《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Battle for the Red Lands


Centaurs, half human, half horse creatures that live out on the open plains are famous throughout the lands of Coroleya for being skilled archers and proud nomadic warriors that are constantly on the move from place to place. Often thought to be distant relations of the human race. The humans and Centaurs have had an uneasy alliance that has lasted for many centuries. The Treaty signed by the Council of Five and the Horselords Darogar and Blemeth requires both signatories to commit forces immediately, when an ally is threatened.

The march north deeper into the Red Lands took a heavy and unexpected toll upon the Orcish Warhordes. Unused to such intense heat from the four Suns burning above, many Orcs soon collapsed from heatstroke, never stand back up again. The intense heat of the suns also caused much of their meat supply to spoil, forcing the Orcs to rely solely upon the Goblin slaves they had brought along with them to feed the thousands of hungry mouths.

To compound their problems in the Red Wasteland, herds of Centaurs roamed the desert freely ,hunting down stragglers that had been left behind to fire their bows with deadly accuracy before slipping away. Which was followed up by Basilisk Riders that struck in the dead of night to cause more chaos and confusion amongst the Orc armies. Too slow to combat these fast,mobile moving forces casualties mounted with each night in the desert. But that was not all they had face in the Red Lands, Desert Ghouls sensing easy prey among the Goblins would stalk their camps to kill their slaves. And on most days they were assailed by Sand worms that erupted out of ground to plow right through their camps before being slain or driven away by the Shamans.


The Warlords fearing they would have too little strength to defeat their enemies by the time they reached the City. Ordered the Berserkers to surround and guard the WarHordes, they also formed units of fleet footed Orcas to support and hunt down any raiding parties. High Shaman Grozak also recruited and assigned additional Shamans to protect each camp. And for a short period of time the measures taken to prevent further losses, seemed to work deterring the Centaurs and Basilisk Riders from inflicting further casualties in their raids.

Lord Tagrian however had no wish to be drawn out into a open field battle against the advancing Warhordes,who had proven themselves to be the better warriors time and time again. Instead of meeting the enemy, he ordered his forces to retreat and set up positions to waylay the enemy. Always careful to avoid areas guarded by the Berserkers. The fighting became a slow war of attrition with Redling and Centaur forces striking when and wherever they could, which often meant taking losses themselves in return for punishing the enemy.

The threat of ambush from any number of countless dunes that crisscrossed the desert forced all the Warhordes closer and closer together in order to properly guard their flanks. Even then the Redling threat did not end. Despite taking heavy casualties themselves, raid after raid was launched against the Warhordes , using the entire terrain to their advantage. they rain down arrows, before fading away into the desert.

Whole months were spent skirmishing and harassing the Warhordes, till eventually there was nowhere else to run. They had to either face the Warhordes or risk allowing the City of Salaquin to be taken. Lord Tagrian with no choice but to fight, prepared his army to face the might of the Warhordes.


The Orcish Warhordes that arrived in front of City of Salaquin while losing a third of their fighting forces, mostly goblins. Had also undergone another drastic transformation, becoming both leaner and faster. Added to which, their skin had become much tougher, making it nigh on impenetrable unless attacked from close range. There was also a noticeable change among the Orcs that had eaten human flesh,becoming larger and a slight graying of the skin.

To be Continued...

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