《A Mouse's Grand System》Teleportation at Tier 1?!


"That means I should be able to practice magic." Arvion thought to himself.

Mag suddenly cleared his throat and a look that could only be described as slightly sheepish crossed his face.

"But there is one thing before we start lessons. I have a job to do in town for the next couple of weeks so you will be on your own until then. I'm sorry for not being able to attend to your studies but it's fairly important."

Arvion nodded with his small mouse face and Axel looked as if he wanted to say something but chose to remain silent.

"During this period, I have a few things I want you to study." Mag continued.

"Axel, I want you to practice learning how to use your new lightning affinity. I currently have a tier 1 spell tome that should be able to teach you the fundamentals of lightning affinity. "

"And Arvion, I want you to use your mana manipulation skill to experiment with that new affinity of yours but first and foremost is the fact that you need to rest. Your very being has been injured to the point of death and it will take time to recover what you have lost."

"But I already recovered my mind so I should still be able to train in magic. Right?" Arvion asked tentatively

A look of confusion then subtle shock crossed Mag's face in a mere moment that was not seen by Arvion.

"Hmm... If you don't mind me asking would you tell me how you did so?"

"I evolved my inspect skill into a skill called analytical eye." Arvion squeaked.

"Oh right Evolution. I forgot that you animals had evolution points. We have something similar but it's called mastery points which is different from upgrading a skill by learning mastery over it."

"I don't believe I've heard of the analytical eye skill. Do you mind telling me what it does?"

Arvion nodded

"It increases my memory and memory retention skills as well as strengthening the base version of the skill."

"Hmm... seems fairly handy for a mage. By the way what species are you?"

Arvion thought for a second before realizing that he had never really checked.

'System open up my basic status. '



Name: Arvion

Titles: BOSS

Species: Household Mouse (Shadow type Affinity and Space Affinity)

Familiar: Axel(Human, Water-type Affinity and Lightning Affinity)

Class: Mage

Level: 8

XP: 29/800

Hitpoints: 21/21

Stamina: 0/1

Mana: 0/40


"Wait it says space magic and not gravity magic? Was I mistaken?"

"Also I'm just a household mouse."

Mags face scrunched up at the words space magic and even more so at the word household.

"You started out with one of the worst species of mouse and you have one of the most difficult starting affinities but also one of the most useful and powerfullest."

"I know space magic. It's very mysterious and difficult to understand but when used correctly you can create extrademinsional spaces that are bigger in the inside than outside as well as teleport long distances in a matter of seconds. And perhaps the most dangerous thing about it is that you can physically rearange matter and destroy almost any barrier."

"But the downside to this power is that it is the hardest to comprehend and nearly impossible to gleam mastery points in."

Arvions face began to scrunch up as well at the hard truth that had been said plainly.

The room became silent before mag spoke out once more.

"How close are you towards your evolution?"

Arvion nodded to himself and did the math in his head quickly.

"12 Levels"

Mags face turned sour once more as he heard the sad truth.

"It seems like your potential is low." He said in a defeated tone.

"Hardwork can only get you so far. You will probably have to rely on luck if you want to get much further."

"Arvion I suppose you should practice learning and controlling spacial magic. I won't have any skill books for quite awhile but I should be able to purchase one when we go to a larger town though that might be a few years out from now."

Arvion looked dejected before a spark inside of him seemed to ignite his body once more. In that moment it was almost as if he couldn't feel sad. He couldn't be let down.

'What the hell is this feeling?'

"Then I will just make my own spells." Arvion said almost subconsciously.

Mag let out a hearty laugh.


"That's the spirit little one."

After about half an hour of meditating Arvion felt as if he was at full mana and confirmed by checking his status.

'I have 5 evolution points left... what to spend them on.'

After some deliberating he finally decided that choosing to put them in intelligence was what was best for him. It would allow him to comprehend more and understand what he couldn't already understand. It was something that he desperately needed so he chose it without hesitation.

After finishing his selection he finally decided to delve into the mysteries of Spacial magic.

After activating his senses he felt as if the world around him had come into focus. Like someone who had terrible vision putting on glasses for the first time.

The space around him was hyper defined and he could see threads connecting everything in an almost beautiful way.


As he sent out his mana to interact with this strange element he felt a startling amount of resistance. It was like he was trying to puppeteer a 1000 pound metal doll with just his strength alone.

After some frustration at getting no where he decided to apply more pressure. It started with 1 mana then moved to 2 then 4 and so on and so forth until he was gritting his teeth using 40 mana just to try and use the space around him.

After putting so much mana into his surroundings a subtle change did seem to occur. There seemed to be ripples that formed throughout the air and sent gentle breezes of wind all across the room which flipped the pages of the book Axel was reading.

He then started to understand something. He wasn't just trying to control one thread, he was trying to control tens of thousands. Perhaps it would be easier if he focused his mana on a single target instead of the entire room itself.

After taking his dwindling mana he covered a single string with his mana and felt something happen. It was almost as if the string was bound by his will as he could move it in space and control how it interacted with the strings around it.

But what did this mean? Arvion furrowed his brow as he tried to piece something together to understand this strange phenomenon.

He felt as he tugged on one side of the string that the other end of the string would have an equal reaction.

'Perhaps if I were to just...' Arvion thought to himself as he put himself at one end of the string and focused all his energy on the ends of the strings.

After a moment of complete silence and focus he felt a popping sensation as he moved through space itself and teleported to the other side of the room.

"Wait I made a spell that easily?!"


"No don't you dare." Arvion said with a small chuckle.

"How about Spacial Lurch" He said while remembering the stomach wrenching feeling that filled his body the moment he teleported.

Has been added to your spell list.>

"Show the description of Spacial Lurch"


Spacial Lurch LV: 1 Mastery 0/100

This spell costs a total of 20 mana to use and allows the user to teleport a distance up to 20 feet instantly after the activation of the spell skill.

At Higher levels this spell will have a higher range of teleportation and will cost more mana and allow for multiteleportation.


"Hmm A useful skill indeed." Arvion thought to himself as a feeling of pride overwhelmed him.

"But how has it not been created before? It literally took me less than an hour to figure out how to do it."

"Arvion did you just teleport?!" Axel's high pitched voice echoed throughout the room.

Arvion snapped back to reality and nodded to the dazed Axel.

"But isn't that something only tier 3 and up mages can do?"

Arvions face became overwhelmed with confusion as Mag gently entered the room once more with a tray of simple sandwiches.

He stood at the starstruck boys with confusion before feeling dizzy once more at the sight of the strangely glowing Arvion.

"What's going on in here?" He asked hesitantly.

They both looked at each other with confusion before Axel piped up.

"Arvion just teleported."

Mags eye brows raised to a height that Arvion previously thought was impossible.

"WHAT?!" Mag let out in a confused shout.

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