《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 24-Where conversation come to show their importance.


The declaration had me turning towards the woman in shock. Who was this woman? Who was her son? Why was she yelling?

“May we know who your son is, Miss?” Meamauy said, assuming a formal tone.

“I am the mother Anu, the boy you so haphazardly allowed a baby to cast magic on. Now he can’t see! I have had enough of you! I’m going to file for a sanction with the Algrean World Council!” The woman declared.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, it can have unwanted consequences for you. But you already know that don’t you Miss Alories? After all as a Dishonored Alchemist you already suffer from many of the side effects.” Meemauy warned. I noticed that the way she said ‘Dishonored Alchemist’ was different then Manulise, Manulise was flippant about the title while Meemauy seemed to stress upon it, emphasize it. Was there something I was missing? Perhaps. And that meant that I had to stop the conversation now or the two of them might begin fighting. And I would rather have my future Alchemy teacher alive than burned to death by Meemauy,

“Anu will recover his sight in a few hours.The loss of eyesight is just the eyes returning to activation after being deactivated by the artifact.” I said, trying to calm the tension

“Artifact? What artifact? What is the bloody government hiding now?” Miss Alories said, staring straight at Memauy towards the end of the sentence.

“It is something even I don’t know about. Perhaps we can get to know about it together.?” Meemauy said, turning towards me.

“Uh.. where were we?”-I looked at Miss Anulise-' I'll just start from the beginning, the Eyes of Sanlorn are a set of eyes that have the ability to travel across worlds. Though they are not the best artifact and grant next to no power, they are one of the most feared. Instead of giving free power ups, they absorb life from their host and their companions. They have been known to drive their host insane and cause them to go on rampages and cause civil wars likely because it allowed them to absorb lifeforce from the soldiers too.”

“And am I to just believe that you, a baby, know of this while I am unaware?” Miss Alories said.

“Yes, Miss Alories, that is what you are to believe, especially when the police confirm this for you. But since you want a confirmation, here”- Meemauy handed her a heavy looking book- “have this, it is a copy of a book found in one of my husbands many personal alcoves.” Meemauy replied. “The baby here is merely the only one to have bothered to read it, Encyclopedia of Artifacts is after all not a very inviting read.”


“You and I have very different ideas of inviting, your excellency. I for one will enjoy reading a book that could one day save my families’ lives.” Nuss Alories said, then turned to me and continued, “ Thank you, I know that there is little I can do to repay you but know that you have my gratitude for saving my son’s life. Perhaps there is still hope for the Arlford family.”

Giving a nod of Acknowledgement to Meemauy, Miss Alories left. I now noticed that throughout the conversation, Miss Alories had never lowered her head, been submissive or even conciliatory. Despite her disgraced status, she carried herself with poise and self-esteem. Was it pride that motivated her to keep up appearances or was there more to her than met the eye?

Raina, bunker

After the meal, the family retired to the lounge area, a lovely little enclosure within the vegetable greenhouse that vaguely resembled a garden-facing veranda. Though the environment was artificial, it was created with the express purpose of calming nerves tense from the tensions of enclosed living. Raina for one found the place to be quite pleasant and was happy that the family had chosen to have the dreaded conversation here. It showed a certain level of welcomeness towards Raina’s presence in the bunker that they had chosen a calm and peaceful lounge instead of the more formal, and admittedly more suitable meeting hall.

Or perhaps they, as a family of common origins, didn't really think so much and instead retired to their usual place? Either way, the conversation was here.

“So, what have you decided?” Raina said, carefully keeping her baby into the nearby cradle.

“Decided what?”The mother said, playing dumb.

“Whether or not you will allow me to stay.” Raina answered, carefully keeping her tone measured.

“Oh? I thought it was the other way around. After all since you claim that this bunker belongs to your family, we ought to be asking you if we could stay.”The mother said, making her opinion of Raina abundantly clear.

“Dear, let’s not engage in such conversations”The father said, “ The poor woman is clearly trying to be civil, let us reciprocate.”

“Sure, as you say, good husband” the mother said, her later tone making Raina worry about the harm that she may have caused her host.

“So miss, you said that you know something about Trevor, that’s my second boy right there”- she pointed towards the greenhouse where the boy was using his magic to water the plants.-”Trevor’s magic. Perhaps you would like to share it with us?”


“I must admit madam that I made a fool of you that day, I know nothing of the transmigrator-Trevor’s magic” Raina replied

“Now, Now, don’t play coy with me, If you know nothing about magic then how’d you know that he’d recognize that little magic trick of yours?” The mother said

“That was a gamble, I bet that anyone that wielded magic that I was unaware of would be able to sense the mana.” Raina replied,” I am a Grade 3 [Magic scholar] After all”

“That may be, but I still think it is mighty suspicious that you arrived here just as Trevor discovered that magic of his. Did it ping one of those fancy beacons at the Magic Institute? Yes I know all about those dear.” The mother said

“I fear you are mistaken Madam on the power of those bells. Though do indeed detect rare forms of magic, they only do so if it is cast within thirty kilometers of them, and unless I am severely mistaken, neither you nor any member of your family have ventured that close to them lately.” Raina replied

“That is what they tell the public my dear, you don’t really expect me to believe that they disclosed all the capabilities of their prized artifact to the general public?” the mother said

“Actually madam, it is the exact opposite. The public information displays the bells more powerful than they truly are. The bells are over ten thousand years old, have never been given an effective maintenance and have been in near constant use for the duration of their tenure as the centrepiece of the Institute’s Treasury. It is a wonder they haven’t fallen down yet. The mismanagement had however rendered tham useless until a Grade 7 enchanter can conduct repairs. Sadly, Launeior has never produced an enchanter higher than Grade 6.” Raina replied

“I’ll believe you for now, but I would also like to know what it is you are running from that has made you desperate enough to seek shelter in a bunker with the family of a young transmigrator?” the mother asked

‘There it is,’Raina thought,’The thing that decides wether I get to stay.’

“I am running from my ex lover, the young City Lord of Arnulien, Octavius Parvalor. Our relationship did not end on good terms, in fact it ended on disastrous terms since he killed my mother and father for it.”-the mother’s eyebrows furrowed, clearly puzzled at how this circumstance had come about-” Octavius, you see, wanted everything, he demanded that serve him as his concubine, have his children and serve the city as a [Magic Scholar]. Obviously, I refused. And for my foolishness Octavius had my parents killed. And all of that was before I had his child” Raina said, dropping the big surprise on the couple.

All she got was a nod and a ‘go on’ gesture.








3 days


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator

Land Name


Land title


Land Type

Independant, Merit-based governance(unactivated)

Land Administrator

Ariana Arlford,


Merit system (unactivated), Factional strife system (active)

Notable citizens


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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