《Raider (A VRMMO Novel)》Chapter 19: Ready player 2...


Monica sat at her couch, tons of thoughts running through her mind, she was not stupid, she knew he had not gone to get things but rather gone to talk to the A.I. she went to rub her hand over her face, and then winced as soon as the palm touched her scalp, she pulled back and looked at the bandages on her hands, damn, the throbbing hurt, with each and every pulse of her heart as blood ran through her veins, it must have been a pretty serious matter to take her thoughts off of this pain.

She shook her head, her eyes set in a look of determination, she was not going to allow a computer program get in between her and her man.

The thought shot lightning through her.

Her man.

He was at long last here's, the jubilation brought with it another feeling, a heavy weight, she had to be just as good as Taylor, she knew he would not agree, but the fact remained that he was with Taylor for a reason, and she felt the need to be everything to him that she was. Even as illogical as it was, she would try her damndest.

She smiled as she looked at her bandaged hands, there had been some good to come out of her burning herself and ruining half the scrambled eggs she had tried to make. The tender way he had held her hands and wrapped her back up, and then taken charge to get her time off, well it was sweet, and that said nothing about the way he had taken the time to feed her, bite by bite.

God that was amazing.

She smiled as the memories played out in her head. She had never really cooked for herself or anyone, it was not a skill that she had honed, Taylor however was quite the cook, she would get up early and cook Matt a meal for all three of the meal times, and would even go all out for sundays and holidays. Monica had once asked her why she did it and the other woman had just shrugged and said something about wanting a traditional family, and how she enjoyed it. Monica remembered herself back then shaking her head, thinking her friend had been crazy, but now, she understood, she really did.

With a sigh she resigned herself to getting better at cooking, and with careful hands picked up her Vidcom, she used a finger to brush the hair out of her way, and found the port in the base of her skull. Plugging it in she dialed up her friend Christa, her only friend really.

Almost before the image had even appeared in her vision she was under an interrogation from Christa. “Speak,” the woman demanded on the other side, her black hair was around her head in a messy disarray, her golden eyes practically glowed in the darkness that was her bedroom. Those eyes, they had been colored obviously, no person would naturally have golden eyes, and they gave the woman a wolf like look, a deep, beautiful, and slightly frightening gaze, one that she often used to transfix her prey until it was too late. Monica looked next to her, and saw the rise and fall of a chest of her latest prey.

“Hows Kyle?” she asked looking at the sleeping form, and much to her surprise Monica shook her head and pulled back her partner’s covers revealing not kyle as she thought but rather the nude form of Susan, a fellow coworker. The woman’s breasts rose and fell with the motion of her breath, each intake causing the dual mounds to quiver.


Christa was not a picky person in terms of gender, she instead was into people who were open with her, be they man or woman. She was far from a slut however, seeing as she never went out with more than one person, she was extremely loyal, so long as the other party was to her as well, and if you broke her trust, it really was not pretty.

“What happened to Kyle?” Monica asked in confusion, the two of them had been so very close, and if rumor was to be believed he had even thought about getting an engagement ring. And that was what a week ago?

“He was uncomfortable with my dual nature, ” she looked over at Susan, “he told me I had to choose him or nothing, and honestly I was ok with that, but then he goes and brings in some other woman, and asks if she could join us, it was extremely hypocritical, so i called him on it, and well it all fell apart from there,” she sighed, “I was actually thinking it could work with him, ” shaking her head and biting her lips to stop them from quivering she looked away. “I needed a pick me up, and you know, me and Susan had a fling once or twice, so I called her over to take my mind off of things...”

“I am so sorry Christa,” Monica moaned, her poor poor friend. Funny enough that Bisexuality is what had brought the two of them together as friends, not that Monica had actually done anything with Christa, she had simply denied the other woman’s advances, and in one of those strange twists of chance that her life often took she had become friends with the other woman.

“Now,” Christa snapped out of it and stood up, and walked out of the room, her naked breast swung as she walked and bounced like they were defying gravity as she pulled a shirt on over them, her nipples standing out against the tank top's soft thin cloth. “Back to what I originally asked.” she narrowed her eyes, the predator look once again coming into full use. “Speak.”

“About?” Monica asked, feigning ignorance as the other woman pulled on a cute pair of lacy panties.

“Dont you ‘about?’ me damnit!” Christa growled fixing her wolves gaze on Monica’s blue eyes. Monica smiled, and stood her ground for a few more seconds before caving.

“It went amazing, all of it was perfect,” she paused, her mind caught on one thing in particular that did not fit what she had just described. “All of it except one small hiccup.”


She had been the one thing that had ruined the perfect date.

“Taylor?” Christa asked. It was a good question, and had been Monica’s own biggest fear up till the date, and even through it.

“No...” Monica said, her brow creasing as she considered telling her friend about the third wheel that had taken up residence in Matt’s caser. No, that was an issue between her and Matt.

“Oh?” Christa said, her hand going through her hair in an absent minded way, as she thought. “Performance issue then?” Monica’s eyes widened and she thought about how this all sounded to Christa for the first time.

