finally may consume the corpses of wisps to gain permanent increases to skills.


A feeling of satisfaction crossed Arvion as he found that his inspect skill finally worked on his titles.

'Boss seems handy. And Wisp Slayer just seems overpowered in certain situations.'

'I wonder if Axel picked up the body?'

After looking around the room he could only see a simple backpack laying by Axel's side. He quickly dug through the pack to only find a strange white core that pulsed with energy. The core was about the size of Arvions head and the smell of popcorn wafted off the core.

"Is this the remains? Only one way to find out!" Arvion whispered as he gnawed at the core.

It tasted similar to how it tasted and left a wonderful aftertaste in his mouth.


Axel seemed to have finally woken up as he tossed and turned and looked at Arvion eating the core.


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