《Electrified: An Apocalypse Litrpg》Chapter 17 The Crabs


Chapter 17 The Crabs

Elysia struggled for breath, dashing with heavy limbs through the parking lot. Ominous clicking followed close behind, rapidly gaining ground.

A glance over her shoulder caused her to skid to a stop, staff held out in front of her, lightning brimming under the surface. Her veins lit up purple as she grasped as much from her core as possible, flooding electricity through her arms into the staff.

-10 charge.

The staff smoked with electricity crackling between the winding of copper wire, but she pushed more and more into the staff.

-10 charge.

A second later, the gigantic crab lunged forward with its pincer, sending Elysia leaping backward away at the last second. The crab followed up with a lightning fast stab with its razor-sharp right front leg, missing Elysia by a hair’s width. Elysia’s eyes flicked down to the leg embedded several centimeters deep in algae covered pavement before bringing down her electrified staff on the leg joint.

The leg joint bent inward, eliciting a pained screech followed by another stab by the opposite front leg. Out of position from her strike, Elysia dove to the left into the path of the descending pincer. Elysia’s eyes turned into saucers, bringing the staff up in a last-ditch effort. The pincer grasped the staff, snapping it like a twig, only leaving a slight scorch mark on the pincer.

Elysia jumped back, dropping the remains of her staff as she brought her hands up, electricity flooding through her veins. Purple lightning jumped between her outstretched fingers before shooting forward with a deafening crack and a blinding flash.

-40 Charge.

18 charge.

The lightning veered toward the ground as if grounding itself out only to arch to the gleaming razor-sharp leg tips of the crab. An anguished screech released from the crab as its legs seized up before collapsing under the colossal crab’s weight. Smoke ascended from the twitching crab as electricity coursed through its body, frying its insides.

Elysia stared up at the still taller crab in disbelief as movement ceased, followed by a notification.

Killed Giant Crab level 18.

Level up! Level 14 Channeler.

Did I really kill it? How could something so big die so easily? The Lich shrugged off a stronger strike. Elysia’s eyes gravitated toward the scorched leg tips as realization dawned. She tentatively approached the downed crab, flicking a leg tip, causing a metallic ting. A greedy expression flashed as she unsheathed her hunting knife. Since you destroyed my weapon, I’ll steal yours.

Perspiration formed on her already soaked hair glued forehead as she sawed through the leg joint, earning herself a razor-sharp leg tip. Upon inspecting the crab leg tip, she found it hollow inside with scorched meat within. After digging the blackened but tender crab meat out of the leg tip, she glanced at the remains of her staff. With her trusty hunting knife, she used the serrated section to saw through a section of the staff before ramming it into the hollow leg tip. The rough interior grabbed the chunk of oak, lodging it within. After giving the twenty centimeter long razor-sharp blade a few test swings, she nodded in satisfaction. Her greedy eyes returned to the other seven still attached leg tips before getting to work.


An hour later, a sweat puddle laid below her feet as the girl stared down at her collection of eight knives with a proud smile.

She ripped her T-shirt, leaving her mid-drift bare, forming a knotted belt to hold her new pointy collection suspended along her back from her shoulder to her hip. It would really suck to crash and impale myself, but if I can replicate what happened to the crab, it will be worth taking the risk. Besides, I know these tips are really durable if they shrugged off piercing concrete.

After ensuring the knives were properly secured, she returned her attention to the remains of the giant crab. Now what to do with the rest of it? I love crab as much as the next shore dwelling girl, but I’m not sure if I want to trust eating the crab. I doubt my lighting cooked it enough to eat and I don’t have time to dismantle it and find somewhere I can cook it. Even if I did. I’m not sure I could crack its shell.

Elysia ignored her grumbling stomach as she walked away, back to Bayview Avenue. Unable to resist, she prodded the invisible wall, blocking her escape, finding it still present. If that crab isn’t the boss, just how big is the boss? I hope it dies just as easy preferably without skewering me.

With a sigh, she continued down Bayview Avenue to the west. She glanced at several restaurants but, not ready to face another crab, she remained on the street. At least, unlike the zombies, the crabs don’t seem to wander the streets. At least I think there are other crabs. How does a crab that big support itself without a food source? I doubt that crab would have any trouble breaking into the Coast Guard station but it didn’t, leaving the body. Maybe whatever created these places supports it. That has to be it. I can’t imagine how much food it would take to sustain one of those crabs.

Several minutes later, she spotted a gas station on the right side of the road. She scanned the entrance, finding it far too small for a giant crab, so she approached. At the door, she found a puddle of blood along with several deep gouges in the metal door. She peered through the shattered window, but other than another blood trail, the interior appeared spared of a rampaging crab.

A bell rang as she pushed the door open. After a brief scan of the interior, she followed the blood trail, despite knowing what she would probably find. The blood trail led to the back of the gas station into the woman’s bathroom. Inside, she found a middle-aged woman bent over the sink with one hand still clutching her stomach. Elysia checked the woman’s pulse but like the man she found previously, her skin was still warm but had no pulse.

