《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - The Hunger


Nobody knows when or how, but after the Battle of Blood Tears (Named after all the young Orclings that had lost their lives in the fight) there was a sudden and intrinsic change. A change that made all Orcs have an aversion to anything green and in it's place an insatiable craving for meat. A craving that could never be sated completely, only appeased. This abrupt change in their diet and physiology, forced an abrupt end to the war, as all Orcs tried to understand what was occurring to them. Grozak's armies halted their advances into Orkeylium and Kozak Ka was immediately recalled home to the Capital.

In the following weeks to come The Ward Council tried to identify the source of this strange occurrence. With many on the Council hypothesizing that the change to their biology had been caused by too much exposure to Lord Sezrath's influence, but that did not answer the question of why The Ward Council along with all their allies were affected aswell; seeing as they no longer followed the will of Lord Sezrath. With no movement or word from Grozak and his fellow Shamans, The Council was certain that this sickness had to be their doing. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do about, since many of the mercenaries had deserted them, and the Fae'lon worried over these troubling new circumstances had chosen to withdraw to their homeland.

Fear and panic soon gripped the land as the Orcs struggled to adapt to this need for meat, with many Orcs forced to hunt night and day to provide what meat they could for the many Towns and Cities across Orkeylium. But with so little resources available to feed the entire Orc population, fighting began to erupt all over the land, as Orcs fought each other for a share of meat. The fighting in the Capital Zarkan was particularly bad, with whole streets turned upside down in their search. Added to the danger were the dozens of Orc packs that roamed the streets forcing the Stone Guard to retreat to the safety of the palace. With an air of danger about the City, The Ward Council decided to closet themselves off in the palace for their own safety.


With no way to cure this madness. The Ward Council watched, waited and hoped that this aberration would end.

It was at this moment that Lord Sezrath's armies finally began to move once more, and the Orcs too occupied with their current predicament did not oppose them. That's when the rumors began to spread that the Shamans had plenty of meat and were giving it away to all those who swore their lives to Lord Sezrath. Thousands of Orcs streamed southwards in the hopes of sating their hunger, and swore their allegiance to Lord Sezrath. With his ranks swollen the mighty host arrived at the gates of Zarkan. And before The Ward Council could decide on whether or not to open the gates. The decision was taken away from them, the inhabitants of the City thrust open the gates to allow the shamans entry into the Capital.

Cartloads of unspoiled meat were brought in to feed the starving population. Securing more believers to Lord Sezrath. The Ward Council, while protected by the Stone guard and a wall. They knew it was only a matter of time before the enemy swarmed over their walls to kill them. Kozak Ka along with a small party were sent out to offer their surrender in exchange for their lives. High Shaman Grozak accepted their offer of surrender, before turning around and ordering his Orc berserkers to slaughter everyone in the palace for their insolence. To be continued.

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