《A Mouse's Grand System》Water Beaver's Fury and a wolfs arrival


The beaver seemed to be blinded by rage as both Arvion and Axel managed to dodge the attack seemingly effortlessly.

"This is bad Arvion. It's a water elemental Beaver... That means my magic is useless." Axel shouted as the beaver began a second attack.

It's ripped form reared back with its massive tree and slammed it forward with incredible force. Both Axel and Arvion attempted to dodge the attack once more but something seemed... different about this attack. It was almost as if the beaver had been holding back on his previous strike as this one seemed to speed up by tenfold as it struck Axel in the back while Arvion narrowly managed to dodge it.

"YOU SHALL FEEL MY WRATH" The beaver laughed as Axel fell to the ground prone. "NO ONE MAKES FOOL OF BEB."

Arvion, looking at his fallen familiar, became enraged as he lunged towards the beaver at a lightning-quick speed. He quickly activated his spell and after use, he could feel his body and mind both outbreak as he felt a burst of speed and endurance.

'SHUT UP SYSTEM' Arvion screamed in his mind as he slammed into the giant form of the beaver.

A single strike of a tentacle landed on its massive form as it managed to land a small blow.

The Water Beaver Shrieked in anger as it struck down with its free fist against the ball of shadow that was Arvion.

"Aquis Forde" a small voice whispered out from the body of Axel as a huge water wall sprung up out of the ground blocking the attack of the beaver.

The beaver looked at Axel with a look that spoke leagues of violence and anger. "You haven't had enough yet eh"

Another strike landed finally from the black mass that was Arvion.


This strike seemed different than the previous strike and seemed to cripple the beaver lightly as it struck deep into his body, slashing across his skin and cutting deep into his muscles.

The beaver grunted in pain as it let the great log of wood fall to the side heavily as it decided to move in for more personal close-range combat. "YOU SHALL DIE PUNY RODENT" It shouted in anger.

It struck forward, this time not being stopped by a massive wall of water, and instead, striking Arvion squarely in the side of his body.

"SHUT UP" Arvion squeaked out with all the force his body could muster as his bloody and beaten form rammed climbed up the form of the beaver, running along the side of the beaver's arm climbing upwards toward the beavers head. As he climbed one thought filled his head 'Revenge' He would make this stupid Beaver pay for his mistake with his life. No matter what it took.

After reaching his shoulder the tendrils seemed to have positioned themselves better and began to strike with ferocity once every few seconds. Though most of the strikes merely bounced off his tough hide at least half of them struck solid and dealt some damage.

After the tenth consecutive strike, the beaver seemed to have been beaten and battered into a kneeling position as it struck at Arvion with all of its might.

After climbing up on top of its shoulder Arvion dived into the creature's mouth, prying it open with the little amount of strength that he had. He entered the mouth and as he did so the Beaver's head began to shake from all the strikes that were being dealt to him. As it struck him a loud rumbling could be heard as the Beaver's head fully exploded from all the pressure.


XP:379/200 (Ready to level up)>

Arvion could care less as he quickly moved over to the body of Axel. The beaten and bruised Axel looked up at Arvion with a smile on his face as said in a tired and weak voice "I'm All right. Just a little... beaten up."

Arvion let out a sigh of relief and quickly helped him get up with shadow hands that he conjured out of thin air. The hands gently picked up Axel and helped lift him from the ground.

'It seems we won this battle but at a hefty cost...' Arvion thought to himself as he looked at the death's door condition he received. 'I should be able to deal with this by leveling up.'

'System level me up and place all 5 evolution points into lifeforce.'

"Now to get the bodies back home!" Arvion said with happiness towards Axel.

'What could this mean....?' Arvion thought to himself at the strange notification.


In the continent of Forendel, a wolf stood still on top of a hill covered in the bones of wolves. They all had sharp shards of ice piercing through their scalps as if they had been killed in one swift strike.

"Looks like it's time to have fun. I have some runner ups though they seem to be weaklings based on what this says." He said in a low baritone voice as he looked at the leaderboard.


Current Objective: Level Up as fast as possible in the next 16 days.

Current Scores:

1: Ice Alpha Wolf System: Level 19

2: The Great Sage Hawk System: Level 6

3: The Mouse’s Grand System: Level 3


"They are all useless compared to me. I'm the alpha of them all after all. " He said with a voice filled with malice as he let out a loud howl that filled the entire surroundings with terror. Then the others howled in return it was as if a symphony of darkness had swallowed the gigantic forest in which they roamed.

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