《A Mouse's Grand System》Mice colony and the Cursed One


Arvion had just finished eating the core by the time Axel could react. Axel reached out and conjured water magic to try and stop Arvion from finishing the core but Arvion finished it before the magic could reach him.

Water tendrils emptily tapped Arivon and filled him with chills.

"What's the matter? It should just be the remains of the Wisp right?" Arvion asked naively.

Axel sputtered nonsense for a few moments before sitting down heavily. A large thud could be heard as he laid down.

"You just wasted something that could have become a high-tier treasure. Wisp tiers are useless for anyone except nobles and craftsmen."

"And. You. Just. Ate. One!" Axel said, anger filling his voice.

Arvion felt speechless at the turn of events before a ding pulled him out of his confusion.

"It did do something! It gave me skill ups!" Arvion said, remembering the description of the skill.

"Arvion. Just shut it. Honestly, you have really pissed me off this time. Even a chunk of that core would have been enough to create a high tier formation but you just had to go and waste it."

"No Axel I'm being serious! I did get a skill up. That Wisp had a title and it gave me one when she died."

Axel's face contorted to one of confusion as he cocked his head to the side like an adorable puppy.

"A title you say? Those are fairly rare. And limited I should add, only a certain amount are ever in the world at one time"

"That means you scored a bounty bigger than ever before," Axel said with his face a little less defeated.

"What boon did it give you if you don't mind me asking?"

"It gave me greater strength against wisps and defense against them as well. On top of that, I gain skill-ups when I consume their cores."

"Hmm... Not bad. What skill up did you gain this time?"

Arvion looked at the notification again before replying.

"It's letting me choose a skill to increase by 3 levels."

Axel's face became flushed with excitement as he grabbed up Arvion and gave him a little twirl.

"That's crazy! That could worth anywhere from a few dozen mastery points to tens of thousands if used on high-level skills."

Arvion suddenly realized the worth of his newfound ability.

If he was a higher tier and his skills cost more evolution points then he would be able to get them without having to pay the massive evolution point costs. A worthy title indeed.

Arvion pondered on the skill he should upgrade before finally settling on one after a few minutes of silence.

'System increase outbreak by 3 levels.'


'Evolve Outbreak!' Arvion thought with excitement.

Control your tentacle's attacks with this nifty skill.

Your Outbreak grows stronger the longer you use it.

Your outbreak skill transforms into a swarm of tentacles that strike 10 times faster but do reduced damage.


Your outbreak skill transforms into a single tentacle that is devoid of mana and can erase mana signatures with ease.


As a wisp slayer, you will take their methods and use them against them. This transforms the damage that you deal with outbreak into fire damage and it is of the light element instead. This skill can hallow the ground around it transforming it from whatever it currently is to a barren field that has increased capabilities to grow and boosts similar to that.


'Holy cow these are some strange options. I suppose the first two are fairly standard while the last three completely change the effect of the spell.' Arvion thought to himself as he stared at the screen completely immersed in what lay in front of him.


'Whirling Death increases the speed in which I strike which can be strong unless the enemy has something like damage resistance or reduction.'

'Of the void is something that could be excellent against mages or anything magic-related. It could even be used to erase formations from existence as well as destroy magic items though I doubt it would do it from the get-go.'

'And finally From the Depths completely changes the spell to its direct opposite. But it's kind of useless since it is of an element that I don't necessarily have an affinity for.'

'Hmm... The first two are fairly generic but I think I have already made up my mind!'

'System I choose !'

'Display '


Of the Void Tier 2: LV: 1 Mastery 0/200

This skill costs a total of 10 mana per minute of use. This skill creates a singular tentacle that comes from a spacial tear in the air. This tentacle is devoid of mana and disrupts mana signatures for anywhere from a short period of time to a prolonged period of time.

The tentacle can be destroyed if struck by tier 3 mana or higher while lesser mana will be disrupted by its power. This aspect will grow as you upgrade the skill.

The tentacle can also make a swipe attack that can deal damage anywhere from 10-20 points of damage.

Please upgrade this skill to gain countering abilities and increase the damage dealt as well as increasing the tier of mana that is able to be countered.


'Holy cow is that strong! It does less damage but it can completely nullify a tier 2 Mage!'

'I just evolved my fourth skill!' Arvion thought towards Axel.

