《Electrified: An Apocalypse Litrpg》Chapter 16 Neah Bay


Chapter 16 Neah Bay

Just as Cape Flattery lighthouse became visible off in the distance, she spotted a familiar but overgrown harbor. Elysia glanced behind her out the back, finding the fishing boat long gone before directing Umbra to the left through the gap between Waadah Island and Baada Point into Neah Bay and a nature covered harbor.

After a scan of the piers, she coasted into an open spot near the entrance to the harbor. With her hands clenched on the steering wheel, she threaded the needle, hoping her forward momentum stalled before crashing into the dock. Fortunately for her, her heavy yacht came to a halt just before impact.

Afraid Umbra would float away, she dashed out of the cabin, grabbing several thick ropes from a storage compartment on the left side. With a hop, she landed on the dock before tying Umbra to several points along the dock.

Satisfied with her securing job, she turned to investigate the rest of the harbor. Dozens of fishing boats remained docked on the green covered dock. Some fared worse than others. Boats further out near her looked ready to set sail at any time, but near the shore, they shared a similar fate to the now enclosed bay from her hometown.

It seems like my town wasn’t the only one abandoned town. I really hope I don’t have to deal with zombies again. Just in case someone comes by, I should probably move quick. I’m down to a half a tank of diesel and no gas for the raft. I doubt there is power, so the pumps won’t work, but maybe I can siphon some fuel.

Elysia eyed the small fishing boat to the left of her before jumping on the deck. After glancing at the console finding no key, she didn’t bother trying to start it. Near the back, in a compartment next to the outboard motor, she found a forty liter gas tank. Elysia gave it a test lift before disconnecting it from the gas line and transporting it to the dock, bending over the railing of her ship dropping on the deck with a thud before returning to the fishing boat to grab the second tank of the same size.

She leaned against Umbra, releasing an exhausted breath. Well, I shouldn’t have a problem with gas for a while, but what do I do about the diesel? Actually, where do I even fill it up? The fuel lines run to the back, so I’m assuming the tank is somewhere back there.

To confirm her guess, Elysia hopped back on board before checking the rear of her yacht, finding a latch under the steps to the rear lower deck. She yanked on the latch, discovering it was unlocked. The latch lifted on its own with a hiss of the pneumatic struts. Inside there was a large storage compartment large enough to fit her raft. A rack on the left housed a pair of water skis and a hose at the back of the compartment. She crawled in, grasping at the hose, finding it extended. Her eyes landed on a switch on the right side labeled pump next to another line labeled air compressor.


Seriously? I have a fuel pump? I’ve never seen that before, but I don’t exactly spend much time around luxury yachts. Though, I can see the use of it as the owner could refill from any tank. There is one problem though. How am I going to reach a source of diesel? I doubt any of these smaller fishing boats near me are diesel.

With a sigh, she untethered her yacht before jumping on board, coasting out of her spot in reverse. While on the lookout for any submerged obstacles, she floated further into the Marina toward a filling station. She reversed into the fueling bay while feathering the throttle. The rear end of her ship tapped a rubber cushion as she cut the engine. Like last time, she moved quick, tethering Umbra to the dock in five different places before reopening the compartment. I wonder why they left this compartment unlocked. I’m not complaining though it is weird, but not any weirder than not needing a key to start it. Though the system prompt said I owned Umbra, so maybe it’s some magic shenanigans. I should read through the owner’s manual soon to find out any other hidden features.

Elysia’s face reddened as she flashed back to her sunbathing session. I probably should’ve read the manuals instead of giving those fishermen a show.

To take her mind off her embarrassment, she focused on the task at hand, grabbing the hose before approaching the fueling station. She stopped at the tank only to find a padlock on the opening. Her eyes gravitated to the small building behind the tank. With her shoulder, she rammed into the weathered wooden door, breaking it open. Inside, she found a small desk, a filing cabinet and a wall with keys hung. She scanned the keys, finding one to the diesel tank before returning to the padlock and unlocking it.

After finding the opening was slightly larger than her hose, she fed the hose through, then returned to the compartment, flipping on the pump. A humming started, followed by the hose inflating as diesel pumped into her tank. She watched the fuel gauge next to the pump switch climb for several minutes before reaching a red line, automatically shutting off the pump. With her tank full, she extracted the hose before closing the compartment.

That should cover me for a while, but now what? Should I check out Neah Bay or head out to sea? I could use some towels and more drinks, but is it worth the risk of someone finding me? If I ran into one inhabited fishing boat, I’m sure there are more. I’m not that far from Victoria or Port Angeles after all. But at the same time, I may not have another opportunity to dock for a while.

Elysia stared out at the ocean beyond the bay, finding no boats in sight before wandering down the increasingly green dock. As she approached shore, the humidity and fishy smell skyrocketed. She could feel the moisture as she breathed it in but she continued on, eying several green covered buildings. As soon as her foot stepped on shore, a switch flipped. She choked on the unnaturally high humidity as her clothes soaked themselves in the open air.