Based on the previous blood trail, I’m guessing they came together and the man got injured, so he sacrificed himself by drawing the crab away. Since there isn’t a blood trail until just before the gas station, she probably got attacked by another before escaping in here. This really drives home how dangerous it is out here. This could be me. I must be the unluckiest lucky girl out there. I keep stumbling upon dangerous situations but keep surviving.


Elysia released a sad sigh tinged with exhaustion as she laid the body on the floor closing its eyes before resting the stiffening hands on its chest. I’m sorry I can’t do more for you. Neither of you deserved to die.

Before her emotions got the better of her, she exited the bathroom. She scanned the gas station for anything useful, finding a brown backpack hung on a hook near the door. With sweaty hands, she untied her sash of knives and grabbed the backpack, slicing through the extra-long straps before looping them along the sides, forming several holders. She slid her knife collection into the holders, finding them fit snugly before grabbing a meal bar and water bottle.

After finishing the meal bar and drinking the water, stuffing another water bottle and several meal bars into the backpack, she strapped the backpack to her back, pulling it as tight as possible without discomfort to keep it in place if she had to run.

Elysia scanned the gas station one more time before exiting. The moment she stepped outside, the oppressive humidity reasserted itself, causing her to sway, resting her hand on the wall for a minute as her body adjusted. If crabs don’t kill me, the humidity will. The temperature isn’t bad, but it feels like I’m underwater. If I escape, I think I’ll head south. I hate the desert, but after this, I’ll welcome dry heat with open arms. Plus, I could regain my tan. Hopefully without fishermen gawking at me. That means I’ll have to get past San Francisco, which I’m sure survived in some capacity. One problem at a time. First, I need to escape here.

Her breathing strained, losing its battle against the humidity. Is it me or is the humidity getting worse? Maybe because the adrenaline wore off. Would increasing my endurance attribute help? I have plenty of attribute points, so I think it’s worth a try.

She retreated back inside the gas station, sitting on a stool behind the counter before pulling up her status menu.


Name: Elysia Arashi

Race: Level 14 Lightning Touched Human.

Class: Channeler Level 14.

Charge: 96/154


Available Points: 30

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10


Novice Spear Proficiency Level 6


Lightning level 3.


Death Resistance Level 1.

Water Resistance Level 1.

Skill slots:

Slot 1: Electric Current +20% efficiency +10% power.

Slot 2: Static Shock +10% efficiency +20% power.

Slot 3

Slot 4

Slot 5


+10% Damage to undead

Elysia dumped five attribute points into endurance, raising it to 15. She gritted her teeth as her heart fluttered and lungs stalled for several seconds before returning to normal. After recovering, she returned her attention to the status menu. Should I increase anything else? I’m not sure how I’ll build myself and I get the distinct feeling my choice is permanent. So I’d rather not raise things without thinking it through. Perception would be nice to give me more warning when an enemy is nearby, but do I really want to increase my sense of smell here? Maybe it will get to the point nasty things smell good, like with dogs. I can’t imagine ever enjoying the scent of a rotting corpse though.

With a shrug, she dumped five points in dexterity, closing her eyes to prepare for the vertigo. After it passed, she waved away the status menu before standing up and wandering back out the door. Since I find myself either running or dodging death, it probably would be good to keep them high. Perception would help with the dodging or avoiding the situation in the first place, but I think I’ll hold off on that one until I’m somewhere less stinky to adjust. At least for now, I don’t see strength helping me same with intelligence. I wonder what the intelligence stat actually affects. The other four are pretty obvious, but there isn’t really a physical effect of intelligence. My mind felt clearer when I raised it to 10, so maybe it helps with mental clarity and processing speed. Something to look into later.

As soon as she stepped outside, her breath caught, but her lungs powered through the heavy air. I wouldn’t want to run in this, but it’s at least bearable now.

Elysia scanned her surroundings. Where shall I go? Am I ready to face off against the boss if I can find it? I got lucky with the Lich, but if the previous crab is anything to go by, I have an advantage. I’m like an electric Pokémon facing off against a water one. I really hope I don’t run into a metal or earth element dungeon. Talk about hard counter. Though if the metal parts lead to friable squishy parts like the crabs, I’ll be golden. I guess for now I’ll continue down Bayview Avenue. It seems like the main street of the town.

With her decision made, she took a right following the street. She passed several algae covered businesses along the left side but felt no desire to enter any of them. There has to be more than one crab or at least something else. Are they hiding in the buildings? Checking every building would take ages and really dangerous. The fewer crabs I have to face, the better.

Five minutes of walking later, the right side of the street opened up into an expansive gray, gravelly beach. What drew her attention wasn’t the beach itself but what resided on said beach. Well, I was wondering where the crabs were. I think I found them. How didn’t I see them from my boat? Did the dungeon or whatever this is obscure my view? At least they haven’t seen me yet. I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with over a dozen car-sized crabs at once.

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