《A Mouse's Grand System》Final Upgrades and what is gravity magic?


Arvion stared with anticipation at the screen, reading the description of the skill a few dozen times before slumping back in satisfaction.


Genius’s Comprehension Level: MAX Mastery: Locked Please kill another boss to increase the rank of this boss skill.

This skill allows the user to understand humans on a fundamental level as well as speak to them physically. You also have an improved scope of understanding of the world and things about it. Inspect skill has been given a qualitative increase in strength and level due to this. And finally, you learn all skills 2 times as fast and level them up just as fast.


It was a no-brainer really. What were the chances of him running into a devil or an angel any time soon anyway?

'I just wonder what understanding humans on a fundamental level means. Does it mean I have more understanding of their character? Or perhaps something different... I suppose only time will tell.'

'It also says it increased the strength of the inspect skill which should be quite good.'


Inspect LV: 7 Mastery 0/100

The user is allowed to get basic information on an enemy or item such as their Species name, level, class/specific species, Tier, Basic Health and Mana and stamina, and basic stats as well as how much XP they are worth. . Current level: Basic Status Analysis. . Next level: Titles. Upgrade price: 20 evolution points.


'It seems as if they just leveled it up a few times which is still nice. The ability to see their current health, mana, and stamina seem really powerful.'

' I wonder if my inspect level is high enough to see what those status ailments do?'

'System please describe the , , and Status effects.'



You cannot regain mana even while meditating and must let your mind rest or this condition will worsen.


You cannot regain stamina even while sleeping and must let your body rest or this condition will worsen.


Your soul has been weakened since it has passed the threshold of death back to life. The following debuffs have been placed on the user:

-50% effectiveness of spells and physical abilities.

-The User may not not be resurrected while this condition is applied to the user.

-The User takes double damage from soul damaging effects.

The only way to recover from this effect is to first lose the weakened mind and body condition then rest for an additional month.


'THESE DEBUFFS ARE INSANE!!!' Arvion screamed in his head as his body became rigid in one moment. A wave of pain filled his body once more before Axel slowly laid him down once more.


"You need rest. It's important." Axel said sternly at the flustered arvion who seemed to be getting redder by the minute.


"No buts Arvion. This is serious. You need to rest. No more practice. Just resting." Axel said with a frown slowly forming on his face. "From what father said, you didn't just injure your body. You injured your mind and your soul! That means one false step and you are back where you were a few days ago. Dead."

"And I can't have my only familiar dying on me can I?"

"For the last time Axel. You are MY Familiar!" Arvion said before Axel let out a soft chuckle.

"I shall bring some books for you to read if that will sate your feverish need to grow stronger. If you can read them of course." Axel said before gently getting up and moving over to the other side of the room where a small chest sat on the ground.

It was a pure black chest decorated with many notched edges and many intricate carvings that didn't specifically create one cohesive image but more or less an array of ever-changing images. Axel gently walked up to it before lightly tapping the lid twice and whispering in the strange language they were always speaking in.

"Open Chest of Space."

The chest seemed to react quite warmly to those few words and before Arvion knew it the chest opened up on its own showing a strange vortex of everchanging items.

"Books," Axel said once more in a language familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time to Arvion.

After Axel said those words the vortex seemed to fill and spill out a mountain of books on top of Axel and after a few moments of the room rumbling the small mountain had settled and the chest began to settle down.

Axel, who seemed unperturbed by the sudden influx of books, simply nodded his head and turned over towards Arvion.

"Now this is the entire library of Father. He has many books that help the reader understand skills and unlock possible evolution paths and Class paths. It's beneficial to read them just don't... read too much. Your mind is still recovering and you need to make sure you don't overdo yourself."

"For starters, I think you should focus on amassing general skills. These are skills both beasts and humans have though they sometimes differ they end up mostly being the same. They are rather useful and the first skill you should try learning is Then perhaps try learning a few things such as and . The first skill will help you understand the magical language that is used to cast non-innate skills and skills not created by yourself and the other two are incredibly useful though incredibly hard to learn skills."


"To this day I still haven't managed to learn either of them," Axel said, as a clear frown appeared on his face.

"I think I already unlocked the skill. And for the others what exactly do they do?" Arvion asked intrigued.

"Well, Mana Efficiency and Minor body strengthening effectively make it to where you have double the amount of mana and stamina from the Endurance and Wisdom stats," Axel said seriously.

"Wait! I already have a skill that doubles the amount of mana I have. Would they stack?"

"Stack? Oh you mean combine. Yes, and what skill do you have that lets you have double mana that isn't ?!"

"It's a skill called ," Arvion said after quickly checking the skill once more.

"An evolution of the Mana Manipulation Skill? I haven't heard of that one before. Hmmm... That's Something to ask Father about."

Arvion nodded as he quickly got to work reading the books before him.

At first, it was a strange feeling reading the words that were on the page but after a few minutes of understanding the language in front of him, he slowly began to smile brightly.

"It seems like it granted me the ability to understand the human language in writing as well. This Genius's comprehension skill is truly useful."

After that, they both remained silent as they began to read their own respective tombs of knowledge.


Mag sat in front of his old-time friend once more and after just having had a grave debate he finished off a small porcelain cup of herbal tea. He let out a sigh that made one who heard it understand the new frustrations that had overcome him.

Not only had he had to leave his old formation and home but he had to migrate to this common village which had subpar protections compared to his old home.

But there was still something deep inside of him that hoped. Hoped so desperately that maybe this could work out. Maybe just once in his life, he would be able to live at peace with the people around him.

Mag let out a large sigh once more before nodding at his old-time friend who sat across from him. The short old man seemed to be doing elaborate mathematical formulas in the air using magic alone.

"Mag, I should have the formations ready for us to activate in about a month or so. But until then we will both be taking turns protecting the village from the threats that lurk outside." The croaking voice of the old man echoed out.

Mag nodded solemnly. "I have work to attend to. I shall start my shift at midnight tonight."

The old man simply nodded in acceptance before going back to the complex math formula that floated around the air around him.

Mag stood up from the small chair he sat in and quickly made his way through the small building that was his new home until he reached the dark oak door of the room that would lead to Axel's bedroom.

'It's time you learned how to be a real mage son.' Mag thought to himself as he turned the handle and opened the door to the awaiting chaos in front of him.

Inside the room that was previously spotless except for a chest and a small bedroll was now covered completely in half-open books. Arvion could clearly be seen moving between the books at a quick speed as if comparing and contrasting the contents within them.

Axel was standing stock still with a sheepish look on his face as he seemed to be in the middle of tidying a small pile of books that paled in comparison with the rest of the room.

Mag felt the sensation of being lightheaded flood through his body as he stared at the whirling chaos around him.

"Oh, Mag! You finally here!" A small squeaking voice could be heard echoing from the blur of a mouse that was cycling through the room.


Arvion had been studying for what felt like hours and finally felt like he was about to have an epiphany. That was until the loud noise of the door opening startled him out of his realization.

After greeting mag with his newfound voice he went directly to the root of his current problem that he had at hand.

"There's an issue with these books of yours Mag!"

"None of them have gravity magic as a core topic"

"Gravity magic? What's that?"

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