《A Mouse's Grand System》Leaderboard and insane feast


'System open this leaderboard' Arvion demanded while a look of confusion slowly overtook his face the more he looked at what was brought in front of him.


Current Objective: Level Up as fast as possible in the next 30 days.

Current Scores:

1: Ice Alpha Wolf System: Level 12

2: The Mouse’s Grand System: Level 2

3: The Great Sage Hawk System: Level 1


(Note that these rewards are subject to change depending on the current competitive quest objective. )

First place: +500 XP and a free skill evolution.

Second Place: 10 evolution points

Third Place: Unlucky Curse for one day.


"Holy Shit" Arvion squeaked to the adoration of Axel who currently had him resting in his hands. "It's real. There are other people here who have reincarnated. I'm not alone here."

"But this board... it feels like we are in a competition of sorts. So perhaps it's not possible for us to have an alliance or be friendly with each other... hmm... it's difficult to think about."

"The rewards are interesting as well. 'Free Skill Evolution'... What's that? I suppose I need to win to find that out. But this Ice Alpha Wolf guy seems to be really hardcore. He's already level 12 and we haven't even been here for more than two days. I thought my leveling speed wasn't bad but now I'm just ashamed."

'Little mouse, what should I call you from now on?' The sound of Axel's voice rang out in Arvions mind.

'My name is Arvion'

'Mine is Axel, it's nice to meet you Arvion... What are you if I may ask? You seem awfully special.'

'I'm just a common household mouse who has a few special secrets. By the way... does me living here mean I get free food?' Arvion thought with anticipation.


'Well not for free... but if you help out with the workaround here I'm sure Father won't mind letting you eat.'

'Hmm.. Like what kind of work?'

'Basic Chores. Like washing the dishes and... wait your a mouse. How are you supposed to do the dishes?' Axel thought with such insecurity in what he said it could be felt like a force coursing uncomfortably through Arvions body.

Axel shifted in his seat and eyed his father. "Father will Arvion have food?" he asked hesitantly.

"Of course. As long as he helps you in your training and hunting he is free to eat what he likes. Don't worry about hunting today either. Tonight's meal is my treat. Congratulations on your new familiar boy." "

Axel seemed to instantly feel relief as his hands which had previously been iron wrought slowly released their pressure from around Arvions fur.

'You hear that Arvion! Fathers making us a special meal tonight! Isn't that exciting?'

'Sure is..' Arvion thought to the boy as he thought of all the possible Evolution points that he could get by eating the wide variety of food that would be present tonight. It was something that would for sure help him level up here soon.

'I need to practice my magic, Axel. Do you mind letting me go so I can do so?' Arvion asked tentatively as he stared at the deep blue-eyed boy.

'We can practice together! We can share our insights into our practice and everything. It will be a great bonding experience.' The boy chattered on mentally excitedly.

'ugh,' Arvion thought to himself.

After nearly 10 minutes of waiting they left into a small side room that was about the size of a closet. It housed a small mat in the center of it with a small dresser on the end of it. Axel quickly sat down on the mat and smiled at Arvion while patting the small space in front of him for him to sit down. Arvion hurriedly followed and sat down as well. As he closed off his mind to the boy and focused on his own he decided to enter meditation to fill up his depleted mana source.


After activating his skill he felt as if he was in a void within himself. It was almost as if he was one with his mind and all that was around him as he could feel it accurately but couldn't budge an inch as his body was locked in a meditative stature.

It was a feeling of exhilaration like none other, a tingle down the spine while feeling things through thought and not action. It was almost as if he was everywhere at once but deep down he knew he was rooted down at the edge of a small leather mat that held no excitements like the one in which he currently felt.

After nearly 9 minutes he had regenerated his mana and began to practice for a few hours with it. He managed to change it to many different forms unlike before. First, he changed it into a spear, then an orb, then a wall, and again into a spear. With the new amount of control he had now, he knew he was in a position of power as all the myriad forms, he could produce were more and more powerful than the last. He just needed more mana and more control and he could do anything with this new power... though when he tried to attack anything it would fail to do any of the effects he wanted it to do.

For instance, when he used the spear on the floor in front of him it was almost like a mallet as it did little to no piercing damage. After two hours dinner had been called and he had practiced adequately. 4

'Hmm, it seems training provides less and less XP as I practice. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I need to do some real combat to learn more insights.' Arvion thought to himself as he found himself traveling to the living room only to be surprised by a large feast of various foods.

"Truly A feast fit for a king" He squeaked as he chowed down on the food with the family of two, now three.

"What are these crazy foods?!" Arvion squeaked as he felt himself completely stuffed from the little food he had eaten.

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