《A Mouse's Grand System》The Mystery of Gravity Magic


"It's my new magical affinity!" Arvion echoed out happily while constantly checking books for the reference of anything related to what type of magic he was looking for but he just couldn't find anything on it.

" Hmm... It's not uncommon to hear of an unfamiliar magical affinity. Usually, when that happens it tends to turn out to be an affinity-based around a law or something of the sort." Mag said, still slightly dizzy from the chaotic scene in front of him.

"What was it again you said? Gravity Magic?"

"Yes indeed. The stuff that makes stuff fall." Arvion said happily.

"It sounds similar to a Law/Discipline of Magic I once studied. I believe it was called something similar as well. I believe it was called Graviturgy."

"Though it's a common study at magic academies I'm afraid I've never heard of someone who happened to have it as an affinity."

"And if you didn't find anything in the books then... it's likely a rare affinity. Which can be both a blessing and a curse. The rarer an Affinity the more difficult they are to understand or control."

"But they tend to have a lot of freedom when it comes to creating skills as not many people have had them before either or haven't managed to progress in them much."

Mag nods to himself in silent contemplation. After a few seconds of resounding silence, he finally spoke up.

"It's time to give the both of you your first fundamental magic class." mag said in a slightly saddened tone.

'Finally, some good information' Arvion quickly thought towards Axel. Axel nodded in return as a puzzled look overcame his face.

"It's fairly basic information for a mage to have and something I've been hiding from you for quite a while now but now that you both have your second affinity I believe it's time."

"As axel knows there are ten tiers to everything in this little world of ours. Each item and being in this world can progress and grow stronger through these tiers against all odds but it requires luck, strength, and most importantly caution."


"But even these ten tiers have further subdivisions within them. There is tier 1-3 known as the mortal stage. This stage is where we are but mortals and have the lifespan of them. There are very few actual powerful spells in these tiers and though they may seem powerful to us they are only that. They are within the mortal constraints."

"Then there is the second stage known as the awakened stage. This is tier 4-6. This stage is where you become awakened to the world around you and grow stronger with it. Your lifespan is improved many times over and as a mage, the most important thing about it is that you gain access to two new affinity slots. One at tier 4 and another at 5."

"Then there is the third stage known as the demigod stage. This is tier 7-9. At this stage, you become akin to that of the divine as you gain a powerful ability known as true magic as a mage. It stands to be the most powerful ability second to only one ability."

"Then there is the final stage. Level 10. Godhood. At this stage, you become a god in the world becoming one with a law of magic in itself. You gain access to the power of creation, the truly most powerful ability to a mage."

Mag takes a second to collect himself as he looks into the distance in reverence.

"It's a stage no one has reached in many years. But there remain gods."

Axel and Arvion were entranced by the knowledge that had finally become clear in their minds.

"And secondly I would like to tell you of the path of the mage. In between each stage is a requirement that you must finish obtaining access to the next tier. It's different for each class and evolution path but as you are a mage or a magical beast you should have the same requirement. To learn and cast a dual spell."


"What exactly is a dual spell?" Axel asked in a confused tone.

"It's a spell that requires both of your affinities to work in twine together to create devastating effects."

"Something even I haven't been able to accomplish in my long life."

"By the way, the level caps change depending on what tier you are at. Tier one for instance is level 20. While tier two is 40 and tier three is 80 and it resets back to 20 at level 4."

"Daily magic lessons are necessary for you to grow so we will conduct them from here on out at noon for four hours every day."

"For now on just focus on resting your mind Arvion. You will need to after all."

Arvion nodded with reverence in his eyes at what was to come in the future.


After talking about the nuances of magic for a few hours the day had started to grow long and Arvion had started to become weary.

'Wait don't I still have 70 evolution points?!'

'What to spend them on?'

'Perhaps intelligence so my comprehension will increase?'

'Or wisdom to increase my max mana.'

'Or perhaps neither and I could just upgrade skills...'

'Difficult choices.'

'on top of that, I could also evolve the inspect skill."

'Darnet I should look at the leaderboards first to see what the current challenge is.'


Current Objective: Evolve as many skills as possible.

Current Scores:

1: The Mouse’s Grand System: Skills evolved: 2

2: Ice Alpha Wolf System: Skills evolved: 1

3: The Great Sage Hawk System: Skills evolved: 0


(Note that these rewards are subject to change depending on the current competitive quest objective. )

First place: +1000 XP and 2 free skill evolutions.

Second Place: 20 evolution points

Third Place: Curse of the Void for 1 week.


'I'm in the lead! That's insane. If I just evolve the inspect skill then I should be able to stay in the lead no matter what.'

'System evolve Inspect to level 10.'


Inspect LV: 10 Mastery ERROR/100

The user is allowed to get basic information on an enemy or item such as their Species name, level, class/specific species, Tier, Basic Health and Mana and stamina, and basic stats as well as how much XP they are worth, Their titles if they have any, any current spell effects that are affecting them, and you may bypass basic defenses against the inspect skill. . Current level: Basic decryption. . Next level: ???. Max Level Please evolve to increase its ability.


'That's incredibly good. Now system evolves it.'

Allows the user to bypass medium-level defenses against inspection and can eventually decrypt magic items and spell effects that are hidden by normal means.

Allows the user to use basic inspection abilities and increases the user's memory and data retention.

Allows the user to see things hidden in the shadows.


"Hmm, interesting. I think Analytical Eye would be the best ability in this situation so I choose you Analytical Eye!"


Analytical Eye LV: 1 Mastery 0/200

This ability allows for basic inspection capabilities as well as gifting the user an increased memory capacity and data recollection.

Memory: +10%

Data Recollection: +10%


'Pretty decent if I say so myself.' Arvion thought to himself as a wave of warm energy seeped into his mind healing the damage that had been dealt with his mind.'


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