《A Mouse's Grand System》Awakening


Arvion awoke to what seemed like a constant beeping noise in his head alongside a feeling of water encircling and massaging his body. A pounding sensation quickly surfaced towards his mind as he felt as if it was on the verge of exploding.

"What the hell happened?! I Died?!" Arvion tried to quickly stand up after shouting that only to find that his body was incredibly weak.

He managed to slowly get into a sitting position before falling over in defeat.

and Debuff. The User also has the Debuff which prevents the user from regenerating these values for one month.>

'That's why I feel like shit'

"Arvion are you awake?!" A rushed voice said urgently.

"Yes, I am Axel."

Axel quickly rushed over and stood over the small huddled form of Arvion in a matter of seconds. Axel seemed to notice Arvion struggling to stand up before quickly lifting up his small form and laying him against the wall so he could have something that would support his weight.

'System Describe , , and .'

'What the hell!?'

"Arvion, how do you feel right now?" Axel hesitantly asked.

"Not great. It looks like my mana and stamina are at zero and for some reason, they won't regenerate."

"That's a relief," Axel said with a sigh of relief. "It would have been bad if your body had healed too quick so it's good you have some downsides. From what father said if you didn't have one your evolution branch would become limited."

"I guess I'm lucky then..." Arvion said with a light sigh of sadness.

After speaking with Axel for a little while longer he gained the current situation he was in. It seemed as if they were no longer in the forest they previously were in but in a nearby village. It wasn't large and only had about 20 people in it but it was still a village which meant that there were more people to talk to and things to do.

"Apparently we will be staying here while you're recovering. The village elder has healing type magic and is probably the only one here that can ensure your recovery."

"It seems like father knows the Village elder somehow and after asking for a favor he managed to get you revived with a life-saving miracle treasure. A Scroll of Ressurection!"

"Hopefully you understand just how valuable this treasure is. Though it can only be used on low-level creatures it's still an incredible item that is very rare. It's said the tier 5 casters can make such scrolls while tier 3 casters can directly cast it. "

"I-I Think I know... anyone above tier 1 is fairly rare. It's incredibly difficult to level up and it requires constant life or death struggles. So anyone who ranks up past rank 2 to rank 3 must be.... incredibly deadly."

"Don't be afraid, The Elder is only tier two. Just like Father."

"Where is Mag anyway?"

"He's currently talking with the Village Elder about what we are going to have to do to repay the new debt we have taken on."

"Axel, I'm sorry by the way."

"It's okay Arvion. You gave up your life protecting me and my father. You made it possible for us to survive. I should be the one thanking you for putting your life on the line to help."


Arvion chuckled lightly as a spark of pain roiled within him.

"I Will Grow Stronger. I Promise" Arvion said with a look of determination filling his eyes.

After talking to Axel, Arvion decided that it was time for him to check his status and new skill ups.



Name: Arvion

Titles: BOSS

Species: Household Mouse (Shadow type Affinity and Space Affinity)

Familiar: Axel(Human, Water-type Affinity and Lightning Affinity)

Class: Mage

Level: 8

XP: 29/800

Hitpoints: 21/21

Stamina: 0/1

Mana: 0/20

User has 1 lucky boss skill draw remaining


'It seems like I auto-leveled up. Let's see my stats then.' Arvion thought to himself while he accidentally glossed over the new Space Affinity.


Name: Arvion

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 1

Lifeforce: 21

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 20

Evolution Points Available: 70


'S-Se-Seventy Whole points?! That's insane.' Arvion thought to himself as tears of joy filled his eyes as he looked at the heavenly points. 'How should I spend them all?! I should probably wait and look at my skills before I make the decision though as that could change my opinion rather quickly.'



Passive Skills:

Classes Unlocked LV: MAX + Mastery: LOCKED

Natural Stealthiness LV: MAX + Mastery: 2/1000

Elementary Shadow Magic Affinity LV: 1 + Mastery 54/100

No slots remain please evolve to increase skill slots

Active Skills:

Stealth: LV: 2 + Mastery 12/100

Mana Manipulation LV: 10 + Mastery 100/100 Please Evolve as soon as possible

Meditation LV: 3 + Mastery 89/100

No slots remain please evolve to increase skill slots

Spell Skills:

Outbreak LV: 7 + Mastery 87/100

Please increase your Power, Control, and Mastery stats to unlock more spells.

General Skills: Stealth and Inspect have reached new heights as well as outbreak and mana manipulation.

Inspect: LV: 3 + Mastery 0/100

Basic Magic Language Proficiency: Level: 1 Mastery 0/100


'So what skills changed...?' Arvion thought to himself as he looked at the skills before him. 'It seems like Stealth and Inspect have reached new heights as well as outbreak and mana manipulation.'

'I mean Mana Manipulation has reached the point where I can evolve it. I should do that as fast as possible.'


Mana Manipulation LV: 10 Mastery MAX

This allows the user to control magical elements to a small degree causing minor effects that could be counted as minor magical spells.

The user has unlocked Shapes and Forms for the magic to take place as. These do not count as spells but work as rudimentary outlets of magic that work better than normal non-constricted use. These shapes cost 10 mana per use for each minute of usage. These forms however are increased in magical strength by 10(the level of this skill) times the normal amount.

