《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Lord Sezrath's Wrath


The Warhordes reaching the edges of Mountain Strongholds halted their march and set up camp a couple miles east from the Mountains of Darath Toth Bar. There the Warlords worked towards developing a strategy to defeat the Dwarves underground, which would be a difficult task. Seeing as most Orcs have never been underground and would not be able to see in the darkness. Even with the eight Dwarven domains fighting each other, battling a single House on it's on terms, would be extremely difficult. Especially when reports suggest that there are thousands of Feral Dwarves lurking about in the tunnels, waiting for an opportunity to strike. There is also the worrying news from abroad that the Fae'lon of Neewen, along with their newly acquired allies the Minotaurs of Cratus and the Werewolfs of the Black forest were mobilising thousands of warriors to launch a invasion of their homeland Orkeylium.

With that troubling bit of news, few of the Warlords were willing to risk a prolonged war with the Dwarves,while their homeland was under threat. Still High Shaman Grozak refused to just turn tail and flee. The Dwarves needed to be punished for their insolence against Lord Sezrath. To this end, High Shaman Grozak stayed inside his tent for days sacrificing hundreds of slaves captured in battle in order to seek more guidance from Lord Sezrath. On the fifth day, Grozak finally emerged out of his tent, and called together the Shamans to discuss what he had learned. Then with the Shamans in tow he stood before the Mountains; his eyes bright with blue flames and raised his arms to the sky and waited. And like mist gathering, storm clouds the likes of which have never been seen on Coroleya began to form rapidly above the Mountains, till the four suns above were blocked out by thousands of iron grey clouds. And then with an almighty crash that deafened the ears of all the Orcs, lighting crackled down from the sky, first as a trickle than as a torrent. Filled with such incredible power the lighting bolts smashed down into the Mountains, breaking them apart like they were nothing; flattening the ground.


For days this display of power continued in a never ending assault upon the homes of the Dwarven Lords. Destroying underground tunnels, beneath the weight of the Mountains crashing down on top of them, and wiping out entire cities beneath tons of rubble. Many Dwarves backed into a corner with no choice, but to fight above ground quickly made their way to the surface in drips and drabs to fight the waiting Warhordes that crushed them easily in battle and took them as slaves. Having brought the Dwarven Realm to it's knees, High Shaman Grozak gave a satisfied grunt, before returning to his tent to rest. The great realm of the Dwarves was no more.

Seeing that the Dwarven Realm would not rise again for many decades to come the Warhordes, prepared their forces to march south and begin their swift return to Orkeylium. Marching night and day the WarHordes, pressed hard towards their homeland, when word reached them that Orkeylium had been invaded and occupied by the armies of the Fae'lon, Minotaurs and Werewolves.

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