In Serial

The Depths of Magic

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Author: Type:Male


It's the year 2052 and the release of the new next-generation full-dive VRMMO game called The Depths of Magic is hitting the world by storm. The game's technology will surpass all other games before it and shock the masses. Hector who goes by the name Locke inside the game is an experienced player of the genre. He is looking to continue his goal of enjoying gaming as well as the competition that goes along with competing for the top ranking spots.

Novel Summary

The Depths of Magic is a LitRPG novel focused on a Fantasy VRMMO setting. This is not a harem novel.

In-Game systems

The Depths of Magic features state-of-the-art technology never before seen in Hector's world. The key system the novel will bring up often is the Second Brain. The Second Brain system is more like a guidance AI for the players in the game that acts as if you had a second brain assisting your every action. How much guidance this AI will give is based on its experience or mastery skills a player will receive in the game. The guidance is seamless to a point where a player won't even realize they are being assisted, it's will feel like what they are doing is something they could always do. However, once they leave the game it will become quite apparent that they were receiving heavy guidance. 

The purpose of this system in a writing sense is to explain why a player can realistically become more powerful, more agile, or more skilled than they would otherwise be able to as a human. To give an example if someone could move faster than a bullet, how would a normal human brain be able to perceive and control this movement properly. Or how could a player who has never held a sword before become as experienced as someone who has trained with the sword all their lives?

The magic system will be another focus of this novel. I don't want to spoil anything here but it should be an interesting one. The hope is that the system I have made will spark discussion between the readers on what combinations will do what. I already have most of it, but it will be fun to read as the author. 

Side notes

My general focus for this novel is to attempt to make the in-game systems make sense. To give a vague example I have read a lot of novels of this genre and some have the habit of just creating such powerful items that it just breaks the system, and somehow the MC keeps finding challenging situations even with those items. What tends to happen when I read a novel like this I just ignore the stats of the items he is getting because the numbers don't even matter anymore. 

Release schedule:

The chapter release schedule due to real-life complications is to release as I write them.

Patreon setup:

1 chapter early release/discord access. Free content up to the current chapter includes an excel sheet that contains Locke's current stats at the end of the chapter. This is extra information for those that are interested.

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