《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - Laws of Lord Sezrath


With The Ward Council no more, the Shamans had the palace utterly destroyed and the Capital leveled to the ground with thunderbolts raining down from the sky to tear it's walls apart. Grozak declared that it was the will of Lord Sezrath that their people no longer live in such decadent comfort as it made them soft and weak. Instead all Orcs must sleep out in the open beneath the sky. This is but one of many changes that High Shaman Grozak began to implement all over Orkeylium. Changes that would end civilization in Orkeylium forever.

New Laws

- All Orcs are forbidden to live in houses. (Tents are the only exception).

- All Orcs must learn how to wield a weapon. (Gaining mastery over a weapon is the only way to advance within this new Orc Society. Guild of the Battleaxe, Guild of the Great Sword, Guild of the Hammer, Guild of the Mace, Guild of the spear. All these guilds within the Orc Camps have their own ranking system and jobs).

- All Orcas (female Orcs) must bear as many children as they can. (The most fertile Orcas are granted the title of Matron, if they are skilled in battle they are called Battle Matrons).

- The law of Duerza, if you have any disputes? You must settle this dispute in the pits with blood. (There are two types of Duerzas: warrior on warrior and clan on clan. A clan on clan challenge can only be called by a Shaman or a Warchief, this is usually done when a clan has dishonored Lord Sezrath's will. A warrior on warrior Duerza can be called at anytime, for no reason at all.)

- You must fight for your right to join a clan. (In the first days of the Shamans rule. Fifty Clans were created with the most loyal and fanatical followers of Lord Sezrath raised up to the rank of Warchief, and if they proved capable Warlord. All Orcs that had not fought beneath the banner of Lord Sezrath had to prove their worth in order to join a clan. No Orc could be allowed into a Clan without wetting his weapon in a Duerza battle.)


- Your clan is your family not those related by blood. (Blood ties proved to be a weakness, so Grozak had those ties destroyed, instead when a baby Orkin is born they are raised by Battle Matrons in clusters of sixty to eighty and taught to fight for every scrap of food they are given).

- All Orclings must be brought to the Shamans to be tested (This test was done to see if they had the ability to become Berserkers. If they did have the gift they would be given extra training to ensure they did not attack their own kind.)

- All Orcs must swear their hearts and souls to Lord Sezrath God of Death. (Any that refused were killed).

- Taken by blood. (If you want anything,you may take it by force). To be Continued.

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