After her breathing adjusted, though strained, almost tasting the water in the air, an overwhelming fishy stench assaulted her nose. Her foot slipped on the green ground. She cartwheeled her arms before crashing on her butt. Stunned, Elysia laid on the slippery pavement for a moment before struggling to her feet, body lead under the oppressive humidity.

Gained water resistance.

The weight smothering her body lifted slightly, allowing her to walk once more while taking short strained breaths. What’s going on? It’s like I’m underwater, but I’m not.

Elysia turned to leave only for a familiar, dreaded message to appear in her vision.

You have entered Neah Bay. You are the second group to enter. +25% experience.

Her eyes widened, diving toward the dock only to bounce off an invisible wall. She felt along the wall in vain, hoping she could escape as her lungs strained to breathe the humid air. After a minute, her hands dropped to her sides as a resigned expression took hold. Please, no more zombies. Anything but zombies.

With heavy exhausting strides she wandered deeper, head on a swivel, ears perked for any activity. Like her zombie dungeon delve, the town was eerily silent. When she stepped onto Bayfield Avenue, a dark red streak drew her attention on the algae covered street. A shiver ran up her spine, but despite her instincts screaming at her to turn around, she followed the streak several dozen meters, then through a cracked open gate. She stared through the fence at barely legible algae covered sign stating US Coast Guard Station Neah Bay.

Upon closer investigation, on the fence, she found several deep cuts in the chain links, only heightening her fear. After releasing a strained breath, she stepped through the gap before pushing the gate closed, hoping whatever attacked wasn’t inside.

Elysia continued to follow the blood trail, which grew wider with each meter stopping at the entrance to a red and white building. With a trembling hand, she pushed the already ajar door open and stepped inside. Her eyes strained to take in the interior, with the dim light bleeding through the shades.

After standing still, listening for any activity for a minute, she grasped at a thread, lighting up her veins purple. She kept her eyes trained on the now blood drips on the carpet floor down the hall, reaching another door, this time wide open. Slumped forward on a chair with a radio in his hand was a middle-aged man.

As taught by her dad, she checked his pulse but found none, though his skin was still warm. She spun the swivel chair to inspect the body, no longer bothered by dead bodies after her zombie ordeal. Still, just in case, she kept a hold of a thread to release a pulse of electricity at a moment’s notice.

Her eyes landed on several puncture wounds littering his chest, along with countless deep cuts on his limbs. What could do this to him? A knife? There’s at least a dozen stab wounds on his chest alone. How did he even make it this far? The amount of blood I followed should’ve emptied him. Is there another person? The message said a group, but that may be for anyone who enters. Like I am a group of one.

She gently pulled the radio out of his stiff fingers and brought it to her ear, hearing static. Did he call for help? If he did, I’m screwed. If it’s anything like the last dungeon, I need to beat the boss to leave so I better move quick.

Elysia closed his eyes before leaving the small room. I’ll need to build myself a weapon again, but it’s hard to know what to make without knowing what I’m facing. Should I do some scouting first? What if whatever lives here can outrun me? Better to be armed with at least something, just in case.

While scanning the sparse building, she wandered down the hall and out the door. She eyed an old oak covered in algae with several branches within reach. An idea formed, causing her to trot through the mushy grass, using her weight to break the straightest branch within reach.

As she whittled the branch with her hunting knife, she reentered the red and white building, scanning the walls for switches. Upon finding a light switch, she used her knife to dig through the wall, revealing wire underneath. She frowned at the 12 gauge wire for several seconds before using her knife as a flat blade screwdriver, disconnecting the wires from the light switch. While digging through the wall, she pulled on the wire until she reached the next switch across the room. Like the previous light switch, she disconnected the wires, freeing her five meter long three conductor wire.

With her knife she sliced through the insulation, freeing the bare ground wire, leaving the insulated white and black wires. Elysia sat at a bench to finish carving the branch, removing the bark and imperfections. Next, she wrapped the wire around the newly created staff, focusing most of the wire on the ends.

Once finished, she gave it a few test swings, finding the wire remained wrapped but added heft to the staff. My copper pipe spear was better, but this is at least passable, barely. I’ll have to make do until I find a more permanent solution. When I was fighting the skeletons, I treated the spear like a quarterstaff most of the time anyway.

Elysia sheathed her trusty hunting knife before once again exiting the red and white building, staff in hand. After checking the other buildings finding them empty, she approached the gate. She glanced both directions before retracing her steps back to the harbor.

Across the street, Elysia spotted a general store, drawing her over. Like with most buildings lacking windows, the interior was pitch black, forcing her to restart her built-in flashlight.

A clicking sound drew her attention to the left, but upon laying eyes on the source, Elysia immediately dashed back through the door and out into the parking lot.

I take it back! Please give me zombies! Anything but car-sized crabs!

Unfortunately, her wish remained unfulfilled as a massive crab burst through the double doors, skittering sideways toward her on razor-sharp glistening legs with its water melon-sized claws clicking ominously.

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