Axel stopped spinning finally and smiled at Arvion.

'Looks like we're both growing pretty strong. Before you know it we will both be Tier Two like Father.'

They both relaxed for the next few days, humbly living off the mushrooms in the cave that were identified as edible. It was fairly easy living in the cave and they faced almost no difficulties.

The only real difficulty was the fact that they didn't have a water source to drink from. At least not one that was drinkable. There was one in the bottom of the cave but it was a dark green color and smelled of sour spoiled food.

After a few days without water they were both parched and Axel suggested that they go look for water but Arvion insisted on going alone since he had his stealth skills.

Axel reluctantly accepted and allowed Arvion to leave.


After leaving Arvion became on high alert as he spent his time turning stealth on and off as he clung to the plentiful amount of shadows that lined the forest floor.

'Where would water be?' he thought to himself as he searched the surrounding area to no avail.

'Perhaps if I were to follow an animal they might lead me to a water source?'

And then began the search of looking for a creature that might lead him to a source of drinkable water while making sure he wouldn't forget where the cave was at.

After what felt like hours of searching he finally found what seemed to be a tiger made out of stone that was lazily crouched on the ground panting from heat exhaustion.

Arvion immediately stealthed and watched as the tiger slowly made its way through the forest at a slow pace.

Arvion followed closely behind, making sure to keep a distance away from it.

After a few minutes of trailing the tiger, he realized he could hear running water. It was a strange sensation, hearing water after days without it. It was almost music in his little mouse ears.


He immediately ignored the tiger from then on out and followed his ears as he approached what seemed to be a glistening lake of water.

But the peculiar thing about this lake was that it was surrounded by thousands and thousands of animals lounging around and drinking water.

There were bright apes of all shapes and sizes and ants that seemed to be 5 feet tall. There were even creatures that resembled wingless dragons that stood prowl at the backline of the crowd.

Elephants stood towering over the others and drank plenty from the seemingly endless lake. All creatures of almost all shapes and sizes were here but he couldn't understand them at all as they roared and talked about.

'Perhaps it's because I was born a human in my last life?'

'It's quite possible.'

It was then that Arvion noticed something different in the crowd of animals. It was then that he peered at what seemed to be a fuzzy small creature with two long ears and a long tail. It was strangely familiar and as he looked at it, it was almost like staring in a mirror.

'Another mouse?!'

Arvion moved through the crowd of animals almost stepping on an alligator's tail in the process but managed to reach the group of mice after a great deal of difficulty.

The squeaks of the mice were obvious as they were the only voices he could understand.

He found he had arrived near the bulk of them and tried to approach them before being stopped by two little mice wielding spears.

"Halt, Who goes there?!" One of them said in a lower tone of squeak.

Arvion felt shocked for a moment before replying.

"Arvion. A household mouse."

The mouse Harumphed and slammed his spear against the ground.

"What is thy last name young commoner?"

Arvion picked on the vibe and something deep in him told him he needed to speak like them. It was strange. Almost like remembering something that was long forgotten. Arvion felt this was a chance to dig deeper and he tried so hard. He grasped this feeling and dug down deep within himself.

He could see something. A name. A face. A field of red flowers. Then it was all gone as the guard began to speak once more.

"I said speak thy name commoner!" He said brandishing his spear.

Arvion snapped out of his strange mental state and began to answer.

"I have not a name fair knight. I am but a humble mouse seeking reprieve from the harsh forest." He voiced in an accent that seemed foreign to him yet familiar.

The knights shared a glance before lowering their spears and allowing him to pass through into the crowd of mice who seemed to have set up a small town.

It was made loosely out of various shades of dirt that had been packed together. After getting his fill of water he went on a search for a mouse similar to his size and species. It didn't take long to find what he was looking for and after arriving at a small group of mice dressed in black leather jackets he sat down and began to introduce himself.

"Hello, fellow travelers. What is this place may you be so kind to grace me with an answer." He tried replicating the strange accent that was spoken around him but failed miserably.

"Um... You don't have to speak like that dude. Only the prissy Knights and Nobles ever speak like that and from the looks of it you like us. A commoner." One said in a low voice that made the people around him feel a shaking feeling deep in their chest.

Arvion immediately dropped the facade and breathed a sigh of release.

