《A Mouse's Grand System》Spell skill and Second Affinities.


It seemed like he would have to work hard to level up and grow stronger if he wanted to beat that stupid wolf.

'Currently, you hold the number one spot stupid mut but not for long!' Arvion thought to himself as he busied himself eating the vast amount of food that was laid out on the table before him. But after around two more bites, he found he couldn't take a single one more. He was way too full! The benefits from this meal were too good to pass up though if only he could eat more!

Arvion slowly felt a wave of fatigue and tiredness oversweep him as his body began to digest the food. He curled up near his familiar Axel and quickly fell asleep.


He awoke to a gentle jostling as Axel nudged him awake.

'It's time to awake little one. It's already first light and time to go start our daily chores. Best to start earlier so we have more time to train.' Axel cooed in a loving voice.

'Alright, Axel. I guess it's time to start working on these chores of yours. What's first on the agenda'

'Wood chopping. I have to do so for two hours to strengthen my bones and muscles. Winter is a few full moons from now so we must hurry and collect what firewood we can before the first snows take place. The forest becomes a dangerous place during the first snows.'

'How exactly am I supposed to help you chop wood?' Arvion asked confusedly

'I don't know what my father expects but I just wish for you to stay by my side. You may practice while I cut wood as long as you grow stronger than I grow stronger. Through shared insights, we shall grow from a seedling to a towering tree.'

After a little more chatter the two of them made their way outside to the field and began cutting many logs. Arvion practiced his magic while Axel struck down with the heavy ax upon the trees.


After nearly two and a half hours of exhausting his mana reserves and practicing did he find out the reason why his magic wasn't doing what he wanted it to. He had too little power. He realized that his intelligence varied in many ways when compared to his wisdom. His intelligence seemed to oversee comprehension and control while his wisdom controlled back reserves and power. Arvion wasn't 100% certain that power was a value but he could guess from the way that his abilities lacked speed and strength while having a high amount of finesse that this was the reason behind it.

Power like control was a hidden factor that would only unlock when mana manipulation reached a higher level or at least that was the guess... which could be confirmed by his newfound evolution points from eating the meat of a wood king bear. He had 20 to play around with. That was enough to increase his Mana Manipulation skill to level 3 as well as increase his Elementary Shadow Affinity to level 2. Or he could spend some of them as skill points and increase his wisdom to see how that affects his magic.... hmm.... choices, choices.

'System Level up Mana Manipulation to LV: 3 and increase intelligence and wisdom by 5 each.'

'Please open Status, Stats, and the Mana Manipulation skill'


Name: Arvion

Species: Household Mouse (Shadow type Affinity and empty affinity slot)

Familiar: Axel(Human, Water-type affinity)

Class: Mage

Level: 2


Hitpoints: 16/16

Stamina: 1/1

Mana: 6/15


Name: Arvion

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 1

Lifeforce: 16

Intelligence: 20

Wisdom: 15

Evolution Points Available: 0


Mana Manipulation LV: 3

This allows the user to control magical elements to a small degree causing minor effects that could be counted as minor magical spells.

Control over the elements is measured by mana manipulation level multiplied by users' intelligence. The current level of Control: 60. User has unlocked one spell skill slot. Please use it carefully.


Power over the elements is measured by mana manipulation level multiplied by users' wisdom. The current level of Power: 45. The current level is insufficient to unlock a new spell slot

Please experiment to your heart's content.

Price for upgrade: 15 evolution points.


'Hmm, it seems as if I was right. Power is a secret parameter. And ooh what is this, a spell skill slot?! How intriguing. I wonder how spells work... is it something I have to learn from books or perhaps I have to make them on my own through experimentation... either way, it should be something fun to add to my growing library of abilities. '

"I've finally finished" Axel huffed as he dropped the ax to the ground in a hurry. "Time to practice together Arvion" He shouted happily at the small mouse resting on the ground in contemplation.

He scooped up the surprised mouse that was Arvion and brought him through the house at a lightning-quick speed as they found themselves resting in the small barren closet.

"So Arvion. What have you learned so far?! What level is your Mana Manipulation skill at?!" Axel asked in a flurry of questions.

'Um... It's level three after a great deal of effort. I haven't really learned all that much to be honest...' Arvion thought to Axel.

"Hmm, that's not gonna be a problem my pops is an expert mage. He won all the competitions in the nearby town and has won many spell tomes."

'I was actually wondering how spells worked. Would you mind telling me?'

Axels face lit up in the darkroom as his eyes seemed to glow ominously.

"You see spells can either be learned or created while the latter is incredibly hard the former is quite easy if you have a spell tome. All you need to do is read it and you should form the spell while creating a spell is nothing short of a miracle." Axel said in one breath

'Hmm, I suppose that makes some sense.' Arvion thought back.

"We actually have three spell tomes here. One of which you probably have already seen me use the night I summoned our contract if you were paying attention." Axel said hurriedly. " There are three spells, Familiar: Contract, Water Wall, and finally Wind Blade."

"My pops has learned way more spells than that but those are the only spell tomes he has earned so far."

'None of those are shadow skills so it seems like I won't be able to learn them.'

"You can you will just have to make a serious decision. What's your second element going to be. You get two after all and all you have to do is learn a spell of that element to awaken the aptitude inside of you. Though there are a few better/more complicated ways to do it this one is the easiest."

'Two Affinities, huh.... I think I'd rather hold off for now and try creating my own spell.'

"Fair enough. You may have a high affinity with a different skill than the ones we have. To get that tested you would need an aptitude test though those are rather expensive from what pops has said."

'I would like to try and get one of those done stat. To know what best suits me.'

"I will have to work hard to earn the money but if that's what you really want.... Then I will try my hardest!" Axel said with enthusiasm that didn't fit for the dingy space that they were in.

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