《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 15- Where we learn that even the rich suffer, they just suffer differently


I shall not forget this! Never! For things beyond my control you Meemauy have cursed me to this task. You are a cruel, unfeeling mistress that knows not the suffering of the younger generation. You do not understand how utterly boring holding a simple spell construct for 24 hours is. And you are definitely unaware of greatly demoralizing the doing of these everyday all day, even during sleep. I have been doing this for two weeks, and not a single level or stat in sight, only thing I got was the ability to maintain constructs in my sleep.

Well that and this skill

Skill gained!

Mana wringer: Forgoing the more complex magic you have taken to wringing the greatest power and efficiency from the simplest of spellforms, perhaps in time it may even reap you rewards

A useless skill if I ever saw one, perhaps you may reap rewards’, more like ‘I have no idea why you bothered to do this’, the system seems to have become oddly placatory in this notification. Perhaps it feels sorry for me?

Sadly I had no time to think about if the System feels sorry for me or not. I had to go on my daily jog through the Library, after the incident with the cave, I had been provided with a set course that I was to follow. It had markers along it that I was to click to ensure that I maintained speed and strength, what it did not account for was the fact that I was faster than Meemauy gave me credit for, I had taken reading breaks at every station, making up with my increased speed. Intelligence points for a win!

After my jog, where I read thirteen chapters of ‘The world renowned Alchemist from nowhere’ It was snack time! Time to entertain myself with some tasty treats!

I arrived at the cafeteria, which was as usual deserted, where was everyone? The buffet table was served today with , Boiled eggs... pass, Pancakes, maybe...Waffles! Why yes please! Ooh warm, dripping with hot chocolate waffles...with a sugary upper layer… oh so sweet so delicious looking...oh I must eat it! I extended my hand towards the treat when I was hit by the greatest shock ever! The force barrier shock! And then a voice sounded out, “Caught you, you little ragmuffin! Stealing my waffles I see, go eat your boiled eggs quietly”- Meemauy flicked me to the boiled eggs station- “yumm, yumm, These are some fine waffles aren’t they?” Meemauy said continuing to make sounds that were...so so irritating that they just made me want to throw the egg in her face, sadly that was not an option and I would have to make do with eating them.


But on that moment I decided something, I was going to escape, escape this prison and roam the world. But first I needed to find a way out. Time for some good old information gathering! Wait I forgot something...the Water Spirit! I could ask the Water Spirit! But how would I meet him? Meemauy had confiscated it after the event two weeks ago and I hadn’t seen it after that. Guess I’ll just have to use normal books.

After snack time it was meditation time, and that was when I was going to begin. First I was going to create a spatial construct, granted maintaining two constructs at once was hard but I could probably do it right?

Summoning my will I willed space to bend about a specific point, creating a nearly complete perfect sphere with only a small portion of the top part open to let things in. Why was I doing this? Because this construct was what I would use to carry the things I would inevitably need on such a journey, some snacks, a fair amount of money etc would be needed. I had seen a lot of princesses and even princes run away with these things and never return. I was sure that I too would succeed in this endeavour that I was about to attempt now. Perhaps I would return with an army by my side like that prince of the Selnore Coallition that won a Duke’s support while on the run.

Now for the next part, filling the bag with valuables, food and utilities. That did have me asking one question, what exactly was the currency here? I’ll have to check...add to the check in library list. Next where could I get utilities, thankfully I’d grown out of peeing or I’d have to source diapers. But I would need survival gear, fake identity cards and what else? Let’s see...Oh a map! And some navigation tools! Add those to the list.

Let’s look at information now, I would need information on the political landscape, try to find a place where it would be hard for the Alfords to find me, maybe in their enemy’s land? Then I would need information on the government structure, if in the future the Alfords found me, which country would protect me? Which wouldn’t? I also had no idea if Launeior was an option since technically I could just hide there but given that it was under Alford control it was unlikely that I would be able to hide there, at least until I turned 18 and had administrative powers. That’s it! My plan for adult life is to run Lauriena!


I could just imagine it, me the dishonored son of a noble house taking back what rightfully belonged to me from the cruel and uncaring Alford family. I would be the righteous young noble that shed light on the doing s of these ancient noble families!

I could just imagine the praise and adulation I would receive, I would be the favored one of- “So, slacking off are we?” Meemauy said, interrupting me.

I just stared at her, not deigning to answer.

“Since you won’t reply, I’ll just presume that the answer is yes, time for some extra work then! You are to now keep two constructs on...Except you are already doing that, thinking of escaping are we?” Meemauy said, grinning evilly by the end of it, “So, you are not satisfied with me providing you with food, shelter, a massive Library of information, quality training, and my love. No, you want more! Really child what is it that you want so much that you want to sacrifice all of this for it?”

“Waffles!” I replied.

Raina, a hidden bunker, Lauriena

With a woosh Raina arrived at the bunker. Set up 300 years ago the bunker was supposedly in disarray, having been neglected for centuries, instead Raina found herself in a veritable home. Where there should be cold metal, there was a lush, brightly coloured carpet. Where darkness should prevail was instead inhabited by bright lighting. It was obvious that the bunker had, sometime in the last 3 centuries, gained an inhabitant.

Now to check if said inhabitant was hostile, or simply a poor soul that had taken shelter from the tyranny of the Factions.

Knowing that soon her baby would wake up and demand food, Raina summoned the courage to approach the possibly inhabited interior of the bunker.

Through the wrought iron door that guarded the entrance, she could see a brightly lit room, decorated with chandeliers made of...was that mana glass? Why make chandeliers of mana glass? It would just dissolve back into mana in a few hours. But that was not the point was it? No, the chandelier added presence to the room. Clearly the inhabitants of the room had an abundance of mana and a taste for luxury, a combination that Raina had only seen in one man before, the Omnitac Alfor, City Lord and Faction Leader of Anrin.

Raina may have thought more along that line if not for an extremely young voice calling out to her, saying

“Lower your baggage and raise your hands, nice and high Lady, there be no need for violence unless you give me one.”








3 days


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator

Land Name


Land title


Land Type

Independant, Merit-based governance(unactivated)

Land Administrator

Ariana Arlford,


Merit system (unactivated), Factional strife system (active)

Notable citizens


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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