《A Mouse's Grand System》Combat Versus Lightning Ferret!



Current Objective: Level Up as fast as possible in the next 16 days.

Current Scores:

1: Ice Alpha Wolf System: Level 15

2: The Great Sage Hawk System: Level 6

3: The Mouse’s Grand System: Level 2


'Danmit I've fallen behind in the last two weeks. Hopefully, I can make up for it when we start hunting.' Arvion thought to himself as he stared at the readings that were being displayed by the system. 'I really don't want whatever that punishment is...'


(Note that these rewards are subject to change depending on the current competitive quest objective. )

First place: +500 XP and a free skill evolution.

Second Place: 10 evolution points

Third Place: Unlucky Curse for one day.


'Unlucky curse... it doesn't sound too bad but it sure does sound ominous!'

"Are you ready to go on your first hunt Arvion?" The young voice of Axel spoke up and startled Arvion in the darkness of the early morning.

"Don't spook up on me like that. It's scary."

Arvion turned to his shoulder to find Axel, bright-eyed as always, wearing a different set of clothes than his normal ones. He wore simple clothes that seemed duller than the normal bright greens and whites and instead wore browns and dark greens that would allow him to blend into his surroundings better. Other than that nothing really changed, he still had an ax adorned on his side that glinted in what little light was in the room ominously.

"You will face far scarier things in the forest Arvion. You must be prepared. This isn't the first time I've hunted and it won't be the last so make sure you're ready for what's to come." The boy spoke quietly as to not scare him any further as Arvion stood still in fear from the sudden intrusion.


"I know I must be prepared it's all you have been blathering about for the past two weeks but I'm fairly sure I'm ready. With my custom-made spell, nothing shall stand in my way!" Arvion said to the boy with confidence that looked quite off-putting to be shown by a small mouse.

Axel chuckled lightly as the gentle morning light began to shine through the window. The time had come for them to leave and set out on their first journey together.

As they took their first tentative steps outside they felt almost as if they were stepping into another world as their senses seemed to be put into overdrive. The crisp sound of the leaves and branches breaking beneath Axel's boots sounded like thunder in their ears as it was the only sound in the strangely quiet forest.

It was almost as if the birds had lost their song and the bugs had lost their buzz. Perhaps something was lurking just below the beautiful surface of the forest or something was hidden in the thin layer of mist that covered the forest floor but something felt wrong here. It could be paranoia or something much scarier...

They continued walking for quite a while through the forest, Arvion sitting quietly on Axel's shoulder while Axel tried to move as silently as possible through the forest yet failing to be as quiet as Arvion would have been. As they left the perimeter of the glade of grass the forest became a monstrous jungle of hundreds of foot tall trees and grass that went up to a foot or two off the ground. Even on Axel's shoulder, he felt as if he was a small insect in this huge forest.

After a few more minutes of walking, they found that the sound of the forest had increased in volume and had managed to finally be picked up. It was a light general sound of life that permeated through the forest, a gentle buzzing from the insects and a gentle cawing of the bird's songs that spread out across the forest.


All of a sudden in the rush of noise Axel deftly reached for his ax and threw it throughout the air in an amazing arc as it sunk into the tall grass clearing away for a line of sight on the creature Axel somehow managed to pick up through all the tall grass.

After the flurry of grass passed there was a light whimper, as a small lightning ferret bared its teeth at Axel and Arvion.

Axel whispered in an unknown language as the creature seemed to notice that they were nothing too threatening. The creature growled before flinging itself through the air towards them. As it flew through the air Arvion managed to see the light name tag above its head.

Arvion quickly threw out a shadow spear towards it to which the ferret responded by twisting its form in the air narrowly dodging the spear. Its teeth started to spark in the air as it soared through the air and came barreling towards Axel. Axel smirked as he finished his chant and a blue formation formed in the air before a gigantic wall of water raised from seemingly no wear blocking the creature and causing damage to it as it slammed at a high speed towards the wall.

"That took a great deal of my mana to do. The rest is on you seeing as I don't have a weapon." Axel said while smiling at the tiny ferret that had already gotten up and began approaching them once more.

"Throw me at it Familiar"

"That name again-" Axel said before throwing Arvion at a gentle speed towards the ferret. As soon as Arvion began to fly through the air he began to cast the spell 'Outbreak'. Black tendrils instantly surfaced from himself as they slashed through the air at a high velocity slamming into the surroundings.

After a few seconds of air time, the ferret saw the barreling black orb of tentacles approach him and tried to dodge but didn't make it in time as Arvion barreled in on his target.

The ferret instantly became bloodied by the two tendrils that instantly slammed into it. The ferret let out a mighty growl as it forced itself to dodge through the mass of tentacles and approach the mouse to end the assault. Though Arvion wasn't aimless during this period of time and instead dodged the ferret as it attempted to attack him.

Its speed, massively reduced by its injuries, failed to match Arvions and the ferret suffered a few more strikes from the tentacles which finished the creature off.

Arvion quickly canceled the spell as the body of the ferret began to be mutilated by his spell aimlessly attacking the only thing that resembled a body in its perimeter.

Both Arvion and Axel breathed heavy sighs of relief as they managed their first kill.

'Nice!' Arvion thought to himself as he heard a large tearing noise come from a few feet away from them.'

A giant blue beaver showed its face once more as it appeared before the two with a tree slung across its massive back. It looked to be at least ten feet tall as it lifted the tree with strain.

"You will feel my wrath small rodent" chittered the massive beaver before putting a foot forward and lunging at them as he slammed the tree towards the duo.

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