《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 14-Oops, I just got Meemauy angry!


I was frustrated, it seemed as if nothing was going my way. It took so much effort to find a book that actually talked about stuff and then even that was taken away. The bloody book was false! Talk about stupid! Why would anyone write an inaccurate book?Just to trouble me I’m sure!

To make things worse I was constantly feeling as if a presence was hovering over my shoulder. Did Meemauy terrorise me that bad?

Your Spirit Bond, Water Spirit Wandel, is attempting to communicate with you, do you agree to telepathic communication?


Huh, so the Spirit is sentient? Why didn’t you tell me about that system? I’m sure it could have told me what it is! Stupid System! Yes!

“He...Hello?” A voice came through what I no knew to be the bond.

“Hi!” I replied

“I am Wandel, a Knowledge attuned Water Spirit and your bonded Spirit. I just wanted to tell you that most of the book is accurate, just some parts may not be…” Wandel nervously said

“Thanks! Mind telling me what those parts are” I said trying to be friendly

“Su...Sure! Could you not shout at me please…” Wandel said seemingly retreating from me

“Oh, I did not know I was shouting,” I said, trying to be milder in thought.

“ You were…”Wandel said in a nervous voice, “Anyway...the only thing straight up wrong is the knowledge about the Lake of Knowledge, the first part that explained all the Spirits history was also not completely accurate...I suspect that some of the history was rewritten or ignored...the rest is accurate.”

“Thanks for the info the Wandel! It was very helpful!” I said trying to once again sound cheerful and friendly, hopefully I succeeded.

Wandel observed the humanoids' reactions and absorbed the knowledge it gained from them. Back in the lake it had learnt that humanoids tend to be more sympathetic to those that sound nervous or sad when compared to those that seem calm and happy. Walden had thus imitated being nervous in an attempt to gain the humanoid's sympathy. With the knowledge it had contributed it should also have its trust.

Perhaps giving some advice on training would also increase that trust? Trust was essential to any relationship and since bonds were for life, Wandel would have to increase the trust the humanoid had on it.

Deciding that it should increase trust, Wandel said, “You’ve been trying to train right? Well I have some advice for you on that…”


“Oh! Please do give it! Especially if it's about running a Kingdom or atleast a County.” The humanoid said, putting Wandel in an awkward position. Wandel knew nothing about Kingdom building, it had never been in a position to learn.

“Um...I don’t know anything about Kingdoms...I am still a newborn…” Wandel said, after all humanoids liked reasons right?

“Oh” was the only answer it got. It had no idea how to continue the conversation.

Thankfully it didn’t need to, Meemauy barged into the conversation with her usual heavy presence and said, “So this is where you ran off to..How’d you hide from me?” she asked

“I didn’t?” The humanoid answered

“Oh, then do tell me little one why exactly were you invisible to the frankly extensive tracking system I activated after your first escape attempt.” Meemauy said matter of factly.

“I did fall asleep in that cave behind the waterfall…” The humanoid answered

“You found your way to that pesky cave did ya?”-her voice grew milder-“I don’t know why my husband didn’t put a timer on it, you didn’t get some spirit or something did ya?” Meemauy said jokingly

“I did! It was a Knowledge attune-” The humanoid began saying before being interrupted by a sudden burst of aura, it covered the entire room, forcing Walden into its ice form which was picked up by Meemauy.

“Did Narvin know?” Meemauy demanded

“Kno..Know what?” The humanoid hesitantly said

“That you are a transmigrator.” Meemauy said her voice stern

“Yes, he’s the one who told me.” The humanoid said, surprisingly it was already recovering its strength, what exactly was a transmigrator that one of them could just ignore the aura being released from this powerful a creature after a few minutes

“I’ll deal with that b*****d later, now for you. Who exactly are you? And what is the reason you hid the act that you were a transmigrator from me?” Meemauy demanded.

“I didn’t? I thought Narvin would have informed you of it? Or that you’d atleast know since Narvin knew automatically?”The humanoid replied, growing in confidence.

“And who are you? Why did you come to Algrea? You know what I can’t trust any answers you give me.” Meemauy suddenly said as a bright, metallic sky blue light shot out of her hand.

Arianna Arlford

As Arianna watched, her mind attack drilled through Narvin’s shield. It still irritated her that the stupid beastkin still wouldn’t apolagise for his actions all those years ago. It was time for some things to be forgotten but they could not be if a certain someone didn’t apolagise for them. Now he’d done this. The third generation of transmigrators had arrived and he’d done this. Had he even thought of telling her? Telling her that the world that they’d created together was about to be thrown into chaos? Probably not.


Finally the seal was broken and Arianna had about a minute before Narvin arrived. Quickly she cast her spells, willing her magic to summarise the life of this...this whatever it really was.

She saw it being made in a building of some kind being made by people who had suffered the very same abuse she had, slavery. And then she saw it being used to destroy the slavers, something she took great joy in. It did bring her great sorrow however for she knew what awaited these people, just like her seventeen millenia ago she saw them being betrayed except they did not have the advantage of an overpowered transmigrator on their side.

They were quickly overcome and a palace built using the bricks from the previous regime, including the one whose memories she was seeing. Though the regime said they destroyed the briks as consolation to the rebelling slaves, in truth they were too stingy and just destroyed regular bricks.

Through the memories she saw the rise and fall of empires, kingdoms and their like. There was only one thing connecting them, they were all unequal and highly stratified societies.

In the end a single society that praised equality appeared, the brick hated it however. Arianna suspected that it was not the principles of the nation that the brick disliked, no it was far more likely that the brick disliked the loneliness that came with their abandonment of the palace.Though the brick had been alone for millennia it had at least enjoyed the comfort of the politicians, servants and other humanoids that trafficked under it. Now it did not even have that. It was lonely. Arianna felt pity for the being, having been created to be little more than a showpiece, it had been held in captivity alone and suffering for millenia.

Within her the part that still felt for those that were lost to slavery before it was abolished awoke again. Before she had been angry at Narvin for not telling her about the kid, now she was thankful for it. Narvin, for all his power, was still a novice at Mind magic, he would never have been able to form a complete or coherent picture from the kid’s memories, he would certainly not have thought to look deep in the mind realm for hidden memories, which the brick had aplenty. Arianna on the other hand always did it, hidden memories had the best secrets after all.

Now, she had a decision before her, what to do with one transmigrated brick?








3 days


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator

Land Name


Land title


Land Type

Independant, Merit-based governance(unactivated)

Land Administrator

Ariana Arlford,


Merit system (unactivated), Factional strife system (active)

Notable citizens


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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