Current Forms/Shapes: Shadow Form, Sphere, Spear, Wall, Sword, Dagger, Shield, Tendril, and finally Ax.

Control over the elements is measured by mana manipulation level multiplied by users’ intelligence. The current level of Control: 200.

Power over the elements is measured by mana manipulation level multiplied by users' wisdom. The current level of Power: 200.

Please experiment to your heart's content.

Price for upgrade: NOT POSSIBLE evolution points.


'It's changed so little. There isn't even really much to do but evolve it. I have my forms which I learned during training but haven't gotten a true look at them yet. Then there is my control and power which have both reached level 200 which was enough to get me two new spell slots.'


'I suppose it's time to evolve it. System please evolve Mana Manipulation to the next tier.'

-This is the improved form of Mana Manipulation with an expanded range of forms.

-This changes what you manipulate from mana to pure shadow. It greatly increases the ability of your shadow skills at the cost of locking you into just shadow manipulation.

-You have unlocked this due to your risk-taking skills. This allows you to manipulate mana and blood to create a greater form of magic. This allows you to use your hit points as mana points.

-The Void is a mysterious place that very few have gone to and fewer have earned its praise. You are one who has earned the honor to use it. This allows the user to manipulate shadow and space elements at an incredible rate. It unlocks the use of the combination magic: Void Magic. At the cost of removing forms until it reaches tier 3.

-The Aether is the very thing mana comes from and you have earned the right to manipulate the Aether itself. This is the supreme manipulation skill and is only offered to spell creators if they create a spell within one month of becoming a mage.

'These choices... Are just too good!'

'They all seem unique and interesting while some are just a no-brainer to get rid of like blood manipulation and shadow manipulation. Blood manipulation would only be putting my health at risk and I know from experience that that is not a smart idea while shadow manipulation restricts my future path.'

'And even though Void manipulation seems good it's just too limiting. It means I can only use shadow and space magic in the future. Wait where did Space magic come from when did I learn that?'

Arvion thought back and remembered the moment in which he stopped the Alpha Wolf from teleporting and recalled that it felt like a different sensation than shadow magic.

'Either way, I can't choose that because who's to say I can't have more than two affinities in the future. I don't know what comes later on in the tiers but it doesn't seem like two should be the limit. '

'Then there is Adept versus Aether Manipulation... Aether is special and it even says in the description that it is the supreme manipulation skill so it's a no brainer on what to pick'

'System I choose Aether Manipulation'

'Pull up the new skill!'


Aether Manipulation LV: 1 Mastery: 0/200

Manipulate the Aether and its full glory. This skill allows the user the ability to manipulate the very flow of mana throughout the surroundings which grants a plethora of benefits:

Increased Mana Regeneration: +10%

Increased Mana: You instead gain 2 Times as much mana from your wisdom score.

And on top of that, you can reach out and affect others’ mana flow causing debuffs by affecting the flow of their mana.

Please experiment to your heart’s content.

Please note that power and control are no longer in use and will instead be known simply as mana and mana regeneration.

Current mana: 40

Current Mana Regeneration: 1 / 54 Seconds. While 1 / 36 Seconds while meditating.

Cannot upgrade normally must increase through understanding.


'That seems a little... underwhelming. I mean the mana and regeneration are great but really nothing else except the vague mention of me being able to affect others' mana flows. I guess it's a spell meant for experimentation.'

'Still pretty good though.'

'Time to draw that boss skill and check out that title.'

'System please pull up the description of the BOSS title and draw the random boss skill.'


-A short-range teleportation skill.

-A Rage meter will be unlocked that allows the use of the Rage Ability.

-The ability to understand things outside the scope of your normal view. Also allows the use of the human language.


'I guess blink and rage are cool but I want to understand more. So I choose Beastly Comphrension!'


-The ability to understand demons and devils as well as understand their language and look past their Skills.

-The Ability to understand angels and gods as well as understand their language and look past there Skills.

-The ability to learn information faster and unlock skills twice as fast as well as leveling them up just as fast.


'These are even better than the last one! What to choose though?'

'I suppose the obvious answer would be to learn Genius's Comprehension to stay away from specialization and make myself the same level as the others but something is speaking out to me about the others what to choose?!'


Meanwhile, in a room not too far away Mag sat still in a small chair in front of an even smaller man that was adorned in horns and jewelry reminiscent of that of animal bones.

"You know the price is not as steep as what I did!" The small old man with wild hair barked.

"But to have me move my hope and myself here? It's suicide! You know I still have that bounty on my head." Mag Answered.

"It's either that or you let me keep the beast you resurrected."

"He's my son's familiar. You couldn't have him even if you wanted him. Besides what has you so worked up over a mouse."

The old short man answered, his hair bouncing as he answered energetically "Because he is special. I don't know what else to tell you. I saw his soul with my own eyes and I can tell you right now it was much greater than a humans let alone a mere mouse."

"Then I suppose there's only one thing I can do. I suppose I accept your condition. I shall move here and help protect your people at the cost of my identity possibly leaking out." Mag said with a deathly serious look appearing on his face "If this is what you truly want then all I can do is comply."

"Good, good" the small man said clasping his hands in front of himself before continuing "Very good indeed!"

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