《TWIG - The System Can't Save Me, But It Can't Stop Me Either [a gamelit-portal-fantasy-poem by eric river]》Chapter 015 - I have to leave my home because of just one single word?



I have to leave my home because of just one single word?


Twig thought long and hard about the message he received

It claimed that he was in more danger than he had believed

Was his knowledge of that strange red status screen so bad

Twig was surprised by the title that this new screen had

“System Message…” Twig recited slowly as he thought

But at that moment the old healer’s attention was caught

Not only the healer, both his parents froze in place

Every one of them had a grim look upon their face

“Where did you hear those words lad, don’t lie or there’ll be hell

Those words aren’t in stories any wise man ought to tell!”

The healer looked upon the boy suspiciously at first

But now the man recoiled in shock as though he had just cursed

Twig thought for a moment about what he ought to say

But something in the message influenced him in a way

He felt that even though its words were vague they carried weight

And he’d already done too much that day to test his fate

“I’m not sure, it just says I should be careful tonight

Just a friendly message saying it hopes I’m alright”

He thought of what his friends’ blue status screens had always said

And hoped that they would believe that his own said it instead

~ Name: Michael ~

Title: Town Healer

Class: Priest [lv58]













The boy is lying but I think he must have good reason

Even for us gods to speak of some things is treason

This day has already seen us break decorum twice

We must back away from this without much more advice

Michael’s deity declared the matter sensitive


And regretted that there was no more help he could give

After all, the gods were only guardian helpers

They could only do so much to guide their followers

Never in Michael’s long life had he heard such advice

Even though his own god was considered rather nice

Something happened which caused all deities to panic

The thought of what could cause such chaos made Michael feel sick

Achievement: Abyssal Witness

Michael, you bear witness to something beyond us all

System Messages mean fate itself has come to call

Something has disturbed the order of the universe

Let this boy abide by it before things can get worse

As he’d feared, the System was a force beyond all things

Something feared even by gods, of which nobody sings

Legends told of gods who gave too much help to a man

And the system killed them for disturbing its great plan

“Twig, you keep that message to yourself until you die

You must do what it says, or at least you have to try

Whatever your fate is, it has shown itself to you

No one here but you can know what it is you must do”

~ xxmx: Txxx ~

xxxxx: xxxxxxxx

xxxxx: Pxxxxxx

















Xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx

Xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxx

Xxxxxx xxxx xxx x xxxxx xxxx xx xxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx

Xx xxx xxxx xxx gxx ox txmx, xxx’xx xxxx x xxxxxx xx xxxx

A boy so young should never have so hard a choice to make

He couldn’t tell if it was his fault or a god’s mistake

But even his own parents were afraid of what he said

With fearful eyes his mother quietly caressed his head

“Son, we’ll do whatever we can to keep you from harm

If I could, you know I’d give you even my left arm

But if the System really just gave you some sort of quest

You must soon obey it, there is no time left to rest”

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