《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - The Great Assembly (Additional information added)


After the thorough annihilation of the Centaurs in the City of Centar, the Warhordes immediately advanced towards the Mountain Strongholds ignoring any remaining Centaur forces in the field. With each of the Houses receiving reports from the battlefield of the Orc's military capabilities. Lord Balwel of the Great House Torfiol a well-known and respected general, decided it was time to call a General Assembly to discuss the Orcish threat. Such was the respect many of the Houses held for Lord Balwel, that all the Houses agreed to set aside their differences for now and come together at a neutral location to discuss the Orcish threat. Thereby ending centuries of in-fighting between the eight domains for a time.

At the Great Assembly of Lords, all the Houses agreed that the Orcs needed to be dealt with and soon. The problem with that idea was that the Orcish armies, while suffering heavy losses in Centar had been reinforced by five additional Warhordes, that had crossed over the border from the Red Lands to join them. Doubling their numbers from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand. They had also brought with them fifty thousand Goblins to rebuild the ranks of the surviving Goblin forces that had come down with the initial wave of Warhordes. With such a massive force marching towards the Mountain Strongholds under the banners of Lord Sezrath, a few of the Council Lords became hesitant in facing the full might of the Warhordes. Especially alongside their former enemies, who could turn tail and run at any moment. Leaving them in a much vulnerable position.

Added to that the some of the Houses, who had long ago been the strongest believers in Lord Sezrath wished to negotiate with the Warhordes and come to some sort of arrangement. That would allow both the Dwarven Realm and Orcish people to live in peace side by side. An arrangement that the Lord of Weirmar refused to even consider. He firmly believed that there was only one solution to end their problem. Mobilise a great Dwarven Army and destroy the would be invaders, before they even get a chance to get a foothold in the Mountains. The Great House Balenkree however, was more interested in the fact that the Orcish armies were flying the banners of Lord Sezrath, a familiar sight to most Dwarves, who've studied history and understood the true threat these believers posed. Not only to their homeland, but to their race. For Lord Sezrath did not take kindly to betrayal, which is why they more than the other houses wished for a peaceful method of dealing with the Orcs. So as to not incur his wrath.


This created a rift among the Houses, with some wanting to negotiate with the Orcs and some wanting to marshal an army to face the Orcs. Neither side was willing to bend. With such a stalemate, a few of the Houses felt that they would be better off dealing with the situation on their own, rather than throwing in their lot with either faction. Thus ending the first great assembly to ever be had in centuries in failure.

Still it was not all bad news from the Council meeting. The Great House Torfoil, The Great House Weirmar and House Khordilum all agreed to form an alliance. Named the Grand Alliance of Houses, whereby each House must be ready to defend the other House in case of attack. An unprecedented alliance, that would allow the rapid moblisation and co-ordination of the Dwarven armies.

Unfortunately this Grand Alliance of Houses did not last long. Years of animosity built up over many hundreds of years among the eight domains, meant that none of the Houses were willing to trust their defenses to another House. Thus as soon as the Alliance was created, it ended. House Khordilum seeing an opportunity to betray their new allies and declare itself a Great House. Decided instead to attack the Great House Weirmar, seizing a large portion of it's territory from them, when Weirmar forces were away training. Backed by the Great House Balenkree and House Riadan. House Khordilum fought the two allied Great Houses that brought their full weight against them. Leading to another Dwarven War that divided the Houses right down the middle.

Thus by the time the Orcish Armies, were on their doorstep, much of the Dwarven Realms were in chaos, battling each other once more.

I, Grumdel Bel Korben esteemed Scholar and Historian, was invited by Lord Torfiol to record these unprecedented proceedings. Here is a transcript of what occurred in the Council Meeting:

Ironfoot Representative of the Great House Weirmar : "By my bleedin ancestors I'll hear no more talk of speaking with the blighted bastards! They came here for a fight, and I say we bloody give 'em one!"


Balwel Representative of the Great House Torfiol : "And how do you propose we do that Councillor? My latest scouting reports tells me that five more Orcish armies have entered the Open Plains to join the six that are already here. Doubling their forces from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand. Not to mention they've brought along another fifty thousand Goblins warriors with them."

Ironfoot Representative of the Great House Weirmar : "Phaw! Gobs are easier to kill than Wingdarts! A good Dwarven battleaxe would sort them all out easily!"

Thorwin Representative of House Barenter : "Nonetheless it might be in our best interests to at least send out a diplomatic embassy to the Orc leaders, if only to understand why they are here in the first place?"

Styrgen Representative of House Magrib : "I am with Ironfoot on this. The Orcs clearly desire no peace with us. Talking with them would be a pointless waste of time. Time which would be better spent bolstering our defenses and preparing our armies to face them."

Koragen Representative of the Great House Balenkree : "Are you all mad?! Have ye all forgotten why we all have been gathered here today?! These Orcs follow Lord Sezrath! Sezrath! A creature of unimaginable power. We can never hope to defeat them in battle. It would be suicide."

Ironfoot Representative of the Great House Weirmar : "Bah! You're a bleedin coward Koragen like all your kin!"

Koragen Representative of the Great House Balenkree : "Come here! And say that you short bearded goblin fucker!"

--Scuffle breaks out between the two Great House representatives, till finally they are broken apart--

Balwel Representative of the Great House Torfiol : "Can we please return to the matter at hand?"

Ironfoot Representative of the Great House Weirmar : "Oh aye, let's be done with this business already."

Koragen Representative of the Great House Balenkree :

Balwel Representative of the Great House Torfiol : "Good, how many warriors can each of your Houses assemble?"

Koragen Representative of the Great House Balenkree : "Phaw! I'll not be a party to this madness. I'd advise you all to do the same, if we fight Lord Sezrath. He will kill us all."

Ironfoot Representative of the Great House Weirmar : "Begone with you! You yellow bellied cur!"

--Koragen Representative of the Great House Balenkree leaves, along with the Representative from House Magrib, House Farzeed and House Riadan--

Balin Representative of House Barenter : "If I stay, who would command such an alliance?"

Balwel Representative of the Great House Torfiol : "Why it would be the Great Houses of course. After all we will be providing the bulk of the army."

Balin Representative of House Barenter : "*Spits* Fuck that! I'd rather fight them on or our own. Than bend the knee to you self serving pricks. To hell with the Great Houses!"

--Balin Representative of the House Barenter leaves--

Zarak Representative of House Khordilum : "House Khordilum stands with you Torfiol. I can spare thirteen thousand Dwarven warriors and eighteen hundred elites."

Ironfoot Representative of the Great House Weirmar : "Weirmar stands with you also. We shall fight these blasted fools! And send them running! We have thirty thousand seasoned Dwarven Warriors ready for battle, seven thousand elites and two thousand Wardemons."

Balwel Representative of the Great House Torfiol : "Excellent, we shall call this the Grand Alliance of Houses!"

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