In Serial

Raider (A VRMMO Novel)

8 236 26
Author: Type:Male

Matthew is a productive member of society, always showing up to work on time, always paying his bills, he is the picture perfect working man in this modern 22nd century workforce. Everyone who knows him thinks of him fondly as a kind, respectful young man, when the work day is over however something changes…

Something snaps…

After spending the entire day lying to himself and everyone else he finds himself in the desiccated streets of New Earth Online, a Niche virtual reality reality mass multiplayer game, where he is known simply as the Raider…

The question now is can he reliably juggle his two identities? There is also the matter of that A.I. that let herself into his head and seems to have confused the word love with obsession…

This should prove interesting...

Author's note: Ok, so here we are, this is my first attempt at writing a Vrmmo novel, we shall see what it holds, updates are on Saturdays and Sundays, you can expect this one to have a lot of the same elements of my other novels, including a harem and sex, very descriptive sex...

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