"I've never been to this strange city so I wouldn't know the customs. This sure is a strange place..." Arvion trailed off as he saw 12 mice stacked on top of each other in the form of a mech walking through the nearby street.

The group of mice he was with let out cheers at the mice that had passed by and began passionately beating on their chests.

One of them after seeing Arvions confused face began to answer Arvions question before he could even say it aloud.

"They're the Royal Guard. Each of them in that formation are tier 2 evolved beasts. The very strength of our country!" He said with fervor.

Arvions face said more than words could describe as a look of confusion at their strong nationalism and the fact that they had a country of mice here filled his face.

"I'm kind of lost... There is a country? Filled with mice?"

The bigger mice out of the five of them stood up and looked at Arvion with a smile before speaking.

"Man you are not from around here. You come from another forest or something?" He said before breaking out in laughter.

The mice around him followed in suit. Arvions cheeks would have been burning if they could.

"Ah, I'm just playing with you!" He said at Arvions abashed look.

"This is the kingdom of Furial. Pronounced Fur-Ee-Al" He said while enunciating each letter by themselves.

"You have just come to one of its many cities, Grandal Lake." A smaller mouse said with a smile.

" Stationed in the grand lake of The Awakened Water Spirit, Ghastar." He continued while kneeling at the very mention of the name of the elemental.

"Through her presence, we have maintained a peaceful position at this plentiful Lake. Through it, there have been many trades between the species and our forest as a group have progressed from simple beast slaughter to something a little more... controlled."

"Those in the cities of the lakes have been given explicit orders not to harm each other. And through this rule, we prosper." He finished as he drank from a small ceramic cup filled with a black substance.

He coughed as he drank the substance down but cheered once more after he had emptied the cup.

"Are humans allowed here? My familiar needs water and I have no way to bring it to him."

The group of mice went silent at the mention of humans and looked at him strangely.

Arvion looked at them, confused, and stared deep into their eyes only to be met with looks of disgust and mistrust.

"No, Humans are not allowed here. Nor will they ever be." The small one said with a defiant tone.

Arvion nodded and noticed that he was no longer welcomed like he previously was. He left the table and the city shortly thereafter. Humans were not allowed here therefore he wouldn't come back. He had a familiar to take care of after all.


After a few hours of traveling through the forest, he finally made it back to the cave.

It was quiet as he found a sleeping Axel nestled inside.

But he noticed there was something strange in the cave. The water that had previously been undrinkable seemed to be crystal clear now.

He quickly woke Axel up and asked what had happened while he was away.

"I simply created a spell-like you," He said, his pride shining brightly on his face.

"What kind of spell could cleanse the water?"

Axel seemed to be looking at the air, almost as if looking at a system interface and replied shortly thereafter.

"A spell I named Water Purification. It can remove impurities from water and cause them to be consumed by mana."

"The concept is fairly simple and though it doesn't destroy the waste it at least breaks it down to the point where it doesn't smell anymore."


After that, they both rested for the rest of the week and began to head out. They had, had their fill of mushrooms and old water, and were ready to get home.

It felt like forever since the last time they had seen the high walls of the village and they missed them even though they weren't the comforting cottage from before.

The day grew tonight as they slowly made their way back to the village. It was hard to find their way through the thick and dense forest but they felt like they were heading in the right direction.

The air grew cold as they walked and they felt more and more fatigued by the minute.

"Maybe we should wait here for a while. Catch our breath." Axel said, his face looking pale in the lunar light that peered through the forest canopy.

Arvion nodded in agreement as they both settled down and huddled together for warmth.

It was then that the coldness that had filled their bodies grew in severity as they could almost feel something coming.

Arvion felt as if the trees had eyes as something out there was watching them.

It was then that he knew something was watching them.

A dull thudding could be heard echoing through the forest. Arvions eyes jolted to the side and looked at what was approaching only to be horrified at the sight.

The creature stood insanely tall, almost the size of a small tree. It was a pale white with cracks of pure black all across its body. It was strangely thin and its limbs seemed long and out of proportion with its strangely lanky and small body.

It had long fingertips and nails that reached almost two feet in size. Its eyes were dull sockets that seemed to fill him with a feeling of terror.

Fresh blood dripped out of its maw where shone a thousand small shite teeth.

It let out an ear-piercing shriek before sprinting at full speed towards Arvion and Axel.

the last thing Arvion could think before getting ready for combat was "Fuck!"

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