《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Battle for the Red Lands


My Lords,

it is with grave concern that I relate to you the events that occurred to our shining star Salaquin.

In the dawn of days new light, the beasts with no respite from their march in the desert began their maddening assault. With tooth, claw and axe they attacked our brave warriors, charging into our midst on all fours like mindless beasts of the desert to spray our blood upon the ground. Bitter and long was our battle against the beast, who time and time again carved their paths through our lines like wheat before a scythe. And while we held the greater number, the beasts fought with a ferocity that had many lying upon the sands.

By midday many of our dead lay thick upon the field staring up into the sky, yet still we held our ground. Hope began to soar forth anew as fresh warriors joined us on the field, but like our hopes for all this day. It was quickly snatched away. Blue forks of lightning whipped down from the sky above to crash into our warriors. Delivering a most terrible blow to our courageous warriors.

And while our gallant Centaurn allies managed to flank the godless creatures and attack their vulnerable rear. They too fared no better against the beast's unshakable appetite. Their lines were broken, and sent reeling back; bringing much death and heartache. For among the dead was the mighty Horselord Faldrene. Bravest and truest warrior. The Centaurs their hearts aching for the loss of their great Horselord, charged back into the thick of the battle in an attempt to rescue his body from the savagery of these blighted creatures, but alas it was too late. There was little that remained of that noble soul.

As to Lord Tagrian's fate? He too fought bravely in the Battle that transpired outside the walls of Salaquin, marshaling his downhearted men in a final effort to reach the center of the enemy army, where their leader watched with mocking eyes. He fought bravely, alongside his men, till he too was cut down. Gravely wounded, our brave lord was forced to retire from the field of battle. With no one to command our great army, they attempted to retreat into the City. A mistake that would cost the lives of many. For the creatures would not allow our men no rest, or succor. They came after our valiant warriors like starving wolves and entered the City after our men.


The horror visited upon our once beautiful shining pearl is difficult to describe, such was the carnage that took place within. And terrible were the horrors that were brought down upon our people. So much blood.So much death...Salaquin has fallen...

Your faithful servant Lord Percel of Salaquin

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