“What? No, no there was no issue there.” she quickly shook her head, indeed Matt was much better than she had even anticipated, much much better.



“NO!” Monica said, her eyes wide and her face mollified, “Gods no, he is huge, I was worried for a while, but he was good, so god damned good.”

“Hmm, if it is not those then what?” Christa asked, looking confused.

“It has nothing to do with being with him in bed, it's more of a political issue.”

“Ahhhhh,” Christa nodded in understanding, “Want my advice?” she asked, and Monica nodded after a brief second of pondering. “Don't worry about it, so long as you respect him enough to allow him to have his own opinion he will probably do the same for you, just let it lie, there is no need to break up a relationship over it.” her face grew darker. “Trust me.”

Monica quickly changed the subject. “Hey have you ever heard of a VRMmo called New Earth Online?” she asked, she watched as Christa scrunched up her brow and thought about the name.

“Can't say that I have why?”

“Matt plays it.” Monica said, and watched the look of understanding cross over Christa’s face.

“I thought he said he didn't like Vrmmos,” she said.

“Apparently he just tried this one out on a whim and it hooked him,” she said, and Christa’s eyes narrowed.

“You want me to come play it with you so you can get set up don't you?” she said, her eyes narrowed dangerously.

“I might...” she said with a weak smile.

“Girl we just got set up in the last mmo, I swear you are a Mmo hopper, you're never happy with any game, it's always this nurf broke this and it's unplayable and that buff made this op and its unplayable.” Christa shook her head, “Your lucky I love you girl,” she sighed.

“As a friend right?” Monica asked, her smile quirking up her lips at the small ritual between the two of them.

“Maybe, maybe more...” Christa said, finishing the ritual, she winked at Monica, and after a second of silence the two of them both broke out laughing. “Alright let's see what this game is all about. VIVI on please!” she called out the name of her Vi, “Search New Earth Online.” Monica did the same and soon they were both looking at the same website. “Post apocalyptic huh? Can't say I have ever played any of those types...”

“What the hell is a sandbox game with full loot and persistent pvp no levels and no classes?” Monica asked, scrunching her forehead at the screen.

“Says here full loot is an old school mechanic where upon your death you drop everything both equipped and in your inventory on the ground to be looted by anyone near by and you respawn at your last waypoint with nothing.”

“That sounds awful,” monica said.

“Yeah it does, and it gets worse get this, pvp is in the same area as pve, so you could be doing some raid or quest or something and some asshole just comes up and drops you and takes all of your shit, I don't know about this game Moni,” she said, using her pet name for Monica.

“Well let's look at what the game actually looks like before we judge,” Monica said, but there was a sinking feeling in her stomach.

“They got a tab for most popular community videos, let's look at that, ” Christa said, and then she gasped in surprise, “Hey that's Matt right?” she said, and Monica followed her over to the tab and clicked it, and there indeed was Matt. “I thought you said he had only played it for a while...”

“He has...”

“Well lets see what your Mr. Casanova has been up to shall we?” Christa asked with a laugh and started the video.

Monica and Christa watched from the woman’s perspective as the two of them snuck in and killed the raiders, they were a very well coordinated and effective team, it was likely they had done this for quite some time. It didn't take but thirty seconds and all the men that had attacked the caravan originally were dead.

This was an awfully graphic game, most Vrmmos had opted for a more family friendly orientation in order to gain the most amount of players, it was rare to see this much blood gore and bits…

She saw Matt, blood dripping down his arm from the shot in the shoulder, she watched as he walked up and shot a man with green hair that looked extremely familiar to her, it took her a moment to realise that he had been in the store earlier in the week, and then pointed his gun at the bound woman..

“Wha-What are you doing?” she asked looking at him with wide eyes, Monica’s and Christa’s eyes just as wide, if not wider at the short video.

“What am I doing?” he repeated, pointing the gun at her. “I am raiding.” he responded, pulling the trigger.

Monica looked away.

“Oh fucking hell no, I know you're my friend and all and you like this guy but there is no way in hell I am going to play-”Christa started, but Monica cut her off.

“It's just a game right? He's not really like that he's just, playing a role...” her voice was slightly shaky.

“Yeah,” Christa responded to her assuredly. “It's just like those hardcore roleplayers, you know or the hard core pvpers, none of them actually act like that in real life, common you know Matt better than I do, and even I can see he is not a homicidal murderous psychopath in real life, cut the guy some slack.” she said.

“Yeah, Yeah, you're right,” Monica looked down at her hands, and remembered how gently he had wrapped them for her.

“But I ain't playing this with you...”

“Chrisssssyyyyyyy- ” she called out, presenting the other girl with her massive puppydog eyes.

“Oh no you don't, put those damned eyes away, and don't you chrisy me.”

“Chrissssyyyyy pleeeeeeaaaasssseeeee?” Christa sighed, and her head flopped back on the couch.

“Fine, fine, but you owe me one. Downloading it now.” Monica practically bounced in happiness as she also pressed the download button.

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