《A Mouse's Grand System》Death of an Alpha ?


Arvion seeing his impending doom decided to act quickly. Besides his quick thinking, his instincts seemed to be spurring him on as well as he tried to replicate what the wolves did to their bodies earlier but this time with shadow.

He felt his blood slow as a chill covered his body. He felt his speed improve as he seemed to have gained the ability to move at a speed faster than he previously thought possible. At this moment he wasn't just a small mouse, At this moment he was also a shadow. He felt his mind go blank as his body moved on its own, deftly dodging the bite by moving through the air at incredible speeds. He felt himself become one with the darkness that surrounded him and he quickly felt his magical senses heighten.

Arvion then decided it was time to counterattack. He quickly cast 'Outbreak' as black tendrils surrounded his pitch-black body. He felt that the range had increased and so had the speed of the spell. This shadow form was... Incredible!

"HA! Running so soon?!" The wolf barked as the wolf disappeared once more to only reappear in mid-air right in front of where Arvion was heading.

'This stupid blinking trick again? I know how to dodge this now!' Arvion thought to himself as he re-activated shadow form and tried to move through the air.

But to Arvions surprise the wolf moved with him at a speed greater than his own! It seemed as if this Wolf had a far superior Dexterity Stat.

'Damn what am I supposed to do with this wolf over my shoulder every ten seconds?!' Arvion thought to himself as he activated 'outbreak' and hoped that the wolf would just die to the fast-paced damage output the spell provided.

As he was dodging however the wolf seemed to grin as its teeth flashed through the shallow moonlight that seemed to peak out of the dark clouds. A strange creaking howl echoed throughout the glade as the wolf howled and a sense of terror overwhelmed Arvion. He felt his legs wobble as something inside of him seemed to be instinctually afraid of the creature in front of him. It was at this time that Arvion decided to finally use inspect on the wolf.

As the results were revealed a sinking feeling filled Arvions little mouse chest. He had leveled up Inspect to level 2 allowing the level to be revealed though he hadn't used it yet. Though he would guess that 'Boss' Wasn't a normal classification among beasts. And with this stupid curse, he ran into one in his second month of being on this forsaken planet.


After the wolf howled he disappeared from view, this time not reappearing like normal. Instead, there was a heavy sense of unease in the air as the beast had seemingly vanished from thin air. After quickly canceling 'outbreak' as to not waste mana the wolf appeared once more striking him in the side with a steel paw. Arvion felt like he had gotten hit by a truck as he soared through the sky into the earth heavily with a feeling of sheer confusion overwhelming him. All he felt in that moment was pain and agony as his body seemed to finally come to a realization as the pain settled in.

Arvion quickly activated 'outbreak' once more hoping to stave off the Alpha but to his surprise, the Alpha simply disappeared once more.

'He's trying to bait me to waste my mana!' Arvion realized as he quickly stopped himself from deactivating the spell and instead he focused on looking around him.

His eyes scanned the tall grass only to find himself in utter confusion at the amount of wind that seemed to have taken over the place.

'Axel can you see him?!' Arvion asked mentally

'No! I can't see anything! I'm scared Arvion! I don't know what to do.' Axel thought shakily.

'Everything will be okay. I just need time to fight this stupid wolf and a line of sight. He must be stealthing.' Arvion took in a deep breath as he collected himself. 'But he can't hide forever. There has to be a limit and he is obviously afraid of 'Outbreak' If he is simply waiting for the skill to run out.'

'Short bursts won't work in this fight.' Arvion thought to himself. 'My opponent seems to be high level if not even low-level tier 2. It's best to guess that he has more stamina and mana than me meaning he can last longer in combat.'

Arvion was awoken from his thoughts as a claw swiped towards his direction. 'Mana Form: Shield' Arvion thought quickly as a pitch-black shield appeared in the air for a split second as it absorbed the blow of the strike and disappeared instantaneously. Sparks strung across the air in a brief moment as the wolf became illuminated for a split second.

Arvion sensing an opportunity quickly leaped forward. He managed to get a few strikes in before the wolf disappeared once more via the strange blink skill.

'I'm running out of resources quickly!' Arvion thought to himself as he guessed that his mana and health were both close to half empty.


'Every time I activate a mana form it takes a mana per second of usage. I must be sparing with it.'

'Arvion! I see him! He's Right Behind You!' Axel thought hurridly towards Arvion.

Arvion felt the hair on his skin stand stock still as he felt a deadly presence behind him. He turned around in time to see a paw stealthily moving towards him with an unerring sense of speed and accuracy. It was confident and at that moment he thought he was dead. That was until Axel seemed to pull a miracle out of nowhere and summon a water wall in between him and the claw preventing the strike from making contact.

The wall was majestic and now that he thought of it Arvion never really took time to admire Axel's magic. And this moment wasn't one of those moments either. It was too fast action for him to admire the pretty hues of blues that fluttered through the moonlight in a cascading wall that seemed to rise through nowhere. No, it was time for war and that was exactly what this wolf was going to get.

Arvion quickly moved forward once more, this time grabbing on to the fur of the back of the wolf's neck with all his might as he let 'Outbreak' Do its work. A feeling of fear overwhelmed him but he stood resilient against this foul beast. His strikes seemed to strike solid as he landed four attacks in quick succession.

All of a sudden he felt his stomach lurch as he felt his body move through a semi-viscous substance, that was only slightly thicker than air, about 20 feet towards the direction of the outer perimeter.

"Cheap Tricks show no strength!" Barked the wolf alpha as strange energy began to fill the air with an almost electric current.

"Face my evolution skill 'Electric Growth'!"

The wolf seemed to grow two times larger and was now the size of a small house as electricity covered his body. The shock that was released quickly made Arvions hands numb with pain but after a few moments of wavering confidence, he found a light at the end of the tunnel.

He felt as if divine enlightenment had overwhelmed him and he felt as if he could see through everything in one moment before it fading quickly replaced with a lingering sense of improvement.

'Inspect has improved in the heat of battle. It seems it improves the more I inspect and categorize the things around me. Like estimating what my health is by guessing and feel instead of relying on the system' Arvion thought to himself bitterly as the wolf began to stampede around while Arvion let his black tendrils slam into him.

'This is better than outright dying I guess. Mana Form: Spear times five!' Arvion shouted out as loud as possible as five black gleaming spears appeared in the air and buried themselves deep into the chest of the wolf. The lightning seemed to stop for an instant before continuing more rapidly than before.

"YOU LITTLE MOUSE! I'LL KILL YOU!" Shouted the Dire Iron Pawed Alpha Wolf as he began to slam around even more dangerously.

'All. I have to do. Is hold on... just a little.... bit.... longer!' Arvion thought to himself as he felt himself slowly losing consciousness from the amount of lightning damage he had taken. He then proceeded to use his last few points of mana to rotate the spears inside the wolf's body to bury them even further into the beast and as he did so a sudden realization overcame him.

A wall of pure glistening water erupted from the ground for seemingly the last time, this time however it was coupled with something else. Pure tendrils of black lightning arced through the water in a manic manner.

"TAKE THIS YOU STUPID MUTT!" Yelled Axel as he sent something strange and different of his own.

It was as if the entire world stood still at that moment. Arvion felt a sudden lurching feeling overwhelm his body but he felt as if he could do something! He could stop the jump! All it would take was more mana that he didn't have! But he had to do something!

So with the last bit of life and mana he had left he sent out a pulse of energy that was neither something he had ever grasped or relied on before but he sent them like chains binding the wolf down. It was at that moment Arvion lost consciousness.

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