《A Mouse's Grand System》Mastery Points and Good Eats!


After making their way back to the house, they found Axel's father outside on the porch, pacing back and forth with worry. It had been many hours since they last were seen and the two tired pair were finally sighted on the outside of the glade. The old man breathed a sigh of relief and took running off through the glade towards the duo.

"What the hell took you two so long?!"

The injured pair breathed out heavily in exhaustion as they had pulled the gigantic body of the beaver the entire way through the forest to the glade by hand. Arvion being little to no use sat upon Axel's head while providing emotional support as he went through with this hellishly impossible task. But somehow, against all odds, they made it home without any problems.

The old man quickly cast some spell before a gigantic hand appeared above Axel and quickly grabbed the beast before dragging it towards the back of the house that Arvion had yet to see.

"We had some difficulties, Father. This thing," Axel gestured towards the floating corpse "Attacked us for seemingly no reason. It seemed to have a vendetta against us."

The old man nodded before looking at Arvion with a dead serious look in his eyes. "Were you the cause of this?"

Arvion not knowing what else to do nodded slowly before the old man narrowed his eyes.

"You are no familiar of my son if you bring harm to him!" the old man shouted before beginning to cast a spell.

"No Father! He saved me from it! I would have been dead if we didn't work together to fight against it!" Axel shouted at his father.

The chanting stopped for what felt like an eternity before turning to a deathly silence.


"If you are the cause of my son's harm once more in the future I will kill you. Without hesitation, without reason, I will kill you." His voice sent shivers down Arvions spine as he spoke.

There was a specific seriousness to his tone that brought upon a chill in the surroundings. The old man's eyes flickered from their normal green to a sudden Ice blue and then back once more.

"Do I Make Myself Clear?"

Arvion hurriedly nodded towards the man as heavily as possible. Something about him... was just not right.

"Alrighty. It seems like you two boys have brought a significant haul back from this expedition into the forest. You did well to bring such high-quality food."

Axel and Arvion still stood in fear as the old man seemed to turn back into the drunken man from before in an instant.

It was a stunning transition that took mere seconds and it was something that they were sure they would remember for the rest of their lives.

After breaking away from his stupor Axel finally managed to speak up "Yes father, A water elemental Beaver from what inspection could tell me. Level 20 by the looks of it."

"Good, good! That should make a delicious stew. I shall gather some Recovrere Fruit. It should pair quite nicely with the strong liquid broth the meat should produce."

'This man is scary. Very scary indeed.' Arvion thought to himself as they were ushered indoors and Axel and Arvion were left to their own devices inside the small cramped room of Axel.

They sat there in silence for quite a while before Axel spoke up for a moment.

"He's not my real father you know."

"He's my grandfather. Never really had a father but that's why I call him pops. He's the only family I have left besides you now."


Arvion turned around and stared at Axel for a long time.

"That's alright Axel. We're together now. One way or another we are connected for good."

"Thanks, Arvion. You really are a good friend. I can't thank you enough for saving me earlier."

"I can't thank you enough you mean. You saved me with that water wall. Seriously. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you."

"We make a good team you know?"

"Yeah, we do. We really do."

They finished their deeper conversation and started to talk about some of the discoveries that Arvion had discovered. Apparently, Mastery Points was a secondary way to level up skills without spending Evolution points / Potential Points. It measured how well you understood the skill and then if that level had reached a certain point it would increase it to the point in which you would have 'leveled' it up.

' So practice makes perfect. I need to level up soon or I will be left behind by that hawk guy. I can't deal with that bad luck for one day. ' Arvion thought to himself 'I'm already having bad enough luck.'

'I wonder how close I am to him?'

'System show the leaderboard.'


Current Objective: Level Up as fast as possible in the next 15 days.

Current Scores:

1: Ice Alpha Wolf System: Level 19

2: The Great Sage Hawk System: Level 6

3: The Mouse’s Grand System: Level 3


(Note that these rewards are subject to change depending on the current competitive quest objective. )

First place: +500 XP and a free skill evolution.

Second Place: 10 evolution points

Third Place: Unlucky Curse for one day.


'Hmm... that wolf guy is moving really fast. How the hell are they so high of a level when it's been just 15 days since we reincarnated'

'I need to grind my skills higher so I can fight better.'

After talking a little bit more with Axel he trained for the remainder of the night. Gaining 150 XP from two hours of grinding.

The food was finished and an amazing smell was wafting in the room from the small kitchen. Axel and Arvion both eyed each other before chowing down on the massive amount of stew that was prepared.

"Not as good as that godly feast earlier but still worthy of the fight we had earlier.'

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